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Mika in Italian Press 2017


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MIKA will be on a free-magazine Acqua & Sapone February issue.0




germanograsso Tra pochi giorni il nuovo numero di febbraio... progettato con passione, studiato con valore, costruito con amore... #acquaesapone






Angela Iantosca

Nei negozi tra pochi giorni... #Freepress #mensile #acquaesapone #mika




This magazine's PDF-file should be uploaded to their page, soon !

Io Acqua e Sapone :wink2:
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MIKA will be on a free-magazine Acqua & Sapone February issue.0







Tra pochi giorni il nuovo numero di febbraio... progettato con passione, studiato con valore, costruito con amore... #acquaesapone






Angela Iantosca








Nei negozi tra pochi giorni... #Freepress #mensile #acquaesapone #mika




This magazine's PDF-file should be uploaded to their page, soon !


Io Acqua e Sapone :wink2:



What a wonderful news :excite:

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io Acqua e Sapone



MIKA: Lo showman dei record


Paladino dei diritti civili, Mika usa la musica per veicolare messaggi di speranza e gioia


Gio 26 Gen 2017 | di Giulia Imperiale | Interviste Esclusive


Lo ricordo ancora il nostro primo incontro: era stato appena scelto come giurato di “X-Factor”, aveva gli occhi da cerbiatto pieni di stupore e anche un po’ di paura, ma non li abbassava mai. Tormentava le mani di tanto in tanto e si agitava sulla poltrona, ma niente di più. In passato ha ricevuto porte in faccia, rifiuti, derisioni, ma ha ripagato bullismo e discriminazione con la poesia delle sue note: tutto il dolore è diventato melodia, trasformandosi e guarendolo.
In questo processo ha aiutato milioni di altri ragazzi a trovare una voce, a guardarsi allo specchio senza odio o vergogna.


La sofferenza non le ha fatto perdere la fiducia negli altri. Come ha fatto?

«Sarebbe facile perdere la fede nell’umanità e cadere nel cinismo, quasi vittima di una risposta emozionale. E invece no. Sono tornato a Beirut (sua città natale - ndr), nonostante gli attentati (14 morti e 200 feriti nel 2013 per un attentato kamikaze; il 12 novembre 2015 sono morte circa 40 persone; a giugno 2016 un nuovo attentato ha provocato altri feriti - ndr)  per lanciare un messaggio forte, portare speranza e voglia di ricostruire quello che abbiamo perso».


Gli attentati nel mondo si moltiplicano e con essi la paura. Cosa ne pensa?

«Le faccio un esempio: dopo l’attentato, ho notato che i concerti in Costa Azzurra erano blindati e ovviamente mi ha fatto male. Lo vedi ovunque, a partire dagli aeroporti, questo atteggiamento di allerta e lo assorbi: però poi scopri a sorpresa realtà come Giffoni Film Festival (Festival di cinema per ragazzi in provincia di Salerno - ndr) che ti permettono di riscoprire la gioia pura dell’essere al mondo. Qui i bambini girano per strada, liberi, senza barriere o forze dell’ordine, con quell’innocenza che a volte dimentichiamo, senza paura. Mi hanno insegnato una grande lezione: i giovani trovano sempre il modo di costruire insieme un mondo migliore».


Tornerà presto su RaiDue con “Stasera Casa Mika”. Cosa le ha regalato lo show?

«Non l’ho concepito come uno specchio su di me per due ore, ma come una serata tra amici, con tanti ospiti e un’orchestra incredibile, che racconta in modo eclettico il mondo, attraverso artisti poco conosciuti in Italia che offrano una prospettiva diversa e un confronto utile».


Dica la verità, si sente a casa in Italia?

«Tre anni fa non conoscevo la vostra lingua e invece ora la parlo. Male, certo, ma non malissimo. Dopo “X-Factor” mi sono chiesto: “Cosa so davvero di questo Paese?”. E allora è nata l’idea di scoprirla meglio con un progetto che mi assomigliasse, “Stasera Casa Mika”».


Tutto quello che le sta a cuore lo mette in musica?

«Nelle mie canzoni finisce soprattutto quello che non conosco o non capisco. Ecco perché quelle d’amore migliori arrivano quando non sei innamorato. L’immaginazione spalanca migliaia di possibilità e il desiderio di avere qualcosa che manca diventa poesia».


E se qualche testo non piacesse?

«Invece di arrovellarti a chiedertelo, buttati. Esci dal guscio, tenta. Sai di essere vecchio quando cerchi di sembrare giovane. Lo sforzo per essere diverso non paga ma: tira fuori la tua energia, quel fuoco che hai dentro. Certo, ci vuole incoscienza, ma il processo creativo si basa su questo, nel non mettere mai a tacere l’enfant terrible che è in te».


Come nascono quei momenti d’ispirazione?

«Il processo è intimo e improvviso, a volte sei in camera da letto e hai il dentifricio in mano e ti tornano in mente emozioni o sensazioni, così senti l’urgenza di metterle nero su bianco e soprattutto di condividerle. Ovvio, c’è il terrore che non vengano recepite, ma ho capito che la paura va chiamata per nome e superata». 


Si riconosce ancora nelle prime canzoni?

«Cantare oggi “Lollipop”, dopo un decennio e a 30 anni può sembrare naïve, ma ho capito che nel mio processo di crescita devo sempre tenere a mente le mie radici e al tempo stesso prepararmi per la prossima sfida». 


Cosa le viene in mente pensando a “Grace Kelly”, suo primo singolo pubblicato nel 2007?

«Sai qual è il lato bello dell’essere un artista? Poter cambiare continuamente, anche assieme al tuo pubblico. D’altronde lo facciamo tutti, anche con i social network».


In che senso?

«Mostriamo sempre una versione di noi modificata, alla ricerca disperata di una perfezione. Questo processo è doloroso perché ti snatura. Siamo troppo impegnati a mostrare un certo lato di noi, l’ho fatto anch’io, ma ora ho smesso». 


La vera Grace Kelly che l’ha ispirata cosa rappresentava per lei?

«La favola: non era solo un’icona, ma una ragazza che è diventata attrice e poi principessa. Ecco, il concetto di “icona” è come ti presenti al mondo. Può essere dunque liberatorio farti vedere per come sei, senza temere di essere sbagliato: ti regala la libertà. Ecco, al tempo di Grace Kelly le star non potevano mostrare chi erano davvero e questo genera tristezza».


Qual è il più grande insegnamento di sua mamma?

«Lei era una tipa tosta, di quelle che sapeva scuoterti in tutti i sensi, ma mi ha insegnato il rispetto per gli altri e per questo lavoro. Grazie a lei ho capito che le questioni private devono restare lontane dai riflettori».


Ha parlato spesso di bullismo in prima persona: perché?


«Essere se stessi è un investimento sul futuro, è pericoloso fingere di essere altro. Devi capire qual è la tua destinazione. Su questo messaggio punto molto nei miei lavori, per questo ho partecipato alla colonna sonora di “Un bacio” dove un ragazzo etero uccide a scuola l’amico gay. E sono entrambi colpevoli, perché nessuno si parla e la tragedia sembra l’unico modo per abbattere i muri. Ma lo so per esperienza che non è così».







L’Italia si è innamorata di Mika grazie a “X-Factor”, ma Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. (questo il suo nome vero), classe ’83, ha conquistato il mondo già da tempo. Sul palco del Festival della canzone italiana di Sanremo a febbraio si esibisce come ospite, ma ormai in Rai si sente perfettamente a suo agio grazie alla trasmissione “Stasera Casa Mika”, che tornerà anche quest’anno. Dopo lo show di fine anno su RaiDue “Mika Love Paris”, il cantante libanese naturalizzato inglese ha moltissimi altri impegni in agenda. Il suo ultimo album “No place in heaven” è già disco d’oro. Ha iniziato a scrivere canzoni da piccolo, nonostante la dislessia, e nel 2006 arriva il contratto discografico per l’album “Grace Kelly”. Incredibile talentuoso e versatile, parla molte lingue: libanese, arabo, italiano, spagnolo, inglese, francese e cinese. In soli dieci anni è diventato un autentico fenomeno del panorama musicale mondiale, a dispetto delle pressioni “pop” delle case discografiche. Ospite d’onore del Festival cinematrogafico di Giffoni, ha lasciato ai ragazzi una profonda testimonianza di tolleranza, apertura e solidarietà, che ha sempre portato avanti in vari progetti, tra cui “Hurts”, la colonna sonora del film “Un bacio” di Ivan Cotroneo (in home video per Lucky Red dal 7 febbraio, giornata nazionale contro il bullismo).












Edited by Kumazzz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mika is in Italy for the Festival di Sanremo and today he helped a girl to get gas.



:) How nice!  I wouldn't mind to get help from MIKA, for whatever reason :teehee:   :wub:  But wasn't  he always a gentleman - ready to lend a helping hand, where it's needed ?  :wink2::wub:

I think it's a part of his great personality... :wub:


Love, love


Edited by mamiam
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It's a very good article.


Sanremo 2017, e se fosse Mika il prossimo conduttore del Festival?

  • di Davide Turrini | 9 febbraio 2017

Inutile continuare a chiamarlo per una comparsata da ospite internazionale per fargli ripetere Popular Song o Lollipop. Mika è uno showman che meriterebbe uno spazio enorme, completamente suo. Il palco dell’Ariston tutto a totale disposizione, magari per condurre davvero Sanremo, consegnandoci l’apoteosi del pop contemporaneo. Il primo artista straniero a organizzare un festival, il primo uomo di spettacolo gay a rappresentare finalmente le masse dal luogo televisivo più guardato e ascoltato d’Italia
di Davide Turrini | 9 febbraio 2017

“Io non parlo italiano, però capisco ‘pompa’ ”. Quando Mika, neo giudice di X Factor 7 (2013), si cimenta nella presentazione della concorrente Roberta Pompa, che poi farà parte della sua squadra, diventa in un attimo idolo planetario. “E’ veramente tuo nome? Mamma Pompa, Papà Pompa?”. Se nel montaggio qualche risatina è stata tolta, non è dato sapere. Noi però sappiamo che il cantante britannico oggi 33enne, Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., si è comportato con classe cristallina, forse memore della sua infanzia e adolescenza da bullizzato, ha demandato i gridolini sul cognome della concorrente al pubblico e ai colleghi di giuria. Impeccabile, inappuntabile, spontaneo, elegante e brioso, Mika poteva starsene anche a casa a comporre i brani di un nuovo album dal successo mondiale. Invece ecco la congiunzione astrale della simpatia ad oltranza: Mika e l’italiano, due pianeti belli e soleggiati nell’universo dello showbiz nazionale. “Tu canti come un gatto drogato in una discoteca di striptease alle cinque del mattino”, commentò l’esibizione di un concorrente del talent. Oppure come sinonimo di noia di fronte a un cantante che ripropose Nuntereggae più di Rino Gaetano gli disse: “Sembri un Julio Iglesias senior in un piano bar vicino Malpensa”. Inutile negarlo: Mika sta simpatico a tutti. Il suo avventurarsi nei meandri dell’italiano inglesizzato, o francesizzato, o giù di lì, è un gioco spiritoso e magnetico, mai imbarazzante come una gaffe di Mike Bongiorno.

Dopo aver conquistato il mondo del pop vendendo milioni di album in nemmeno cinque anni e cinque dischi, e, come hanno scritto Brigitte Hemmerlin e Vanessa Pontet in Mika La storia (Sperling Kupfer), senza aver “mai rinnegato la propria pop-pitudine ma anche lavorando per renderla unica”, Mika è diventato un’icona della tv italiana come, e forse più, dell’affermata popstar degli ascolti meccanici dall’autoradio mentre si va al lavoro. Grace Kelly è un must orecchiabile e intramontabile, ma è ancor più cool qualunque esibizione live di Mika ogni qualvolta compare in video. Per l’aspetto performativo in pubblico l’hanno paragonato a Freddie Mercury, ma forse lui è qualcosa di ancor più clamorosamente glamour e nazionalpopolare. Il bravo ragazzo che aiuta la nonnina ad attraversare la strada – si veda quando intona La vita è tutta un quiz con Renzo Arbore in Stasera casa Mika o quando con Dario Fo alle Invasioni Barbariche va di matto per Ho visto un re; il gentiluomo che elogia le bellezze delle mature signore – si recuperi l’ospitata di Monica Bellucci in grembiule da cucina sempre nel suo show in prima serata Rai; l’uomo vitruviano perfetto nella sua armonica compostezza fisica dopo che da bambino nella scuola più esclusiva di Londra veniva tormentato dai compagni perché era rotondeggiante come una pera e perché portava pantaloni rossi e papillon al collo. “Sacchetto di plastica”, in arabo il nome Mika voluto da mamma proprio quando nacque in Medio Oriente, è cresciuto in fretta e si è fatto rispettare ballando e danzando come Nureyev, accarezzando il pianoforte come Glenn Gould.

Inutile continuare a chiamarlo per una comparsata da ospite internazionale per fargli ripetere Popular Song o Lollipop.

Mika è uno showman che meriterebbe uno spazio enorme, completamente suo. Il palco dell’Ariston tutto a totale disposizione, magari per condurre davvero Sanremo, consegnandoci l’apoteosi del pop contemporaneo. Il primo artista straniero a organizzare un festival, il primo uomo di spettacolo gay a rappresentare finalmente le masse dal luogo televisivo più guardato e ascoltato d’Italia. Dopo Mike c’è Mika: senza la fenomenologia di Umberto Eco, ma con un dizionario italiano/Mika meglio delle invecchiate gaffe di Totti. Tutto torna. E’ ora che Carlo Conti e gli zigomi della De Filippi facciano spazio alle scenografie da Yellow Submarine del ragazzino nato sotto le bombe dell’Intifada a Beirut. C’è da far casino intelligente sul palco dell’Ariston. Che il 2018 sia l’anno di Mika. Magari.


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Sanremo 2017, and if Mika was the next host of the Festival?

  • Davide Turrini | February 9, 2017

Needless to continue to call for an appearance by an international guest for him repeat Popular Song or Lollipop. Mika is a showman who deserves a huge space, completely his. The stage of the Ariston all completely available, perhaps to really lead Sanremo, giving us the apotheosis of contemporary pop. The first foreign artist to organize a festival, the first gay entertainer to eventually represent the masses from the place most watched television and listened in Italy

"I do not speak Italian, but I understand 'pump' '.

When Mika, neo X Factor judge 7 (2013), became deeply involved in the presentation of shared Roberta pump, which then will be part of his team, become instantly planetary idol. "It 's really your name? Mom pump, pump Dad? ".

If assembling some chuckling has been removed, I do not know. But we know that today's 33 year-old British singer, Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., acted with crystalline class, perhaps mindful of his childhood and adolescence from bullizzato, has delegated the cries on the surname of the competitor to the public and to colleagues of the jury. Impeccable, irreproachable, spontaneous, elegant and spirited, Mika could also be home to compose songs for a new album from the worldwide success. Instead here is the alignment of the stars of sympathy to the bitter end: Mika and Italian, two beautiful and sunny planets in the universe of the national showbiz. "You sing like a junkie cat in a nightclub striptease at five in the morning", said the performance of the talent of a competitor. Or as a synonym for boredom in front of a singer who revisited most of Rino Gaetano Nuntereggae said, "You look like a Julio Iglesias senior at a nearby piano bar Malpensa." No denying it: Mika is nice to everyone. Its venture into the maze anglicized Italian, or French wishes, or so, is a witty and magnetic game, never embarrassing as a gaffe of Mike Bongiorno.

Having conquered the pop world by selling millions of albums in less than five years and five discs, and, as they wrote Brigitte Hemmerlin and Vanessa Pontet in Mika's story (Sperling Kupfer), without having "never renounced their own pop-pitudine but also working to make it unique, "Mika has become an icon of Italian television as, and perhaps more, of the successful pop stars of mechanical hear on the car radio while you go to work. Grace Kelly is a must catchy and timeless, but it's even more cool any live performances by Mika whenever it appears in the video. For the performance aspect in the public compared to Freddie Mercury, but perhaps he is something even more sensationally glamorous and nazionalpopolare. The nice guy who helps the grandmother to cross the road - see when she sings Life is all a quiz with Renzo Arbore in the house tonight Mika or when Dario Fo to Barbarian Invasions goes crazy I saw a king; the gentleman who praises the beauty of mature ladies - it retrieve the hosted Monica Bellucci in apron forever in his prime time show Rai; Vitruvian man perfect in its harmonic physical composure after that as a child in the most exclusive London school was being harassed by classmates because it was round like a pear and because he wore red pants and bow tie at the neck. "Plastic Bag", in Arabic the name Mika wanted by their mother when he was born in the Middle East, has grown rapidly and has enforced dancing and dancing as Nureyev, stroking the piano like Glenn Gould.

Needless to continue to call for an appearance by an international guest for him repeat Popular Song or Lollipop. Mika is a showman who deserves a huge space, completely his. The stage of the Ariston all completely available, perhaps to really lead Sanremo, giving us the apotheosis of contemporary pop. The first foreign artist to organize a festival, the first man to represent gay show finally the masses from the place most watched television and listened in Italy. After Mike's Mika: no phenomenology of Umberto Eco, but with an Italian / Mika Dictionary best of aged gaffe Totti. It all comes back. And 'now that Carlo Conti and cheekbones of the De Filippi sets to make room for the Yellow Submarine boy born under the Intifada bombs in Beirut. We must make intelligent casino on the stage of the Ariston. That 2018 is the year of Mika. Maybe.




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I'm Giulia and I'm Italian

 this is the first time I have written on this topic...

I Translated an interview that Mka did last January







interview for ”acqua e sapone“                                      26 January 2017


Mika, the records showman.


Civil rights defender, Mika uses music as a vehicle for messages of joy and hope.

 (Interview by Giulia Imperiale)

Intro: I remember our first meeting: he had been selected as a judge for "X Factor."

He had eyes full of astonishment and also some fear. But he never lowered them. He tormented his hands, and he shook on the armchair, nothing more.

In the past, he had received so many doors in the face, refusals and derision, but he paid off bullying and discrimination with poetry in his notes: the pain has become a melody, transforming and recovering him.

In this process, he helped many guys to find a voice, to look at themselves in the mirror without hate or shame.

Q: pain has not made you lose the trust in others, how do you do?

M: it would be easy to fall in the cynicism, almost victim of an emotional response.

But I didn't, I came back to Beirut (his hometown) regardless the attacks (40 people died, and 200 were wounded in 2013 in a kamikaze attack. On November 12, 2015, 40 people were killed; on June 2016 another attack provoked new wounded people) to communicate a strong message, to bring hope and desire to reconstruct what we had lost.

Q: the attacks in the world are multiplying and our fear with them. What do you think about it?

M: I'll give you an example: after the attack (Nizza, 14 July 2016) I noticed that the concerts in the French Riviera were armoured and this obviously hurt me.

You see it anywhere, beginning from the airports, this attitude of alert and you absorb it: however, then you discover surprising realities like Giffoni Film Festival (Festival of cinema for young people in the province of Salerno) that allows you to rediscover the pure joy of being in the world. Here children walk the roads, freely, without barriers or police, with that innocence that at times we forget, without fear. They have taught me a great lesson: young people always find the way to build a better world together.

Q: you will return soon on Rai 2 with ”Stasera Casa Mika'' what do you expect from the show?

 M: I have not conceived it as a mirror on myself for two hours, but as an evening among friends, with so many guests and an unbelievable orchestra. In this situation, we can speak about the world in an eclectic way, through little-known artists in Italy and this offers a different perspective and a useful comparison.

Q: Tell me the truth, do you feel at home in Italy?

M: Three years ago I didn't know Italian, and now I can speak it. Poorly, indeed, but not too badly. After "X-Factor" I wondered: "what do I know about this Country?". And then the idea of discovering Italy better was born with a project that resembled me, "Stasera Casa Mika".

Q: do you put in music everything that you hold dear?

M: all that I don't know or I don't understand ends up in my songs. That's why the best love songs arrive when you are not in love. Imagination opens up thousands of possibilities and the desire to have something that you miss becomes poetry.”

Q: And if people didn't like some lyrics?

M: Instead of worrying and asking you why you should go out and try. You know to be old when you try to seem young. The strive to be different doesn't pay, but it makes your energy and that fire that you have inside come out. Indeed, it takes irresponsibility, but the creative process is this. Never keep silent the ”enfant terrible“ that is you."

 Q: How are those moments of inspiration born?

M: The process is intimate and unexpected, sometimes you are in your bedroom, and you hold the toothpaste and emotions or feelings come back, so you feel the urgency to put them black on white and above all to share them. Obviously, there is the terror that they are not understood, but I have learned that fear must be called by name and must be overcome.”

Q: do you still recognise yourself in your first songs?

M: singing "Lollipop" today, after ten years and at 33 years old can seem naive, but I have understood that in my process of development I always have to keep in mind my roots and at the same time to prepare for the next challenge.

Q: what do you think of "Grace Kelly " your first record published in 2007?

M: Do you know what it is the beautiful aspect of being an artist? To be able to change continually, also together with your public. This is what all we do, also with social networks.

Q: what do you mean?

M: We always show a version of us modified to the desperate search for perfection. This process is painful because it denaturalizes you. We are too busy to show a particular aspect of us, I have done it too, but now I have stopped.

Q: The real Grace Kelly that has inspired you what represented for you?

M: The fable: it was not only an icon but a girl that has become an actress and then a princess. The concept of "icon" is how you present yourself to the world. It can be liberatory to make others see you as you are, without fear of being wrong: it gives your freedom.  At the time of Grace Kelly, stars couldn't show who they indeed were and this produced sadness.

Q: what is the greatest teaching of your mother?

M: She has always been a very strong woman, one of those women that knew how to shake you in all the senses, but she has taught me the respect for the others and this job. Thanks to her I have understood that the private matters must be away from the reflectors.

Q: you have often spoken about bullying in the first person: why?

M: Be yourself is an investment in the future; it is dangerous to pretend to be someone different. You must understand what your destination is. I focus a lot on this message in my job, for this, I have participated in the soundtrack of "Un Bacio" where a straight boy kills his gay friend at school. And they are both guilty because nobody speaks and a tragedy seems the only way to destroy the walls. But I know from my experience that it is not so.



Bye bye to everyone :)




:mika1:  :mikacool:

Edited by The Port Of My Call
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I'm Giulia and I'm Italian

 this is the first time I have written on this site...

I Translated an interview that Mka did last January







interview for ”acqua e sapone“                                      26 January 2017


Mika, the records showman.


Civil rights defender, Mika uses music as a vehicle for messages of joy and hope.

 (Interview by Giulia Imperiale)

Intro: I remember our first meeting: he had been selected as a judge for "X Factor."

He had eyes full of astonishment and also some fear. But he never lowered them. He tormented his hands, and he shook on the armchair, nothing more.

In the past, he had received so many doors in the face, refusals and derision, but he paid off bullying and discrimination with poetry in his notes: the pain has become a melody, transforming and recovering him.

In this process, he helped many guys to find a voice, to look at themselves in the mirror without hate or shame.

Q: pain has not made you lose the trust in others, how do you do?

M: it would be easy to fall in the cynicism, almost victim of an emotional response.

But I didn't, I came back to Beirut (his hometown) regardless the attacks (40 people died, and 200 were wounded in 2013 in a kamikaze attack. On November 12, 2015, 40 people were killed; on June 2016 another attack provoked new wounded people) to communicate a strong message, to bring hope and desire to reconstruct what we had lost.

Q: the attacks in the world are multiplying and our fear with them. What do you think about it?

M: I'll give you an example: after the attack (Nizza, 14 July 2016) I noticed that the concerts in the French Riviera were armoured and this obviously hurt me.

You see it anywhere, beginning from the airports, this attitude of alert and you absorb it: however, then you discover surprising realities like Giffoni Film Festival (Festival of cinema for young people in the province of Salerno) that allows you to rediscover the pure joy of being in the world. Here children walk the roads, freely, without barriers or police, with that innocence that at times we forget, without fear. They have taught me a great lesson: young people always find the way to build a better world together.

Q: you will return soon on Rai 2 with ”Stasera Casa Mika'' what do you expect from the show?

 M: I have not conceived it as a mirror on myself for two hours, but as an evening among friends, with so many guests and an unbelievable orchestra. In this situation, we can speak about the world in an eclectic way, through little-known artists in Italy and this offers a different perspective and a useful comparison.

Q: Tell me the truth, do you feel at home in Italy?

M: Three years ago I didn't know Italian, and now I can speak it. Poorly, indeed, but not too badly. After "X-Factor" I wondered: "what do I know about this Country?". And then the idea of discovering Italy better was born with a project that resembled me, "Stasera Casa Mika".

Q: do you put in music everything that you hold dear?

M: all that I don't know or I don't understand ends up in my songs. That's why the best love songs arrive when you are not in love. Imagination opens up thousands of possibilities and the desire to have something that you miss becomes poetry.”

Q: And if people didn't like some lyrics?

M: Instead of worrying and asking you why you should go out and try. You know to be old when you try to seem young. The strive to be different doesn't pay, but it makes your energy and that fire that you have inside come out. Indeed, it takes irresponsibility, but the creative process is this. Never keep silent the ”enfant terrible“ that is you."

 Q: How are those moments of inspiration born?

M: The process is intimate and unexpected, sometimes you are in your bedroom, and you hold the toothpaste and emotions or feelings come back, so you feel the urgency to put them black on white and above all to share them. Obviously, there is the terror that they are not understood, but I have learned that fear must be called by name and must be overcome.”

Q: do you still recognise yourself in your first songs?

M: singing "Lollipop" today, after ten years and at 33 years old can seem naive, but I have understood that in my process of development I always have to keep in mind my roots and at the same time to prepare for the next challenge.

Q: what do you think of "Grace Kelly " your first record published in 2007?

M: Do you know what it is the beautiful aspect of being an artist? To be able to change continually, also together with your public. This is what all we do, also with social networks.

Q: what do you mean?

M: We always show a version of us modified to the desperate search for perfection. This process is painful because it denaturalizes you. We are too busy to show a particular aspect of us, I have done it too, but now I have stopped.

Q: The real Grace Kelly that has inspired you what represented for you?

M: The fable: it was not only an icon but a girl that has become an actress and then a princess. The concept of "icon" is how you present yourself to the world. It can be liberatory to make others see you as you are, without fear of being wrong: it gives your freedom.  At the time of Grace Kelly, stars couldn't show who they indeed were and this produced sadness.

Q: what is the greatest teaching of your mother?

M: She has always been a very strong woman, one of those women that knew how to shake you in all the senses, but she has taught me the respect for the others and this job. Thanks to her I have understood that the private matters must be away from the reflectors.

Q: you have often spoken about bullying in the first person: why?

M: Be yourself is an investment in the future; it is dangerous to pretend to be someone different. You must understand what your destination is. I focus a lot on this message in my job, for this, I have participated in the soundtrack of "Un Bacio" where a straight boy kills his gay friend at school. And they are both guilty because nobody speaks and a tragedy seems the only way to destroy the walls. But I know from my experience that it is not so.



Bye bye to everyone :)




:mika1:  :mikacool:


Grazie mille Guilia!  :hug: I love the interview, and especially MIKAs last answer: " be yourself is an investment in the future, it's dangerous to pretend to be someone different.  You must understand what your destination is" :thumb_yello:  Wise words,  from our good guy... :wub:  


Love, love


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Grazie mille Guilia!  :hug: I love the interview, and especially MIKAs last answer: " be yourself is an investment in the future, it's dangerous to pretend to be someone different.  You must understand what your destination is" :thumb_yello:  Wise words,  from our good guy... :wub:  


Love, love


you are welcome!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kumazz I don't know if you want the interview translated word by word. Anyway the questions are more or less always the same. The problem of the bullying during his school years and his life so "gipsy" in a certain way because of his family's troubles. The only " news" are about his feelingson on the occasion of his second time in Sanremo and the fact that he wanted to do something special and not"just singing a song". That's why he says that in the 4 weeks before the festival he has thought about what to do and then decided to perform "Jesus to a child" by George Michael. The other news is about the new SCM and the fact that he and his team have decided what and how to change some things in the show. It will be a little more like a musical with more songs even written on purpose for SCM.The other question is about the talent shows and his leaving of "XFACTOR Italia". He says he has no regrets about his choice and that there are other judges doing a good job. He also affirms that talent shows are good in order to discover new talents and that's a shame that in Italy there aren't enough places where you can perform "live". According to Mika's opinion this leads to a massive presence of international artists in our (Italian)charts. I hope to have been helpful. Thanks for all the things that you post so quickly and so efficiently.????????

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Hi Kumazz I don't know if you want the interview translated word by word. Anyway the questions are more or less always the same.

The problem of the bullying during his school years and his life so "gipsy" in a certain way because of his family's troubles.


The only " news" are about his feelings on the occasion of his second time in Sanremo and the fact that he wanted to do something special and not"just singing a song". That's why he says that in the 4 weeks before the festival he has thought about what to do and then decided to perform "Jesus to a child" by George Michael.


The other news is about the new SCM and the fact that he and his team have decided what and how to change some things in the show. It will be a little more like a musical with more songs even written on purpose for SCM.


The other question is about the talent shows and his leaving of "XFACTOR Italia". He says he has no regrets about his choice and that there are other judges doing a good job. He also affirms that talent shows are good in order to discover new talents and that's a shame that in Italy there aren't enough places where you can perform "live". According to Mika's opinion this leads to a massive presence of international artists in our (Italian)charts.



I hope to have been helpful. Thanks for all the things that you post so quickly and so efficiently.



Thank you very much !!!!! :wub:

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Hi Kumazz I don't know if you want the interview translated word by word. Anyway the questions are more or less always the same. The problem of the bullying during his school years and his life so "gipsy" in a certain way because of his family's troubles. The only " news" are about his feelingson on the occasion of his second time in Sanremo and the fact that he wanted to do something special and not"just singing a song". That's why he says that in the 4 weeks before the festival he has thought about what to do and then decided to perform "Jesus to a child" by George Michael. The other news is about the new SCM and the fact that he and his team have decided what and how to change some things in the show. It will be a little more like a musical with more songs even written on purpose for SCM.The other question is about the talent shows and his leaving of "XFACTOR Italia". He says he has no regrets about his choice and that there are other judges doing a good job. He also affirms that talent shows are good in order to discover new talents and that's a shame that in Italy there aren't enough places where you can perform "live". According to Mika's opinion this leads to a massive presence of international artists in our (Italian)charts. I hope to have been helpful. Thanks for all the things that you post so quickly and so efficiently.

Thank you very much Carlota :hug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Albatros magazine










Cittadino del mondo


di Luca Guerrasio




 È una delle più influenti ed amate star del pop internazionale, e dopo averlo ammirato al Festival di Sanremo, sono tante ed importanti novità le lo vedranno protagonista. A cominciare dal suo prossimo album

Sono passate solo poche settimane da quando, a Sanremo, si è esibito come ospite internazionale – anche se la cittadinanza italiana la meriterebbe ad honorem – portando sul palco dell’Ariston i suoi singoli di maggior successo, con il tutto condito dalla sua grande espressività e teatralità. A parte le doti da musicista e performer, non manca mai di dimostrare la sua bravura come “uomo di televisione”, tanto da far addirittura pensare a qualche insider ad una sua possibile candidatura al “dopo Conti” per il palco del Festival più amato dagli italiani. Intanto prossimamente lo ritroveremo di sicuro nella nuova edizione di “Stasera Casa Mika”, che prevede importantissime novità, ma soprattutto sarà impegnato fino alla prossima estate nel suo nuovo tour, durante il quale avremo modo di gustarci lo showman “cittadino del mondo” in giro per l’Italia, con tutte le date già quasi sold-out.

Cominciando dall’ultima tua apparizione televisiva al Festival, hai chiesto a Carlo Conti di venire ospite nel tuo show. Sai bene che, tuttavia, lui il “suo” dopo tre anni l’ha lasciato. Magari ci hai fatto un pensierino?

“Assolutamente no! È terrorizzante. Ho cantato per soli 15 minuti sul palco dell’Ariston e nelle 4 settimane precedenti avevo le farfalle nello stomaco. Ripetere quello che ha fatto Carlo negli ultimi tre anni è qualcosa di incredibile. È quasi impensabile, ci vuole tanta personalità e tanto lavoro, non solo nel gestire le cose quando vanno bene, ma anche quando subentra qualche problema. Sanremo è una grande macchina, e ci vuole una patente speciale per guidarla!”


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It is one of the most influential and beloved international pop star, and after having admired it at the Sanremo Festival, are many and important news will see the protagonist. Starting from his upcoming album

It's only been a few weeks since, in Sanremo, he performed as an international guest - even if Italian citizenship deserves the honorary - bringing on the stage of the Ariston his most successful singles, with all topped by his great expressiveness and theatricality. Apart from the talents as a musician and performer, never fails to demonstrate his skill as a "television man", so as to even think of any insider to his possible nomination "after Conti" for the stage of the Festival most loved by Italian. Meanwhile, in the near future it will meet for sure in the new edition of "Stasera Casa Mika", which provides important innovations, but above all will be busy until next summer in his new tour, during which we will taste us the showman "citizen of the world" around for Italy, with all dates already nearly sold-out.


Starting your last television appearance at the Festival, you asked Carlo Conti to come guest in your show. You know, however, he "his" after three years he left him. Maybe you have made us a little thought?

"Absolutely not! It's terrifying. I sang for only 15 minutes on the stage of the Ariston and within 4 weeks I had butterflies in my stomach. Repeat what made Charles the past three years is something incredible. It is almost unthinkable, it takes so much personality and hard work, not only in dealing with things when they go well, but also when it takes over some problem. Sanremo is a great car, and it takes a special license to drive it! "


“La musica è la chiave della libertà, quando canti prendi una posizione per farti sentire ed esprimere la tua opinione. Ti rendi visibile. Cantando sapevo che un giorno avrei cambiato la mia vita”

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"Music is the key to freedom, when you sing you take a position for you to feel and express your opinion. You become visible. Singing I knew that one day I changed my life "




Durante la tua esibizione sul palco dell’Ariston hai cantato “Jesus to a child” di George Michael. Come mai?

“Beh, è una storia solo mia, personale. Ho lavorato tantissimo a Londra, però non l’ho mai incontrato né l’ho mai voluto incontrare, perché per me George Michael era come una divinità, cantanti come lui sono degli eroi internazionali e devono restare tali, al limite dell’inarrivabile. Quindi se l’avessi conosciuto sarebbe stato tutto diverso, sarebbe cambiato qualcosa. Per me è un mito, e resterà tale per sempre!”


Google translator



During your performance on the stage of the Ariston you sang "Jesus to a Child" by George Michael. Why?

"Well, it's a story only mine, personal. I worked a lot in London, though I've never met nor was I ever wanted to meet, because for me George Michael was like a god, singers like him are international heroes and must remain so, at the limit of the unmatchable. So if I knew everything would be different, it would have changed something. For me it is a myth, and will remain so for ever! "


Passiamo invece agli ospiti che “vorrà incontrare” in occasione di “Stasera Casa Mika 2”. Chi ci sarà?

“Eh, è ancora presto per dirlo! Ovviamente ci saranno dei cambiamenti importanti. Ho sempre visto Casa Mika come un musical dove poter raccontare la mia vita facendo divertire il pubblico italiano. La cosa bella di questo spettacolo è che non ha un format ben preciso, quindi lo posso modificare a mio piacimento, sperando di poter migliorare sempre di più. L’aspetto fondamentale su cui si baserà la nuova edizione è il voler esprimere di più alcuni concetti per me fondamentali, utilizzando un registro sia serio sia facendo sketch magari alla vecchia maniera, in stile anni ’70-’80!”


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Let's move on instead to the guests that "will meet" on the occasion of "Stasera Casa Mika 2". Who will be there?

"Eh, it's too early to say! Obviously there will be some important changes. I always saw it as a musical Casa Mika where to tell my life doing amuse the Italian public. The nice thing about this show is that it has a very specific format, so I can change it at my leisure, hoping to get better and better. The fundamental aspect on which to base the new edition is the desire to express some of the most fundamental concepts for me, using a register is serious is doing sketches maybe the old fashioned way, in style years '70 -'80! "


Scriverai anche delle nuove canzoni per questa edizione?

“Assolutamente sì! Ho alle mie spalle una squadra formidabile e tutti insieme sono sicuro riusciremo a mettere su uno show spettacolare. Con la squadra ogni giorno facciamo le due di notte, e ora che ho capito come funziona so di essere pronto anche per scrivere nuovi testi; riesco a gestire meglio il tempo e quindi penso che avrò ancora più tempo da dedicare alla scrittura.” Questi testi faranno parte di un nuovo album? “Alcuni sì. Sto già scrivendo il nuovo album e spero che sia pronto al più presto, ovviamente riporterò alcuni brani in ‘Stasera Casa Mika 2’.”


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also you write new songs for this edition?

"Absolutely yes! I have behind me a formidable team and together I am sure we can put on a spectacular show. With the team every day we do two in the morning, and now I understand how I know I'm also ready to write new texts; I can better manage the time and so I think I will have more time to devote to writing. "These texts will be part of a new album? "Some yes. I'm already writing the new album and I hope it will be ready as soon as possible, of course, will report some passages in 'Stasera Casa Mika 2'. "


Facendo un salto nel passato, da ragazzino, ai tempi della scuola, sei stato vittima di atti di bullismo. Che messaggio ti senti di lanciare a chi ancora oggi è costretto a subire tutto ciò?

“A mio avviso non è un caso che chi scrive musica pop non sia mai stato famoso a scuola. La musica è la chiave della libertà, quando canti prendi una posizione dove riesci a farti sentire, dove puoi esprimere la tua opinione e ti rendi visibile. Quando ero a scuola mi sentivo invisibile e ogni volta che ero visibile, mi picchiavano! Cantando sapevo che un giorno ci sarebbe stata la possibilità di cambiare la mia vita. Devo tanto alla musica per questo. Il mio messaggio quindi può essere solo uno: quando non riesci a parlare e a farti sentire, allora canta!”


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Taking a step back in time, as a kid, at school, you have been the victim of bullying. What message do you feel to launch to those who still today is forced to endure all this?

"I believe it is no coincidence that the writer does not pop music has ever been famous in school. Music is the key to freedom, when you sing you take a position where you can make you feel, where you can express your opinion and make you visible. When I was at school I felt invisible and whenever I was visible, they beat me! Singing I knew that one day there would be a chance to change my life. I owe so much to the music for it. The so my message can be only one: when you can not speak and make you feel, then sings! "



Sei una star internazionale e la tua opinione è molto importante. Rispetto agli altri Paesi qual è lo stato di salute della musica italiana?


“È molto interessante. Perché è un mix. Una cosa che sento dire spesso, ed è vera, è che non ci sono abbastanza band e soprattutto abbastanza posti in cui i ragazzi possono cantare ed esprimere le proprie idee. Manca completamente la cultura dei locali in cui si fa musica. Allo stesso tempo Sanremo potrebbe essere una grande vetrina e nel mondo è difficile trovare qualcosa di simile, però bisognerebbe partire anche più dal basso, da dove nasce tutto senza la pressione del grande pubblico.”


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You are an international star and your opinion is very important. Compared to other countries what is the State of health of Italian music?

"It is very interesting. Because it's a mix. One thing that I hear often, and it is true, is that there aren't enough bands and especially enough places where kids can sing and express their ideas. Totally misses the local culture in which music. At the same time Sanremo might be a great showcase and in the world it's hard to find something similar, but we should leave more from below, where does it all without the pressure of the general public. "



Edited by Kumazzz
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Social Magazine

  • Anno 1,
  • No.1 Marzo 2017
  • 16/03/2017





Translation by Lauria151


page number 1:


matchless on Rai with the second edition of his show
made us entertained on Rai 2 with one man show "STASERA CASA MIKA 'as a singer, conductor, dancer and actor. we have admired on Rai 1 as a guest of the San Remo festival in 2017 he won everyone over with a tribute to George Michael , British singer died at Christmas Mika will be the host of the second edition of the Stasera Casa Mika said the director of RAI 2 Ilaria Dallatana.

Mika says: there will be some news because now we know what it takes ... I want to write songs just for show, for each episode, the old way we understand the mechanism and we are working to make it better, a huge team is working why we all live together like a MGM loft I think this show is like a movie as a musical.

his real name is Michal Holbrook Penniman Jr. He was born in Lebanon but he has lived in various countries: France, Great Britain, USA and now also in Italy in our country has become famous thanks to his liking as a judge and Xfactor then as a conductor of his TV program on RAI-2 so he won the hearts of the Italians this love is reciprocated below shows the tweets written by Mika Italian language before SanRemo in Italian thanking fans for their support during these 10 years.

Mika began writing music since childhood but thanks to his profile on MySpace he came to prominence as a record producer's success arrived with Grace Kelly song that sent it topped the international rankings this passage is taken from his first album "Life in cartoon Motion" he has sold 7 million copies around the world from this album other successes: Love Today, Mika Relax Take it Easy and publishes other two albums "the boy who knew too much" in 2009 and "the Origin of love "2012 the latest album is" No place in heaven "platinum status in our country (Italy)

"Boum boum boum", "Talk about you" "Last party" and "Good guys" are the pieces presented in preview to the final Xfactor



Page Number 2:

Mika is engaged to Andreas Dermanis everyone calls him Andy them live together in London for about 10 years and would like to one day of the sons

Mika says: This is not a good time to expand the family I live a life too selfish to do 15 months' tour is to have a big emotional investment I have around me pesone tolerant who understand me and accept ul fact that I am "ruining life "with a child this would not be possible

Mika has always said that he and Andy until a normal couple with ups and downs like any couple.Mika spoke freely of his homosexuality in 2012 on "Instinct" magazine where he says that his songs are about relationships between men and says that thanks to his music has managed to deal with his homosexuality beyond its texts.

Mika with his talent his very British humor and the picture a little boy came into Italian homes he has become one of the protagonists of the 2016 television season this year was very successful for the singer he had nearly 11 dates in Italy always sold out and the program "Stasera casa Mika" got successful share and positive criticism even the feared and known critic Aldo Grasso, who writes the "Corriere della sera" did congratulate Mika and the program with which he managed to renew and bring up to date the old formula of varieties Mika has put together music guests and important topics he told stories now we wait to see what will happen in the second edition of the program but the premises make us hopeful we think it will be another success



Pics by Pinami







Pics by Valentina





Edited by Kumazzz
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page number 1: matchless on Rai with the second edition of his show

made us entertained on Rai 2 with one man show "STASERA CASA MIKA 'as a singer, conductor, dancer and actor. we have admired on Rai 1 as a guest of the San Remo festival in 2017 he won everyone over with a tribute to George Michael , British singer died at Christmas Mika will be the host of the second edition of the Stasera Casa Mika said the director of RAI 2 Ilaria Dallatana.

Mika says: there will be some news because now we know what it takes ... I want to write songs just for show, for each episode, the old way we understand the mechanism and we are working to make it better, a huge team is working why we all live together like a MGM loft I think this show is like a movie as a musical.

his real name is Michal Holbrook Penniman Jr. He was born in Lebanon but he has lived in various countries: France, Great Britain, USA and now also in Italy in our country has become famous thanks to his liking as a judge and Xfactor then as a conductor of his TV program on RAI-2 so he won the hearts of the Italians this love is reciprocated below shows the tweets written by Mika Italian language before SanRemo in Italian thanking fans for their support during these 10 years.

Mika began writing music since childhood but thanks to his profile on MySpace he came to prominence as a record producer's success arrived with Grace Kelly song that sent it topped the international rankings this passage is taken from his first album "Life in cartoon Motion" he has sold 7 million copies around the world from this album other successes: Love Today, Mika Relax Take it Easy and publishes other two albums "the boy who knew too much" in 2009 and "the Origin of love "2012 the latest album is" No place in heaven "platinum status in our country (Italy)

"Boum boum boum", "Talk about you" "Last party" and "Good guys" are the pieces presented in preview to the final Xfactor

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Page Number 2: Mika is engaged to Andreas Dermanis everyone calls him Andy them live together in London for about 10 years and would like to one day of the sons

Mika says: This is not a good time to expand the family I live a life too selfish to do 15 months' tour is to have a big emotional investment I have around me pesone tolerant who understand me and accept ul fact that I am "ruining life "with a child this would not be possible

Mika has always said that he and Andy until a normal couple with ups and downs like any couple.Mika spoke freely of his homosexuality in 2012 on "Instinct" magazine where he says that his songs are about relationships between men and says that thanks to his music has managed to deal with his homosexuality beyond its texts.

Mika with his talent his very British humor and the picture a little boy came into Italian homes he has become one of the protagonists of the 2016 television season this year was very successful for the singer he had nearly 11 dates in Italy always sold out and the program "Stasera casa Mika" got successful share and positive criticism even the feared and known critic Aldo Grasso, who writes the "Corriere della sera" did congratulate Mika and the program with which he managed to renew and bring up to date the old formula of varieties Mika has put together music guests and important topics he told stories now we wait to see what will happen in the second edition of the program but the premises make us hopeful we think it will be another success

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Mika ei 20 anni dell'impegno anti-dislessia


Mika e i 20 anni dell’impegno anti-dislessia

  • Corriere di Bologna
  • 12 Mar 2017

Sono già 11 le scuole cittadine che possono vantare la certificazione di «Dislessia amica», la piattaforma online grazie alla quale istituti e insegnanti possono accedere alla formazione per essere considerati in grado di offrire una didattica adeguata agli alunni che soffrono di «Disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento», i Dsa come si chiamano in gergo tecnico, e in particolar modo di dislessia (difficoltà nel leggere). Sono i primi attestati rilasciati sotto le Due Torri, quasi la metà dei 24 registrati in tutta la provincia, e che riguardano scuole di tutti i livelli. L’elenco sarà pubblicato a giugno e comporrà un vero e proprio albo che nei prossimi mesi si arricchirà di altre scuole e docenti. Per quanto riguarda gli insegnanti, la provincia di Bologna può già vantare 497 docenti promossi dei 2.030 che in tutta la regione hanno superato gli esami: a livello nazionale, secondo i dati forniti dall’Associazione italiana dislessia sono circa 24.000 i certificati già rilasciati e oltre 130.000 i professori coinvolti. Il progetto, nato dalla collaborazione tra Aid, Miur, Fondazione Tim e l’agenzia di comunicazione Life, è partito per la prima volta nell’ottobre 2016 e ha un cuore bolognese: l’Aid, nata in città nel ’97 ha trovato appoggio e assistenza tecnica nella Life, realtà con sede in via San Donato. E presto Bologna ospiterà anche un grande evento per celebrare il ventennale dell’associazione. «Il 14 ottobre saremo in Santa Lucia — annuncia il presidente dell’Aid, Franco Botticelli —.


L’intenzione è avere ospiti importanti, come il cantante Mika, che ha raccontato i suoi problemi con la dislessia». Per poter accedere a corsi ed esami online è necessario che le scuole presentino il proprio interesse, poi viene stabilito chi nel corpo docente può partecipare sulla base delle richieste avanzate. Per il prossimo anno scolastico sarà possibile sapere quali scuole vantano questo livello di certificazione, che una volta ottenuto sarà sottoposto a verifiche.


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Already the 11 city schools that can boast the certification of 'dyslexia friendly', the online platform through which institutions and teachers have access to training to be considered able to provide an adequate education to pupils who suffer from 'specific disorders of' learning ', the DSA as they are called in technical jargon, and especially of dyslexia (difficulty reading). They are the first certificates issued under the two towers, almost half of the 24 recorded in the entire province, and involving schools of all levels. The list will be published in June and will compose a real book that in the coming months will be enriched by other schools and teachers. As for the teachers, the province of Bologna already has 497 of the 2,030 teachers who promoted throughout the region have passed examinations at national level, according to data provided by the Italian Dyslexia are about 24,000 certificates already issued and beyond 130,000 teachers involved. The project, a collaboration between Aid, Ministry of Education, Tim Foundation and the Life communications agency, has left for the first time in October 2016 and has a heart of Bologna: the Aid was born in the city in '97 has found support and technical assistance in the Life, reality with headquarters at San Donato. And soon Bologna will also host a major event to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the association. "On 14 October we will be in Saint Lucia - announced the president of Aid, Franco Botticelli -.


The intention is to have important guests, as the singer Mika, who recounted his problems with dyslexia.  In order to access online courses and exams is necessary for schools to present their interests, then it is determined who the faculty can participate on the basis of the requests. For the next school year will know which schools have this level of certification, which once obtained will be subjected to checks.




Edited by Kumazzz
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Thanks a lot Valentina !


Page Number 2:

Mika is engaged to Andreas Dermanis everyone calls him Andy them live together in London for about 10 years and would like to one day of the sons
Mika says: This is not a good time to expand the family I live a life too selfish to do 15 months' tour is to have a big emotional investment I have around me pesone tolerant who understand me and accept ul fact that I am "ruining life "with a child this would not be possible
Mika has always said that he and Andy until a normal couple with ups and downs like any couple.Mika spoke freely of his homosexuality in 2012 on "Instinct" magazine where he says that his songs are about relationships between men and says that thanks to his music has managed to deal with his homosexuality beyond its texts.
Mika with his talent his very British humor and the picture a little boy came into Italian homes he has become one of the protagonists of the 2016 television season this year was very successful for the singer he had nearly 11 dates in Italy always sold out and the program "Stasera casa Mika" got successful share and positive criticism even the feared and known critic Aldo Grasso, who writes the "Corriere della sera" did congratulate Mika and the program with which he managed to renew and bring up to date the old formula of varieties Mika has put together music guests and important topics he told stories now we wait to see what will happen in the second edition of the program but the premises make us hopeful we think it will be another success





Stasera Casa Mika recupera il vecchio varietà con una scrittura moderna



24 novembre 2016


Lo show di Raiude che ha fatto scoprire ai giovani il varietà. - Aldo Grasso /CorriereTV

Stasera Casa Mika è lo show di Raiude che ha fatto scoprire ai giovani il varietà. In questo «piccolo mondo dove tutto è possibile», messo in piedi da Mika e dai coautori Ivan Cotroneo, Tiziana Martinengo e Guido Mazzoleni, ci sono insieme il condominio milanese e la magia luminosa dello showbiz internazionale, il varietà «classico» di Antonello Falqui e la retorica naif de Il favoloso mondo di Amèlie, ci sono l'impegno sociale e il trionfo della musica.

Mika regge sulle spalle l'intero programma, riuscendo a fare un varietà moderno rifacendo bene quello classico.


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Da Stasera Casa Mika a Italia's Got Talent, più visibilità a temi Lgbt


Nel 2016 sono più che triplicate, rispetto all'anno precedente, le notizie trasmesse dai principali tg nazionali su temi, eventi e persone del mondo Lgbt: se nel 2015 erano 320 nel 2016 sono salite a 1.037. E' quanto ha rilevato l'Osservatorio di Pavia in un report diffuso in occasione della presentazione dell'edizione 2017 dei Diversity Media Awards, gli oscar per i migliori contenuti media sui temi Lgbt che saranno consegnati a Milano il 29 maggio. Determinante nel flusso di notizie è stato l'ingresso in agenda dell'iter parlamentare per l'approvazione della legge Cirinnà, sulle unioni civili. Approvato il ddl a maggio, il tema Lgbt rimane alto per una notizia di cronaca nera, quella della strage di Orlando, avvenuta a giugno. A luglio il picco di attenzione è poi calato. Nel 2016 la politica si conferma la fonte giornalistica prevalente: il 48 per cento delle notizie Lgbt è generato dal dibattito politico, segue la cronaca nera con un 28,9 per cento. Aumenta la visibilità della società civile, con le sue manifestazioni e le sue storie, nel 2016 è stata fonte di 68 notizie contro una media di 26 degli ultimi undici anni, ma cala la sua incidenza di quasi dieci punti percentuali, schiacciata dalla politica e dalla nera (passa dal 16,1% degli ultimi 11 anni al 6,6%). Sul fronte dell'intrattenimento su 226 contenuti analizzati il 25,4 per cento hanno raccontato nel 2016 storie di persone Lgbt, prevalentemente in prima serata o nelle fasce di ascolto pomeridiane (ad esempio 'Stasera casa Mika', 'Italia,s Got talent).

In generale nel corso del 2016 è prevalsa sui media la rappresentazione di persone e personaggi gay, mentre persone e personaggi lesbiche, bisessuali, transgender e intersessuali restano sotto rappresentati. Una inversione di tendenza rispetto a un 2015 che si era rivelato più inclusivo. 

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