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About Niki27

  • Birthday 04/22/1980


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    Calvinist Moderator

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  1. Before advertising anything, maybe we should discuss it, and let John know what our conclusions are about all this? I for one was very happy with the old system, and see no need for a change, since it obviously causes unnecessary drama. MFCers always queue early anyway, so even if 2-3 'outsiders' arrive early too, it doesn't make a huge difference for us. Whilst telling these 'outsiders' to step back behind 30 MFCers, like you said, has a big impact on them, and can lead to unpleasant queuing situations for everybody.
  2. I agree with Melody. And instead of fighting endlessly, I think it's time to think of solutions. Maybe one could be that the people in charge of the list can speak the language of the country + English, in case problems of this kind occur. Some sorts of gigs delegates, or whatever.
  3. 70464199.jpg

    Happy Birthday! :yay:

  4. Nikki please pm me!!! I need to delete something !!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Et celle-ci: Saperlipopette! Version canadienne: Tabernacle! --> Ca me fait toujours rire
  6. Sophie elle en dit qu'y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume de France. Y a un seul forum officiel, c'est le MFC, je ne vois pas de quel droit MF se déclarerait officiel... aux dernières nouvelles, Mika a dépensé ses sous pour nous acheter nous et non eux. Ensuite, étant donné le nombre de fois ou MF s'est servi de nos infos, a utilisé nos vidéos, ou a leaké des exclusivités MFC (trailer *cough* trailer) je trouve que c'est vraiment l'hôpital qui se fout de la charité. Sans parler du fait que tout cela est d'une petitesse et d'une mesquinerie à faire peur. Et si certain(e)s Frenchies ont un problème avec leur(s) représentant(es) sur le MFC, ils/elles n'ont qu'à contacter les mods, au lieu de s'envoyer des PMs, je commence à croire que le lancer de couteau dans le dos est un sport national dans l'hexagone. /rant over
  7. Look, I don't want to judge what's been going on in here, but this last sentence of you made me jump. This is a PUBLIC forum on the INTERNET. It is time for everyone to realize there's no or very little privacy on the internet. This is why one should always act responsible and be careful of what they post. And an IP adress isn't something private, from the moment you agree to join a forum, you have to accept that it will be seen by the admins. We didn't take control of the thread, the mod team just exercised their right of answer, which I think is fair. Keti, I'm sorry to hear this, it must be really hurtful. But it's in times like these you see who your real friends are. I'm sure you have many loyal friends here on MFC who will continue to post in this thread. Don't worry. x
  8. Thanks Niki!! Cliffpatt and frienemy_ have problems when they log in, they can stay for a while but the sistem fails and they can't log in anymore!! we have no idea why!!

  9. Thanks! You too! :D

  10. Sure, what happened?

  11. Happy valentines day babes!

    LUV YA!



  12. Hi!! One of MFC's had problems, can you help me please??

  13. Si tu as besoin de pratiquer, n'hésite pas à demander de l'aide. Et n'oublie pas la règle d'or en français: "Les 'si' n'aiment pas les '-rais' ". Beaucoup de gens l'oublient.
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