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Everything posted by Irena_Serbia

  1. Hvalaa hehehhe pa nisam bila sigurna da se njegov dolazak drzi u tajnosti mislila sam da je mozda javna informacija da bi se organizovao docek od strane fanova
  2. Heyy svima Imam jedno pitanje posto Mika za koj dan nastupa na EXITu da li neko zna kad Mika dolazi u Srbiju? Tj da li postoji mogucnost za neki docek na Beogradskom aerodromu ili?
  3. I like Nevozmozhnoe too! ONe of my favourites!!!!!!! Listen also to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY7zKQ0UfR4 it's from new album.
  4. hmmm ok..no doubts we all have here diffrent oppinions.. I am his very big fan..I absolutely adore him..and thats why I opened this thread..
  5. I really like all Mika's songs I ve heard so far.. But for me the best is "grace kelly":wink2:
  6. Maybe you have heard of him. Russian pop singer. Winner of this year's Eurovision in Belgrade. That's him:
  7. Hello! MY name is Irena. I am 17 years old and I am coming from Serbia. I like Mika's songs and I think he's a cool guy. Also I am big big big fan of the most popular russian singer,also winner of this year's Eurovision,Dima Bilan-maybe some of you have heard of him. Anyway hope I ll have great time here!
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