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About JustJack

  • Birthday 06/11/1989


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    Mika Groupie

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  1. lazy eye is when a muscle of your eye is weaker than it should be, so your eye is not "in the center" It's really obvious at some people, but not neccessarily - I also have it, but few people notice it. You can practice to fix that - you take a pencil for example, and then point it slowly toward your nose with your eyes looking at the top You will soon feel how your eyes get in the middle, which is actually good for fixing your lazy eye. Sounds wicked though
  2. hehe can I join since I have a curly hair ? I like girls which have slightly curled hair
  3. I just saw the video on you tube. I don't find it anything special, it kinda looks cheap as some posted. But it's bright, wonderful, cartoony - so cheerful that you just enjoy watching it. Isn't that what it all should be about
  4. Relax, Take It Easy (in Croatian) Odvezao sam se do kraja puta Kamo nitko nikada ne ide Završio na propalom vlaku bez ikog poznatog Ali patnja i čežnje su iste kada umireš Sada sam izgubljen i usamljen vrištim za pomoć Opusti se... Jer ne postoji ništa što možemo napraviti Opusti se... Krivi mene ili sebe Kao da sam preplašen Kao da sam ustravljen Kao da sam preplašen Kao da se igram s vatrom Preplašen Kao da sam ustravljen Jesi li preplašen? Igramo li se s vatrom? Opusti se (Ljubav) Postoji odgovor i za najmračnija vremena Jasno je da ga ne razumijemo Ali zadnja stvar na pameti mi je da te ostavim Držim da smo u ovome zajednom Ne viči – tako je mnogo putova preostalo
  5. I am really thrilled by the news. What do you think about her song "Hey You" ? Btw, I am really surprised that Madonna chosed to work with Timbaland, since he cooperated with Justin, Nelly ... So she won't be the one to discover him That doesn't very much madonna-like right ?
  6. e cure, evo i mene super mi je Å¡to imamo sad ovaj "naÅ¡" thread pričate o szigetu ? e ja bi taaako volio ići... ali uopće ne znam kako to ide s kartama i sl. valjda ću to uspjet izorganizirat pa se možda vidimo tamo btw, svidio mi se jako preÅ¡ernov sonetni venac kad smo ga radili na jesen
  7. hello and welcome yay... I'm so jealous of you people going to Mika's gigs :P
  8. thanks thanks I also wanna say thanks to everybody else, this forum seems really cool and I like the way it's like "all for one and one for all" thing. *loving the club*
  9. gdje si postavila thread ?
  10. E nisam bio nikad na Szigetu, samo sam jednom bio u BudimpeÅ¡ti. Bit će dosta dobrih izvođača ove godine, a svakako sam ne znajući za festival planirao baÅ¡ u 8. mjesecu malo skoknut do budimpeÅ¡te e bilo bi super da otvorimo ex-you thread jer malo mi neugodno ovako, znaju se drugi ljudi naljutiti kad ne mogu razumjeti o čemu mi ovako između sebe pričamo annabelle, nadam se da ću i ja ići na kraju na festival
  11. ma nema problema, i meni je isto drago Å¡to nas ima s ovih prostora kad ste vi čule za miku ? i da li planirate eventualno u budimpeÅ¡tu u 8. mjesecu kad on bude gostovao na festivalu ?
  12. It's cool, this sooo reminds me of me I enjoy recording myself just like this, and your voice is even similar to mine I think it was a nice gift
  13. dobrodošaO hvala hvala... a to sam ja na avataru thanks to everybody else too
  14. It sounds very nice of Mika to do something for Lebanon as his home country on Eurovision Song Contest. But, as most of you said, I would think twice if I were Mika would I want to perform on ESC since the quality of songs has decreased over the years, it's becoming more and more trashy and politically overruled. However, it would be good for him to write the song for some artist in Lebanon. I love Eurovision Song Contest, and everything about it - but frankly, Mika is more.
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