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MIKA in French Press - 2015


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#Mika #TéléObs


















(Thanks a lot to france7885!)


Unfortunately, the article isn't very clear in some parts. If anyone has better scans, can post them, please?


Sorry, I found it!

Many thanks to http://www.mikawebsite.com/ !!




Mika fait la Une du magazine « TéléObs »

















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TéléOBS du 16 avril (suite et fin) :



#Mika #TéléObs


Unfortunately, the article isn't very clear in some parts. If anyone has better scans, can post them, please?


Thanks a lot for posting !!


MikaFrance shares their scans.





Tjanks a lot for sharing @7Maggie5 and @mikafrancenews !! :huglove::flowers2:



Scans by MikaFrance















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Audio interview


Mika fera t-il The Voice la saison prochaine ?
16h59 - 15 avril 2015

Depuis 2 ans Mika est dans le jury de l'émission The Voice, chaque samedi soir sur TF1, l'année dernière Kendji, le grand gagnant était dans son équipe. A 10 jours de la finale, Mika s'est confier à Stéphane Larue sur un retour en 2016 dans le jury.

Mika est très occupé, un nouvel album, le tournage de clips et même d'un film et une tournée mondiale qui débute en mai procain.

Mika sera t-il toujours dans The Voice en 2016 ?




There you go. We didn't do the first one as he said pretty much the same things he already said in that other snippet about the same topic...
Edited by Kumazzz
adding a video with subtitle.
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Sorry, I found it!

Many thanks to http://www.mikawebsite.com/ !!




Mika fait la Une du magazine « TéléObs »





















They uploaded the interview to their web-site. :thumb_yello:






Mika : "Je ne regarde jamais "The Voice", je n'ai pas envie de me gifler"


Publié le 18-04-2015 à 11h00Mis à jour le 17-04-2015 à 17h43


Cool et doué d’un esprit d’analyse affûté, Mika est la star de "The Voice".

Rencontre avec un juré malin comme un renard en matière de promo, que plébiscitent les ados et les intellos.


Mika, égérie pop aux costards claquants, est la star du radio-crochet de TF1, "The Voice".

Avec quarante-cinq minutes de retard et après trois mois de négociations, celui qui a régénéré l'émission débarque en converse et tee-shirt blanc pour analyser le show. Interview.




TéléObs. Si, à l’âge de 20 ans, vous vous étiez présenté aux auditions à l’aveugle, quel titre auriez-vous chanté ?


Mika. J’ai eu 20 ans dans les années 2000 et vous n’imaginez pas les niaiseries que j’écoutais...

Je me serais sans doute caché derrière un piano et j’aurais opté pour du Nina Simone ou du Paolo Conte : « Un gelato al limon » ou « Via con me » : « Chips, chips, da-du-du-dudu-du ».

Un gamin qui reprendrait Paolo Conte à « The Voice », ça aurait quand même de la gueule.


Vous avez appartenu au jury de la version italienne de « X Factor » avant de rallier la troisième saison de « The Voice ».

Vous sentez-vous une vocation de coach ?


- J’ai traversé une période de ma vie où je refusais tout ce qui n’était pas lié à la promotion d’un album.

Mais je vivais cet isolement voulu comme une sorte de cancer. Je n’arrivais plus à travailler sans penser à la réaction du public.

J’ai donc accepté « X Factor » et appris l’italien à toute vitesse en me disant : « Si c’est un désastre, au moins ce sera dans une langue étrangère. » L’apprentissage de cette langue m’a fait du bien.

Avec « The Voice », j’ai retrouvé ma candeur.

Il faut se faire peur tous les jours ou sinon deux fois par semaine.

La peur, c’est bon pour tout : la digestion, la libido, le sens de l’humour et même la peau.


Quelle latitude avez-vous dans le choix des morceaux ?


– Si on regarde les émissions du même calibre dans le monde, on s’aperçoit qu’il y a un script, un prompteur, et que les jurés doivent rester dans les clous. La chaîne teste et impose les chansons.

A « The Voice », nous sommes bien plus libres qu’aux Etats-Unis.

Après, il y a un équilibre des titres et des décennies à trouver pour n’exclure personne.

Si j’impose mes choix aux candidats, d’abord, ils se plaindront, ensuite, ils les chanteront mal. Je dois dénicher le morceau qu’ils cachent au fond d’eux.

C’est un exercice compliqué et je me sens parfois comme un DJ fatigué à 3 heures du matin ou comme dans « Good Morning England », ce film de Richard Curtis sur un bateau de DJ qui diffuse du rock au Royaume-Uni depuis la mer du Nord. Cette année, j’ai décidé de mon manifeste : pop, pop, pop.


Posons la question autrement : Universal, la maison de disques associée à « The Voice », vous impose-t-elle des choix ?


– Non, mais avec Pascal Nègre, son PDG, nous nous crions parfois dessus dans ma loge.

Nous sommes tous deux combatifs et nous n’avons pas peur l’un de l’autre. J’adore cet old school executive.

Il n’en reste pas beaucoup. L’an dernier, Pascal était furieux que j’aie donné « Belle » à Kendji [le vainqueur de la saison passée, NDLR].

« C’est trop difficile pour le petit chouchou », répétait-il. Oui, la chanson est difficile et tellement populaire que la moindre faiblesse vous saute à l’oreille. Kendji a fait des fautes, on s’en fiche.

Un show parfait devient factice. Las Vegas.

Une fleur en plastique. Un visage refait.


Voyez-vous toujours Kendji ?


– Pas depuis un moment, mais on m’a raconté sur lui une histoire qui me ravit.

Son producteur voulait lui louer un appartement au centre de Paris.

Kendji a refusé. Il a fait monter ses parents de province, ils vivent dans deux caravanes installées l’une à côté de l’autre.

Il ne trahit ni son parcours ni son histoire.


Etudiez-vous vos audiences lorsque vous les recevez ?


– Je regarde la tendance et les pourcentages.

Cette année, nous avons commencé haut, nous sommes redescendus et nous nous sommes stabilisés à 6 millions de téléspectateurs.

Nous atteignons également 950.000 vues en replay contre 200.000 la saison d’avant.

J’y suis sensible, c’est de cette façon que je consomme la télé.

Les audiences, il faut les prendre avec distance.

Nous ne devons en aucun cas nous sentir victimes de la réactivité exagérée des réseaux sociaux.

Une chouette chanson peut très bien être détestée sur l’instant et entrer dans le Top 20 d’iTunes.


Cette année, avec les autres membres du jury, vous avez grimpé sur les fauteuils et fait le show.

Aviez-vous reçu des consignes de la chaîne ?


– Quand nous avons escaladé nos fauteuils avec Jenifer et Zazie, il était 2 heures du matin et nous n’avions pas que du café dans nos verres.

Ça se voit, non ? Nous nous sommes réveillés le lendemain matin en nous demandant : « Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé ? » Nos producteurs, deux rottweilers charmants, veillent au grain.

Mais le programme reste français, il laisse de la place à l’improvisation, ne se veut pas trop bien rodé.

Je ne regarde jamais le show, je n’ai pas envie de me sentir mal, de me torturer, d’avoir à me mettre des gifles.


Qu’est-ce que chaque membre du jury apporte à l’émission ?


– Je ne parlerai pas de moi, ce serait comme m’embrasser dans un miroir.

Florent Pagny, vingt-six ans de carrière, s’amuse comme s’il avait 30 balais.

Il est affable, possède la maîtrise lyrique, met les choses en perspective, et si je lui demande un conseil, il me le donnera toujours.

Jenifer a choisi l’émission pour opérer une transition après l’intense lumière sous laquelle elle a été placée [elle a été lauréate de la première saison de la “Star Academy”, NDLR].

Je la trouve touchante, on a envie de boire une bière avec elle.

Zazie, auteur, compositeur, productrice et chanteuse, comprend extrêmement bien les rouages de l’industrie.


Vous que l’on rejetait à l’adolescence, trop peu viril, trop maladroit, vous évoquez « la Famille Addams » pour désigner vos candidats...


– Cette année, il s’agit plutôt de « la Famille Tenenbaum », de Wes Anderson, question d’esthétique. Mon équipe cosmopolite compte une Libanaise, un Tunisien, un Québécois. On prétend que les équipes nous ressemblent, c’est vrai.


Zazie a provoqué des réactions en évoquant le contexte politique actuel après la prestation de Yann’Sine Jebli sur « Comme toi », de Goldman...


– C’est la performance qui m’a le plus touché, d’autant que Yann’Sine était inconscient de ce qu’il faisait.

Ce choix a changé son parcours.

Comment un fragment de rocher se transforme-t-il en or ?

Comment la naïveté, la maîtrise, le talent parviennent-ils à nous faire réfléchir à l’actualité contemporaine ?

« The Voice » n’est qu’un jeu, mais ce jeu va parfois plus loin qu’il n’en a l’air.


Ejectez-vous les candidats plus âgés au stade des battles ?


– Pas du tout, non.

Mais il est difficile de trouver des jeunes talents qui ne fassent pas de pâles copies des standards et des talents matures qui soient « frais ».

L’an dernier, je voulais prendre une femme de 40 ans dans mon équipe.

Elle a décidé de partir dans une autre, finalement, elle est rentrée chez elle.


Vous qui avez écrit « Boum Boum Boum », morceau où vous affirmiez votre homosexualité, qu’avez-vous pensé de la mobilisation française contre le mariage gay ?


– Si elle était sortie de la bouche de quelqu’un d’autre, « Boum Boum Boum » n’aurait jamais été considérée comme une chanson engagée.

Elle a eu un drôle de destin.

Elle est restée dans le Top 20 des semaines, mais n’a jamais été numéro un.

Quant à la France, je la vois comme un phare en matière de culture, de services sociaux et de libertés.

Elle doit le rester.


Lorsque vous avez quitté le Liban, vous vous êtes installé dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris où l’on surnommait votre famille « les pirates du 16e ».


– On nous demandait : « Qui êtes-vous ? Des pirates, des Gitans ? »

Nous répondions : « Non, on est juste libanais. »

Je me sais privilégié, cela ne m’empêche pas de m’intéresser au sort de ces immigrés qui traversent l’Afrique ou l’Adriatique dans des conditions atroces.


« Talk about You », votre dernier single, a été accusé de plagiat.


– Une contre-vérité et du journalisme de bas étage.

Mais ça ne me dérange pas, la tension est toujours une excellente chose.

Mon prochain album sort en juin.

Il est content d’exister.


Rempilerez-vous la saison prochaine ?


– Je l’ignore, j’entame une tournée d’un an et la production ne m’a encore rien demandé.

Comment dites-vous en français ?

Il faut être deux pour danser le tango.


Votre marque de fabrique, ce sont justement les drôles d’expression que vous employez parfois. Les cultivez-vous ?


– Non, mon ami d’enfance m’a d’ailleurs envoyé un texto pour m’exhorter : « Arrête de répéter que tu es dans l’eau chaude, ça n’existe pas. » En anglais, « to be in a hot water » signifie juste « je suis dans une sacrée mouise ».


♦ Une chanson pour tomber amoureux :

« “Nature Boy”, de Nat King Cole, ou n’importe quel morceau de The Cure. »

♦ Une chanson pour lutter contre la déprime :

« “Melocoton”, de Colette Magny, obsessionnel. »

♦ Une chanson pour François Hollande :

« “Tell Me Why”, de Bronski Beat. »


♦ Une série :

« “House of Cards”, crédible – je le sais car ma tante était correspondante à la Maison-Blanche – mais “The Wire” reste au-dessus de tout. »



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2015.04.20 Monday 8:30AM

Le Grand Morning sur RTL2 April 20, 2015


Mika @ French radio RTL at 8.30 local time! (in 15 minutes)

Direct link to listen: http://t.co/KSehGRyHo6


replay http://www.rtl2.fr/actu/le-grand-morning-du-20-avr-2015-7777421035


our edition


RTL2 Official YouTube :


RTL2 Official Dailymotion : http://dai.ly/x2ndx0a




Translation by crazyaboutmika :uk:



Thank you Eriko :huglove:, Lucrezia :huglove: and Marina :huglove:



Our guest is Mika!

This is a little snipet of Talk About You to put you in the mood , Talk About You Mika's new single and Mika got up early for all of you. Hello Mika!

Hello Mika!

If I don't turn your mike on...

Mika: Hello! My mike was ...

host: That was me ...

host: Mika, thanks for coming

Mika: Thanks for inviting me

host: So early!

Mika: Yes, I'm a bit , I'm a bit (how do you say "citrouille"? )

host: A pumpkin

Mika: I'm a bit a pumpkin

Host: You're a bit a pumpkin

Mika: Yes this morning

host: it's a bit hard in the morning?

Mika: Yes, no, well while we're shooting for The Voice for TV, we go to bed very late. We finish very late, so I go to bed later and I get up later so...

host: but you're still very young, it shouldn't take you two days to recover?

host: he's gonna be ok

Mika: But even more than two days ;)

Host: I think he's a night owl

Mika: But before I used to sleep like ten hours, every night

host: And now?

Mika: Now I sleep a bit less, like seven hours

Host: And Mika came this morning to tell us about his nights

Host: sometimes we do the same

host: do you go out after the show?

Mika: Not a lot, that depends, sometimes, last year we did it a lot more and less this year I don't know why

host: I don't know

host: Y'a pas Garou

host: But there's so much energy coming from you and your single

host: that makes us wonder if you're happy by nature, Talk About You is once again such a lively and energy filling single

Mika: Am I? I don't know. I think I use my music a bit since I was a kid to put myself in a cheerful mood, a bit to cope with my life, to put me back in my confort zone where I'm happy, actually it is useful and something that protects me

host: Do you also get feeling that from other artists music? Do you?

Mika: No, most of the music I listen to is sad

host: ah

Mika: Yes, music that makes one cry

host: A bit in the style of Last Party , that you just shared online?

Mika: Yes

host: which will be the second single?

Mika: ah? no, well I don't know, I'm looking at Barclay's promotion director who has no reaction...

host: You shared the video online?

Mika: We made a very simple video with the photograph Peter Lindbergh , the song is called Last Party and it is on one take. We took more than thirty to get to this one.

host: It's black and white

host: yes the opposite of the new single

Mika: Yes, totally the opposite, exactly, but that way because the new single is lively, joyful and it's a lovely door to open the album, but inside there's a lot more

host: a universe to discover

Mika: Yes, I had fun, I told myself ok, I'm freeing myself to make an album without any calculation

host: Ok

Mika: But after I'll deal with the consequences

host: No, we'll laugh

host: back in a minute to chat more with Mika while his promotion director is pigging out on this fat food we were talking about a while ago

host: We'll be right back with our guest Mika on RTL2

Host: It's 8:48 and Mika got up early for us and that makes us all happy

Mika: Hi

host: Hi again

Mika: Hi again

host: Mika is very up to date with new technologies

host: he's connected in many ways

host: What were you doing with your phone two minutes ago?

Mika: Two minutes ago? I was doing a periscope

host: What is it?

Mika: It's an app to broadcast live with video and people can hear, it's like TV but if you're periscope or twitter, you get a message saying Mika is using periscope and the link to watch it live

host: Ok

Mika: And everything you said was aired right away and it stays...

host: Thanks for not telling us

Mika: And it stays on for only twenty hours then it's erased and gone forever

host: ok

Mika: And people can watch it which means like now we're doing something personal , but if an event occurs such as a fire or anything else that's important, it's the future of the news

host: anyone can become a journalist

Mika: it's incredible, you can watch anything that takes place live in the whole world.

host: periscope right

host: You're not among the artists who want to protect their private lives if you use periscope?

host: You show what you want

Mika: Yes, of course but I think that the camera exists and what is important is where you are going to use it. In a studio? Or where my nephew is? with family? (which is not something I will do)

host: Yes of course

Mika: Because you can't pretend the camera doesn't exist , you have to know how to use the camera, pretending it doesn't exist will not work.

host: It's incredible

Mika: It doesn' t work that way

host: back to Mika the artist , the writer , the composer and the singer, we already said so during the press review , you are in the cover of Télé Obs this week where you reveal a bit more about yourself, if we have time for a question or two...

host: You said fright is good for everything, so tell me what are you afraid of today?

Mika: I'm a bit afraid of everything as usual, like everyone I'm afraid of, well what I mean is that I'm afraid of many things.

host: Do you like to put yourself in danger?

Mika: Yes, exactly because it keeps me, that means , I don't know, I can keep an energy that , and I think that's something very dangerous when you become jaded, and putting yourself in danger helps you keep your candor and I think that is very important and also in music you have to say the things you're afraid to say, you have to be direct, as in the new album , that's it, you have to write with a sort of frankness that you have when you're sixteen and no one will listen to the record. Or else you have to write as if

host: As if you were going to die tomorrow


host: That's a bit the theme of Last Party isn't it?

Mika: Yes, exactly

host: Let's dance under the bombs in a way

Mika: Yes, as if we were going to die tomorrow

host: yes

host: The album "No Place In Heaven" will be out on June 15th.

host: We're so impatient!!!!

host: And now we are going to listen to the single and thank Mika for visiting us this morning on RTL2 to talk about it and about this new app periscope , everyone was speechless, thank you Mika

Mika: Thank you

host: Here he is with Talk About You just for you

host: Mika Talk About You and soon an hour long interview when his new album comes out






sorry, I couldn't record Mika's periscope.:aah:




Mika official periscope



Recorded by Lucrezia !


VK http://vk.com/video251318454_171338994




Pics from Twitter












RTL2 : Le Grand Morning




7 large PHOTOS :wub2:


















Edited by Kumazzz
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Le Grand Morning sur RTL2 April 20, 2015




replay http://www.rtl2.fr/actu/le-grand-morning-du-20-avr-2015-7777421035





sorry, I couldn't record Mika's periscope.:aah:




Mika official periscope



Recorded by Lucrezia !


VK http://vk.com/video251318454_171338994












Thank you so much!!!!

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Audio interview



Publié le Lundi 20 Avril 2015 - modifié le Lundi 20 Avril 2015 - 13:38


Interview Exclusive de Mika : "J'ai tourné dans un film américain"


Dailymotion http://dai.ly/x2na9r2


Depuis 2 ans Mika est dans le jury de l'émission The Voice, chaque samedi soir sur TF1, mais en dehors de son travail de coach et de chanteur, bien évidement, il commencera d’ailleurs sa tournée mondiale au mois de mai, Mika est aussi acteur comme il l'a expliqué au micro de Stéphane Larue et visiblement, ça va être du lourd.


Mika, dans l'interview ci-dessus, explique qu'il a tourné dans un film américain à Rome avec costumes et maquillage...

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Sorry, I found it!

Many thanks to http://www.mikawebsite.com/ !!




Mika fait la Une du magazine 0…0 T¨¦l¨¦Obs 0†3


















Translation in English:



---------------------Mika : "I never watch "The Voice", I don't feel like slaping myself"Publi¨¦ le 18-04-2015 ¨¤ 11h00Mis ¨¤ jour le 17-04-2015 ¨¤ 17h43

Cool , sharp and analytical, Mika is "The Voice"star .We met this judge as clever as a fox as far as promotion goes whom teenagers and scolars all plebiscite. .Mika, pop muse in vibrant colors , is the star of the talent show on TF1, "The Voice".After three months of negociating and fourty five minutes late, the one who gave a second life to the show is here wearing converse shoes and a white t-shirt to give us his analysis of the show.


T¨¦l¨¦Obs: If when you were 20 , if you had tried the blind auditions , which song would you have chosen?

Mika: I was 20 ans in the in the 2000s and you can't imagine how silly were the songs I used to listen to back then ...JI would have probably hidden myself behind a piano and I would have chosen something by Nina Simone or Paolo Conte : 0…0 Un gelato al limon 0†3 ou 0…0 Via con me 0†3 : 0…0 Chips, chips, da-du-du-dudu-du 0†3.A kid covering Paolo Conte at 0…0 The Voice 0†3, that would have been really nice

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: You were a judge in the italian 0…0 X Factor 0†3 before becoming one in the third season of 0…0 The Voice 0†3.Did you feel an appeal to become a coach?

Mika: There was a time in my life when I refused to do anything if it wasn't linked to promoting an album .But although that was my choice to remain isolated, I felt like it was some sort of a cancer. I couldn't work anymore without thinking about the audience reaction .JSo I said yes to0…0 X Factor 0†3 and learned italian langage at light speed telling myself: 0…0 If it's a disaster, at least it'll be in a foreign language. 0†3 Learning this language was good for me.With 0…0 The Voice 0†3, I recovered my candor .One has to frighten oneself everyday or at least twice a week. Fright is good for everything : digestion, libido, sense of humor and even one's skin.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs How much freedom are you given as far as the songs choices ?

Mika: If you compare it to similar shows in the world, there is a script, a prompter , and that all the judges have to stick to them. The TV channel tests and choses the songs. In 0…0 The Voice 0†3, we have a lot more freedom than in the United States. However we have to find a balance in the choice of the songs and their years so no one feels excluded.If I don't let the candidates chose, first they will complain, then they won't sing them well. I have to look for the song that they're hidding inside of them.It's a thing that is complicated and I sometimes feel like a tired DJ at 3 AM or as in 0…0 Good Morning England 0†3, that Richard Curtis movie about a DJ boat broadcasting rock on UK from the north sea. This year I decided my manifesto would be : pop, pop, pop.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Let's put it that way : does Universal, the record company associated with 0…0 The Voice 0†3, gets the last word on songs choices ?

Mika: no, but Pascal N¨¨gre, who is the director and I sometimes scream at each other in my lodge.We are both fighters and we' re not afraid of each other . I love this old school executive.There are not many left. Last , Pascal was furious that I had chosen 0…0 Belle 0†3 for Kendji [last year winner, note by.T¨¦l¨¦ Obs]. He kept saying: 0…0 It"s too hard for the pet 0†3, Indeed the song is difficult to sing and so popular that the slightest weakness will be mediatly noticeable. Kendji didn't sing perfectly, who cares? A perfect show becomes fake. LasVegas. A plastic flower . A surgery modelled face visage

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Do you still see Kendji ?

Mika:Not in a while, but I was told something about him that made me happy. His producer wanted to hire an apartment for him in the center of Paris..Kendji refused. He made his parents come to.Paris and they live in two caravans close to each other. He hasn't betrayed his story nor his roots.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Do you study carefully how many people watch the show when you get the numbers?

Mika: I look at the tendency and the percentages.This year we started high then we went down then stable at 6 millions watchers .We reached 950.000 views in replay compared to 200.000 during the previous season .That's something I like to know, that's how I "watch" TV myself .Those numbers must be looked at from a distance.In no way we must feel victimised by the hyper reactivity of social networks.A lovely song might be hated on the spot and then enter le top 20 des chansons sur d¡¯iTunes.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: This year you and the other members of the jury climbed on the armchairs to make the show. Was that something the channel asked you to do?

Mika: When we climbed on our armchair Jenifer, Zazie and I, it was 2 heures AM matin and there wasn't only coffee in our glasses. It shows, doesn't it? We woke up on the next morning wondering what had happened. Our producers, two charming deux rottweilers , are cautious.But as this is a French program, there's room for spontaneity ,the show is not rehearsed. I never watch rhe show, I don't want to feel bad, to torture myself, to slap myself.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: What does each member of the jury adds to the show ?

Mika: I won't tell you about me, it would be like kissing myself in a mirror. Florent Pagny, who has a 26 years old experience is having fun as a thirty years old. He is talkative and friendly , he has a perfect knownledge of singing technique , he is able to put things into perspective, and if I ask him for some advice, he's always very helpful.Jenifer chose this show as a transition after the intense light on which she was put [she was the first winner of the first ¡°Star Academy¡± season, T¨¦l¨¦ Obs].I find her moving, she makes one want to sit and talk with her over a beer.Zazie, writer, composer, producer et singer, she undertands very well how the music industry works.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: You who were rejected as a teenager, not very manly , too clumsy , you used the words 0…0 The Addams Family 0†3 to call your candidates ...

Mika: This year, that would rather be 0…0 The Tenenbaum family 0†3, by Wes Anderson, aesthetically speaking . My cosmopolitan family a Lebanese, a Tunisian, a guy from Qu¨¦bec . I was told out teams look like us, it's true.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: What did you think of the way people reacted to Zazie 's words about politics nowadays after Yann¡¯Sine Jebli performance of 0…0 Comme toi 0†3, by Goldman...

Mika: His performance was the most moving and moved me all the more as Yann¡¯Sine wasn't conscious of what he was doing. This choice changed his course. How does a little peeble turns into gold? How do naivety, talent and lead us to think about what's going on in 0…0 The Voice 0†3 is only a game, but this game sometimes goes further than it seems.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Do you reject older candidates at the battles stage?

Mika: Not at all, absolutely not. But it's hard to find young candidates who don't sing pale copies of standards and older candidates with a "fresh" sound. Last year I wanted a 40 years old woman to join my team.She chose another one and finally went back home.


(next part in next post)

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second part of the translation:


Télé Obs: You wrote « Boum Boum Boum », song in which you assert that you're gay, what did you think about the anti gay demonstrations in France?

Mika: If that song had been someone else song, « Boum Boum Boum » would have never been considered as such.What a strange destiny for that song! It was in the Top 20 during weeks, but it was never number one. As far as France, I see it as a guiding light in the fields of culture, social welfare and freedoms. France must stay that way.When one leave Lebanon for the sixteenth district in Paris where your family was nicknamed "Pirates of the sixteenth"– We would be asked : « Who are you? Pirates? gypsies? »We would answer : « No, we're only Lebanese . »I know I'm priviledged, that doesn' t mean I'm not interested into what happens to migrants who cross Africa or Adriatic in atrocious ways .

Télé Obs: « Talk about You »,your new single, was said to be plagiarism.

Mika: That is false. And spread by the worst press .But I don't mind, stress is always an excellent thing.My new album will be out in June. It's happy to be alive!

Télé Obs: Will you be in The Voice next season?

Mika: I don't know, I' m starting a year long tour and I wasn't asked yet. How do you say that in French? It takes two to dance a tango.

Télé Obs: Your trademark are those funny expressions you use sometimes. Do you use them on purpose?

Mika: No, I don' t. Even my childhood friend sent me an sms to ask me : « Stop saying you're in hot water , that expression isn't used in French. » In English, « to be in a hot water » means « I' m in deep trouble ».

Télé Obs: MIKA'S PLAYLIST ♦ A song to fall in love :« “Nature Boy”, by Nat King Cole, or any song by The Cure. »♦ A song to fight against depression:« “Melocoton”, by Colette Magny, an obsessional one»♦ Une chanson for François Hollande:« “Tell Me Why”, by Bronski Beat. »♦ A TV serie:« “House of Cards”, credible – I know that because my aunt worked in the White House – but “The Wire” is above everything else. »http://teleobs.nouvelobs.co/actuali...ml?xtor=RSS-30

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second part of the translation:


Télé Obs: You wrote « Boum Boum Boum », song in which you assert that you're gay, what did you think about the anti gay demonstrations in France?

Mika: If that song had been someone else song, « Boum Boum Boum » would have never been considered as such.What a strange destiny for that song! It was in the Top 20 during weeks, but it was never number one. As far as France, I see it as a guiding light in the fields of culture, social welfare and freedoms. France must stay that way.When one leave Lebanon for the sixteenth district in Paris where your family was nicknamed "Pirates of the sixteenth"– We would be asked : « Who are you? Pirates? gypsies? »We would answer : « No, we're only Lebanese . »I know I'm priviledged, that doesn' t mean I'm not interested into what happens to migrants who cross Africa or Adriatic in atrocious ways .

Télé Obs: « Talk about You »,your new single, was said to be plagiarism.

Mika: That is false. And spread by the worst press .But I don't mind, stress is always an excellent thing.My new album will be out in June. It's happy to be alive!

Télé Obs: Will you be in The Voice next season?

Mika: I don't know, I' m starting a year long tour and I wasn't asked yet. How do you say that in French? It takes two to dance a tango.

Télé Obs: Your trademark are those funny expressions you use sometimes. Do you use them on purpose?

Mika: No, I don' t. Even my childhood friend sent me an sms to ask me : « Stop saying you're in hot water , that expression isn't used in French. » In English, « to be in a hot water » means « I' m in deep trouble ».

Télé Obs: MIKA'S PLAYLIST ♦ A song to fall in love :« “Nature Boy”, by Nat King Cole, or any song by The Cure. »♦ A song to fight against depression:« “Melocoton”, by Colette Magny, an obsessional one»♦ Une chanson for François Hollande:« “Tell Me Why”, by Bronski Beat. »♦ A TV serie:« “House of Cards”, credible – I know that because my aunt worked in the White House – but “The Wire” is above everything else. »http://teleobs.nouvelobs.co/actuali...ml?xtor=RSS-30


:blush-anim-cl: Thanks a lot Anne - for your translation! :huglove: It's nice to read that MIKA says "I'm starting a year long tour" :fisch: Maybe there will be a possibility that he also comes to my part of the world then - at least, it's free to hope and dream about it ...:mikadas:




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Translation in English:



---------------------Mika : "I never watch "The Voice", I don't feel like slaping myself"Publi¨¦ le 18-04-2015 ¨¤ 11h00Mis ¨¤ jour le 17-04-2015 ¨¤ 17h43

Cool , sharp and analytical, Mika is "The Voice"star .We met this judge as clever as a fox as far as promotion goes whom teenagers and scolars all plebiscite. .Mika, pop muse in vibrant colors , is the star of the talent show on TF1, "The Voice".After three months of negociating and fourty five minutes late, the one who gave a second life to the show is here wearing converse shoes and a white t-shirt to give us his analysis of the show.


T¨¦l¨¦Obs: If when you were 20 , if you had tried the blind auditions , which song would you have chosen?

Mika: I was 20 ans in the in the 2000s and you can't imagine how silly were the songs I used to listen to back then ...JI would have probably hidden myself behind a piano and I would have chosen something by Nina Simone or Paolo Conte : 0…0 Un gelato al limon 0†3 ou 0…0 Via con me 0†3 : 0…0 Chips, chips, da-du-du-dudu-du 0†3.A kid covering Paolo Conte at 0…0 The Voice 0†3, that would have been really nice

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: You were a judge in the italian 0…0 X Factor 0†3 before becoming one in the third season of 0…0 The Voice 0†3.Did you feel an appeal to become a coach?

Mika: There was a time in my life when I refused to do anything if it wasn't linked to promoting an album .But although that was my choice to remain isolated, I felt like it was some sort of a cancer. I couldn't work anymore without thinking about the audience reaction .JSo I said yes to0…0 X Factor 0†3 and learned italian langage at light speed telling myself: 0…0 If it's a disaster, at least it'll be in a foreign language. 0†3 Learning this language was good for me.With 0…0 The Voice 0†3, I recovered my candor .One has to frighten oneself everyday or at least twice a week. Fright is good for everything : digestion, libido, sense of humor and even one's skin.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs How much freedom are you given as far as the songs choices ?

Mika: If you compare it to similar shows in the world, there is a script, a prompter , and that all the judges have to stick to them. The TV channel tests and choses the songs. In 0…0 The Voice 0†3, we have a lot more freedom than in the United States. However we have to find a balance in the choice of the songs and their years so no one feels excluded.If I don't let the candidates chose, first they will complain, then they won't sing them well. I have to look for the song that they're hidding inside of them.It's a thing that is complicated and I sometimes feel like a tired DJ at 3 AM or as in 0…0 Good Morning England 0†3, that Richard Curtis movie about a DJ boat broadcasting rock on UK from the north sea. This year I decided my manifesto would be : pop, pop, pop.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Let's put it that way : does Universal, the record company associated with 0…0 The Voice 0†3, gets the last word on songs choices ?

Mika: no, but Pascal N¨¨gre, who is the director and I sometimes scream at each other in my lodge.We are both fighters and we' re not afraid of each other . I love this old school executive.There are not many left. Last , Pascal was furious that I had chosen 0…0 Belle 0†3 for Kendji [last year winner, note by.T¨¦l¨¦ Obs]. He kept saying: 0…0 It"s too hard for the pet 0†3, Indeed the song is difficult to sing and so popular that the slightest weakness will be mediatly noticeable. Kendji didn't sing perfectly, who cares? A perfect show becomes fake. LasVegas. A plastic flower . A surgery modelled face visage

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Do you still see Kendji ?

Mika:Not in a while, but I was told something about him that made me happy. His producer wanted to hire an apartment for him in the center of Paris..Kendji refused. He made his parents come to.Paris and they live in two caravans close to each other. He hasn't betrayed his story nor his roots.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Do you study carefully how many people watch the show when you get the numbers?

Mika: I look at the tendency and the percentages.This year we started high then we went down then stable at 6 millions watchers .We reached 950.000 views in replay compared to 200.000 during the previous season .That's something I like to know, that's how I "watch" TV myself .Those numbers must be looked at from a distance.In no way we must feel victimised by the hyper reactivity of social networks.A lovely song might be hated on the spot and then enter le top 20 des chansons sur d¡¯iTunes.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: This year you and the other members of the jury climbed on the armchairs to make the show. Was that something the channel asked you to do?

Mika: When we climbed on our armchair Jenifer, Zazie and I, it was 2 heures AM matin and there wasn't only coffee in our glasses. It shows, doesn't it? We woke up on the next morning wondering what had happened. Our producers, two charming deux rottweilers , are cautious.But as this is a French program, there's room for spontaneity ,the show is not rehearsed. I never watch rhe show, I don't want to feel bad, to torture myself, to slap myself.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: What does each member of the jury adds to the show ?

Mika: I won't tell you about me, it would be like kissing myself in a mirror. Florent Pagny, who has a 26 years old experience is having fun as a thirty years old. He is talkative and friendly , he has a perfect knownledge of singing technique , he is able to put things into perspective, and if I ask him for some advice, he's always very helpful.Jenifer chose this show as a transition after the intense light on which she was put [she was the first winner of the first ¡°Star Academy¡± season, T¨¦l¨¦ Obs].I find her moving, she makes one want to sit and talk with her over a beer.Zazie, writer, composer, producer et singer, she undertands very well how the music industry works.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: You who were rejected as a teenager, not very manly , too clumsy , you used the words 0…0 The Addams Family 0†3 to call your candidates ...

Mika: This year, that would rather be 0…0 The Tenenbaum family 0†3, by Wes Anderson, aesthetically speaking . My cosmopolitan family a Lebanese, a Tunisian, a guy from Qu¨¦bec . I was told out teams look like us, it's true.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: What did you think of the way people reacted to Zazie 's words about politics nowadays after Yann¡¯Sine Jebli performance of 0…0 Comme toi 0†3, by Goldman...

Mika: His performance was the most moving and moved me all the more as Yann¡¯Sine wasn't conscious of what he was doing. This choice changed his course. How does a little peeble turns into gold? How do naivety, talent and lead us to think about what's going on in 0…0 The Voice 0†3 is only a game, but this game sometimes goes further than it seems.

T¨¦l¨¦ Obs: Do you reject older candidates at the battles stage?

Mika: Not at all, absolutely not. But it's hard to find young candidates who don't sing pale copies of standards and older candidates with a "fresh" sound. Last year I wanted a 40 years old woman to join my team.She chose another one and finally went back home.


(next part in next post)


second part of the translation:


Télé Obs: You wrote « Boum Boum Boum », song in which you assert that you're gay, what did you think about the anti gay demonstrations in France?

Mika: If that song had been someone else song, « Boum Boum Boum » would have never been considered as such.What a strange destiny for that song! It was in the Top 20 during weeks, but it was never number one. As far as France, I see it as a guiding light in the fields of culture, social welfare and freedoms. France must stay that way.When one leave Lebanon for the sixteenth district in Paris where your family was nicknamed "Pirates of the sixteenth"– We would be asked : « Who are you? Pirates? gypsies? »We would answer : « No, we're only Lebanese . »I know I'm priviledged, that doesn' t mean I'm not interested into what happens to migrants who cross Africa or Adriatic in atrocious ways .

Télé Obs: « Talk about You »,your new single, was said to be plagiarism.

Mika: That is false. And spread by the worst press .But I don't mind, stress is always an excellent thing.My new album will be out in June. It's happy to be alive!

Télé Obs: Will you be in The Voice next season?

Mika: I don't know, I' m starting a year long tour and I wasn't asked yet. How do you say that in French? It takes two to dance a tango.

Télé Obs: Your trademark are those funny expressions you use sometimes. Do you use them on purpose?

Mika: No, I don' t. Even my childhood friend sent me an sms to ask me : « Stop saying you're in hot water , that expression isn't used in French. » In English, « to be in a hot water » means « I' m in deep trouble ».

Télé Obs: MIKA'S PLAYLIST ♦ A song to fall in love :« “Nature Boy”, by Nat King Cole, or any song by The Cure. »♦ A song to fight against depression:« “Melocoton”, by Colette Magny, an obsessional one»♦ Une chanson for François Hollande:« “Tell Me Why”, by Bronski Beat. »♦ A TV serie:« “House of Cards”, credible – I know that because my aunt worked in the White House – but “The Wire” is above everything else. »http://teleobs.nouvelobs.co/actuali...ml?xtor=RSS-30


Thanks a lot, Anne! :huglove::flowers2:

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2015.04.20 Monday 8:30AM

Le Grand Morning sur RTL2 April 20, 2015




replay http://www.rtl2.fr/actu/le-grand-morning-du-20-avr-2015-7777421035





sorry, I couldn't record Mika's periscope.:aah:




Mika official periscope



Recorded by Lucrezia !


VK http://vk.com/video251318454_171338994











Thank you Eriko :huglove:, Lucrezia :huglove: and Marina :huglove:



Our guest is Mika!

This is a little snipet of Talk About You to put you in the mood , Talk About You Mika's new single and Mika got up early for all of you. Hello Mika!

Hello Mika!

If I don't turn your mike on...

Mika: Hello! My mike was ...

host: That was me ...

host: Mika, thanks for coming

Mika: Thanks for inviting me

host: So early!

Mika: Yes, I'm a bit , I'm a bit (how do you say "citrouille"? )

host: A pumpkin

Mika: I'm a bit a pumpkin

Host: You're a bit a pumpkin

Mika: Yes this morning

host: it's a bit hard in the morning?

Mika: Yes, no, well while we're shooting for The Voice for TV, we go to bed very late. We finish very late, so I go to bed later and I get up later so...

host: but you're still very young, it shouldn't take you two days to recover?

host: he's gonna be ok

Mika: But even more than two days ;)

Host: I think he's a night owl

Mika: But before I used to sleep like ten hours, every night

host: And now?

Mika: Now I sleep a bit less, like seven hours

Host: And Mika came this morning to tell us about his nights

Host: sometimes we do the same

host: do you go out after the show?

Mika: Not a lot, that depends, sometimes, last year we did it a lot more and less this year I don't know why

host: I don't know

host: Y'a pas Garou

host: But there's so much energy coming from you and your single

host: that makes us wonder if you're happy by nature, Talk About You is once again such a lively and energy filling single

Mika: Am I? I don't know. I think I use my music a bit since I was a kid to put myself in a cheerful mood, a bit to cope with my life, to put me back in my confort zone where I'm happy, actually it is useful and something that protects me

host: Do you also get feeling that from other artists music? Do you?

Mika: No, most of the music I listen to is sad

host: ah

Mika: Yes, music that makes one cry

host: A bit in the style of Last Party , that you just shared online?

Mika: Yes

host: which will be the second single?

Mika: ah? no, well I don't know, I'm looking at Barclay's promotion director who has no reaction...

host: You shared the video online?

Mika: We made a very simple video with the photograph Peter Lindbergh , the song is called Last Party and it is on one take. We took more than thirty to get to this one.

host: It's black and white

host: yes the opposite of the new single

Mika: Yes, totally the opposite, exactly, but that way because the new single is lively, joyful and it's a lovely door to open the album, but inside there's a lot more

host: a universe to discover

Mika: Yes, I had fun, I told myself ok, I'm freeing myself to make an album without any calculation

host: Ok

Mika: But after I'll deal with the consequences

host: No, we'll laugh

host: back in a minute to chat more with Mika while his promotion director is pigging out on this fat food we were talking about a while ago

host: We'll be right back with our guest Mika on RTL2

Host: It's 8:48 and Mika got up early for us and that makes us all happy

Mika: Hi

host: Hi again

Mika: Hi again

host: Mika is very up to date with new technologies

host: he's connected in many ways

host: What were you doing with your phone two minutes ago?

Mika: Two minutes ago? I was doing a periscope

host: What is it?

Mika: It's an app to broadcast live with video and people can hear, it's like TV but if you're periscope or twitter, you get a message saying Mika is using periscope and the link to watch it live

host: Ok

Mika: And everything you said was aired right away and it stays...

host: Thanks for not telling us

Mika: And it stays on for only twenty hours then it's erased and gone forever

host: ok

Mika: And people can watch it which means like now we're doing something personal , but if an event occurs such as a fire or anything else that's important, it's the future of the news

host: anyone can become a journalist

Mika: it's incredible, you can watch anything that takes place live in the whole world.

host: periscope right

host: You're not among the artists who want to protect their private lives if you use periscope?

host: You show what you want

Mika: Yes, of course but I think that the camera exists and what is important is where you are going to use it. In a studio? Or where my nephew is? with family? (which is not something I will do)

host: Yes of course

Mika: Because you can't pretend the camera doesn't exist , you have to know how to use the camera, pretending it doesn't exist will not work.

host: It's incredible

Mika: It doesn' t work that way

host: back to Mika the artist , the writer , the composer and the singer, we already said so during the press review , you are in the cover of Télé Obs this week where you reveal a bit more about yourself, if we have time for a question or two...

host: You said fright is good for everything, so tell me what are you afraid of today?

Mika: I'm a bit afraid of everything as usual, like everyone I'm afraid of, well what I mean is that I'm afraid of many things.

host: Do you like to put yourself in danger?

Mika: Yes, exactly because it keeps me, that means , I don't know, I can keep an energy that , and I think that's something very dangerous when you become jaded, and putting yourself in danger helps you keep your candor and I think that is very important and also in music you have to say the things you're afraid to say, you have to be direct, as in the new album , that's it, you have to write with a sort of frankness that you have when you're sixteen and no one will listen to the record. Or else you have to write as if

host: As if you were going to die tomorrow


host: That's a bit the theme of Last Party isn't it?

Mika: Yes, exactly

host: Let's dance under the bombs in a way

Mika: Yes, as if we were going to die tomorrow

host: yes

host: The album "No Place In Heaven" will be out on June 15th.

host: We're so impatient!!!!

host: And now we are going to listen to the single and thank Mika for visiting us this morning on RTL2 to talk about it and about this new app periscope , everyone was speechless, thank you Mika

Mika: Thank you

host: Here he is with Talk About You just for you

host: Mika Talk About You and soon an hour long interview when his new album comes out

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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2015.04.20 Monday 8:30AM

Le Grand Morning sur RTL2 April 20, 2015




replay http://www.rtl2.fr/actu/le-grand-morning-du-20-avr-2015-7777421035





Translation by crazyaboutmika :uk:









sorry, I couldn't record Mika's periscope.:aah:




Mika official periscope



Recorded by Lucrezia !


VK http://vk.com/video251318454_171338994












I'mso sorry, I accidentally clicked dislike on that video. I feel really terrible about it I didn't mean to.

my computer died this morning so I've been trying to use my phone, my phone is new to me I never had a smartphone before andI keep touching the wrong things. this is very hard for me to post everything is so smalland I'm so confused.

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I'mso sorry, I accidentally clicked dislike on that video. I feel really terrible about it I didn't mean to.

my computer died this morning so I've been trying to use my phone, my phone is new to me I never had a smartphone before andI keep touching the wrong things. this is very hard for me to post everything is so smalland I'm so confused.

Don't worry you'll be able to change it to a like when you can use a pc again :hug:

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Don't worry you'll be able to change it to a like when you can use a pc again :hug:


I just went back and clicked like and I think it fixed the problem because I don't see the dislike listed there anymore. Im relieved because I very much appreciate all the videos and translations!

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Thanks a million - you wonderful ladyteam - for giving me such a nice and welltasting breakfast company, as a new MIKA interview - you're all priceless!! :-) :-)

I like his t-shirt: less is more ( covers it all - LP vid. )




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