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Everything posted by martine

  1. Hello one of the Hevs I had a very nice day, thanks. And you?
  2. Good night SL! And while it's a bit calmer, hello to everyone here!!
  3. Hi Kath! :roftl: It would make things easier for the foreigners!
  4. I really can't follow you guys Think I'm going to the 3 words thread, at least they don't talk that much there.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to type as fast as I can. There's no way I can catch up with you! I want to know that too!! Are we talking underwear, half naked bodies and chicken here? Could this be friday night?
  6. We both said goodnight 15 minutes ago, and we're still here. Addicted? Nooooo wayyyy!! I am really going now, sweet dreams!
  7. Thanks Vicky! Goodnight to everyone, I have to go in a bit.
  8. Hello Kath, good to have you back! Goodbye and goodnight!
  9. Thank you too! Auchhh, confetti in left eye.
  10. I think Mika is a gentleman, but you can't mess with the huge record companies. And it's really a bit her fault, isn't it?
  11. Hi! Searched the Belgian newspapers, this is what I found : 10/04 Mika sleept Belgische Mika voor rechter De populaire zanger Mika heeft zijn Belgische tegenhanger, de zangeres Sophie Michalakoudis alias Mika, voor de rechter gesleept. De handelsrechtbank van Brussel heeft donderdag de pleidooien van alle partijen gehoord in het proces van Mika tegen Mika. In november probeerde de Belgische Mika tevergeefs een concert van de Brits-Libanese Mika, Michaƫl Penniman, te verhinderen. Toen dat niet lukte, liet ze weten dat ze afzag van gerechtelijke stappen. Maar daar wil Universal en Live Nation, de platenmaatschappijen die de belangen van Mika behartigen, het niet bij laten. Ze eisen 30.000 euro schadevergoeding wegens tergend en roekeloos geding van mevrouw Michalakoudis. What it says is just the opposite of what we thought all along. Now our Mika seems to conduct a case against the Belgian one. Universal wants 30.000 euro compensation from her because of annoying and reckless behaviour!
  12. Maybe... Have to go, I hope to be back tonight.
  13. So... caught up a bit, no officialness yet. Like you said, Wendy, they are very considerate. Now I can party all I want. And I really think Mika looks scary young with his new haircut.
  14. Seeing this very cute smilie from Happi, reminded me I had to show you one I found last week.
  15. Good afternoon, all! Thanks for the b-day-wishes! A thread for me alone, it makes me blush. I can't stay very long, just heard I may have a few unexpected visitors tonight. Vanessa has sent me a picture on my myspace, one with the haircut. I'm sorry, I don't like it. Take your Pritt stick, Wendy, and glue it all back on.
  16. Aawhhh, such a great picture! Hey there, Patty! I always seem to just miss you. Holy signature, I love it! Hi Robi! I have to go, dinner is ready. Catch up with you all soon!
  17. Why oh why do I always miss the juicy times here? True. Just wanted to say hi to you all, sweeties. I don't have much time today. I had to remove some smilies!
  18. Yes it is. And I wonder if it was there all the time. I've been here for more then a year, really... I'm going to have dinner, enjoy yours!
  19. Hello again lovely oldlings! I saw some very cute dogs passing here. When I see those lovely pictures I wish I still had one. We probably are going to watch a movie tonight. It was a very lazy day today, twas nice to have a day off together. Charlie, Mamacatt, Miek, Happi, how was your day? And Wendi, that was a very great tip to scroll down so I can see the last posts. I hadn't noticed. Aaaah, It's nice to be an oldling.
  20. You did? Have to go, catch you later tonight, I hope. Take care all!
  21. Noooo!!! We waited so long now, a day won't matter. I took the day of on my birthday, and friday too. So thursday's the best day to party for me. At my age I need a lot of time to recover from the alcohol. I was almost a day in coma after last saturday night.
  22. It is. And my wedding anniversary too. We are married for 27 years on thursday. I got the t-shirts, yes. Great birthday present. Thanks, Kath.
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