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About petra_ale

  • Birthday 04/27/1993


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    On hiatus.

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    school, for one more year

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  1. Cuvantul EPIC pur si simplu nu ajunge pt asta. :lmfao: si Daria, perk up and just enjoy if you like what you're hearing si mie mi se intampla destul de des asta si daca nu-s in dispozitia necesara orice aud mi se va parea crappy negresit
  2. Genius! I only got to listen to UW a few times yesterday and went to bed vexed that I couldn't even remember a single note off it but when I came home today and put the song, it felt completely different - I remembered it all as if it's been played in my head all night while sleeping - and now I love it. The only thing I am not very impressed with is the piano in the beginning, although I think it goes really well with the song. It's just that in its simplicity it reminded me of a bunch of other songs, namely his 'Everybody's Talking' cover and even Karen (even when I listened to Karen I still thought of ET). I don't know why my mind always finds something connected to Everybody's Talking lately But all in all, yes, THIS song definitely hit the right note for me.
  3. that one, totally +1 for me! I listened to it too few times yesterday 'cause I couldn't stay at the computer anymore and today all I wanted was to get the classes over with already and rush home You know you're a Mika fan, then...
  4. Asa ar parea logic. De fapt eu nici n-am verificat pe bune aici pe MFC faza cu decembrie/Craciun, doar am vazut ceva tweeturi cum ca el a anuntat ca isi va lansa albumul mai repede. Sper oricum, oricand ii vine cheful sa-i dea drumul, sa fie 100% pregatit pt asta. Vanessa, ma bucur ca vad in ultima vreme cate o postare de-a ta ici si colo pe MFC! am vazut ca si alti fani care sunt aici de cand lumea au revenit pe threadul cu UW ().... that's nice to see.
  5. Come on, sa nu uitam ca nici macar nu s-a tintit clar promovarea in orice alta tara in afara de Franta... eu m-am bucurat cand am vazut asta pt ca si revista e destul de simpatica (obisnuiam sa o cumpar anii trecuti) si au acolo o rubrica cu piesele care circula la ei prin redactie in luna respectiva. killer tunes sometimes! In alta ordine de idei, numaram zilele pana la Craciunnnnnnnnnnnnnn, asa-i?
  6. Haaaa, uitati peste ce am dat in timeline pe Facebook, postare a Glamour Romania: GLAMOUR Romania Morning glam girls! Avem nevoie de o melodie simpatica pentru un inceput de saptamana usor, nu-i asa?! Ia sa vedem, povestim ce am facut frumos in weekend? Mika - Elle Me Dit (clip officiel) http://www.youtube.com Single disponible ici : http://bit.ly/qULJ4l Nouvel album, début 2012 Plus d'information sur http://www.mikalife.fr/ & http://www.facebook.com/MikaFrance Unlike · · Share · 21 minutes ago You and 6 others like this. Si inca ce inceput de saptamana usor trezirea la ora 7.00.
  7. I felt like that too when they withdrew the bag from the store I see Mikasister has already helped you but if you need a flat picture version of the tribal mask, here it is. (it can be bought as a giant poster in the USA shop from what I've seen)
  8. Septembrie! (si nu, sper ca nici voua nu va zboara mintea la piesa lu' Horia Brenciu ) (cer scuze tuturor celor care il asculta cu placere) Voi ce faaaceti, cum e prima voastra zi de septembrie? A mea a fost luata cu asalt de Ilie Moromete, si nu cred ca va mai avea un strop de generozitate sa ma lase macar un minut sa respir pana nu termin ambele volume si invat istoricul familiei sale pe de rost. Bine macar ca e de 10 ori mai interesant si usor de citit decat Ultima noapte... pe care am abandonat-o pt a 2a oara la jumatate. Cine a fost prins de ziua de 1 septembrie cu teme/lecturi de vacanta nefacute sa ridice mana sus!
  9. Wow, this thread seems pretty deserted Has nobody listened to or detected something amazing in KOL's music since 2010? I've always known some of their songs from the last few albums, but these days something made me want to dig deeper into their musical world and one week later I can almost call myself a fan but I'm not sure how long this will last. Anyway, I made a random search today and came to the conclusion that their gig tickets are never less than around $65 I guess this is justified ever since they became so big in the industry, but can anyone who has seen them, tell me if it's really worth it?
  10. YKYAMF when you see that "Life In Motion" is written on your older brother's bicycle (like a subtitle to the brand or something) and wonder where you could secretly squeeze a "Cartoon" into the design
  11. Pai eu stiu ce eveniment, nu vezi ca nu e nimeni pe aici... Poate am gresit noi data
  12. Anybody here? Anybody here? Echo! Avem un eveniment azi!
  13. Most of what I wanted to say has already been said, but can I just thank you for sharing this with us and thus putting a huge smile on my face for the rest of the evening. This was the most unexpected, random, hilarious but also downright lovely story I have ever read about! So happy for you to have experienced it
  14. Yes, I thought BIOTW would appeal to romantic souls especially, but it's also not that very Mikaish so as to drive any new listeners away... I'd like to think PUOTF is on the same wavelength 'cause I'm really really hooked on that song lately About Elle Me Dit/She Tells Me... I haven't gotten used to the English version yet (I still watch the video with French lyrics playing in my mind), but I guess I will soon. I can say though that EMD is not a song to be played to those who don't know or don't plan on learning French (true story); It's harder to like something when you don't understand what you hear, even though I totally visualize all those people starting to dance or hum along if they hear it by chance due to its incredible catchiness
  15. hello! :huglove:

    Oh yes, I do speak french, I´m from french bilingual lycée, so I have to. :naughty:

    they were amazing, I´ve never seen them before! :wub2:

    I´m still kind of newbie, so I´m just amazed everytime I see something like that.

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