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Everything posted by BennieMK

  1. hahaha samo mogu da govorim laki slovenacki sam iz Makedonije, al ziveo sam u Britaniji 16 godine lol
  2. VOLIM MARIJU!!!!! ima fantasticni glas! i imala je najbolju pesmu.... al' voleo sam i ukrainsku pesmu VRLO sam srecan jer cu biti u Beogradu sledece godine!! To znaci da cu moci da gledam Eurosong 2008. UZIVO yaaay
  3. hvala ucil sem se slovenscine samo za en let lol, ne morem veliko govoriti
  4. neither. he'd LOVE to be one of them but he didnt get there yet. i think hes more of an Elton John to be honest
  5. lol nema na cemu - UVEK ima greske kad govorim srpski al' ima ovde samo malo broj jugoslovenaca
  6. Zakaj imamo Ex-YU Thread ce boste napisale samo v slovenscini?? Mislim da potrebujemo Thread Slovenscine, Thread Srbscine/Hrvascine in Thread Makedonscine.
  7. can we have a bannaer for if we do care? i know lots of people who would love one of those.
  8. WOOOHOOOOOOO ExYU da li smo vec imali Ex-YU Thread il' ne??? i molim te - pricajte na srpsko-hrvatsokm!!! Mnogo Srba, Hrvata, Makedonaca, Bosanaca i Crnagoraca ne razumeju slovenacki, al' sve moze da govore srpski/hrvatski!!! hvala
  9. To Mika's security people, and those at the Leeds and London venues: Thankyou so much for all your hard work. Thanks for telling us all the right place to be and which queue we should and shouldnt be standing in to full accuracy. Thankyou also for always giving us accurate, truthful and helpful information, and for always answering our questions fully and without any avoidance of the issue. Cheers for always loving our crazy clothes and excited behaviour before, during and after all the gigs Oh, and thankyou very very much for making sure Mika gets home safely.... or at least to his Taxi anyway, we wouldnt want him to have his taxi drive off or to get stuck inside the building behind that highly complicated door system, or even to get attacked by someone on that long and dangerous walk from the Stage Door. all in all, thanks just for being such great guys. paraphrasing is optional
  10. lol off course il stay on here, no getting rid of me now
  11. yeh it was me Sara and her husband and a couple of people i dont think are on here... Kata was with you guys lol. it was so annoying lol The gig itself was amazin though. We were a bit like "yeh its gonna be crap bein all the way on Level 3" but actually i think we all had a bigger party up there than in the bottom haha, plus a great view. Everyone on Level 3 was up dancin, and our excuse for wearin so many glowsticks around ourselves was that we had compeition from these girls on the other side of the room!! hehe. He sang really great, far better than i thought he would judging by some TV performances i saw, and the band were great too. Didnt particularly like the support band though lol. What happened afterwards was a bit annoying but all in all a great night, and it was great to meet loads f you even though we had no idea who each other were!! Although ive now made a promise to Bab that il actually post from now on hehe
  12. OHHHHHH so that WAS you??? lol we were standing in the (wrong) queue in front of you til you moved to the other one lol, we were like "is that her???....." hehehe
  13. lol thatll DEFINITELY change believe me hehehe
  14. lol how the hell u make a mika out of a fruit??? anyway i have no fruit or vegetables in at the moment lol, and if i did i have no camera here anyway, it died but cant wait to see the ones who do try! lol and this whole describing him as fruit thing lol i dont really get it.... il give it some thought and let you know hehehe
  15. haha aww well drunk people can be great lol especially if theyre fun/happy drunks who do crazy but still funny things when theyre drunk lol. And youll definitely b fine at a gig with drunk people cos ulmprobably be that excited ul be acting as if your drunk anyway!!! u goin to any of the gigs??? which one??
  16. lol not entirely true i would die of heart attack if i didnt have drink and fags to de-stress hehehe. and i would DEFINITELY find it soooo hard goin out not drinking lol all clubs and all music always seem so much classier/better/less of a total dive once youve had a few drinks, and you dont notise the smeall of sweat and vomit quite so much either hahahaha
  17. lol i dont know how you people survive i would love to be tee-total, i just love drinking far too much haha im one of those people who you see waiting outside the pub waiting for it to open, although then again im a student so im allowed haha, but kudos to u guys!!
  18. haha yes u r. and im v. impressed at the speed with which you replied this post and yeh i picked same option hahahaha but il still be recovering from the saturday before anyway
  19. hahaha unfortunately ul also be stuck with me who, as both a macedonian and a yorkshire person, am always adament im right even if i have no idea whatsoever so prepare to get lost trying to find where the hell i am cos im well gonna get lost *unrelated side-note* havin SO much deja vu writing this message right now!!! *back to post* i have no idea what train/bus/bicycle im goin by yet since i just found out i have a FOOKIN exam on that day and i have no idea what time its gonna be im gonna end up spending soooo much haha
  20. haha how did i instantly know which option you picked??
  21. hey im Ben im Macedonian/Irish but i live in Sheffield UK and study in Nottingham. If we are honest im not a HUGE Mika fan but his songs are pretty cool and he is well good-lookin too so thats reason enough for me to like him haha! obviously bein from UK i heard about him as everyone else did really, but Grace Kelly wasnt the first song i knew from him. Also he is getting popular in Macedonia too, where they play a lot of British and American music
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