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Everything posted by Grynposen

  1. Hi MFC (: Are you german or good at deutsch? Cause i'm not! And i would love for somebody to take a look at my deutsch essay and correct the biggest mistakes This would be a big help for me
  2. Jaaaa :naughty: Det kan man vidst roligt kalde det :aah:

  3. Guffe guf (;!

    Det går deeeejligt (: Og ja! Han ringede faktisk her i går og spurgte om vi ikke skulle finde ud af noget (;

    Hva med dig?

  4. F*ck


    hårdt..... :aah:!

  5. Hi :bye:! I'm good :wink2:


  6. Haha xD FUUU___CCCK! det var sjovt ! :boing: Not -.-

  7. festligt :ahh: Nu skal jeg rigtig i kirke og hygge mig -.-

  8. Ikk så meget xD Hva med dig? :aah:

  9. And happy new year to you too! (;


    Did you have fun? (:

  10. Ja ?

    Haha :aah: Det er en pæn hund :teehee:

  11. And Merry Christmas to you too (;

  12. Yes ! :aah: It's snowing and theres - 10 degrees some places !

  13. I'm alright :wink2: I'm having the flu at the moment -.-


    WBY? :)

  14. Cool :wink2: What else have you been doing this week?

  15. Your welcome :wink2: Did you get any presents?

  16. Aww :biggrin2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :DD!!!

  17. Hi :bye: It's been... Short? :aah: I feel like i just woke up :freak: What about you? :)

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