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Everything posted by Mika_baby

  1. Big thanks and grateful, silver! Really hope the virus crisis would be ended soon and it mean to us to know that ur thinking of us . And have to Send all my love to Mainland China !
  2. Wow!!! It so help 👍 Thanks @kumazzz
  3. Have a good day 





  4. Thank you for sharing, Eriko
  5. Wish all the best have great year coming guys 💖




  6. 2019 又是新開始,到了農曆新年假期, 今天是除夕,像Christmas Eve... Celebrate Lunar New Year http://查看 @emilarossa 的推文:https://twitter.com/emilarossa/status/1092110088301625348?s=09 喜慶紅包袋
  7. It seems familiar but can't remember either maybe never seen them before on Mika's feet 🤔
  8. ☺️



    Do you guys have a good day? 


    1. Paoletta


      yes thank you :thumb_yello:

  9. Received 😍😍😍



    1. Dominika


      Wonderful! :fangurl:

  10. 就因為他會說太多語言了,搞的我們粉絲很累耶!哈哈哈!! (小小聲說....)他最喜歡的就是法文了,....但是在義大利有房子....well 我喊了好幾年要學法文到現在還沒付諸行動😫😩😓,希望這個目標今年可以開始♥本來是要鎖定西班牙文的。但就再看看。
  11. Hello @Evishaw, 先不得不誇獎妳,竟然找的到這裡啊!!!!😂 這裡的MFCers 都很熱情,很好逛喔,前幾年忙於工作才沒回來,如果妳願意在這裡討論Mika 大小事,甚至準備合作做跨國禮物給他,是一個很棒的國際交流體驗的! 我也有在微博,超話: https://weibo.com/p/100808ec55fd159ad9cb9d69525dacc5e35805 大陸的粉絲外語能力超強的! Anyway 歡迎妳來🤗☺️😄😊 我的MFC 小貼圖不出來了,嗚嗚😩
  12. Thank you Eriko!! It's Nice to know you more!!
  13. Thank you Kumazzz! What's your name? You are big help with Asian fan (and me !) to know more about Mika I want to know you! How do you buy Mikas pilot pens kit ?teach me please! 😂😁
  14. Thank you, Silver!!! Still in the Chinese new year's atmosphere and Custom to the end of the Lantern Festival .(2 March )Thank you!
  15. Gotta find out how to order :





  16. My phone page ,Ha~x




    1. Dominika


      Really cool! Here's mine :wub2:

    2. Mika_baby


      Good test! 


    3. Dominika


      Black & white are the best! 

  17. just want to post some drawings about Mika's albums : There are just some of my collections and want to share in MFC^^ Life in cartoon motion happy ending-- its a beautiful song to present til now his performances He is adorable, grab so many hearts and quickly to be known by while world The boy who knew too much aside of planet, always can find some space when listening~^^ The Origin of love feel strong~more mature and somehow feel like he pursuit some time/love/moment/be loved/friend...~some... but just wish he happy so got a image of this....(girls or boys...it could be ok ?@@? anyway, race thing all alike ,from Oriental...so just it) feel~~~He want to meet someone badly~LOL No Place in Heaven released in 2015 and been out off his showbiz and MFC for 5 years, he said" no place in heaven cause the heaven in here"...(something like that) maybe just like kisses/ heats/ hunter hands are everywhere....but still some invisible line on this....that's way makes somebody in the world living so miserable, I guess, but what do I know~just drawing, ^^ hope his new stuff coming up soon in 2018~ yeah! ok, I've done. thank you for watching
  18. 嘿! 看不到的就可惜了這個機會: 留言贈Mika的筆 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1316556211812225&id=252321711569019 Go get it!
  19. 前幾天把Meek 的名字翻中文, 今天覺得:為什麼Junior 會先翻,是正確翻譯的嗎? Michael Holbrook Penniman, Jr. 小麥可荷布魯克皮尼曼
  20. Hello, 這是我今天發在twitter 的: ~祈求來年大富大貴!! 吃完象徵尾牙一過!!要準備大掃除.過新年囉!! 尾牙year-end party year-end feast 參考blog~^3^ https://t.co/oUsyCHmy26【健康養生飲食—上班族食譜】刈包--農曆12 https://t.co/zGcg8U1Ky0 大掃除今年我們家大致上完成了,great relief for me. (呼!)
  21. well, 現在是TPE的晚上,又來看一下, 希望這次過年還有人記得回來逛逛~ 我還是找點別的事情做好了
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