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About shirl

  • Birthday 08/16/1989


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    Ultimate Mika Fan

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    student :/
  1. Yes I was in the choir and from backstage we did not hear what he was talking about before Stardust This video brings smile on my face because I can clearly imagine what were fans in the crowd from Slovakia thinking (in a very positive way): "He said Slovakia! Not Slovenia! Not Czechoslovakia! He knows that Slovakia exist!" For explanation - this is something like our national joke because Slovakia is not very well know country in he world. Mostly when are people from other countries asking us "Where are you from?" and we say "from Slovakia" they are confused and after few seconds of thinking they will say "Oh, you are from Slovenia!" or "Oh, do you mean Czechoslovakia?" or ...they will just say "oh...erhm, :blink:sure Slovakia).
  2. Thank you very much for this video...It is really nice for me to hear (sure it was a joke) that he mentioned Slovakia
  3. Well ok...we were probably not that horrible as we thought that we will be (I mean me and martinybaby were really afraid that our voices are not enough good) But on the sound check we sound together (I think) really good. I think Tim was expecting something worse because after the sound check he looks quite satisfied with us
  4. So here is my report It was my very first gig, if I do not count festivals, so my feelings are hardly to describe. You guys were so perfect and lovely! I was there with my friend, she is from the Czech Republic. We arrived around one o clock, bit nervous that it is too late to get the number. Fortunately I got number 17 and my friend number 18. I was so happy and excited. We were sitting, chatting etc. Few hours later we got the opportunity to join the choir. It was quite funny when Tim came and asked us if we are able to sing…and we said no…then he asked “...and are you able to dance?” And me and my friend said yes. Tim: “Yes? Ok, so you will move and you will open your mouth…It will be fine do not worry…” I was looking at him and I still did not get it, that he is asking us seriously to join the choir. It was unbelievable for me because when I noticed on facebook that Mika is giving this opportunity to his fans, I was really sad because to be honest I do not find my voice good. I would never send a video of me singing… But back to the reality…Then my friend grabs my arm and said: “So ok we are going.” Until other people decided to join the choir too, someone asked Tim something like“….and did Mika know about that we are not able to sing?” He was like “erm…he trust me…Don´t worry it will be fine.” And everyone started to laugh. I was still thinking that I am dreaming until we saw Mika through sound checking. We were singing and we try to synchronize our movements when he came, he smiled at us and said something like: “You are doing it like professionals.” In that second I understood that I am really here. After sound check mama P gave us costumes, she was sooo kind and she chat with us and gave us some tips on how to move on the stage. Then gig…it was amazing, there were parts where I only open my mouth, because I was not confident enough to sing and I did not want to ruin the show. My fave was Origin of love…It was so touchable, like the love was in the air, in the whole hall. :wub2: After the gig we were sitting in our dressing room, chatting, we returned our costumes and Mika´s mum said that this gig was hard. Not sure why…? It is true that hall was a bit empty, but the crowd was enjoying the show…?? Then Mika arrived, he was so kind to us, signed my copy of Cd and my ticket. I have got a heart on my ticket and when I saw that I couldn´t help myself and I said “jeeeee” and everyone around me started to laugh… Then we got individual pictures with Mika and he said that we were amazing and he thanked us that we joined to the choir. We also got explanation why are costumes for choir white with polka dots, but my English is not enough good to repeat it, so someone else will probably write it. Thank you guys for this amazing night, you were so lovely and perfect. Hope to meet you again. I am not sure if I am allowed to post photos of you here? So I will wait till you respond.
  5. You were great I was very happy to meet you, and other MFCers too I just arrived home, totally tired but this gig worth every penny Some pictures from the gig
  6. Kocky, prajem Vam krasne, uzasne, zasnezene, stastne Vianoce a pod stromcekom vsetky darceky ake si len prajete
  7. Jj, ten zaznam poznam, je to super kvalita. K tomu Mozartovskemu looku - vsimli ste si niekedy ako vtipne v tom vyzera Martin? Ked uz spominas to Blame it on the weather....dlho som premyslala co mi ta skladba pripomina (to ze je to pre mna pesnicka do disney rozpravky sa nemeni ) ale spomenula som si na moje prve dojmy ked som si prvy krat vypocula Stirb nicht von mir od Rammstein. Keby ste niekto nevedel prikladam odkaz - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSZZyc-X8yo Kedze styl hudby Rammstein Vam nie je cudzi nemusim vysvetlovat aky to bol na prve pocutie sok vypocut si Tilla v takomto nasladnutom duete. A ked som si este vypla instrumental a nechala si len cisty Tillov hlas bola som v rozpakoch ako falosne to znelo. No ked som si po nejakom case odmyslela pociatne "prekvapenie" pripomenulo mi to balady z cias Falca a ziskalo to pre mna iste caro. A tak nejako podobne som na tom s pocitmi z BIOTW. Myslim, ze v nejakom spravnom momente mi zapadne do usi ako chybajuci diel puzzle...
  8. No pozerala som busy - v tomto ohlade by bol lepsi pre mna ten piatok. V nedelu su spoje obmedzenejsie, ale nie je to az take zle.
  9. Hmmm, to mas pravdu - poslala som spravu Barunke na Fb a poslem aj Martinibaby, nech sem nazru a nieco poriesime
  10. Ahoj Mati, gratulujem k studiu! Ale aky uchyl...ty vyzeras max. na 25 takze ma ani neprekvapuje, ze medzi nich bez problemov zapadas Co sa mna tyka zraz by mohol byt, ale potrebovala by som vediet dopredu blizsi datum, aby som sa prisposobila - osobne by mi najviac vyhovoval bud svtrtok alebo piatok, ale keby nieco dala by sa poriesit aj streda, popripade sobota.
  11. Kocky uz ste si to stihli vypocut? :wub2:
  12. Trifi celkom chapem ako to myslis...Palo tento rok ukoncil posobenie v slovenskej hokejovej reprezentacii a chcel sa viac venovat rodine. Pre nas Trencanov je to no... - este pred par tyzdnami s nim decka u nas na namesti pri fontane stavali z vrchnakov od flias "stanley cup", vydavali sme ho v meste na obede...atd. Vcera bola kopa ludi zapalit sviecky pri hokejovom stadione, bola tam uplne depresivna nalada a padlo aj vela slz. Mozno sa to zda niekomu prehnane, ked takto reagujeme na cloveka/ludi, ktorych prakticky nepozname, ale ako si sama napisala "byli to srdcaři a skromné hvězdy, které se nebály ani slz..." Teraz je to uz marne pisat, ale preco vobec dovolili,aby taka stara vykopavka 19 rocna odletela zo zeme, mali ju poslat priamou ciarou do srotu a nie cakat este dalsie 3 tyzdne. Proste nepoucitelny, nestacila im ta potopena lod na Volge.
  13. Kocky viem, ze nie ste hokejove fanynky, ale asi ste uz zapoculi, ze padlo cele lietadlo hokejistov a medzi nimi Palo Demitra (Trencan) Fakt super clovek...
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