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Everything posted by mikita

  1. jajaja! Vero ha viajado en el tiempo y se ha manifestado en el 2012:)

  2. Hi!!!

    As I can see I am not the only one eager for the new album.

    Pero eres española, no? ¿Y por qué te hablo en inglés? :))

    Por cierto, yo soy Cristina y he ido al conci de Oporto el año pasado y a los dos de Londres este año (Lovebox y Heaven), ¿nos conocemos?


  3. Seguramente también vaya solo al de Barcelona, también me viene más cerca. Además, ayer estuve con una mikera de Barcelona y ya definitivamente me convenció. Ahora me falta comprar las entradas! :) Y me han dicho que la Razmatazz está mucho mejor!!

  4. A mi no m'agrada tant, Mika com sempre bellíssim, però el falten colors!

  5. Yo lo voy a dejar en suspenso, a ver a cuál de los dos conciertos voy. La verdad es que fueron casi todas las chicas del grupillo que solemos ir (grrr).... es curioso lo de los grupitos, al final a ver si un día coincidimos una megapandilla de españolas todas juntas. Eso sí que sería un acontecimiento!!

  6. ... ¡¡y está muy bien!! Qué chulo, pero qué cansado estaría ya el pobre, es verdad... preguntilla: ¿irás también al conci de Madrid?

  7. gracias!! jo, mejor no me lo digas, normalmente no me fijo en los fallos :) Jajaja, acabo de ver que han puesto la foto del sujetador que le tiró una amiga mía...

  8. Ooooh.... qué ojazos, me matan!

    Yo aun no tengo la entrada, pero voy con un 99,9% de posibilidades. ¡¡¡Nos conoceremos!!!

  9. Exactly! We told it with videos and experiences, and Jazzy summed up our feelings!!
  10. Quiero ir a BCN :)

  11. 100% de acuerdo, Mika es una terapia, en mi caso también porque soy adicta al trabajo.

    Bueno, no conseguí la foto.... ¡¡pero no la cambio por lo que me pasó!!

  12. AND HERE GOES MY REPORT... sorry for the delay, I went to work after the journey, and after that to sleep of course, I had to remember myself that I'm human after having seen this FABULOUS gig) So best Mika gig and best gig in general ever seen!!! (well, it’s my 4th mikagig) I loved the venue, the organization, the song list and of course… mika’s performance. From the 7th row I could feel the passion, the interaction and the sincerity from Mika with the public. You can judge by yourselves watching the videos in youtube. We three Spanish girls arrived at London in the afternoon, had a shower and went directly to the Heaven by foot. We did well, cause London was crowded and going on foot you can always slip between the people and ask the policemen (very helpful, btw) where to go to avoid the blocked streets. We almost saw the Olympic Torch but I think we deserve one for ourselves, we arrived to the disco in record time . There was a long row to get in, or better said, two rows because we were too many people. Even a “typical English man” (with his grey suit and a hat) asked me why we were queuing. At a quarter to 7 the doors opened and the people went in perfect order, no one running or pushing. The bouncer very funny, as he saw we were carrying 2 books (presents for Mika) he told us not to go in, the Reading Club was in the next local Only when we where in the disco some people were pushing, and trying to sneak forward between the public, it was hot and I smelled how the people were sweating… but soon I forgot everything because the music of the disco was great. 10 out of 10. I wish I found a disco in Spain with that music, although there wasn’t any DJ mixing it, probably it was a CD. Had a great time dancing, so I didn’t feel any tired but very amused! At 8:30 Mika came on stage. I saw him soooo big…. Well he IS tall, but he seemed even taller because the stage was narrow and was close to the public. He jumped, shouted, danced in a irresistible way, laught, everything… particularly funny the moment when the spotlights wrongly didn’t point at him while he was presenting a song (I think it was Billy Brown), he lose the thread but said. “Well… it wasn’t important anyway”. Great surprise: he played practically all the songs from past gigs and the new ones too (not the ones in French, of course), so it was a super-long-gig and I felt like in another world (like in Heaven I could say) and wished it would never never end… All the people were expecting him to take his shirt off because it was really hot (I was rather wishing to take mine off but well, I’m a girl…), so somebody threw his sweatshirt to Mika, he took it, made as he would try it on, but as he smelled it he threw it away. And just then another t-shirt came “flying” to him. Awesome what people can do during a gig. I also noticed Joy (batterist) chewing gum during the gig. Don't like that, but when she plays right, ok. Aaaah, and I love the new piano man and clarinetist good feeling with Mika, he literally jumped over him from the piano, hehe. Ah! Great dances from Mika on the piano. I wonder how they do so that it doesn`t crack down under his feet The version of “Make You Happy” was wonderful. Without that weird synthesizer it’s far far better (Mika: didn’t you hear that our voices sound much better and louder?). And of course, the presentation of “the Origin of Love” unforgettable, as you will have read in the reports before. But what I didn’t like was that during the other presentations people were shouting so loud that it was impossible to hear what Mika was saying. We weren’t at the M&G… and after reading Sariflor’s review I’m glad not to have been. In spite of that I had some chat with Mika’s mother, Paloma, Fortuné and Zuleyka. I wouldn’t bother them and I use to be very shy, but they are so nice people that I end make jokes with Frotuné, Zuleyka and some friends. I never thought they were so nice. Particularly Mika’s mother always had inspired me some kind of silent respect… but speaking to her I felt like speaking to my aunt. I think the trick is to be educated and honest talking to them, and in case they preferred to speak intimately I leave them soon. But of course I gave Fortuné and Zuleyka our books so that they could give them to Mika. Their interest was 100 times better then attend to a crowded and stressful M&G. By the way!! As we were going direction Trafalgar to have our own afterparty, we saw Mika going out from the venue with the car and said bye-bye! That was what I call 12 well spent hours in London!!!
  13. ¡¡¡¡¡¿Mal?!!!!! ¡Volar es muy bonito! Ya verás que si te lo preparas todo muy bien, con listas para el equipaje, documentos en una carpetita (lo que estoy yo ahora para irme a Londres) sale fenomenal. Y respecto a mi entorno, nadie sabe que voy 24 h. a Londres, porque si no no podría pedir un día libre en el trabajo. He dicho que tengo que pasar la noche en Valencia para corregir un examen en la universidad por una comisión de evaluación de una reclamación de un examen. Incluso solo viajo con una mochila por si alguien me ve por el camino. Odio mentir!! Pero ya que lo hago, lo hago bien. ¡Quiero una foto con Mika! :)

  14. Chicas, que yo tampoco voy... y tb estoy en Valencia, concretamente en Cullera. Nada, ¡todas apiñadas al otro lado de la península y Mika solo!
  15. Ya lo he visto... yo tampoco podré, ¡tendría que faltar demasiado al trabajo! Y encima ahora los aviones salen carísimos. Y la verdad por mí está bien así, me gusta más ir a Londres, el único rollo cambiar cada vez la moneda.

    ¡¡¡¡Que envidia (sana) cada vez que veo tu foto de perfil!!!!!

  16. Maybe it's Occitan, the dialect spoken in Perpignan, but it's not official as Catalan in Spain does. http://www.panoccitan.org/
  17. Thanks for posting!!! I googled it but I only found it in Danish
  18. I like it!!! It's much like Fleetwood Mac. But surely it will sound better in the record! Thanks Christine for the lyrics!
  19. Thanks for posting so much videos... There seem to be endless!!
  20. Es verdad, con lo que más ganan los cantantes ahora es con los conciertos. Y las líneas aéreas, jeje...

  21. A lo mejor un día él se frustra de no vernos a nosotras. jeje, soñar es gratis

  22. A mí me gusta.... pero porque es nueva, seguro que en una semana ya me habré cansado de verla. La tienda sí que ya no sé si ha cambiado, ni la miro, porque para lo que quiero comprar no me llega la pasta (a ÉL, claro está) ¡¡Entonces no era yo que se me iba la pinza!! Me pareció verlo, pero no en el momento en que se veía a la familia de Mika, sino cuando lo de Jodie Harsh y de espaldas (eso fue en el backstage, pero horas antes del conci, cuando se podía entrar libremente) Lo que pasa es que como hay tanto rubio por ahí pensé que no podía ser.
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