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Ado chubby tummy PIKACHU!

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About Ado chubby tummy PIKACHU!

  • Birthday 12/20/1985


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    Mika Groupie
  1. MIKA gave us "Fusion"with Love,Fans,members..

  2. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))come back.

  3. パスワード再設定!

    MIKA yay yay!

  4. awww he has to love it teehee!!! :PP

    both ur name and make up are cute X))))

  5. haha~ Thanks so much !!

    I always doing my face PIKACHU for MIKA ,,,

    but its sooooooo shameful in the street LOL

    Hope you will spend HAPPY day today!

  6. just wanna say i love your username up here! XP

  7. BLUE SKY LADY and 皆様!!!  おひさしぶりです、こんばんは! お元気ですか? PIKACHUは元気なデブのまま・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 元気です 4月の発売のやつ。。。。。。 My feeling is like:meow: meow meow:fangurl: Thank you so much for your new DEEP information. :tears: I wanna say Thank you so much!!! たのしみに、仕事 がんばれます~!!!!yay!!
  8. hey hey hey ~

    Ive been working from 9am to 9pm for 5days this time.

    Ive just finished my work today !! yay!!! I am so HAPPY!

    and Happy to come back here!!



    Tohoku area of Japan has so many big earthquakes , I hope their feeling can be peaceful.(BAD english!)

  9. I'm truly happy to see you here!

    How are you? How are you managing all with the situation that happened in Japan?

    Hope you're okay and if you need something, just ask!

    Big kisses!

  10. I am here!


    How have you been up to!

    I donno why I could come back!

    yay yay!

  11. Mikaのサイトに復活することが出来ました。

    ずっとIN できなくてすごく困っていました。






  12. I read the heartful messages for an earthquake victim I hope so too and I want to say Thank you so much for thinking about that with us together. Smile from Me!
  13. oh! I am successful in come to this site... I am so happy now

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