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Everything posted by suisuimeko

  1. 謝謝啊 對百度很不熟悉,不懂用啦!!!! 我真笨 只回了一個帖,好害羞喔
  2. armarm去左百度開左個戶口但我唔係好識用 :P

  3. 对啊一直以来都有为着这头疼 一直我也在想好不好开个微博让大陆朋友知道Mika的近况,你们觉得呢? 也邀请那里的朋友来加入我们吧 百度我很久之前去过一次! 但换电脑后就不见了网址可以再给我一次吗 话说Mika今天会跟英国音乐制作人William Orbit录音喔
  4. 内地上到的网站我只认识微博和百度:\ 其实我一直想开个给内地朋友既Mika资讯页,但好像很多网都会被禁?
  5. 你可唔可以讲下内地人多数上咩网?

    我只识微博同百度 :PPP

    其实我一直都想开个畀内地朋友既Mika资讯页,但好似好多网都畀上面禁左? :\

  6. 预计明年吧! 他现在应该已经开始了录音的工作
  7. 其实都系开左无几耐!


    我只知内地上唔到twitter同facebook :\

  8. 我也很久没去过广州了 Mika说过他会去中国的,来的话真的要去看看呢! 我只知道他俩月要到葡萄牙开演唱会。 我现在先等他完成新专辑! 真的很期待!
  9. 喔喔好可爱! ! 你有去过Mika的演唱会吗?
  10. 哈啰再次欢迎你!!!!!!! 你叫什么名字? 我叫Sui!中文可以叫我“水”,如果作英文名就读“Swiiiiiiiii”! 我是香港人 你呢?
  11. 你好啊! ! ! 好久没有新朋友了! ! ! 其实你进来已经加入了 所以欢迎你! 其实我们开了facebook page和blogger定期更新Mika的资讯,但内地的朋友是不是也上不到blogger? (我只知道你们上不到facebook )
  12. *bumps in* with influences of you ppl here, i think i'm going to their hk show nxt month (99% possibility)
  13. 新年快樂!!!!!

    祝你心想事成笑口常開!!!!!!! :biggrin2: xx

  14. Happy New Year!!!!!!!! 祝大家 年年有米卡卡大笑笑口常開!!!!!!!!!! X)
  15. oh thanks! very glad that u've joined it X)

    so you sign on a paper, then take a clear and high resolution pic of it (or scan it if you have a printer)!

  16. i'm going to sleep and hope i'll be fed with proper reports instead of ears and hair stuff tmrw morning sweet dreams are made of curls *runsaway*
  17. SEHR GUTE so that's his way of keeping us busy i don't hate it but erm... i don't love it either
  18. cannot agree more! i really miss his soft curly long hair! his hair isn't only short now, but STRAIGHT i'll join the petition if anyone starts it *raises hand* *looks around* *raises finger* *puts down quickly* *wanted to say sth but shuts up quickly like Miffy*
  19. i refreshed the channel and saw the vid's out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kc0V86qFbs it must be a very precious and priceless experience! i really love the fact that Mika and his team are well beloved because of their genuine personalities and passion towards music. and yes they are all very lovely and kind (not nice ) people. i've told my friend that one thing i really love about Mika is he really shows his feeling in front of you. if he's scared/ shy/ doesnt like sth, he does tell you - even u are only his fan. some singers smile in front of the public/ their fans to keep positive images, and change their faces for the nxt minute when leaving. but Mika is not like this. he has a shining personality and does not hide his true feeling much. which is the most attractive part of his (:
  20. just watched the BIOTG vid, david is so cute *Edit: and i saw iMMa(?) behind the piano! love her and her bow X)
  21. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for posting!!! it's always happy to hear new voice from Mika (: it's one of the most beautiful version of Relax I've ever heard! (although the lyrics are messed up ) and i nvr know his ear is pierced - hvn't seen any pics of him wearing earrings before and thank you Nina for your pic with Melachi too!! what a lovely little doggy witch! Asia is very far away from Europe and i dun think he'll do any acoustic gigs in Hong Kong... and seems that his schedule is tight as he has to work in studio, go to the hospital and deal with his column schoolwork i'll (try to) be patient waiting his new albums and tours out *turns to Mika* Dear Mika, Take your time to do everything you want. We won't go away this thread made my day
  22. i'm fine thanks!

    and you? (;

  23. just read the article on daily star... still best wishes to you Paloma! Glad to hear some news about you, and know your family's with you (: and so do we! we'll always be there for you (:
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