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Google translate Japanese badly, can anyone translate to English?

I don't know what happened!! I thought I gave my comment under a lot of new MIKA pics, dressed in blue sweater with butterflies, and blue jeans. But afterwards I only saw a page with Japanese letters !? Does anybody know where these pics are now ? I haven't seen them again...


Love, love


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Thanks a lot for posting MIINA.



ミーカ (Mika) @ 渋谷NHKホール 2016.02.18




音楽ライブという域を大きく越えた、見事なエンターテイメント・ショーだった。主役であるミーカの歌唱と躍動感あるパフォーマンス、仕掛けいっぱい の舞台セット、そして茶目っ気たっぷりのMCや観客とのコール&レスポンス。そういったすべての要素が組み合わさって夢のようなショーを創り上げていた。

 全編通じて一番感じたのは、ミーカと観客との強い一体感。ミーカがマイクを向けて合唱を促せば客席は大きな声で応えるし、アップテンポな曲では ミーカと一緒に手を挙げて体を揺らし、彼がMCで何か語りかければそれに対するリアクションや彼の名前を呼ぶ声が次々起こる。ミーカは「どうしたらお客さ んが楽しんでくれるか」を全力で考えているし、観客からも「ミーカに日本でのライブを楽しんでほしい」という気持ちが溢れんばかりに伝わってくる。アー ティストと観客がここまで相思相愛なライブを見たのは久々で、その場にいるだけで幸せな気持ちになる2時間だった。


開演時刻を10分ほど過ぎ、観客が期待でそわそわしはじめたところで、きらびやかなタキシードに身を包んだミーカが颯爽と現れた。舞台を隠す幕の 前、ぽつんと置かれたピアノに腰掛け静かに歌い始めたのは「ポールセリン」。ピアノの一音一音、声の一つ一つを、きちんと届くように丁寧に奏でていくミー カ。そこにバンドの演奏と美しいコーラスが加わり、会場が一気に熱を帯びてくる。
 時おり顔を客席側に向けて観客とコンタクトを取りな がら、流れるように「ノー・プレイス・イン・ヘヴン」「マイ・インタープリテイション」と繋いでいく。「トーク・アバウト・ユー」で客席の多くの人が立ち 上がり、「待ってました」とばかりに踊り出した。座席のある会場なのに、皆が両手を挙げて踊りまくる様子はさながらライブハウスのようだった。

 大盛り上がりの「グレース・ケリー」の途中、ピアノに置いてあった箱からカラフルな紙テープが勢いよく噴射され、大歓声とともについに幕が開い た。ステージ中央には「HEAVEN」の文字が並ぶネオンサイン、バックに複数のビルを描いたパネル、左手にはワゴンを模したセットが見える。バンドは ベース、ドラム、パーカッション、ギター、キーボード、そしてミーカを入れた7人編成だ。

「グッド・ワイフ」「ビッグ・ガール(ユー・アー・ビューティフル)」と盛り上がる曲を立て続けに披露し、一転クールでアダルトな雰囲気の「ブー ン・ブーン・ブーン」、コーラスが美しく響く「グッド・ガイズ」へ。こういった聴かせる曲ではあらためてミーカの歌唱力に感嘆してしまう。綺麗なファル セットから拳の効いた歌い方まで表現の幅が広く、歌手として圧倒的な技量を持っていることがわかる。

 この日のハイライトは中盤の「ステアリング・アット・ザ・サン」だった。ミーカが客席に降りてきて、歌いながら観客とハイタッチして回ったのだ。 もみくちゃになりつつ笑顔で歌うミーカはまさにみんなのアイドル!ステージに戻った彼の手は客席で受け取った花やキャンディーでいっぱいだった。


その後も全く疲れた様子を見せず、右へ左へ走り回り、思うままに美声を響かせるミーカ。「ラスト・パーティー」の力強く感情を揺さぶってくる演奏か らはひと時も目が離せなかったし、「ハッピー・エンディング」のラストのアカペラは圧巻の一言だった。観客の方のテンションも上がる一方で、「ロリポッ プ」「ウィー・アー・ゴールデン」などのパーティー・ナンバーはNHKホールを完全にダンスホールに変えた。特にアンコールのダンサブルにアレンジされた 「ラヴ・トゥデイ」には観客総ノリ。「ラブ、ラブ、ミー!」の大合唱がくりかえされ、この日一番の盛り上がりを見せた。最後、ミーカの「ワン、ツー、ス リー!」のカウントで両サイドからカラフルな紙テープが盛大に噴射され、ショーのラストを鮮やかに彩った。

 終わってみれば全21曲のうち最新作「ノー・プレイス・イン・ヘヴン」から9曲、ファーストアルバム「ライフ・イン・カートゥーン・モーション」 からも7曲が演奏されており、ファン歓喜の鉄板セットリストだった。そしてミーカの「お客さんを楽しませたい」というエンターテイナーぶりも相変わらず超 一流だった。「ビッグ・ガール」では客席の女の子をステージに上げて一緒に踊り、「アンダーウォーター」では観客に携帯電話のライトを点灯させNHKホー ルを満天の星空にしてみせた。マジシャンよろしくジャケットの胸元からゴールドの紙テープを溢れさせ、「何着あるんだ」とつっこみたくなるほどの衣装も披 露してくれた。

 そしてファンにとって何より嬉しかったのは、彼が日本語でたくさんコミュニケーションをとろうとしてくれたことだろう。「今日はみんな上品でいて ね」「愛してるって言って!」「(名前を呼ぶファン達に)今忙しいからちょっと静かにして!(笑)」などお茶目なおしゃべりで大いに笑わせてくれた。そん なミーカに、この日は客席からもサプライズが。有志のファンが事前に配った「ARIGATO」と書かれた紙を、カーテンコールの際に会場中みんなで掲げた のだ。このサプライズに気づいた時のミーカは本当に嬉しそうだった。






Edited by Kumazzz
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WIN! Interview: Mika, Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter


By Virginia Werner, February 18, 2016



Since his first hit single ‘Relax, Take It Easy’ took the charts by storm a decade ago, British pop star Mika has sold millions of records while scoring a prestigious Grammy nomination. Despite a busy schedule that includes being a recurring judge on The Voice France, he returns to China performing at A8 Music Mansion in Shenzhen (Feb 23) and at Q.S.W. Culture Center in Shanghai (Feb 25-26).

Although he claims to be a terrible dancer, Mika’s live shows are known to be energetic, lively and even ‘spiritual’ affairs. The stage remains a place where he says he is able to break down the “fourth wall” between himself on stage and his audience members.


"When it works, you could be 1,000 people away from the performer, but still feel like it’s just you,” he says. “It softens you, and you forget everything around you.” 

Mika’s infectious confidence on stage might seem innate, but in the past he has described himself as an “insular” child. It’s a term that seems a far cry from the animated character we see on stage today. 

But he says this characteristic can be an asset in the development of an individual. “Being insular is often connected to being a watcher – being receptive and meditative,” he explains. “Those are all good things, as long as it doesn’t evolve into fear or fear of what people think of you."


"I was a dreamer, full of ridiculous delusions of grandeur and a desire to escape the real world around me. I found music helped me turn those dreams into something concrete that would in turn, become real life.”

Now, the lofty dreams of a young man who dared to be different have indeed become a reality. Mika released his latest album, No Place in Heaven, last summer and it has been hailed as his best yet. There’s a more serious vibe to it, beautifully illustrating themes of being different from others – an outcast from society, religion, gay culture and heartbreak. 

“I think we are all absolutely terrified of the idea of being ‘normal,’ he says. “Think about it, the first thing that someone tells you when they are hitting on you, or in love with you is, ‘You are different, special and unique.’ When things go wrong, we suddenly fall back down to earth and feel normal, and that is what gets us the most upset in a love story gone wrong.”


This won’t be Mika’s first time in China. The star performed at the West Lake Music Festival (WLMF) in Hangzhou last May, and has taken note of some interesting changes compared to his visits in the early 2000s. 

“Apart from the obvious things such as the buildings and infrastructure changes, it’s the speed at which youth culture is developing that I find incredible,” he says. “[At WLMF] the crowd seemed to have some people who knew every lyric of every song and others that knew little. But after an hour you couldn’t tell the difference. I loved seeing that side of China, and it’s my main motivation for coming back so soon.” 



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In Japan :japan:




“ミラクル・ポップ・プリンス”ことMIKAにインタビュー! 世界一お気に入りの場所は、アートが生まれて冷蔵庫もある“あの場所”だと告白





2007年のメジャーデビュー以来、しばしば日本を訪れてくれているMIKA。今回は、昨年5月ぶりとなる国内2か所で行われる公演のために日本へやって きてくれた。“ミラクル・ポップ・プリンス”とも評されるMIKAの音楽は、広い音域を存分に生かした、“彼らしさ”全開の作品ばかり。昨年6月にリリー スした自身4作目にあたる作品「ノー・プレイス・イン・ヘヴン」、そしてオーケストラとの共演作「MIKAとモントリオール交響楽団」を引っさげた公演の 合間のインタビューでは、アルバムの誕生秘話や、デビューにいたるまでの経緯を語ってくれた。





「今回の日本は……前回よりずっと寒いね(笑) 9か月ぶりにやってきて、これまでより規模の大きいショーをするよ。9か月ぶりに日本へ戻ってこられるな んて、光栄だって伝えておかなくちゃ。しかもこれまでより大きなショーができるなんて、めちゃくちゃ幸運だって感じているよ。日本は本当に特別な場所なん だ。いつも日本でのツアー、アルバムリリース、みんながぼくの音楽を聞いてくれることを、特別に感じている。ミュージシャンとして、ちょっとした夢みたい に思うよ」





「大阪でのショーは、かなり面白かったよ。だって(会場となった)グランキューブ大阪の座席は、すごく快適なものなんだ。みんなゆったり座っていたよ。だ からぼくは、“カモーン!”って気分になっちゃって、何人かの観客をステージに上げて、一緒に踊った。(ステージに上がった)彼女が踊りはじめると、みん な踊ってくれたよ。めちゃくちゃ楽しかったよ!」


「(東京公演は?と聞かれ)その必要があったら、まだ誰かを上げてみんなを躍らせる! それに大阪では、客席に突入したんだ。客席で歌を歌ったよ。そんな予定はなかったんだけどね」




「そうだね。中には日本のファンはエキサイティングっていう意見もあるけど、それはウソだよ。日本のファンは、すごく真剣なんだ。日本のみんなは、ディ ティールを観察することに、楽しみを見出している。アートワークや衣装、セット、編曲、すべてのディティールに聞き入って、見入っている。それも一生懸命 にね。別に何か得しようとしているわけじゃなくて、ただそうしているんだ。すごく素敵な気分になれるよ」


「(この日の衣装に触れられ)この靴は、Valentinoのカスタムなんだ。ぼくの衣装はすべて、Valentinoが作ってくれているんだ。テレビ 用、ステージ用、全部ね。ぼくがアルバムのアートワークに“目”を描いたら、彼らは“目”の柄が入ったスーツを作ってくれた。この靴もそうだ。だからすご く特別なんだよ」



「この作品は、ケント・ナガノ※……マエストロ・ナガノと、オーケストラと一緒に作ったんだ。120人のミュージシャンが参加しているんだ。楽曲は、これ までにリリースした4作のアルバムから選んだ。1940年代のMGM映画や、1920年代のディズニー映画に飛び込んだみたいなんだ。『ファンタジア』 (1940)や『雨に唄えば』(1952)を聞いていて、ぼくの歌もこんな感じにしようよ!って思ったんだ。やらない理由はないってくらいの気分だった よ」


※ケント・ナガノ …… 2006年よりモントリオール交響楽団の音楽監督を務めている、アメリカ人指揮者。日系アメリカ人4世でもある











「(さえぎって)ハイ! ぼくと姉で作ったんだ。うちのキッチンでね! キッチンテーブルで描いたんだよ。写真は違うけどね」

「(毎回、そうして作るのか?と聞かれ)毎回そうだよ! 音楽と同じように、描いていていくんだ」



「これは人々の感情をデザインしたもの。真の人間の感情って、変てこなんだ。変な格好で、あれこれ言いながら作った。元になっているのは、ヒッチコックの 古い映画のポスター。エナジーによって、紙の形が決まるんだよ。スタジオと同じように、姉とはときどきエナジーについて話しているんだ。正しいエナジーと つながることが出来れば、うまくいくってね」




「ぼくは学校から追い出されちゃったんだ。やることがなくなっちゃって、クラシックを歌ったり、テレビで流れるガムのCM音楽を作ったりする仕事をしてい た。18歳のとき、スタジオに行ったんだ。ファーストアルバムの制作は、簡単ではなかったよ。最初にとりかかったときは、11歳。ぼくはもう32歳だ。 長~いおかしな道を通ってきたよ」

「レコード契約もおかしかったんだ。あるとき電話がかかってきて、ある重要人物がきみの歌を聞きたいって言っているって言われた。でもピアノがないなら気 乗りしないし、“うちに来い”って言われても“お断り”。そうしたら“わかった、ママの家に近いホテルのロビーで3曲歌ってくれ”ってことになって、ホテ ルのロビーでみんなの前で3曲を歌ったら、30分後に契約できたんだ。周りは怪訝な顔をしていたよ、“あいつ、何やってるんだ?”って(笑)」





「ぼくにとっての音楽は、香水みたいなもの。本当は意味なんて特にない、でも音楽がない世界なんて想像できない。香りにも意味なんて特にない。ただ香りと 関連する“記憶”は、何かの意味を持つんだ。音楽はどこにだって存在する。R&Bも、クラシックも、電車が通り過ぎる音でさえも、“ミュージッ ク”だ。鳥の鳴き声だって、音とリズムが何かに結び付けば、音楽になる。ぼくにとって、音楽は特に意味のないもの。でも全てなんだ」


――現在、MIKAさんは、イタリアで人気TV番組「X Factor」の審査員、フランスでは大型TV番組「The Voice」のコーチなど、ヨーロッパをまたにかけて活躍されていますが、一番好きな場所は?


「うちのキッチンだね(笑) キッチンには冷蔵庫があって、冷蔵庫があればなんでも料理ができる。それに犬もいる! ローマやパリ、どこにいたって恋しく思う場所は、キッチンなんだ」








--How was Osaka show going?
I had fun at Osaka show. As the seats of the venue were very comfortable, the audience could be relaxed. 
So I got a feeling like 'Come on!' and brought a fan from the audience to the stage and danced with her.
When she began to dance, everyone went dancing, It was a great fun!
I will pick someone in Tokyo show too. And I sang in audience, had no plan to do that though.
--What do you think about Japanese fans?
Well, someone says Japanese fans are exciting, it's not just that. They are also very earnest. They enjoy viewing details.
The artworks, costumes, stage setting, song arrangement, they listen carefully and pay attention to everything 
as best they can. It's not that they intend to gain something, they just do that. That makes me so happy.
--Can you tell us about your new album 'MIKA ET L'ORCHESTRE SYMPHONIQUE DE MONTREAL'?
I made this album with Kent Nagano...Maestro Nagano and his orchestra. 120 musicians joined. I chose songs 
from my albums. They sound like you jumped into MGM films in 1940s or Disney's film in 1920s. I came up with
an idea while I was listening to 'Fantasia' and 'Singing in the rain'. I thought I wanted to do similar things with my songs. I was like 'Why not?'.
--What is the concept for collaborating with orchestra?
My concept is that there is only sounds of orchestra. No electric guitar, no drums, but only instruments by orchestra. I trembled when I was standing in front of an orchestra of 120 people. Everybody was staring at me. There was no safety net, only danger. My favorite is Over My Shoulder. It's very amazing and special. And I like Boum Boum Boum too. Grace Kelly turned out to be like a movie.
--Your albums' artworks are attracting our attention too, as you have another talent as a graphic designer.
Yes! I made them with my sisiter in my kitchen. We drew them on the kitchen table, photos were shot in other place though.We do that everytime. We draw artwork in such a way as to make songs.We cut papers, arranged them and scanned them.
This is a representation of the people's emotion. True emotion of people is bizzare.So we made them discussing
a lot of thing in weird clothes.
They are on basis of old posters of Hitchcock movies. Energy made the shape of slips of papar. Sometimes I
talk about energy with my sister. If you can connect the right energy, everything will go well.
--Can you tell us how you came to debut?
I got kicked out from school. I had nothing to do then, I spent time listening to classical music and doing some work making jingles for TV commercials for chewing gum. When I was 18, I went to the studio. It was not easy to produce my first album. I was 11 when I got started with it, and am 32 years old now. I have walked a long and unique path. 
It was strange when I signed with the record company. One day, someone called me and said an important person was keen to listen to my songs. But I said 'I don't want to sing without piano. I won't come to you if you asked me.' Then they replied 'Ok, in that case, can you  come to the hotel near your mom's house and sing a couple of songs there?' I sang 3 songs in front of the hotel guests in the hotel lobby and could made a deal with them in 30 minutes. Everyone there was looking strangely at me. like 'What is he doing?'
--What is music to you?
Music, to me, is like perfume. It's not something special to me, but I can't imagine my life with no music. Perfume doesn't have a meaning itself, but it has a meaning when the memories connect with perfume. You can hear music everywhere, R&B, classics. even the noise of trains passing by, they are 'music'. Even bird calls can be music when they get into the rhythm. To me, music is not special but everything.
--Recently, you are active as a judge for 'X Factor' in Italy, and as a coach for 'The Voice' in France. Where is your favourite place?
My kitchen. I have a fridge there, I can cook everything that I want. And my dogs are there! In Rome, Paris or wherever I am, I miss my kitchen.
--What's your plan for this year.
I think it will be a tough year. I want to create something but not to consume. Creativities come from expectations for the future. I will create a lot of things and stock them up this year. They will be unveiled in the next year.




Special thanks to my chat room friends :flowers2:

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Radio Interview


Tokyo, Japan

( aired on 29 Feb. 2016 : recorded on 17 Feb.2016 )


Kyo uploaded a good file ! thanks a million. :wub:


度々申し訳ありません。YouTubeにアップしました。Kumazzzさんありがとうございました :)





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Ha now I realise @chanjason and the girl were the ones with his mom  at hotel lobby!

Haha,that girl is Jason's wife,they both work at TVB(a television in HK) :) I saw Jason and his wife after the gig in HK too! Jason had interviewed MIKA in a programme when MIKA went to HK to did a show for the 1st time in 2007.So I think they became a friend after that :wink2:

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Haha,that girl is Jason's wife,they both work at TVB(a television in HK) :) I saw Jason and his wife after the gig in HK too! Jason had interviewed MIKA in a programme when MIKA went to HK to did a show for the 1st time in 2007.So I think they became a friend after that :wink2:

very good  looking couple!

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Radio Interview


Tokyo, Japan

( aired on 29 Feb. 2016 : recorded on 17 Feb.2016 )


Kyo uploaded a good file ! thanks a million. :wub:






:thumb_yello:  Thanks a lot Kyo and Eriko!!   :hug:  I really enjoyed this radio interview - so great to get an explanation about the lyrics of my fav. song NPIH  :wub:  And also nice to know what MIKA thinks about the music industry of today... :wink2:


Love, love


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Interview in China China.gif

MIKA:“我的确是内向的人,但音乐让我无所不能。” MIKA: "I'm really shy person, but the music makes me do anything."

2016-02-18 Jive、Yalla 返场Eardrum















EM:从《Life In Cartoon Motion》到现在的《No Place In Heaven》,你的专辑封套从色彩斑斓变成了现在以黑白调为主,有些乐迷会解读为MIKA变得“伤感”或者“内向”了,你觉得这样理解对么?

M:哈哈我要笑出声音来了,我其实一直有用黑白照片,做唱片封套的话,我觉得黑白照远胜于彩照。就算是在《Life In Cartoon Motion》里头所有图画都是色彩丰富的,里面也嵌着小幅的黑白照片,它们分别代表我的真实个性以及我通过音乐塑造的形象,两者之间的对比正是我想表达的。现实生活中我的确是内向的人,但音乐让我无所不能。我成了颜色、线条、形状,不断融合延伸,不断演变,就像卡通里的线条和形状一样——这就是画图的力量。只要来看了我的现场演出,你就知道我不可能变得伤感啦,至少不是永久性的。









EM:你在《The X Factor》和《The Voice》上做过一段时间的评委,你作为歌手坐在台下,怎么去评判站在台上梦想成为歌手的参赛者?作为评委,如何平衡“毒舌”和“不说假话”?



EM:听说你要参演《Zoonlander 2》(超级名模2)了!如果你能跟Ben Stiller和Owen Wilson两个笑星一起给Valentino走秀,你会穿什么?



EM:不知道你介不介意聊这个,还记得Patrick Wolf很久很久以前Diss过你吗?说来出道那么久,你有什么后悔的决定吗?


要说后悔的事情,我还真做过不少,例如允许自己因为身边工作的人而压力山大。压力是种幻觉,它只是别人想在我身上赚钱的工具而已,我现在已经对这个很敏感了,见了就跑。现在我已经不再后悔什么了,总体而言我的音乐事业很特别也很奇怪,对此我感动很高兴也很自在。人生啊,就像电影《滑动门》,Gwyneth Paltrow那部嘞……(编注:又名“双面情人”,讲述Paltrow主演的女主角因为赶上与未赶上地铁班车而过上两段截然不同的生活)总之就是,如果回到过去改变了什么后悔的事情,天晓得最后结果又会碰上什么屎呢对不对?


EM:你最近喜欢的歌手有哪些?好多人都希望你跟Sam Smith合作来着……

M:我爱、爱、爱、爱死Rae Morris的声音、Marina and the Diamond的创作、Courtney Bartnett充满青春味的诗句,还有Labrinth应该也是个相当棒的流行创作人。实话说我已经有点烦现在的浪漫大情歌了。我想念Amy Winehouse,她唱的浪漫的歌,只让你感受到爱,不会乱卖弄情怀。










□鸣谢/Split Works



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Mika : Music is my understanding media











2015年发行的新专辑《No Place in Heaven》表现出他对于音乐的研究以及创作的多变,试图让人勾起对于不同年代音乐的回忆:不管是60年代的民谣、70年代的Disco、80年代的乡 村音乐、90年代的抒情摇滚。通通被他的《No Place in Heaven》囊括其中,再配上 Mika 融合英文、法文、及意大利文的腔调,让专辑更具有恢宏的整体感,算得上是 Mika 近年在创作上的重大突破。


上次因特殊原因,Mika被迫中断了中国巡演。今次,Split Works 再次带 Mika 踏上这片让他欣喜土地,举办未竟的巡演。落网有幸采访到了 Mika,因此次采访 Mika 是视频回访,所以在翻译过程中我们更多的保留了他的原话,以及习惯用语。


落:你曾说前两张专辑充满了童趣,而第三张《The Origin of Love》较为严肃,你讲那才是你真正意义上的首张专辑。那你对这张新专辑又怎么看呢?

Mika:没有什么可以比《No Place in Heaven》这张专辑更加敞开、直白的了,从最严肃的主题,感受死亡、伤心欲绝到最明快的主题,只想跳个舞啦怦然心动啦,这些感情凝成了最轻快的触感。 很放松,不会在我肩上感到有压力,我敞开了心扉。而且,专辑的制作也以最简单的方式进行,纯真、自然。我强烈建议你们从头到尾听一遍这张专辑,因为这就像 聆听一个人的日记,它就像是和我沟通的媒介。


落:《Good Guys》这首歌在这张专辑里非常的突出,都是在重复问问题,比如“Where have all the gay guys gone?”而且你也在歌词里提到你的偶像。你能多讲讲这首歌吗?

Mika:“Good Guys”?我告诉你,这首歌是怎么创作的吧!当时我在洛杉矶租了一间房子创作新专辑,就在好莱坞。我整天都在那写,像呆在泡沫里似的。除了有三次外出, 两个月里我几乎没离开屋子半步。有一天我正在和朋友一块儿写歌,一个叫Skyler Stonestreet的女孩,正好也和我的这个朋友一起写歌。那时我们就把一些曾经给过我灵感的艺术家们列了出来。让·谷克多(Jean Cocteau)、大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie),还有奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)……。他们都是一群已经过世的伟大艺术家,他们没有想过以后自己的作品有什么样的命运,是否仍然受人待见,是否仍能影响众人。我想,我有没有 那种能量,使自己在某天也能成为像他们那样的人?如今他们去往何处呢?他们又是谁?这些问题是那么的系统化。他们就像美丽而智慧的叛逆者,却又那样少见。 他们从何处出现,现在又在何处?而在我身上哪里还有他们的影子呢?就是这样啦,我看着这一群名字,然后,“Oh my god(灵光一闪状,然后拍手),这些好家伙们现在都在哪儿了呀?好主意,写吧!”反正,就是这样啦。


落:说到偶像,哪些艺术家对你的作品影响最多呢?能说说弗雷迪·默丘里(Freddie Murcury)对歌曲“Last Party”的启发吗?

Mika:影响我的音乐家有哈利·尼尔森(Harry Nelson),弗雷迪·默丘里,以及给予我自由、认可和鼓励去不断尝试与实验的大卫·鲍伊,还有一些古典音乐家也曾给我启发。关于弗雷迪·默丘里的 “Last Party”是我写的一个故事。那时他发现自己染上了艾滋,反应有些异常,把自己锁在一个夜店里,然后进行为期好几天的派对。那些例如“知道了世上最为难 过消息”,或者“在派对上的行为,像打碎东西啦,狂舞啦”等等想法,我觉得它们很有趣,也很感人。这展示了一个迥然不同的应对这悲伤的方式。


我想在我和“皇后先生”之间共同的地方,就是我们都在钢琴上作曲。我有古典音乐的背景,我在音乐学校学习古典音乐,并在11岁时开始唱歌剧。其实古 典音乐有帮助到我现在做的像流行、摇滚和舞曲这些风格的音乐,它们之间是平行的。我们的相似之处还有就是音乐的旋律感很强,并且都使用钢琴创作主打的流行 音乐。


落:这张专辑里有首关于女人的歌叫做《All She Wants》。她只有一个愿望:想要一个更加正常一点儿的儿子。这首歌从某种层次上来讲,是在谈论你自己的母亲吗?

Mika:天呐,哈哈,是的,有一点点。我妈妈很爱我,如果有个更加“正常”点的儿子,她应该会更高兴吧。假如 现在有了几个小孩,生活过得很惬意。圣诞假期去拜访他们一下,还能一直有丰盛的周日午餐等等。可是我一直像在马戏团里,总是计划赶不上变化。但我很兴奋! 反正我不会改变我的生活的。只有大概百分之五的可能,她真想要个更加传统、守规矩的正常孩子。哈哈,但我想世上的妈妈都是这样的,可能不是?我不知道哈 哈。


落:我昨天在Facebook上看到你po的一张图,你举着一张海报,上面写着“Bowie,thank you for my dream.”大卫·鲍伊是如何影响了你的生活和你的作品的呢?

Mika:鲍伊的作品我花了很长的时间去理解,到现在我仍然有一些不大明白。但这恰恰是我非常喜欢它们的原因, 喜欢并不一定要完完全全领会。他不属于任何人,他周围只有一个很小的圈子。我喜欢他总是不去迎合别人期待的想法,喜欢他尝试冒风险的想法。至于这玩意儿热 门还是不热门,才不重要呢。这只属于鲍伊自个儿。他从不妥协,只做他想做的。他有着根本而内在的优雅,站在“无聊”的对立面。很多人都觉得,如果要优雅, 得潇洒,得奢侈。他不奢侈,却很潇洒。他自成一格,从不无聊,也从不掉价儿。今天人们在网上,为了让自己不无聊,都变得有些不像话了,发些荒谬的图片啊, 我是不懂,总之是在炫耀,但这是真无聊!今日世界大多数名流(此处用手指做了一个夸张的动作,似乎表达不屑)被社交媒体带着跑,真无聊!这不是真的自成一 格。只是装个姿势,拍张照片,摆个态度而已。而鲍伊才是优雅,时髦,不乏味。他是动真格的,而且目光长远,毫不肤浅。所以我才因他而深受启发,不仅是我, 整个世界都是如此。



Mika:是啊,有的。我去了好多不同的地方,看了好多不同的人。我意识到旅游很有价值,很独特,很个人化也很 亲密。独特、个人化和亲密这三样东西都是互相关联的,能让你成为你自己。无论你去了这个世界的何处,你坐在钢琴边,唱着你真实的故事,状态又不错。如果这 些言语是个人的,这就有价值了。不需要声音很大,不需要节拍响亮。只要有一颗心,和你一个人的言语。


落:介不介意说说你的新书《Diary of an accidental optimistic》?写书和写歌词有什么不一样的地方,能谈谈这本书的创作过程是怎样的?

Mika:啊哈(欢呼状),你们竟然做了研究啊!(此书还未发表,Mika对采访者做的功课表示赞赏)。可能你 会很吃惊,其实创作过程是一样的。都是讲述故事,都是孤独的——褒义哈。我只是写的时候要独自一人,要专注,不想其它。同时,我也写很多关于我周围的人的 故事,和我写的歌一样。这是日记,你读着这疯狂的日记,有些真的很奇幻。但是,通读了这些段落篇章后,我是谁?你心里就会有底了。这就是为什么我喜欢写日 记,这也是它与我自己的关联。正如我刚才所讲的,新专辑也是一本日记。新书已经快搞定了,真的快搞定了!但是写这本书做的工作比我想象中多多了。我都是独 自完成,因为我想要做得好。当你第一次做某件事时,它就得好!



Mika:噢不,彼得·潘太危险了,永远不想长大。而我很高兴我长大了,真的很高兴我长大了!我可不想再后退什 么了(大拇指指着后面)。每一个童年难忘的经历都有影响到我的音乐。童年经历决定了我们是谁,是好还是坏,会更好还是更坏。具有童趣的品质不是幼稚,而是 宣泄,某种宣泄吧。哈哈哈,和非洲部落舞蹈相似(大笑),这很搞笑。我知道这不一样,但跳部落舞时的那种释放,自由,和你在卧室里一个人乱蹦乱跳时其实差 不多,也和在舞台与人共舞时差不多。这是自由,这是释放。有时候能打破无用的围墙与障碍,这感觉很好。


落:听说你在罗马友情客串了电影《超级名模2》(Zoolander 2)?你能说说你在剧中的角色吗?

Mika:嗯,是啊。我是Ben Stiller(Zoolander的导演、主演,美国天王级喜剧明星)的粉丝,我喜欢他的好多片子。但现在我还没看到这部电影的剪辑版本,也不知道我会不会出现在电影里。



Mika:真的很难选哎。去年在蒙特利尔和意大利交响乐团的演出的确不可思议。120位音乐家在你后面演奏,仿 佛大浪带着你在音符的海洋里航行,相当震撼,感动。中国巡演,我想想…啊,在杭州,同样好不可思议啊。那是一个音乐节,可能有些人知道我吧,但从来也没买 过我的唱片,也没在网上听过我的一些作品,所以他们对我很好奇。现场有几千乐迷,实在是又年轻又酷,都嗨翻了!我们都玩得很开心。能见到年轻人的文化在中 国发展真是太好了!还有我必须讲下,音乐节在一个难以置信的好地方举办(当然指的西湖哈哈):那是傍晚,在公园里最美丽的一处景儿,还靠着湖。真是难忘的 回忆啊!同时,年轻人的文化真的很酷,能和他们交流感觉很有意思,很幸运。因为我在很小的时候就来过中国,所以我看到了惊人的进步以及迅速的发展,这让我 觉得这很振奋,越来越喜欢这里。


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on February 29th, 2016.

爱奇艺 : iQiyi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQiyi (China’s largest online search engine )


爱奇艺与环球音乐达成合作 获众多巨星MV和演唱会资源

iQiyi and Universal Music reached a cooperation with many superstars eligible for MV and concerts resources


来源:东方网作者:2016-02-29 21:39:32



东方网2月29日消息:2月29日下午,爱奇艺与环球音乐宣布达成深度战略合作,双方在环球音乐顶级演唱会在线直播、完整MV版权库和艺人合作、衍 生开发等方面展开深度合作。爱奇艺将获得Katy Perry、Taylor Swift、Lady Gaga、王菲、陈奕迅等3000余位歌手MV和超过400场海内外经典演唱会资源。当天,华人天后莫文蔚、新世代跨界大提琴家欧阳娜娜、音乐鬼才,英国 著名歌手MIKA等共同出席发布会。


  此次战略合作达成后,爱奇艺将获得包括Katy Perry、Madonna、Taylor Swift、Lady Gaga、Rihanna、Mika,及王菲、莫文蔚、陈奕迅、罗志祥等全球乐坛3000余位歌手MV和超过400场海内外经典演唱会资源。同时,霍洛维 茨、波利尼、李云迪、维也纳爱乐乐团等古典音乐家和乐团演奏视频资源也将登陆爱奇艺。




Google translator :uk:



LONDON February 29 news:

February 29 afternoon, iQIYI and Universal Music Announce depth strategic cooperation, the two sides live online in Universal Music's top concert artists complete MV copyright libraries and cooperation in such areas as the development of derivative depth Cooperation. Iqiyi will Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Faye Wong, Eason Chan, more than 3,000 artists and more than 400 field MV classical concert resources at home and abroad. The same day, Chinese Karen days, the new generation of cross-border cellist Ouyang Nana, devil's music, the famous British singer MIKA etc. attended the conference.

According to reports, in 2016 the world's leading global music concert live online resource, Universal Century complete music content library will be settled Iqiyi, which is currently the largest cooperation with Universal Music video platform to reach the Asia-Pacific region. Concerts will also be a live online following the movie, big plays, an important part of Chinese video services to its members composed.

After this strategic cooperation, iQIYI will include Katy Perry, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Mika, and Faye Wong, Karen Mok, Eason Chan, Luo and other global more than 3,000 music singer MV and over 400 games at home and abroad classical concert resources. At the same time, Horowitz, Pollini, Li Yundi, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and other classical musicians and video resources will be posted Lu Aiqi Arts.

In addition, the concert live online music copyright on the basis of core resources, iQIYI and Universal Music will expand the depth of cooperation in different areas of product development, more potential opportunities for service members and music video industry combined mining.

Universal Music is the world's music market accounted for 25.7% market share, has been 104 years of history. The Iqiyi now has nearly 600 million monthly unique users, and has nearly 50% of Chinese video member user.




photos from Universal China http://www.weibo.com/2075787695/Dk9hByerM?from=page_1006062075787695_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment#_rnd1456796424914

2月29日,爱奇艺与环球音乐达成付费音乐深度战略合作,双方将打造涵盖环球音乐顶级演唱会在线直播、完整MV版权库和艺人合作、衍生开发在内的全面深度合作。华人天后@Karen莫文蔚 、新世代跨界大提琴家@歐陽娜娜Nana 、 英国著名歌手、音乐鬼才@Mika_official 等高层共同出席发布会。







Edited by Kumazzz
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iQiyi and Universal Music reached a paid music-depth strategic cooperation


2016-02-29 中华网投资


2月29日,爱奇艺与环球音乐达成深度战略合作,双方将打造涵盖环球音乐顶级演唱会在线直播、 完整MV版权库和艺人合作、衍生开发在内的全面深度合作。环球音乐亚太区总裁George Ash、环球音乐大中华区总裁暨执行长张松辉、环球音乐大中华区数字音乐与策略发展高级副总裁陈国威、环球音乐大中华区环球中国董事总经理吴佳伦, 爱奇艺高级副总裁杨向华、爱奇艺影业总裁李岩松、爱奇艺市场副总裁陈宏嘉以及华人天后莫文蔚、新世代跨界大提琴家欧阳娜娜、音乐鬼才, 英国著名歌手MIKA 等共同出席发布会。

2016年环球音乐全球顶级演唱会在线直播 资源,环球跨世纪完整音乐内容库都将入驻爱奇艺,这是环球音乐目前与亚太区视频平台达成的最大规模合作。爱奇艺与环球音乐的深度战略合作,将充分释放数字 音乐在中国视频会员市场的巨大潜力和价值。演唱会在线直播也将成为继电影、大剧后,中国视频会员服务的重要内容组成。



随 着互联网对音乐产业的不断渗透,中国在线音乐整体市场规模不断上升,演唱会视频付费直播成为备受关注商业模式。2016年,爱奇艺及环球音乐将在全球一线 歌手演唱会在线直播上展开深度合作。爱奇艺高级副总裁杨向华先生表示“演唱会在线直播,能够让更多不同国家和地区的人同步看到演出现场,也将逐渐培养起中 国视频用户付费享受演唱会直播的消费习惯。环球音乐海量顶级资源,将为爱奇艺VIP会员带来更丰富的优质音乐内容,演唱会在线直播将成为爱奇艺VIP会员 服务新亮点。”



环 球音乐是占世界唱片市场25.7%的“全球第一音乐集团帝国”,至今已有104年历史。爱奇艺作为中国最大的综合视频服务平台,当前拥有近6亿月度独立用 户,并拥有近50%的中国视频会员用户。此次战略合作达成,爱奇艺将获得包括Katy Perry、Madonna、Taylor Swift、Lady Gaga、Rihanna、Mika,及张国荣、王菲、莫文蔚、陈奕迅、罗志祥等全球乐坛3000余位歌手MV和超过400场海内外经典演唱会;霍洛维 茨、波利尼、李云迪、维也纳爱乐乐团等古典音乐家和乐团演奏视频资源也将登陆爱奇艺。从古典爵士到摇滚流行,环球音乐百年跨世纪MV全部入驻爱奇艺。爱奇 艺成为拥有世界最大在线音乐内容库的视频平台。



在 演唱会在线直播、音乐版权核心资源基础上,爱奇艺与环球音乐还将在不同领域的产品开发上拓展深度合作,挖掘视频会员服务与音乐产业结合的更多潜在机会。环 球音乐大中华区环球中国董事总经理吴佳伦先生表示,“我们已经看到中国视频会员市场的爆发性增长,此次与爱奇艺的合作,无疑将充分释放演唱会直播、专属视 频内容线上影响力和商业价值。同时,我们也期待音乐拥抱互联网能够产生更多化学反应,在模式创新、技术革新上不断为爱奇艺用户带来惊喜。”


google translator :uk:



February 29, iQIYI and Universal Music reached a depth of strategic cooperation, the two sides will build a top cover Universal Music concert live online, complete MV copyright libraries and artists collaborate derived comprehensive development, including the depth of cooperation. Universal Music Asia Pacific President George Ash, president and CEO of Universal Music Greater China 张松辉, senior vice president of Digital Music and Universal Music Strategic Development Greater Patrick Chan, Universal Music Global Greater China Managing Director Wu Jialun, Iqiyi senior Vice president Yang Xianghua, iQIYI Pictures president Li Yansong, Vice president iQIYI market and Chinese Chen Hongjia days Karen, the new generation of cross-border cellist Ouyang Nana, devil's music, the famous British singer MIKA etc. attended the conference.

2016 Universal Music world's top concert live online resource, Universal Century complete music content libraries will be settled Iqiyi, which is currently the largest cooperation with Universal Music video platform to reach the Asia-Pacific region. Iqiyi with Universal Music depth strategic cooperation will be fully released enormous potential and value of digital music in the Chinese video market members. Concerts will also be a live online following the movie, big plays, an important part of Chinese video services to its members composed.

2016's top concert live online payment settled Iqiyi VIP

With the Internet on the music industry continues to penetrate, the overall market size of China's online music rising, live concert video paid much attention become business model. 2016 iQIYI and Universal Music will expand the depth of cooperation in the global first singer concert live online. Mr. Yang Xianghua Iqiyi, senior vice president, said "concert live online, to allow more people from different countries and regions synchronized see live performances, will also instill Chinese users to pay to enjoy the concert video live spending habits. Universal Music massive's top resources for iQIYI VIP membership richer premium music content, the concert will be broadcast live online iqiyi VIP membership service a new bright spot. "

Universal Music centuries century MV contents all settled Iqiyi

Ring ball music world music market accounted for 25.7% of the "world's first Music Group empire", it has been 104 years of history. Iqiyi as China's largest integrated video service platform, currently has nearly 600 million monthly unique users, and has nearly 50% of Chinese video member user. The strategic cooperation to achieve, iQIYI will include Katy Perry, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Mika, and Leslie Cheung, Faye Wong, Karen Mok, Eason Chan, Luo and other global more than 3,000 music singer MV Sea and over 400 games inside and outside the classical concert; Horowitz, Pollini, Li Yundi, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and other classical musicians and video resources will be posted Lu Aiqi Arts. From classical jazz to pop rock, Universal Music MV Century All centuries settled Iqiyi. Iqiyi become the world's largest online music library of video content platform.

"There is no boundary core" to create three-dimensional music VIP Member

In concert live online music copyright on the basis of core resources, iQIYI and Universal Music will expand the depth of cooperation in different areas of product development, more opportunities for potential video and music industries combined membership services for mining. Universal Music Global General Manager Greater China director 吴佳伦 said, "We have seen explosive growth in Chinese video market members, the cooperation with iQIYI will undoubtedly full release concert live, exclusive video content online influence and commercial value. at the same time, we also expect music to embrace the Internet can produce more chemical reactions in model innovation to surprise iqiyi users on technological innovation. "


photos from


#带你见爱豆# 爱奇艺VIP,不仅免费刷剧看电影看直播演唱会,还能与喜欢的明星@歐陽娜娜Nana 亲密接触,更有签名的爱奇艺VIP会员卡送送送噢!hearta_org.gif~ @闹闹姐是糖半仙儿 @只有一个队长 见到爱豆有木有很鸡冻很幸福呀~撒拉嘿呦,要继续支持爱奇艺噢!











Edited by Kumazzz
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2016年03月01日 星期二 北京青年报   英国的当红音乐小生MIKA前来助阵

    本 报讯(记者  崔巍)网络视频平台爱奇艺与环球音乐公司昨天一起在上海举办发布会,宣布双方达成深度战略合作,涵盖环球音乐顶级演唱会在线直播、完整MV 版权库和艺人合作、衍生产品开发等内容。除了双方高层,环球旗下莫文蔚、欧阳娜娜及英国音乐鬼才MIKA等明星也前来助阵,对于演唱会能搭上网络快车深表 期待。

    据介绍,2016年环球音乐公司全球顶级演唱会在线直播资源及完整的音乐内容库都将入驻爱奇艺,此举将充分释放数字音乐在中 国视频会员市场的巨大潜力和价值,演唱会在线直播也将成为继电影、网络剧后,中国视频会员服务的重要内容组成。爱奇艺高级副总裁杨向华表示:“演唱会在线 直播能够让更多不同国家和地区的人同步看到演出现场,也将逐渐培养起中国视频用户的付费消费习惯。”

    环球音乐是占世界唱片市场 25.7%的音乐帝国,至今已有104年历史。爱奇艺作为中国最大的综合视频服务平台,当前拥有近6亿月度独立用户。在此次战略合作达成后,爱奇艺将获得 包括麦当娜、凯蒂·佩里、泰勒·斯威夫特、Lady Gaga、蕾哈娜等国际巨星及王菲、莫文蔚、陈奕迅等华语天王天后在内的3000余位歌手MV及超过 400场海内外经典演唱会的内容授权,霍洛维茨、波利尼、李云迪、维也纳爱乐乐团等古典音乐家和乐团的演奏视频资源也将登陆爱奇艺。

    来 自英国的当红音乐小生MIKA昨天接受采访时开心地说,他1991年就来过中国,很喜欢这里,目前还在学习中文,不久前到杭州参加一个活动,现场竟然来了 4000多名粉丝,他这才知道自己在中国这么有市场。他还透露,自己即将在伦敦西区举办演唱会,届时就会通过爱奇艺进行直播。“很期待到时候我能在现场告 诉大家,这场演唱会正在向全中国直播,也希望能通过镜头跟中国歌迷用中文问好”。


google translator :uk:



British popular music niche MIKA came to help

(Reporter Cui Wei) online video platform Iqiyi together with Universal Music conference held yesterday in Shanghai, announced that they reached a depth of strategic cooperation, covering the Universal Music's top concert live online, complete MV copyright libraries and artists collaborate derived product development and so on. In addition to high-level, Universal's Karen, Ouyang Nana and British music devil MIKA other stars also came to help out for a concert to catch the express train network deeply expectations.

According to reports, in 2016 the world's leading music company Universal Concerts live online resources and complete music content library will be settled Iqiyi, which will release the full potential of digital music and the great value of membership in the Chinese video market, live concert online It will also be following the movie, network play, an important part of China composed of video services to its members. Iqiyi senior vice president Yang Xianghua said: "concert live online to allow more people from different countries and regions synchronized see live performances, will also instill Chinese video consumption habits of users to pay."

Universal Music is the world's music market accounted for 25.7% of the music empire, has been 104 years of history. Iqiyi as China's largest integrated video service platform, currently has nearly 600 million monthly unique users. After reaching this strategic cooperation, iQIYI will include Madonna, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and other international superstar and Faye Wong, Karen Mok, Eason Chan and other Chinese, including the king and queen More than 3,000 artists and more than 400 games at home MV classic concert content licensing, Horowitz, Pollini, Yundi Li, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra playing classical musicians and video resources will also ascend 陆爱奇 Arts.

British popular music niche MIKA interview yesterday said happily, 1991 he came to China, I liked it here, is still learning Chinese, Hangzhou recently to participate in an activity, the scene turned out to more than 4,000 fans, he knew himself so there is a market in China. He also revealed that he will host a concert in London's West End, then it will be broadcast live over Iqiyi. "I am looking forward to when I can tell you at the scene, the concert is being broadcast to the whole of China, but also hope that through the lens with the Chinese fans with the Chinese say hello."

Edited by Kumazzz
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2016年03月01日 星期二 北京青年报   英国的当红音乐小生MIKA前来助阵

    本 报讯(记者  崔巍)网络视频平台爱奇艺与环球音乐公司昨天一起在上海举办发布会,宣布双方达成深度战略合作,涵盖环球音乐顶级演唱会在线直播、完整MV 版权库和艺人合作、衍生产品开发等内容。除了双方高层,环球旗下莫文蔚、欧阳娜娜及英国音乐鬼才MIKA等明星也前来助阵,对于演唱会能搭上网络快车深表 期待。

    据介绍,2016年环球音乐公司全球顶级演唱会在线直播资源及完整的音乐内容库都将入驻爱奇艺,此举将充分释放数字音乐在中 国视频会员市场的巨大潜力和价值,演唱会在线直播也将成为继电影、网络剧后,中国视频会员服务的重要内容组成。爱奇艺高级副总裁杨向华表示:“演唱会在线 直播能够让更多不同国家和地区的人同步看到演出现场,也将逐渐培养起中国视频用户的付费消费习惯。”

    环球音乐是占世界唱片市场 25.7%的音乐帝国,至今已有104年历史。爱奇艺作为中国最大的综合视频服务平台,当前拥有近6亿月度独立用户。在此次战略合作达成后,爱奇艺将获得 包括麦当娜、凯蒂·佩里、泰勒·斯威夫特、Lady Gaga、蕾哈娜等国际巨星及王菲、莫文蔚、陈奕迅等华语天王天后在内的3000余位歌手MV及超过 400场海内外经典演唱会的内容授权,霍洛维茨、波利尼、李云迪、维也纳爱乐乐团等古典音乐家和乐团的演奏视频资源也将登陆爱奇艺。

    来 自英国的当红音乐小生MIKA昨天接受采访时开心地说,他1991年就来过中国,很喜欢这里,目前还在学习中文,不久前到杭州参加一个活动,现场竟然来了 4000多名粉丝,他这才知道自己在中国这么有市场。他还透露,自己即将在伦敦西区举办演唱会,届时就会通过爱奇艺进行直播。“很期待到时候我能在现场告 诉大家,这场演唱会正在向全中国直播,也希望能通过镜头跟中国歌迷用中文问好”。


google translator :uk:



British popular music niche MIKA came to help


    (Reporter Cui Wei) online video platform Iqiyi together with Universal Music conference held yesterday in Shanghai, announced that they reached a depth of strategic cooperation, covering the Universal Music's top concert live online, complete MV copyright libraries and artists collaborate derived product development and so on. In addition to high-level, Universal's Karen, Ouyang Nana and British music devil MIKA other stars also came to help out for a concert to catch the express train network deeply expectations.


    According to reports, in 2016 the world's leading music company Universal Concerts live online resources and complete music content library will be settled Iqiyi, which will release the full potential of digital music and the great value of membership in the Chinese video market, live concert online It will also be following the movie, network play, an important part of China composed of video services to its members. Iqiyi senior vice president Yang Xianghua said: "concert live online to allow more people from different countries and regions synchronized see live performances, will also instill Chinese video consumption habits of users to pay."


    Universal Music is the world's music market accounted for 25.7% of the music empire, has been 104 years of history. Iqiyi as China's largest integrated video service platform, currently has nearly 600 million monthly unique users. After reaching this strategic cooperation, iQIYI will include Madonna, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and other international superstar and Faye Wong, Karen Mok, Eason Chan and other Chinese, including the king and queen More than 3,000 artists and more than 400 games at home MV classic concert content licensing, Horowitz, Pollini, Yundi Li, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra playing classical musicians and video resources will also ascend 陆爱奇 Arts.


    British popular music niche MIKA interview yesterday said happily, 1991 he came to China, I liked it here, is still learning Chinese, Hangzhou recently to participate in an activity, the scene turned out to more than 4,000 fans, he knew himself so there is a market in China. He also revealed that he will host a concert in London's West End, then it will be broadcast live over Iqiyi. "I am looking forward to when I can tell you at the scene, the concert is being broadcast to the whole of China, but also hope that through the lens with the Chinese fans with the Chinese say hello."

This is amazing news!!

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Article of an Introduction of Mika in China China.gif


Time Out 上海 Shanghai





发布时间:2016年02月22日 14时41分

2015年,MIKA在中国的巡演可谓好事多磨,北京站因故拆成两场,还惹上“玉米”的围攻,杭州西湖音乐节后宣布因病取消深圳站和香港站…… 欠下中国歌迷的,MIKA不等一年就来“还债”了,因为中国对他意义重大。


和中国有着不解之缘的MIKA,之前造访过中国不下10 次。2008 年,MIKA 曾经来到中国参加《音乐风云榜》年度盛典的颁奖典礼,为陈奕迅颁发了“年度风云大奖”。据说他在很小的时候就来到了中国旅游,并产生了对中国的各种情怀。 闲暇时,他还会哼唱TF BOYS 的《青春修炼手册》,在MIKA 看来,“他们的歌曲听起来很纯真,很热情开放,非常简单直接,没有任何刻意和做作的成分。”十分欣赏TF BOYS 的MIKA 还一度表示如果TF BOYS 找他写歌,他很愿意为他们创作。讲起与中国的缘分,其实MIKA 的妹妹就在北京读书,而他自己学习普通话的时间也已经有八、九年之久,尽管直到现在还依旧讲得很糟糕,但MIKA 很高兴自己的很多歌都已经在中国流传开来。他觉得一首歌如果没有经过宣传就能到达一个国家,那它一定是与当地的文化土壤产生了某种奇妙的化学反应,因为这 意味着这个地方对于自己音乐的认可。


公开出柜的时尚音乐玩家MIKA,有着191 公分的模特儿修长身材,不仅坐拥一大票女粉丝,同时也是欧美同志公认的梦中情人。从刚出道时MIKA 在性向问题上以一种不撒谎、也不告知的方式欲言又止,直到如今打开胸怀,拥抱现实的坦荡无憾,可以说MIKA献上了他事业生涯最漂亮的彩虹宣言。

MIKA 深知“与众不同”有时会是一个很危险的东西,但它又是非常宝贵的。有些人一旦发现了这种“不同”,就会试着去破坏它,甚至这些人对不同的反应有时候会相当 暴力。“但你随后便会意识到‘与众不同’是一个你能拥有的最为宝贵的东西”。所以MIKA 格外小心翼翼地像保护金子一样保护它,因为它远比黄金钻石有价值。“七岁起我就是个怪胎,每一段遮遮掩掩的爱,每一滴顺脸颊而下的泪水;像我这种人,在天 堂没有立足之地。”——出自最近专辑《No Place In Heaven》同名主打的歌词中沾满了泪痕,可配乐却出奇地轻盈,一如之前素以彩色卡通般的欢快曲风而闻名的MIKA 总是以充满童趣的曲调、轻松活泼的风格出现在大众面前,而这一次他在延续我们所熟悉的欢乐且深具感染力曲风的同时,却突破了自我,流露出更加成熟、内敛的 风格。

有趣的是, 就在录制这张专辑时,MIKA 意外在网络上租到了“精灵王子”奥兰多.布鲁姆(Orlando Bloom)的公寓当作录音室。录制期间,每天都会有观光客慕名前来“朝圣”,这时候MIKA 就会对来客说:“这里是《Pirates of theCaribbean》演员的家!”虽然创作时常因此被中断,但却也是格外新鲜的体验。



都说MIKA 的音乐是快乐舞蹈和悲伤哭泣的融合体,悲伤与欢乐的结合使歌曲充满真实,充满人性。不掺杂悲伤的欢乐是危险的,看不到希望的忧郁也是危险的,而这两者 MIKA向来都融合得很好。“一味去展现那些难过的东西而不去发掘一丝快乐的元素,或者一味表达那些像迪士尼一样动漫般的快乐而没有掺杂着生活中真实存在 的伤感,这些都没有意义。”就像一个人总是多面的矛盾综合体一样,在MIKA 看来,纯粹的明亮和纯粹的黑暗都是无聊的,时而欢乐明朗,时而严肃阴沉,让他有着很明显的原创风格。

《No Place In Heaven》里的另一首单曲《Good Guys》,歌词中不断重复的“Where have all the gay guysgone?”,其实是MIKA 在向自己的同志偶像们致敬,包括安迪.沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)、大卫. 鲍伊(DavidBowie)和詹姆斯.狄恩(James Dean)等等一众前辈,并且希望自己成为新一代大胆的创作歌手。“人不应该老是自我设限,而是应该使自己的人生多一些可能性。”譬如MIKA 现在会担任一些音乐节目的评委。两年前,他又以评委身份参与了意大利版的“X 音素”(The X Factor),如今又受邀担当法国版“好声音”(TheVoice)的评委导师。

可能是得益于小时候有过在皇家歌剧院登台演唱的经历,MIKA 以后指不定还会想试试导演歌剧之类的其他领域。尽管他的个人首专《Lifein Cartoon Motion》从专辑名、造型到封面(由他精通中文的艺术家姐姐Yasmine 设计)都很卡通、很积极,但MIKA 的本质或许并不只是童话王子那么简单。无怪乎,在积累了三张专辑后,MIKA 渐渐开启了人生赢家模式,与意大利精品服饰品牌合作,一身时尚利落的高级订制西装造型非常吸睛;而最近宣告升格为轻熟男的他,又登上了法国知名同志杂志 《TETU》、意大利《LUOMO VOGUE》和《Vanity Fair》这些时尚大刊的封面…… 总之,对于MIKA 来说,一切未知的变化都是有可能的。




MIKA 的歌听起来很欢快,但并不代表他的生活一直如此。事实上,学生时期的MIKA 因为个头瘦小、嗓音尖细而一直备受欺凌,那段难捱的经历一直在他的音乐中有所体现。不过,童年时遭遇过的这些被孤立、被欺凌的不堪过往,并没有在后来的人 生里摧毁MIKA。“这种摧毁是非常有破坏性的,但如果你在这个时候得到了正向的支持,这些事情就会铸就你。它会让你有被认可的感觉,它会促使你成为一个 更加真诚和耿直的人。”这就是隐没在MIKA 欢快旋律背后的故事。

试问,你会忘记年轻的时候是谁让你度过那些艰难的时光?不,你永远不会。你永远不会忘记他们的面孔,不会忘记他们的名字。但事实是,当那些都成为往事,有 一天你会不经意地发现你已经并不在意了。有一件很有趣的事情,当MIKA 还是个小孩子的时候,有段时间觉得很难捱,他就去找了他妈妈的一个朋友,一个年长的中国男人。MIKA 对他说了一些诸如“我讨厌学校”“每个人都对我不好”之类的抱怨话,那个中国男人却开始笑MIKA。MIKA 心想:“你为什么要笑?你怎么了?你这个粗鲁、没同情心的坏蛋!”就在这时,这位中国男人指着他们面前的桌子对MIKA 说道:“你看,桌子是空的,因为所有的碗碟都被收走了,但桌上有一个黑点。你看到桌上那个黑点了吗?那就是你的问题所在。”中国男人继续说:“你要做出选 择,你可以选择靠近这个点,盯着它看,这时它看上去巨大无比。你也可以选择看整块桌布,之后很快就会意识到你关注的只是很小很小的一个点。”MIKA 当时只有13岁,不太能理解中国男人的意思,但后来随着年龄的增长他渐渐明白了:“有些事情当你还年幼的时候会觉得是很大的问题,但当你长大,就会突然发 现没什么大不了的。”MIKA 用自己的童年说明一个事实:生活中有很多东西远比它重要。

google translator :uk:

China : when Mika returns
Published: at 14:41 on February 22 2016

2015, MIKA tour in China can be described as sometime Beijing station for some reason split into two, also got into "corn" siege, Hangzhou West Lake Music Festival announced the cancellation due to illness, Shenzhen and Hong Kong Stations ...... owed Chinese fans , MIKA ranging from a year to "debt", because he was of great significance for China.

And China has a bond of MIKA, previously visited China less than 10 times. In 2008, MIKA who came to China to attend the award ceremony of the "Billboard Music" annual festival, Eason awarded the "Award of the Year." It said that he was very young when he came to China Travel, China and generated a variety of feelings. Spare time, he will sing TF BOYS "youth practicing manual" in MIKA view, "their songs sound very pure, very warm and open, very straightforward, without any deliberate and artificial ingredients." Appreciate TF BOYS's MIKA also once said that if TF BOYS find him writing songs, he was willing for their creation. Let's talk about the fate of China, in fact, MIKA sister school in Beijing, and his own time learning Mandarin has eight or nine years ago, although until now still speak badly, but many of their very happy MIKA songs have been circulating in China open. He felt that if a song has not been able to reach a national publicity, then it must be with the local cultural soil produces some wonderful chemistry, because it means the place for their own music recognition.

Love, "different" is very dangerous but also very valuable

Openly gay fashion music players MIKA, 191 cm model has a slender figure, not only sitting on a big ticket female fans, but also European and American comrades recognized dreams. Hesitantly from the business for MIKA on sexual orientation issues in a not lie, nor informed manner, until now open-minded, magnanimous regrets embrace reality, it can be said MIKA presented his career the most beautiful rainbow Declaration .

MIKA know that "different" can sometimes be a very dangerous thing, but it is very valuable. Once some people find this "different", will try to destroy it, even these people react differently and sometimes quite violent. "But then you will realize that 'difference' is the most valuable thing you can have one." So MIKA as much gold as extra protection it carefully, because it valuable than gold diamonds. "From the age of seven I was a freak, each section secretive love, every drop of tears along the cheek and under;. People like me, have no place in heaven" - from the recent album "No Place In Heaven "lyrics of the same name in the main covered with tears, the music is surprisingly light, as previous prime colored cartoon-like cheerful genre known for MIKA always full of playful tunes, lively style appears in before the public, and this time he continued the familiar genre infectious joy and deep at the same time, they broke through the self, showing a more mature, restrained style.

Interestingly, in recording the album, MIKA accident on the network rented to the "Wizard Prince" Orlando Bloom (Orlando Bloom) as a studio apartment. During recording, every day visitors come to "pilgrimage" will be on at this time MIKA visitor said: "! Actor's home" "This is the" Pirates of theCaribbean although creation is therefore often interrupted, but it is also exceptionally fresh experience.

Music, all changes are likely unknown

MIKA say Happy Dance music is sad and crying fusion, sadness and joy combine to make songs full of real, full of humanity. Undoped sad joy is dangerous, I do not see hope melancholy dangerous, both of MIKA are always well integrated. "Blindly to show those things to discover a trace of sadness without joy elements, or blind as the expression of those who, like the Disney cartoon-like laughter without real life mixed with sadness, they did not make sense." Like a man always contradictory complex multi-faceted, as it seems at MIKA pure bright and pure darkness are boring, and sometimes joy uncertain, sometimes serious and gloomy, so he has a very distinct and original style.

"No Place In Heaven" in another song "Good Guys", repeated lyrics "Where have all the gay guysgone?", In fact MIKA to pay tribute to their idol comrades, including Andy Waugh Hall (Andy Warhol), David Bowie (DavidBowie) and James Dean (James Dean), and so a public predecessors, and want to become a new generation of bold singer-songwriter. "People should not always self-limiting, but should make his life more than some of the possibilities." For example, some of the judges MIKA will now serve as the music program. Two years ago, he once again participate as judges the Italian version of "X phoneme" (The X Factor), and is now invited to play the French version of "good sound" (TheVoice) judges mentor.

Child benefit may be had at the Royal Opera House stage singing experience, MIKA after Zhibuding also want to try other areas like opera director. Despite his personal first special "Lifein Cartoon Motion" from the album name, modeling to cover (by his artist sister, Yasmine proficient in Chinese design) are cartoons, very positive, but the essence MIKA perhaps not just a fairy tale prince so simple. No wonder, after accumulating three albums, MIKA gradually open mode of life winner, in collaboration with the Italian brand boutiques, one neat couture fashion suit style is very compelling; and recently upgraded to proclaim him light cooked Male, boarded a well-known French magazine comrade "TETU", covers a large TV, these stylish Italian "LUOMO vOGUE" and "Vanity Fair" ...... in short, for MIKA, everything unknown variations are possible.

Childhood, suffered bullying successfully cast

MIKA song sounds very cheerful, but does not mean that his life has been the case. In fact, MIKA a student because of tall and thin, high-pitched voice and has been bullied, hard to get that part of the experience has been reflected in his music. However, childhood encountered these are isolated, humiliated unbearable past, did not destroy MIKA people born in later years. "This is very destructive to destroy, but if you are at this time was positive support, these things will cast you. It makes you feel recognized, it will lead you to become a more sincere and upright person. "this is hidden in the story behind MIKA cheerful melodies.

How can you forget a young man who let you through those difficult times? No, you never will. You will never forget their faces, their names will not forget. But the fact is that when those have become the past, one day you will find that you have inadvertently, and do not care. One very interesting thing, when MIKA was a kid, there was a time find it difficult to endure, he went to see a friend of his mother, an elderly Chinese man. MIKA told him some, such as "I hate school" "Everybody good for me" kind of complain, then, that Chinese men began to laugh MIKA. MIKA thought: "Why are you laughing you how you this rude, no compassion villain??!" Just then, the Chinese men pointing to the table in front of them for MIKA said: "You see, the table is empty because all the dishes have been taken away, but there is a black spot on the table you see the black spots on the table yet that is your problem, "Chinese man continued:."? you do point out a choice, you can choose to close this point, staring at it, then it looks gigantic. you can also choose to see the piece of cloth, then soon realize that you just pay attention very small . "MIKA was only 13 years old, not able to understand the meaning of Chinese men, but later grew older he came to understand:" There are some things when you're young and will feel a big problem, but when you grow up, you will suddenly find that no big deal "MIKA with their childhood state a fact: there are many things in life than it is important.



Edited by Kumazzz
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爱奇艺将直播演唱会 MIKA莫文蔚演唱会在线看







My translation based on google tranlation, I hope it's not too bad. :P


MIKA concert will be live streaming, calling fans to "lick the screen"

British " music genious" MIKA with brilliant, romantic joy, full of magic as his personal label, its combination of pop, rock and electronic and captivating singing and writing style is conquering the world, capturing many fans. On the day of the signing ceremony, when MIKA come in wearing a well embroided suit, there is a round of applause, continuing screams, his popularity instantaneous climbed the roof. MIKA sincerely confided his love China, as early as 1991 that he had come to China, but during the after 25 years, only twice of the trip is because of work, other times is because of  his love of Chinese culture. Speaking of this, MIKA also showed the sentence Beijing dialect, "a little", the standard sound of children Beijing accent . MIKA revealed that in the very recent Hangzhou xihu festival, when he faced more than 4,000 Chinese fans, his excitement was indescribable , "I have so many local Chinese fans, this is really unbelievable. "

MIKA also revealed that in June this year he will hold a solo concert in London's famous Palladium, where he first appeared on the stage of the theater asa  just 11-year-old child. In this temple full of emotion to hold music concert, MIKA will give Chinese fans "Zoom trick", "then I would say to the audience, your screen will by Iqiyi live in the whole of China. I will also use Chinese to tell the Chinese audiences to come and see this live stream. " The host also joked, and taught MIKA to learn new words "lick screen", and hope his Charisma can capture more fans to "lick the screen", MIKA immediately began to learn and use it with a serious face, which made the whole audience burst into laugh.

Edited by Kumazzz
adding the source url.
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爱奇艺将直播演唱会 MIKA莫文蔚演唱会在线看







My translation based on google tranlation, I hope it's not too bad. :P


MIKA concert will be live streaming, calling fans to "lick the screen"

British " music genious" MIKA with brilliant, romantic joy, full of magic as his personal label, its combination of pop, rock and electronic and captivating singing and writing style is conquering the world, capturing many fans. On the day of the signing ceremony, when MIKA come in wearing a well embroided suit, there is a round of applause, continuing screams, his popularity instantaneous climbed the roof. MIKA sincerely confided his love China, as early as 1991 that he had come to China, but during the after 25 years, only twice of the trip is because of work, other times is because of  his love of Chinese culture. Speaking of this, MIKA also showed the sentence Beijing dialect, "a little", the standard sound of children Beijing accent . MIKA revealed that in the very recent Hangzhou xihu festival, when he faced more than 4,000 Chinese fans, his excitement was indescribable , "I have so many local Chinese fans, this is really unbelievable. "

MIKA also revealed that in June this year he will hold a solo concert in London's famous Palladium, where he first appeared on the stage of the theater asa  just 11-year-old child. In this temple full of emotion to hold music concert, MIKA will give Chinese fans "Zoom trick", "then I would say to the audience, your screen will by Iqiyi live in the whole of China. I will also use Chinese to tell the Chinese audiences to come and see this live stream. " The host also joked, and taught MIKA to learn new words "lick screen", and hope his Charisma can capture more fans to "lick the screen", MIKA immediately began to learn and use it with a serious face, which made the whole audience burst into laugh.


:thumb_yello: Thanks a lot Yang, this's great!  :hug: So the London Palladium concert will be live streamed to China, if I understand it right !?   :shocked: This's really amazing... :fisch:


Love, love


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