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Everything posted by mari62

  1. Norwalk yr pix are really amazing! tks for posting! I love them...... and I love him! :wub2:
  2. Anouk, I'm very sorry for your health and I can understand u - as soon as I feel I'll come to your thread so we chat a bit if u want
  3. Marleen this pic is a masterpiece! and HE IS A MASTERPIECE of nature!! :wub2:
  4. Anouk, it's exactly the same for me: I suffer from a chronic illness and these days are particularly hard but Mika and MFC help to keep my mood up! So thank u from me too!
  5. I agree but Mika is crazy himself, as he says so i think we all 'match, are good together' (as Kylie said)
  6. Ooooh Wendi!! I loved your detailed and passionate report from beginning to end! And am so happy for u! U made me smile, u made me cry, u made me think, u made me dream..............a BIG THANK YOU with all my heart!! Mika and his mum are really 2 special persons!!
  7. Laura, I fully understand u and I'm a bit worried, too; am also asking myself how long it'll last:blink: but Mika makes me feel sooooo good!
  8. Ciao Roberta, grazie del benvenuto e bentornata! Ho letto e mi dispiace E' vero c'è tantissimo materiale sugli ultimi concerti e pure io da 1 lato sono sollevata che questo tour sia finito x' anch'io ho bisogno di 1 pausa x visionare e metabolizzare il tutto con calma altrimenti vado in overdose!
  9. Absolutely yes! And I've got it especially after this last tour! you know what? I'm almost relieved it's over 'cause I need a pause, too
  10. meglio tardi che mai grazie x il tuo resoconto Valeria! 1 sogno divenuto realtà!
  11. Benvenuta Camilla! allora poi ce l'hai fatta!
  12. Cavolo Greta, scusa l'hai abbracciato, gli hai parlato, ti ha squadrata, ti ha toccato la maglietta, ti ha sorriso e ti ha detto che gli piace ...............ma che vuoi di + dalla vita? 1 lucano? Ora però devi postacela la tua tshirt - sono curiosa
  13. Thanks Queenie and missgaga!! Thank you A. Clay! I know, I'm not that old and what's more important I feel young inside Yes, have read your Philly report and next time u go to a Mika show I want to see a pic of u on stage!
  14. Rebecca! I'm brand new here, too!
  15. Thank you 'Stuck' and thank you Sarah!
  16. Thank you Wendi! Ok, I'll do it
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