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Mika in French Press - 2014


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Thank you! :thumb_yello:


I like his answers to all the questions, but I can't help feeling a bit sad that he's planning to create some shows without him taking part :sad: We really need to make the most of the gigs he should be doing in the next few years

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Thanks :huglove:

Here's the translation :wink2:


Céline Dion: "I'm very impressed by Mika"


Interview: The diva and the pop genius didn't know each other...they met for us, in Montreal, during the shooting of the show "L'été indien" (The indian summer) , which is hosted by Michel Drucker and Julie Snyder. Both natural born musicians, and very much supported by their families, those two have a lot more in commun than they imagined!


From the dock King-Edwards in the old town, Montreal buildings are sparkling on the other side of the Saint Laurent. A huge metallic structure, leading to the river is set on the dock which people can't go usually. "L'été indien" has set its cams. The weather is lovely and hot, the view is breathtaking. And that's only the begining. A boat passes by. Behind it there are two figures on water skis. Looking at ease, with one arm up in the air, those two young ladies look like pros. Then they are close enough to see their faces. They are Julie Snyder and Céline Dion! A nice opening scene for this show in which there will be the Quebec diva from Céline Dion and also the little genius of pop, Mika.

Journalist : First of Céline, when did you learn water skiing?

Céline Dion: (laughing): A very long time ago. I was ten! We did it for fun with friends and family. And when I was twelve, I started working as a singer. I tried water skiing again for the first time again and I fell three times , but well...

Journalist : Céline and Mika, you're meeting for us.

Céline Dion: Yes, and I'm very impressed. Mika is very tall,very slim, very sporty. I'm not amazed that he has so much energy on stage and in his videos. What an artist! For me he has something of Freddie Mercury.[Queen singer] And I've always been a Freddie Mercury fan. He was a showman both vocally and physically, so seing Mika who has some of that charisma, is a pleasure.

Mika: What a compliment! It's an honor for me to meet Céline . I didn't know her. We never happened to meet, that's crazy. Céline is a legend. I grew up with his music, his records, and it's hard not to be impressed when you meet such a woman. All that she did , how hard she worked, the way she makes her shows....many try to do the same. But it's impossible.

Journalist : Mika , you spent six months looking for "The Voice" on TF1 , and she's right here in front of you now.

Mika: that's it exactly! Céline is THE Voice! And even more than that. Thanks to her personality she got into and stayed into the hearts of people.

Céline Dion: (She is embarrassed) ...well Mika doesn't need to look for his voice , he's got all it takes!

Journalist: You both fell into music when you where kids. Do you remember the day when you told yourself "I want to become a singer"?

Céline Dion: No. That destiny set itself even before I could be conscious of it. I already sang when I was five and my first album was out when I was twelve. I've always wanted to do this for as long as I can remember. It was innate, I believe.

Mika: As for me, I remember! I was ten. It was the day when I found myself on stage at the Royal Opera of London. It was the dress rehearsal , and in this theater I had a flash. In my daily life I often saw my father coming home from work he was tired, he argued with my mother, he worked in sad offices with people he didn't like much....When I got up on the stage to sing , [Mika took music classes very young to his mother's initiative] with all those people who were working , among which myself, suddendly I was worth something. I told myself it was a job and I could base my life on it.

Journalist: You both often talk about your families. You even work with your sisters and brothers.

Céline Dion: Yes, it happened very naturally. When you have a big family like me [Thirteen sibblings]it is very likely that someone can help you with what you're doing. Today my brother Michael is here to make sure everything is going well. He is a coordinator.Family is essential for me. Everyone was a musician at home and I was the baby. [she's the youngest of the family]. When I started singing on the kitchen table, like a little Mika, a Mikette (she laughs) my family was my audience.

Mika: I'm that way too. It's a good opportunity to work with them. And they are gifted. With my sister Yasmine , we have a studio and we create illustrations. We draw artwork for my albums covers , we also draw my clothes. My other sister Paloma manages my concerts and my little sister Zuleïka just finished her studies and she's a jewelry designer. I work for a watch maker and she designs the watches. And my brother Fortuné who is an architect is also part of the creative team.

Journalist: We're here in Montreal to shoot "L'été indien". What sort of memories does this place bring back to you Céline?

Céline Dion: When I was little I loved to pick up the biggest maple tree I could find on my way to school. Those were treasures in my eyes. I had a twenty minutes walk, no matter what the weather was like, even if there was a storm and I walked back home for lunch break too. I ate fast and I walked back to school. And when the leaves were falling that was all I cared about. My favorite were the eggplant colored ones. I put them into books to make them dry. I don't know where those leaves are now, but this is the reason why I keep everything my children give to me. Peebles, leaves, flowers. I keep my shoes boxes , well not all of them (She laughs) [she has more than three thousand pair of shoes] I keep everything in shoe boxes.One day my son René-Charles gave me a two dollar worth stone and I had it set into a ring. It has no money value but it's priceless.

Journalist: Céline, during the show , you say " I'm not a super star, I'm Céline". Is this the key to your success?

Céline Dion: It's trying to stay yourself, not trying to be someone else, not to be fake. When the lights turn off, you need to stick to real values , to your loved ones. Show business is something extraordinary but also very dangerous. You can be offered the impossible, some didn't survive! You have to be strong and I got lots of help from my family. To tell the truth I was a dreamer at first but little by little I put my feet back on the ground thanks to people around me and now I'm strongly anchored to the ground.

Mika: For me, a star is an alchemy. Someone who changes everything during the time a song lasts. Like a stone that would change into gold. And when the song is over, the memory of that alchemy remains. And the singer becomes a normal person again. Céline is that way.



Mika should not be a judge in "The Voice" on TF1. "I'm preparing my album in a very intense way...and I haven't toured worldwide in two years"


"L'été indien" will be broadcasted on France 2 each Saturday starting on August 2nd at 10:40 PM and on TV5 Monde in September (there will be four shows)

Thanks for the translation. The interview is great!

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Belle découverte...




5 choses que vous ne saviez pas sur Mika


De quelle réalisation êtes-vous le plus fier dans votre vie?

Ma tournée acoustique en Amérique du Nord, au cours de laquelle j’ai fait un arrêt ici à Montréal, au Théâtre Corona. Ce fut une expérience très belle et très intime. Ça m’a prouvé qu’on n’avait pas besoin d’une grande équipe de 7 personnes sur la scène et de 57 à l’arrière afin de transporter les gens au maximum. Cette tournée m’a aussi ouvert la porte pour le concert avec l’OSM que j’aurai la chance de faire en février 2015, ce qui fait qu’elle est d’autant plus importante pour moi. J’espère que mon expérience prochaine avec l’OSM remplacera mes concerts acoustiques en tant que le plus beau moment créatif que je n’ai jamais eu.


Quel est votre péché mignon?

Les chips. Quand je commence à en manger, je ne peux plus m’arrêter… je peux en manger trois bols! Mais je ne dois pas en manger trop souvent, car ça me donne des boutons partout!


Quel est votre plus grand rêve?

De créer des spectacles, sans nécessairement en faire partie. Dans 10 ans, je me vois devenir auteur, compositeur et metteur en scène de comédies musicales. Pas des comédies musicales comme on connait présentement; j’aimerais réinventer un peu le concept. Mais il est sûr que plus tard, je me vois travailler dans le domaine théâtral.


Quelle est la plus belle valeur à vos yeux?

Le sens de l’humour. Pour moi, ça promeut tout : l’amour, la tolérance, le respect, la joie… Bref, toutes les belles choses de la vie.


Quel est votre groupe ou musicien préféré de tous les temps?

Nina Simone. Ma chanson préférée de Nina : Mississippi Goddam.


Ce que vous devez savoir sur Mika


Mika est né le 18 août 1983 à Beyrouth au Liban. Sa mère est d’origine libano-syrienne et son père est américain.

Son véritable nom est Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.

Alors qu’il n’avait qu’un an, sa famille et lui ont quitté le Liban pour s’installer en France. Ils y ont demeuré 8 ans avant de déménager ensuite à Londres.

Mika est issu d’une famille assez nombreuse : il a deux sœurs plus âgées, Yasmine et Paloma, une sœur plus jeune, Zuleika, ainsi qu’un autre frère, plus jeune également, Fortuné.

Mika a vécu une enfance plutôt difficile; il a été victime de harcèlement et d’intimidation à l’école.

Mika a écrit sa première pièce instrumentale, Colère, après avoir entendu la pièce Heart-Shaped Box de Nirvana.

La voix de Mika a un registre qui s’étend sur 3 octaves et demie.

Plusieurs maisons de disque ont refusé de produire ses albums sous prétexte que son style était trop éclectique.

C’est sa sœur ainée Yasmine qui a dessiné la couverture de son premier album.

Mika n’est pas seulement anglophone, il parle également le français et l’italien.

Il a chanté sa première chanson en français, intitulée Elle me dit, en 2012. Son 3e album comprend quatre pièces francophones.

Mika a à son actif trois albums : Life in Cartoon Motion, The Boy Who Knew Too Much et The Origin of Love.

Il a été juge dans les émissions à succès X Factor (Italie) et The Voice (France).

Mika a déclaré publiquement son homosexualité en 2012. Il avait auparavant affirmé être bisexuel.


I ll translate this one too :teehee:

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oh that's a nice little surprise interview.


When he says "les chips" i wonder if he means chips as in "Lays chips" OR chips as in "Fish and Chips" (fries)

I bet it's the 2nd option




:naughty: Inquiring minds want to know...


But how often do you eat 3 bowls of fries? Certainly not when there's gravy and cheese curds on it though... Was watching Les Chefs last night and they had to prepare a foie gras poutine... My bet is he would like it better:wink2:

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oh that's a nice little surprise interview.


When he says "les chips" i wonder if he means chips as in "Lays chips" OR chips as in "Fish and Chips" (fries)

I bet it's the 2nd option




With chips it depends on if they are proper chips, or fries, and how big the bowl is. If it's crisps, he did tell me at the Swatch signing that he can eat packet after packet til he almost throws up, so I guess it could be either :naughty:

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Thanks for this new interview Cath :wub2:


I love the idea of him doing more and more creative shows like "comédies musicales" but I agree that it would be a pity if he is not on stage anymore.

I allow him to do one with himself, one without, one with, one without,... :naughty:

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Belle découverte...




5 choses que vous ne saviez pas sur Mika


De quelle réalisation êtes-vous le plus fier dans votre vie?

Ma tournée acoustique en Amérique du Nord, au cours de laquelle j’ai fait un arrêt ici à Montréal, au Théâtre Corona. Ce fut une expérience très belle et très intime. Ça m’a prouvé qu’on n’avait pas besoin d’une grande équipe de 7 personnes sur la scène et de 57 à l’arrière afin de transporter les gens au maximum. Cette tournée m’a aussi ouvert la porte pour le concert avec l’OSM que j’aurai la chance de faire en février 2015, ce qui fait qu’elle est d’autant plus importante pour moi. J’espère que mon expérience prochaine avec l’OSM remplacera mes concerts acoustiques en tant que le plus beau moment créatif que je n’ai jamais eu.


Quel est votre péché mignon?

Les chips. Quand je commence à en manger, je ne peux plus m’arrêter… je peux en manger trois bols! Mais je ne dois pas en manger trop souvent, car ça me donne des boutons partout!


Quel est votre plus grand rêve?

De créer des spectacles, sans nécessairement en faire partie. Dans 10 ans, je me vois devenir auteur, compositeur et metteur en scène de comédies musicales. Pas des comédies musicales comme on connait présentement; j’aimerais réinventer un peu le concept. Mais il est sûr que plus tard, je me vois travailler dans le domaine théâtral.


Quelle est la plus belle valeur à vos yeux?

Le sens de l’humour. Pour moi, ça promeut tout : l’amour, la tolérance, le respect, la joie… Bref, toutes les belles choses de la vie.


Quel est votre groupe ou musicien préféré de tous les temps?

Nina Simone. Ma chanson préférée de Nina : Mississippi Goddam.


Ce que vous devez savoir sur Mika


Mika est né le 18 août 1983 à Beyrouth au Liban. Sa mère est d’origine libano-syrienne et son père est américain.

Son véritable nom est Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.

Alors qu’il n’avait qu’un an, sa famille et lui ont quitté le Liban pour s’installer en France. Ils y ont demeuré 8 ans avant de déménager ensuite à Londres.

Mika est issu d’une famille assez nombreuse : il a deux sœurs plus âgées, Yasmine et Paloma, une sœur plus jeune, Zuleika, ainsi qu’un autre frère, plus jeune également, Fortuné.

Mika a vécu une enfance plutôt difficile; il a été victime de harcèlement et d’intimidation à l’école.

Mika a écrit sa première pièce instrumentale, Colère, après avoir entendu la pièce Heart-Shaped Box de Nirvana.

La voix de Mika a un registre qui s’étend sur 3 octaves et demie.

Plusieurs maisons de disque ont refusé de produire ses albums sous prétexte que son style était trop éclectique.

C’est sa sœur ainée Yasmine qui a dessiné la couverture de son premier album.

Mika n’est pas seulement anglophone, il parle également le français et l’italien.

Il a chanté sa première chanson en français, intitulée Elle me dit, en 2012. Son 3e album comprend quatre pièces francophones.

Mika a à son actif trois albums : Life in Cartoon Motion, The Boy Who Knew Too Much et The Origin of Love.

Il a été juge dans les émissions à succès X Factor (Italie) et The Voice (France).

Mika a déclaré publiquement son homosexualité en 2012. Il avait auparavant affirmé être bisexuel.

Translation into English of the first part (the interview)

I'll do the bio translation tomorrow :wink2:


5 things you didn't know about Mika


What did you do that makes you feel most proud?



My acoustic tour in North America, in which there was a venue here in Montreal,in the Corons theater.

It was a very beautiful and very intimate experience. To me it was a proof that a big te of seven people on stage and 57 off stage was not necessary to take the audience out of this world.

That tour also opened the door to my concert with OSM which I m so lucky to be able to do in January 2015,which makes that tour all the more important to me. I hope this future experience with the OSM will be the new most beautiful creative moment I've ever lived.


What's your favorite sin?

Crisps. When I start eating them, I can't stop...I can eat three bowls! But I mustn't do it too often as it gives me pimples everywhere!




What's your biggest dream?

It would be to create shows. even without being part of them. In ten years I see myself as an writer , composer and manager of musicals. Nothing like musicals like you see now. I'd like to change the concept a bit. What is certain is that I see myself working in the theater field later.


What is the most valuable human quality according to you?

A sense of humor. For me it goes with everything: love, tolerance, respect, happiness...In short all the beautiful things in life.


Which group or musician is your favorite of all ?


Nina Simone. My favorite song by Nina : Mississippi Goddam.


Second part



What you must know about Mika


Mika was born on August 18th 1983 in Beyrouth (Lebanon) His mother has a lebanese-syrian origin and his father is American.

Son véritable nom est Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.

His real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.

When he was only one year old, he left Lebanon with his family to settle in France. They lived there for eight years before they moved to London.

Mika's family is rather big: he has two older sisters, Yasmine and Paloma, a younger sister, Zuleika, as well as a brother, younger as well, called Fortuné.

Mika's childhood was rather difficult; he was bullied at school.

Mika wrote his first song," Angry", after he heard the song "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana.

Mika's vocal range spans three octaves and a half.

Several record producers refused to sign him because they thought his style was too eclectic.

His older sister Yasmine designed the cover of his first album.

Mika speaks English, but he's also fluent in French and Italian.

Mika sang his first song in French, called Elle me dit, in 2012. In his third album there are four songs in French.

Mika released three albums: Life in Cartoon Motion, The Boy Who Knew Too Much and The Origin of Love.

He was a judge in successful shows such as XFactor (in Italy) and The Voice (in France)

Mika came out publicly as gay in 2012. Before that he used to say he was bisexual.



Catherine Robert

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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Translation into English of the first part (the interview)

I'll do the bio translation tomorrow :wink2:


5 things you didn't know about Mika


What did you do that makes you feel most proud?



My acoustic tour in North America, in which there was a venue here in Montreal,in the Corons theater.

It was a very beautiful and very intimate experience. To me it was a proof that a big te of seven people on stage and 57 off stage was not necessary to take the audience out of this world.

That tour also opened the door to my concert with OSM which I m so lucky to be able to do in January 2015,which makes that tour all the more important to me. I hope this future experience with the OSM will be the new most beautiful creative moment I've ever lived.


What's your favorite sin?

Crisps. When I start eating them, I can't stop...I can eat three bowls! But I mustn't do it too often as it gives me pimples everywhere!




What's your biggest dream?

It would be to create shows. even without being part of them. In ten years I see myself as an writer , composer and manager of musicals. Nothing like musicals like you see now. I'd like to change the concept a bit. What is certain is that I see myself working in the theater field later.


What is the most valuable human quality according to you?

A sense of humor. For me it goes with everything: love, tolerance, respect, happiness...In short all the beautiful things in life.


Which group or musician is your favorite of all ?


Nina Simone. My favorite song by Nina : Mississippi Goddam.

I see Mika writing for the theatre in the future. I've always thought that he would become the new, and even better, Andrew Lloyd Webber, eventually.

I think Mika really could re-invent the genre and be really influential in the music world.

I think he would still perform his own gigs, but have a wider following as a musician and writer.

It's all good.

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It would be to create shows, even without being part of them. In ten years I see myself as an writer , composer and manager of musicals.


I suppose that we should stop complaining that there have been no gigs in quite a while and get used to it.

During Naples gig he said he missed that feeling, he missed performing (or to perform, sorry, I didn't do my homeworks yet) on stage, but .....


When I miss something I try to make it happen, not to avoid it like hell.... :biggrin2:

Edited by Elwendin
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I suppose that we should stop complaining that there have been no gigs in quite a while and get used to it.

During Naples gig he said he missed that feeling, he missed performing (or to perform, sorry, I didn't do my homeworks yet) on stage, but .....


When I miss something I try to make it happen, not to avoid it like hell.... :biggrin2:


I agree...I want him to be happy in what he's doing but I want him to keep performing both for himself :naughty: and for us :fangurl:

I doubt he ever stops performing ...he's really happy on stage :wub2:

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I agree...I want him to be happy in what he's doing but I want him to keep performing both for himself :naughty: and for us :fangurl:

I doubt he ever stops performing ...he's really happy on stage :wub2:

I can't see him stopping performing altogether.

Even in Antwerp, you could see the happiness on his face when he performed GK. It's like a drug to him. He'll always want to do it.

But branching out into other aspects of the business, will create opportunities for him to also perform himself. I'm sure that's what he's aiming for.

But creating shows that he isn't performing in, would give him chance to use his other talents and create some great spectacles for people to see, which would also involve his music.

He's a multi-talented artist. Really unique, and he has a talented family to help him.

I think the future could be brilliant. The only thing that would upset me is if Mika only creates shows in France and Italy, or the French part of Canada.

But we'll have to wait and hope that we'll get a show, in the UK, in the future.

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I edited my first post to add the second part of the translation, but we already knew all that :wink2:



Second part:


What you must know about Mika


Mika was born on August 18th 1983 in Beyrouth (Lebanon) His mother has a lebanese-syrian origin and his father is American.

Son véritable nom est Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.

His real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.

When he was only one year old, he left Lebanon with his family to settle in France. They lived there for eight years before they moved to London.

Mika's family is rather big: he has two older sisters, Yasmine and Paloma, a younger sister, Zuleika, as well as a brother, younger as well, called Fortuné.

Mika's childhood was rather difficult; he was bullied at school.

Mika wrote his first song," Angry", after he heard the song "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana.

Mika's vocal range spans three octaves and a half.

Several record producers refused to sign him because they thought his style was too eclectic.

His older sister Yasmine designed the cover of his first album.

Mika speaks English, but he's also fluent in French and Italian.

Mika sang his first song in French, called Elle me dit, in 2012. In his third album there are four songs in French.

Mika released three albums: Life in Cartoon Motion, The Boy Who Knew Too Much and The Origin of Love.

He was a judge in successful shows such as XFactor (in Italy) and The Voice (in France)

Mika came out publicly as gay in 2012. Before that he used to say he was bisexual.



Catherine Robert

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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:naughty: Inquiring minds want to know...


But how often do you eat 3 bowls of fries? Certainly not when there's gravy and cheese curds on it though... Was watching Les Chefs last night and they had to prepare a foie gras poutine... My bet is he would like it better:wink2:


Thanks for this new interview Cath :wub2:


I love the idea of him doing more and more creative shows like "comédies musicales" but I agree that it would be a pity if he is not on stage anymore.

I allow him to do one with himself, one without, one with, one without,... :naughty:


Thanks Lucrezia, Anne and Cath for posting scans, translation and nice extras :flowers2:


Thanks so much for the scans and translations! :flowers2:

You're welcome girls :huglove:

I went for crisps , it made more sense in my opinion , but the next lucky MFCer who sees him next might have to ask him :naughty:

And now I'm hungry for crisps :lmfao:

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I can't see him stopping performing altogether.

Even in Antwerp, you could see the happiness on his face when he performed GK. It's like a drug to him. He'll always want to do it.

But branching out into other aspects of the business, will create opportunities for him to also perform himself. I'm sure that's what he's aiming for.

But creating shows that he isn't performing in, would give him chance to use his other talents and create some great spectacles for people to see, which would also involve his music.

He's a multi-talented artist. Really unique, and he has a talented family to help him.

I think the future could be brilliant. The only thing that would upset me is if Mika only creates shows in France and Italy, or the French part of Canada.

But we'll have to wait and hope that we'll get a show, in the UK, in the future.


Absolutely, this is the sort of project I can get behind him with. Where he is creating and showing HIS talent. If he gets into musical theatre, I would happily go to watch the show he makes, because it is his creation.

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You're welcome girls :huglove:

I went for crisps , it made more sense in my opinion , but the next lucky MFCer who sees him next might have to ask him :naughty:

And now I'm hungry for crisps :lmfao:


Yes, it makes more sense :naughty:

Maybe Garou rubbed off on him & he picked up the word "chips" :aah:

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So I was sitting there in the bar and this guy comes up to me and he starts speaking in Quebecois, and I saw his gold credit card and I saw the way he was looking at people across the room and I looked at his face and you know, what a good looking face, and I just said, "Dude, I have no idea what you just said."


He's got words that lose you when he opens his mouth

He's got a face to make you watch on "The Voice"

He's got a chair to sit in that spins and I guess

You could think he's makin' that choice


Like viewers on the TV show -- What's the matter?

When you're sitting there with a remote -- What's the matter?

While you're wondering what the hell he said

Are you wishing he knew English like me?


Blame it on Garou who knows what to do

Blame it on the words that keep boggling you


Blame it on that French of Canadiens

Blame it on yourself 'cause you don't know what he said


Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words

Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words


Life could be simple but you never fail

To complicate it every single time


You could have simple French speech, a perfect petite peche'

But you're puzzled when you hear him speak


Like Americans, you're a stubborn child -- what's the matter

Expecting English all the flipping time -- what's the matter

While you're wondering what the hell he said

We were wishing he knew Francais like you


Blame it on Garou who knows what to do

Blame it on the words that keep boggling you


Blame it on that French of Canadiens

Blame it on yourself 'cause you don't know what he said


Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words

Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words [x2]


He's got words that lose you when he opens his mouth

He's got a face to make you watch on "The Voice"

He's got a chair to sit in that spins and I guess

You could think he's makin' that choice


Blame it on Garou who knows what to do

Blame it on the words that keep boggling you


Blame it on that French of Canadiens

Blame it on yourself 'cause you don't know what he said


Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words

Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words [x2]




I couldn't help myself...

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So I was sitting there in the bar and this guy comes up to me and he starts speaking in Quebecois, and I saw his gold credit card and I saw the way he was looking at people across the room and I looked at his face and you know, what a good looking face, and I just said, "Dude, I have no idea what you just said."


He's got words that lose you when he opens his mouth

He's got a face to make you watch on "The Voice"

He's got a chair to sit in that spins and I guess

You could think he's makin' that choice


Like viewers on the TV show -- What's the matter?

When you're sitting there with a remote -- What's the matter?

While you're wondering what the hell he said

Are you wishing he knew English like me?


Blame it on Garou who knows what to do

Blame it on the words that keep boggling you


Blame it on that French of Canadiens

Blame it on yourself 'cause you don't know what he said


Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words

Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words


Life could be simple but you never fail

To complicate it every single time


You could have simple French speech, a perfect petite peche'

But you're puzzled when you hear him speak


Like Americans, you're a stubborn child -- what's the matter

Expecting English all the flipping time -- what's the matter

While you're wondering what the hell he said

We were wishing he knew Francais like you


Blame it on Garou who knows what to do

Blame it on the words that keep boggling you


Blame it on that French of Canadiens

Blame it on yourself 'cause you don't know what he said


Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words

Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words [x2]


He's got words that lose you when he opens his mouth

He's got a face to make you watch on "The Voice"

He's got a chair to sit in that spins and I guess

You could think he's makin' that choice


Blame it on Garou who knows what to do

Blame it on the words that keep boggling you


Blame it on that French of Canadiens

Blame it on yourself 'cause you don't know what he said


Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words

Blame it on Garou

Blame it on the words [x2]




I couldn't help myself...


(Couldn't resist, based on Mika's reaction when Garou started speaking French Canadian with a Voice contestant once upon a time... )



Garou is really sweet :wub2: When his fans were screaming his name during The Voice final, he blew them a kiss :wub2:

I was hoping Mika would too (and I blew him one :blush-anim-cl: ) but sadly he didn't :no:

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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