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Mika in French Press - 2014


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Right now on rfm: he is working on a tour, but before there will be a very special show, very different, very visual, on a small theatre. Linked to his Opera background apparently.


Fingers crossed I can get a ticket for that.

Please say it will be seated.

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Right now on rfm: he is working on a tour, but before there will be a very special show, very different, very visual, on a small theatre. Linked to his Opera background apparently.


ohhhhhhhhhhhhh :wub2:

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We have the podcast of Mika's interview on NRJ :wink2:




Are there two interviews to download?

Mika est avec nous + On joue au jeu des 5 mots avec Mika ?

Can someone put the file somewhere I can download it? It doesn't work for me.

Or, even better, may someone put all the interviews all together in a file so that we can have them in a row?

Edited by Elwendin
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Are there two interviews to download?

Mika est avec nous + On joue au jeu des 5 mots avec Mika ?

Can someone put the file somewhere I can download it? It doesn't work for me.

Or, even better, may someone put all the interviews all together in a file so that we can have them in a row?


Didn't work for me neither, but I found it here ->http://direct-radio.fr/NRJ/podcast/Manu-dans-le-6-9-Le-best-of/Manu


Just give me some time to cut the 3 hours of Mika not being here if you don't want to DL the full thing :aah:


I am gonna translate this one then ;)

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Mika se déshabille pour son nouveau single


Le chanteur sort aujourd'hui un nouveau single, « Boum, Boum, Boum », une réponse festive et sexy aux manifestants contre le mariage gay.


Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Marolle | Publié le 11.06.2014, 08h02

Envoyer Paris (XIXe), hier.


De passage dans la capitale, Mika a défendu son nouveau single, qui raconte les ébats d’un couple. Ouvertement homosexuel et engagé en faveur du mariage pour tous, le chanteur britannico-libanais veut « susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie ». Paris (XIXe), hier. De passage dans la capitale, Mika a défendu son nouveau single, qui raconte les ébats d’un couple. Ouvertement homosexuel et engagé en faveur du mariage pour tous, le chanteur britannico-libanais veut « susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie ». | (LP/Olivier Lejeune.)


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Il retrouve la France... et son poulain. De passage à Paris pour deux jours, Mika chantait hier soir au Zénith lors de l'enregistrement de l'émission de « la Chanson de l'année » de TF 1 -- une reprise de « la Seine » de M et Vanessa Paradis -- en duo avec Kendji, son talent gagnant de « The Voice ». Mais le chanteur britannico-libanais était surtout là pour lancer son nouveau single en français, « Boum, Boum, Boum », qui sort aujourd'hui avant un 4e album prévu en novembre.


VIDEO. Mika : « Je me suis libéré »Mika dynamite « The Voice » Une chanson légère et engagée, sexy et débridée, gaie et gay. Un couple s'y envoie en l'air où il veut, quand il veut. Peut-être un tube de l'été. Explications avec un Mika toujours aussi pétillant.


Comment est née cette nouvelle chanson ?

MIKA. J'étais avec Doriand, avec qui j'écris mes chansons en français (NDLR : comme son tube « Elle me dit »). On dînait dans un restaurant très chic du XVIe, près de la fenêtre. Et dans l'immeuble d'à côté, je vois un mec en train de se préparer, se regarder dans la glace, puis enlever son caleçon ! La femme avec qui il était ferme finalement le rideau. J'ai dit : « Ils vont faire Boum, Boum, Boum. » Et c'était parti. On a écrit la chanson sur la nappe, partout dans tous les sens, avec une bouteille de vin rouge.


Ce n'est pas anodin de faire une chanson débridée en tant qu'homosexuel après le débat sur le mariage gay.

Bien sûr. Je veux susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie. Ce débat assez violent m'a surpris. Mais ça prend du temps de faire comprendre que ni la tradition des familles ni les enfants ne sont en danger.


Est-ce une réponse aux manifestations contre le mariage pour tous ?

Oui. Je me suis impliqué dans ce débat à l'époque. J'ai fait un concert pour le mariage gay, et j'étais pendant quelques heures la tête d'affiche de ce combat. Et j'ai même vécu une très mauvaise expérience dans un restaurant où je mangeais avec ma famille. Il y avait des gens à une table à côté qui disaient des choses méchantes, horribles, agressives sur les homosexuels, sur moi. Les responsables du restaurant ont fini par mettre mes chansons si fort dans la salle que l'on ne pouvait plus parler. Alors, cette chanson est liée à tout cela, mais parle aussi de l'amour en général.


Voulez-vous vous marier avec votre compagnon ?

La cérémonie, la fête, ma grand-mère qui me lance du riz ? Pas maintenant. Ce n'est pas essentiel. Mais je veux avoir le droit de protéger la personne que j'aime, l'accompagner à l'hôpital. C'est une forme d'union. On est ensemble depuis très longtemps. On est discrets, mais on ne se cache pas non plus.


Vous vous êtes retrouvés tous les deux à la une de « Voici » il y a quelques semaines...

Ce n'était pas négatif. Moi, je suis quelqu'un de public. Je suis dans une émission de télé à Paris. On est un couple qui se promène. C'est très banal, très normal, et pas du tout sensationnaliste. Il y a sept ans, au début de ma carrière, ça aurait été écrit de la même manière.


Vous voulez des enfants ?

Je ne sais pas. Ma sœur vient d'en avoir un et, franchement, c'est pénible (rires). Je lui ai même offert comme cadeau une nounou pour qu'elle puisse se reposer un peu !


Où en êtes-vous de l'album ?

Je suis en train d'enregistrer à Londres et à Los Angeles. Il y a trois chansons en français, mais qui ne seront pas uniquement pour le marché hexagonal. Elles seront aussi dans mon disque aux Etats-Unis. Parce que maintenant, ça fait partie de moi.


VIDEO. Le cœur de Mika fait boum !


I am very glad that he wrote this song and that he says clearly its meaning.I also am sincerely surprised by some reactions, both those a little exaggerated about the lyrics and those who pretends or doesn't want to know of who is speaking :fisch:.But why? It's part of Mika's identity :original:


I just hope that in Italy this song will not be turned into another nonsense duet with a girl! :doh:


There, go Mika (and he who's name presumably still is not to be mentioned in public threads).


not as long as he does.


For/hear him say publicly the name is not so important.And doesn't seems to me that everyone says the name of the partner in the interviews or in the media.

Anyway, many people already know :wink2:

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Mika se déshabille pour son nouveau single


Le chanteur sort aujourd'hui un nouveau single, « Boum, Boum, Boum », une réponse festive et sexy aux manifestants contre le mariage gay.


Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Marolle | Publié le 11.06.2014, 08h02

Envoyer Paris (XIXe), hier.


De passage dans la capitale, Mika a défendu son nouveau single, qui raconte les ébats d’un couple. Ouvertement homosexuel et engagé en faveur du mariage pour tous, le chanteur britannico-libanais veut « susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie ». Paris (XIXe), hier. De passage dans la capitale, Mika a défendu son nouveau single, qui raconte les ébats d’un couple. Ouvertement homosexuel et engagé en faveur du mariage pour tous, le chanteur britannico-libanais veut « susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie ». | (LP/Olivier Lejeune.)


RéagirAgrandir le texte Diminuer le texte Imprimer l'article Tout leParisien.fr sur votre mobile

Il retrouve la France... et son poulain. De passage à Paris pour deux jours, Mika chantait hier soir au Zénith lors de l'enregistrement de l'émission de « la Chanson de l'année » de TF 1 -- une reprise de « la Seine » de M et Vanessa Paradis -- en duo avec Kendji, son talent gagnant de « The Voice ». Mais le chanteur britannico-libanais était surtout là pour lancer son nouveau single en français, « Boum, Boum, Boum », qui sort aujourd'hui avant un 4e album prévu en novembre.


VIDEO. Mika : « Je me suis libéré »Mika dynamite « The Voice » Une chanson légère et engagée, sexy et débridée, gaie et gay. Un couple s'y envoie en l'air où il veut, quand il veut. Peut-être un tube de l'été. Explications avec un Mika toujours aussi pétillant.


Comment est née cette nouvelle chanson ?

MIKA. J'étais avec Doriand, avec qui j'écris mes chansons en français (NDLR : comme son tube « Elle me dit »). On dînait dans un restaurant très chic du XVIe, près de la fenêtre. Et dans l'immeuble d'à côté, je vois un mec en train de se préparer, se regarder dans la glace, puis enlever son caleçon ! La femme avec qui il était ferme finalement le rideau. J'ai dit : « Ils vont faire Boum, Boum, Boum. » Et c'était parti. On a écrit la chanson sur la nappe, partout dans tous les sens, avec une bouteille de vin rouge.


Ce n'est pas anodin de faire une chanson débridée en tant qu'homosexuel après le débat sur le mariage gay.

Bien sûr. Je veux susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie. Ce débat assez violent m'a surpris. Mais ça prend du temps de faire comprendre que ni la tradition des familles ni les enfants ne sont en danger.


Est-ce une réponse aux manifestations contre le mariage pour tous ?

Oui. Je me suis impliqué dans ce débat à l'époque. J'ai fait un concert pour le mariage gay, et j'étais pendant quelques heures la tête d'affiche de ce combat. Et j'ai même vécu une très mauvaise expérience dans un restaurant où je mangeais avec ma famille. Il y avait des gens à une table à côté qui disaient des choses méchantes, horribles, agressives sur les homosexuels, sur moi. Les responsables du restaurant ont fini par mettre mes chansons si fort dans la salle que l'on ne pouvait plus parler. Alors, cette chanson est liée à tout cela, mais parle aussi de l'amour en général.


Voulez-vous vous marier avec votre compagnon ?

La cérémonie, la fête, ma grand-mère qui me lance du riz ? Pas maintenant. Ce n'est pas essentiel. Mais je veux avoir le droit de protéger la personne que j'aime, l'accompagner à l'hôpital. C'est une forme d'union. On est ensemble depuis très longtemps. On est discrets, mais on ne se cache pas non plus.


Vous vous êtes retrouvés tous les deux à la une de « Voici » il y a quelques semaines...

Ce n'était pas négatif. Moi, je suis quelqu'un de public. Je suis dans une émission de télé à Paris. On est un couple qui se promène. C'est très banal, très normal, et pas du tout sensationnaliste. Il y a sept ans, au début de ma carrière, ça aurait été écrit de la même manière.


Vous voulez des enfants ?

Je ne sais pas. Ma sœur vient d'en avoir un et, franchement, c'est pénible (rires). Je lui ai même offert comme cadeau une nounou pour qu'elle puisse se reposer un peu !


Où en êtes-vous de l'album ?

Je suis en train d'enregistrer à Londres et à Los Angeles. Il y a trois chansons en français, mais qui ne seront pas uniquement pour le marché hexagonal. Elles seront aussi dans mon disque aux Etats-Unis. Parce que maintenant, ça fait partie de moi.


VIDEO. Le cœur de Mika fait boum !

Mika gets undressed for his new single


Mika s new single is out today , it's called "Boum, Boum, Boum" and it's a fun and sexy answer to anti gay demonstrators.


Interview by Emmanuel Marolle published June 11th 2014 8 AM

Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Marolle | Publié

Paris yesterday (19th district)


Mika is in Paris and he explained his new single which is about a couple making love. Openly gay and supportive of equal rights for all, the british-lebanese singer wants to "create more tolerance /open minds with a very joyful song" (Olivier Lejeune)


Mika's back in France...and his candidate in The Voice. In Paris for two days, Mika was singing last night in the Zénith (recording for the show "La Chanson de l'année" (The song of the year) on TF1 . He covered "La Seine"(original song by M and Vanessa Paradis) with Kendji his winning candidate in "The Voice". But the British-Lebanese singer was mainly there to launch his new single which is in French. "Boum, Boum, Boum" is released today before his new album which should be out it November.


VIDEO. Mika : «I have freed myself. Mika dynamites The Voice. A frolic and commited song, sexy , fun and gay. A couple making love where they want, when they want. Perhaps a summer hit . More explanations with Mika who is more sparkling than ever.

How was this new song born?

MIKA. I was with Doriand, with who I write my songs in French ( As EMD adds the journalist) We were having dinner in a very posh restaurant in the sixteenth arrondissement (district) . And in a building next to us , I see a guy getting ready , looking at himself in the mirror and removing his boxers! The woman he was with finally shuts the blinds. I said "They are going to make Boum Boum Boum" . And it was the start of it. We wrote the song on the tablecloth, everywhere in all directions, while drinking a bottle of red wine.

J: It's not trivial to make such an explicit song after coming out as a gay and soon after the debate about equal rights for all (gay marriage)

MIKA Of course not. I want to create tolerance/open minds with a very joyful song. This rather violent debate came as a surprise for me. But it takes time for everyone to become aware that neither family traditions nor children are in danger.

J: Is this an answer to the demonstrations against equal rights for all?

MIKA: Yes. I got involved in this debate at that time. I gave a concert to celebrate gay mariage and I was for a few hours a symbol of this fight. And I even went through a very bad experience in a restaurant where I was eating with my family. There were people at a table near us who were saying nasty, awful, agressive things about gays, about me. The restaurant owners ended up playing my songs so loud in the restaurant that no one could talk any more. So this song is linked to all this background but it's also about love in general.

J: Do you want to get married with your companion ?

The ceremony, the celebration, my grandma throwing rice on me? Not now? This is not what matters most. But I want to have the right to protect the person I love, to be with him in hospital (if he is) It's a sort of union. We've been together for a very long time. We are discreet, but we don't hide either.

You ended up together on the first page of "Voici" a few weeks ago.....

It wasn't negative. I happen to be a public person. I'm in a TV show in Paris. We are a couple taking a stroll. It's very trivial, very normal, and nothing to make a fuss about. Seven years ago when I started my career, it would have been written in the same manner.

J: Do you want to have children?

MIKA: I don't know. My sister just had one and , frankly that's painful (laughing) . I even offered her a nanny as a gift so she can rest a little!

J: How is the album going?

I'm recording it in London and Los Angeles. There are three songs in French but which will not only be for France. They will be as well in my American CD. Because now, that's part of me.


Mika's heart goes boum

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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Great pics Eriko :wub2::huglove:

My translation is ready

http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4018692&postcount=887Mika gets undressed for his new single


Mika s new single is out today , it's called "Boum, Boum, Boum" and it's a fun and sexy answer to anti gay demonstrators.


Interview by Emmanuel Marolle published June 11th 2014 8 AM

Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Marolle | Publié

Paris yesterday (19th district)


Mika is in Paris and he explained his new single which is about a couple making love. Openly gay and supportive of equal rights for all, the british-lebanese singer wants to "create more tolerance /open minds with a very joyful song" (Olivier Lejeune)


Mika's back in France...and his candidate in The Voice. In Paris for two days, Mika was singing last night in the Zénith (recording for the show "La Chanson de l'année" (The song of the year) on TF1 . He covered "La Seine"(original song by M and Vanessa Paradis) with Kendji his winning candidate in "The Voice". But the British-Lebanese singer was mainly there to launch his new single which is in French. "Boum, Boum, Boum" is released today before his new album which should be out it November.


VIDEO. Mika : «I have freed myself. Mika dynamites The Voice. A frolic and commited song, sexy , fun and gay. A couple making love where they want, when they want. Perhaps a summer hit . More explanations with Mika who is more sparkling than ever.

How was this new song born?

MIKA. I was with Doriand, with who I write my songs in French ( As EMD adds the journalist) We were having dinner in a very posh restaurant in the sixteenth arrondissement (district) . And in a building next to us , I see a guy getting ready , looking at himself in the mirror and removing his boxers! The woman he was with finally shuts the blinds. I said "They are going to make Boum Boum Boum" . And it was the start of it. We wrote the song on the tablecloth, everywhere in all directions, while drinking a bottle of red wine.

J: It's not trivial to make such an explicit song after coming out as a gay and soon after the debate about equal rights for all (gay marriage)

MIKA Of course not. I want to create tolerance/open minds with a very joyful song. This rather violent debate came as a surprise for me. But it takes time for everyone to become aware that neither family traditions nor children are in danger.

J: Is this an answer to the demonstrations against equal rights for all?

MIKA: Yes. I got involved in this debate at that time. I gave a concert to celebrate gay mariage and I was for a few hours a symbol of this fight. And I even went through a very bad experience in a restaurant where I was eating with my family. There were people at a table near us who were saying nasty, awful, agressive things about gays, about me. The restaurant owners ended up playing my songs so loud in the restaurant that no one could talk any more. So this song is linked to all this background but it's also about love in general.

J: Do you want to get married with your companion ?

The ceremony, the celebration, my grandma throwing rice on me? Not now? This is not what matters most. But I want to have the right to protect the person I love, to be with him in hospital (if he is) It's a sort of union. We've been together for a very long time. We are discreet, but we don't hide either.

You ended up together on the first page of "Voici" a few weeks ago.....

It wasn't negative. I happen to be a public person. I'm in a TV show in Paris. We are a couple taking a stroll. It's very trivial, very normal, and nothing to make a fuss about. Seven years ago when I started my career, it would have been written in the same manner.

J: Do you want to have children?

MIKA: I don't know. My sister just had one and , frankly that's painful (laughing) . I even offered her a nanny as a gift so she can rest a little!

J: How is the album going?

I'm recording it in London and Los Angeles. There are three songs in French but which will not only be for France. They will be as well in my American CD. Because now, that's part of me.


Mika's heart goes boum

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Right now on rfm: he is working on a tour, but before there will be a very special show, very different, very visual, on a small theatre. Linked to his Opera background apparently.


this sounds promising!


Thanks for all the pics and links to the radio stations / podcast. I tried to listen but had to give up... it’s too frustrating!

I’ll wait for you, wonderful people, to translate. You’re priceless :huglove:

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The promo is continuing! Thank you Jessica for the update


Apparently there may have an interview on RFM at 5pm (but that's not sure)


He's recording "le before du grand journal" now and Barclay just said it will be released on Friday.


At 7pm, there he will be on "C a vous" on France 5


From 9pm to 10pm there will have an interview on Hit west.

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Great pics Eriko :wub2::huglove:

My translation is ready

http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4018692&postcount=887Mika gets undressed for his new single


Mika s new single is out today , it's called "Boum, Boum, Boum" and it's a fun and sexy answer to anti gay demonstrators.


Interview by Emmanuel Marolle published June 11th 2014 8 AM

Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Marolle | Publié

Paris yesterday (19th district)


Mika is in Paris and he explained his new single which is about a couple making love. Openly gay and supportive of equal rights for all, the british-lebanese singer wants to "create more tolerance /open minds with a very joyful song" (Olivier Lejeune)


Mika's back in France...and his candidate in The Voice. In Paris for two days, Mika was singing last night in the Zénith (recording for the show "La Chanson de l'année" (The song of the year) on TF1 . He covered "La Seine"(original song by M and Vanessa Paradis) with Kendji his winning candidate in "The Voice". But the British-Lebanese singer was mainly there to launch his new single which is in French. "Boum, Boum, Boum" is released today before his new album which should be out it November.


VIDEO. Mika : «I have freed myself. Mika dynamites The Voice. A frolic and commited song, sexy , fun and gay. A couple making love where they want, when they want. Perhaps a summer hit . More explanations with Mika who is more sparkling than ever.

How was this new song born?

MIKA. I was with Doriand, with who I write my songs in French ( As EMD adds the journalist) We were having dinner in a very posh restaurant in the sixteenth arrondissement (district) . And in a building next to us , I see a guy getting ready , looking at himself in the mirror and removing his boxers! The woman he was with finally shuts the blinds. I said "They are going to make Boum Boum Boum" . And it was the start of it. We wrote the song on the tablecloth, everywhere in all directions, while drinking a bottle of red wine.

J: It's not trivial to make such an explicit song after coming out as a gay and soon after the debate about equal rights for all (gay marriage)

MIKA Of course not. I want to create tolerance/open minds with a very joyful song. This rather violent debate came as a surprise for me. But it takes time for everyone to become aware that neither family traditions nor children are in danger.

J: Is this an answer to the demonstrations against equal rights for all?

MIKA: Yes. I got involved in this debate at that time. I gave a concert to celebrate gay mariage and I was for a few hours a symbol of this fight. And I even went through a very bad experience in a restaurant where I was eating with my family. There were people at a table near us who were saying nasty, awful, agressive things about gays, about me. The restaurant owners ended up playing my songs so loud in the restaurant that no one could talk any more. So this song is linked to all this background but it's also about love in general.

J: Do you want to get married with your companion ?

The ceremony, the celebration, my grandma throwing rice on me? Not now? This is not what matters most. But I want to have the right to protect the person I love, to be with him in hospital (if he is) It's a sort of union. We've been together for a very long time. We are discreet, but we don't hide either.

You ended up together on the first page of "Voici" a few weeks ago.....

It wasn't negative. I happen to be a public person. I'm in a TV show in Paris. We are a couple taking a stroll. It's very trivial, very normal, and nothing to make a fuss about. Seven years ago when I started my career, it would have been written in the same manner.

J: Do you want to have children?

MIKA: I don't know. My sister just had one and , frankly that's painful (laughing) . I even offered her a nanny as a gift so she can rest a little!

J: How is the album going?

I'm recording it in London and Los Angeles. There are three songs in French but which will not only be for France. They will be as well in my American CD. Because now, that's part of me.


Mika's heart goes boum


thank you :huglove:

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Fréquence Plus - Evènement : The voice 3 Mika


iTunes Podcast https://t.co/riyUX5cTsF


MEDIAFIRE http://www.mediafire.com/listen/u65hegmid7dzb7y/Evènement_The_voice_3_Mika.mp3


:bow: Could anyone translate this interview please ?

There you go Eriko :huglove:

Melodie on the phone loves Mika she says he's gorgeous, true, sincere.

She says the question she'd like to ask him is what he thinks about The Voice and the journalist answers that's what they have asked him during the week end.

MIKA I'm very happy. It's the first time I'm in The Voice. We give all we've got. It's funny because I got ready for a few months . When they asked me to be a judge in The Voice I was both excited and afraid at the same time. It was something new for me and also I had to do it all in French. It was the first time I was for so long on a TV show and I had to speak a lot and about music. It was wierd because I had never worked in a studio and only in French.

I sing in French but I was always surrounded by British or American people. So it was a brand new thing for me. Even the vocabulary about music is new for me. Well, I thought it would be much harder but the truth is once I'm in it I get lost I have fun I say what I think, I don't overthink, I react .

J: If you had such doubts at first did you hesitate?

MIKA: No, but I asked if I could talk with my French, meaning I would make mistakes and would that be ok and also if I could be totally sincere on the set and they said yes. So I trusted them and I got totally involved in the show and I'm really happy I did it because it's a great experience.

J: Had you met any of the other judges before?

MIKA: I had met Jenifer and Garou once but briefly and for Florent Pagny he was a total discovery for me in several meanings; actually I never know what he's going to say on the set so he frightens me a bit, he is very instinctive and carefree , he's a bit a wild card? cart? (In English) , very very clever and he's not afraid to be a bit mean if he really wants the same candidate I want. For example if we're both fighting for the same singer I have to be very careful of him. He's really good at that game!

J: Thank you Mika

NB: I don' t know the "old cart" expression so if some English people can enlighten me , I'm not sure about the spelling although I guess it means he's clever as a monkey :naughty:

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NB: I don' t know the "old cart" expression so if some English people can enlighten me , I'm not sure about the spelling although I guess it means he's clever as a monkey :naughty:


Thanks so much for the translation! The expression is "wild card" which means he is unpredictable, can do anything. It's from when you're playing card's and you say "the joker is wild" -- which means it can be any card you'd like it to be. :thumb_yello:

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