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About Isa

  • Birthday 09/02/1986


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    One move for one dream

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  1. I dont really mind about it. Its not so bad and if you know which option you can get, its easy to get one bus or train that its not gonna be full or too hot/cold on the inside. Yap, that what I imagine. It happens the same here as its around 2000€ per year, so when you finish... Im glad to had the chance to study for free, sadly my luck is about to change soon.. At least you got the chance to get out of home and do something else than staying there with pain in your leg. How has your week been like?
  2. Yap. I still dunno how I always manage to get some money to spent 2 or 3 days on vacation. But I must say I always travel by bus as I dont really mind going slower... Yap. The native guy at English told us that uni round there cost round 9000L! Thats so expensive! Im lucky to say that Im gonna be one of the fews who got the chance to study for free as this is gonna be the last year. Next year people will have to pay 200€ to study the same as I am doing rigth now... Im glad to know that. How did your day went?
  3. And the money I have the same problem. Yap, thats why I decided not to go to class. I wanted to work but its hard to find a job. So instead of being at home, doing nothing, I decided to continue with my studies and I need money and the gobernment is not gonna give it to me because someone richer "needs" it too... So I have to protest. I know, I buy online a lot. Are you feeling better now? Good luck at work
  4. I understand you. I want to visit the place where my grandparents were born, but I want to see so many places first... I went to class this morning and one of my teachers was a bit mad with us cause he thinks that we shouldnt have gone to the stroke cause we are not gonna won anything. So what? We have our rights just like he... Oh my... Hope you have done a great shopping or that you havent spent a lot of money...
  5. Oh, maybe you can go someday Or maybe you dont want to go there, who knows? It is peaceful, dont worry. The bad thing about this is that the government is laughing about us... I hope you will feel better. Those days of resting will do you good but I understand that you need to go back to work
  6. Oh, have you ever been there??? I hope so too. Now we are having a "students stroke" or something like that (cant remember the word). The thing is that for 3 days we are not going to class to protest against all the things the gobernment is doing against us... I can understand that you dont like the limp, just hope you will be able to walk right soon
  7. You are not boring, my dear. Not even with Hollywood's perfect smile What places do you have to choose between? I bet she will be a great driver Wish her good luck from me Yap, the love for this one is growing on me so much
  8. Yap I hope things keep on going that way with that... "thing". Same here I know, also its nice to hear him speaking so... hope he will come back soon (cause sadly he cant come every single day...). Oh, didnt knew you were born close to there I think it went well, but I wont know the truth until tomorrow, so... Im sad to hear about your week, hope your leg is ok and that you will recover soon and that next week goes better than this one
  9. Sadly, they are doing some... Seems like people here usually goes to watch crap films... Same here. I havent heard a thing about that during this week, but I have been off so... Who knows? Yap, I have been already talking about that chance Also, we had a native teacher yesterday and he is soooooooooooooo cute He seems also like a nice guy and his accent is really lovely (he is from Sevenoacks or something like that). Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope that you can make your Christmas buying now or just be able to not to spend all the money you may need. I have been really busy. Had an exam by the begining of the week and with the English classes I havent got any time to rest or relax a bit... And no, I havent been able to buy it yet... How have you been?
  10. Here its gonna be really hard... Its not only that the cinema itself doesnt worth a thing, the movies they play are horrible... I think the same. I guess its just a rumor or an idea due to the success of the books. In a few months the project will die (or I hope so). I think so too, but they have so many people to get the thing done that I can understand that the ones who are already suffering go first. And no, its for free, but its a shame to have to wait for like 2 years I hope so too. But I have been watching the level of my mates and its a bit lower than I thought it would be... I know. She has been really sad, same for her mum, but the family is feeling a bit better now. Overtime? Does that mean you have worked more than you should? Hope they will pay for it
  11. Im pretty sure you will love it ;9 Good plan! Same here, I would hate not having the chance to go to the cinema sometimes... Me neither... Also, I cant think of any actress playing the Anastacia part Well, it kinda makes sense There is just one place to get the surgery in a lot of km so they have to make priorities... And considering Im not having problems yet... I will be soooooooooooooo close to get the teeth removed that it will take shorter to get into the list in case pain starts than do it now... My fisrt day (and the second one too) went great. I dont know anyone at class yet but at least, Im starting to get to know them. And Im not one of the worst ones I have been kinda ok. My bestfriends cousin died a few weeks ago on a job accident and I have been spending some time with her so she can feel better. And you?
  12. Oh... Well, I bet you will have lots of fun while listening to it
  13. Great! Have you already recieved it yet? Dont worry. Can I ask you what were you doing? Yap. I know. Its sad cause the one who loose the most are the public... I have heard them too. And there seems to be a lot of rumors about the actor playing Christian and it seems so... fantastic! Its like a horny teenager made all those rumors Dentist told me that I cant get into the waiting list untill pain starts, so... Btw, I start my English clases today!
  14. Hi Clare! Im ok tho I started clases a few days ago and Im a bit tired. And you?
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