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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Moi aussi j'aime bien ce temps... Il joue où ton fils? Chez nous, c'est la saison des arénas qui commence demain, ma fille patine à 7 heures demain matin et les garçons commencent le hockey samedi prochain. Vous penserez à moi demain matin, bien emmitouflée dans mon polar:shocked: Je prendrais bien un concert de Mika aussi (même si ca fait pas si longtemps que toi que j'attends)
  2. When you are trying to find something to watch on TV and you get all excited because you get to watch a rerun of Mika's appearance on the Ellen show...
  3. Heureuse de faire ta connaissance! De mon côté, je reviens de vacances à la mer... qui ont été particulièrement réussies et ensoleillées:mf_rosetinted:
  4. you've just brighten my day... I hope one day soon, I will be able to say the same:blush-anim-cl: So glad for you!
  5. you know you are a Mika fan when you just spent 3 hours watching interview on the internet, instead of doing what you were supposed to do (which is cleaning the house and do laundry)
  6. Would love to, but the sounds is no good. I can't understand a word of what he's saying
  7. It was mentionned earlier that the pics of young Mika came from an interview, which one???
  8. I agree, the only thing that saddened me is that he says that he's not doing any more gigs after August... Guess he will not cross the pond anytime soon:shocked:
  9. look on the first post under report there,s a clip called Mika arrives in Monaco...
  10. I think the man looks more like somenone who doesn,t want to appear on camera, and doesn't catch (at first) WHY a camera is waiting at his airport door...
  11. My name is Catherine, I am 39, married and have 3 kids: a girl born January 1 2000 and twins boys born in November 2001. I live in Montreal, Canada but grew up in Quebec City. I am a marketing consultant for a life insurance company, working on savings products. I have a background in finance. I discover Mika through my daughter. She asked me to buy her Life in cartoon motion. I was going through a though time: job sucked, my dad recently passed away after a 2-year struggle with cancer so I really needed something to cheer me up: Mika's music was perfect for that:biggrin2: I almost cried when I heard Blue Eyes for the first time, reminds me of my beloved daddy. Now I am addicted. What more can I say!
  12. Gap must have had a sell a while back:naughty: They should sponsored him:teehee: then he could have all the colour YOU want:biggrin2:
  13. Sounds like perfect time! Can't wait to hear about the rest of the evening:thumb_yello:
  14. Every time I see this t-shirt, it reminds me of the Where's Charlie? books my kids have, maybe he wnats to be Charlie's friend?
  15. c'est gentil de votre part:biggrin2: Dites-lui de venir dans nore coin de pays bientôt, s'il ne veut pas encore le voir par -30! J'espèrre que vous aurez beaucoup de plaisir:thumb_yello:
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