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Everything posted by littletangerine

  1. thankyou for telling me! :wink2:

    can't wait to see my chicken pin on the jacket! :teehee::chkn:

  2. 我讚成ping的idea呀! 不過隻donkey如果畫既要用咩顏料畫架? 但係我地仲未諗要整幾大張wor... 同埋你地想塊布係打橫or打直呀? 我就覺得打橫好d... 我最想就係攞住塊布同佢合照...hehe:roftl:
  3. HALO!!!我返黎喇! 嘩!咁好玩點可以唔預埋我呢? 做衫,做書同做百家布都幾好丫! 我想講我以前在mfc都參加過做百家布的project, 每人做一塊正方型既patch,之後有一個fan負責車埋成為一大塊百家布! mika收到時好鐘意,仲將塊布放左上London某一個gig的stage tim! 我諗mika都唔會咁快再黎hk,所以我地有好多時間整呀!!!
  4. wow...utada! I love her! I don't even know mika and utada are friends! that sounds great!
  5. yes!she's winleelee!the gal who gave mika the bear hat!!! thx for your photos,she'll be very happy!!! and welcome to the chinese thread too!
  6. 希望我地真係可以meet到佢啦! 我都有諗住送野比佢呀!我仲寫信比佢tim! 我都希望可以親手送比佢呀... 我想搵mika影相同簽名!!!我會帶埋2隻碟去! i'm so excited!
  7. 我都有send e-mail呀,不過太遲lu... 唔通meet and greet一個MFC都冇份!? 不過唔緊要!我地12月應該可以同mika見面既!
  8. 1.we are golden 2.good gone girl 3.Loverboy 4.blame it on the girls 5.Rain
  9. can't wait to meet u guys and mika as well! should we have a dress code or doing something ...so that mika can recognize us?
  10. 有呀@!我有聽過li個ad,但係演唱會的宣傳就冇見過... 哈哈!好呀!傾下丫! 希望我地可以霸到front row啦!不過唔知會唔會有VIP區for d 明星呢?
  11. 唔知呢...不過我星期日去買仲有!
  12. 哈!我add左你喇!tangerinelittle就係我喇... 我都想去搵mika呀!不過我都唔知去邊度呀...
  13. get well soon MIKA! and be careful next time!
  14. 我都買左飛喇!不過我個fd要返工,所以陪唔到我, e+得返我自己一個咋,所以請問可唔可以join埋你地呀? 我果日下午可以幫手排隊的!
  15. halo!!!!我知道MIKA黎開show真係開心到din左呀!!!! 仲要係咁快tim!哈哈!
  16. britney is also one of my favourite singers! and i've herad it already! 3 is a catchy,upbeat,cool song! i love it!
  17. I'm really "happy" for your nomination Kanye and imma let you finish, but Mika is the best male of all time! of ALL TIME! haha!LOL!
  18. grace kelly(on radio),i wondered who that guy is,then started to find more things and music about him!
  19. I don't know. But personally, I think Rain, blame it on the girls and toy boy!
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