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About GiorgiaMikette

  • Birthday 01/28/1998


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    MIKA fan since 01/2011

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    Giorgia Manghi

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  1. After having tried for months, I finally have my MFC profile back!

  2. Figurati, anche io mi sono connessa giusto oggi, da allora.

    a presto :original:

  3. Grazie mille! :)

    (scusa il ritardo della risposta, non entravo da tanto)

    a presto

  4. I don't usually come here, but I am really afraid of this.. the fb post shows us how Mika loves his fans, we have to make him proud of us, like we are of him I hope there won't be any situations like this in the future, thank you for this thread!
  5. I hope I'm not doing lots of errors in English LOL
  6. hey guys I created a blog on Mika http://notremondevectoi.blogspot.it/ it is in italian , english and french please visit it, and I hope you like
  7. Dear Mika, for the first thing I wanna say you thanks for the 2 concerts where I'm been, Compiègne and Vigevano, I didn't meet you, but in Padova the 9th November I'll sure meet you!! You're simply the best, maybe everyone says you this, but this cames out from my heart, for me your music is all, ans you too, without you my life is like a colorless sheet, you are all the colors who paint my life. I'm not going to ask you a place where you could do a gig, cause everywhere you'll go I'll be there, inow it's a must to be at least in 1 concert each year. When I think I hav lots of things to tell you, but now I think I've ended, for now some of all the things I wanna say you are written here. Giorgia, one of your italians fans. p.s. remember: zanzare putta di madre!! ahahahahahahah
  8. ho saputo che organizzano per la notte un pulman che porta quelli che erano a Padova a Roma, in modo da essere la la mattina, mi piacerebbe tanto, vedrò mia madre, dovrei riuscire a convincerla :D

  9. ah bene :D

    a Vigevano c'ero anch'io, speriamo di conoscerci a Roma, no non vado a così tanti concerti ;)

  10. ciao grazie, pensavo fosse più difficile, a regola me la sto cavando :D

    si, sono stata a Compiègne e a Vigevano, andrò anche a Padova e forse forse a Roma, spero tanto ;) immagino che tu ne avrai visti centinaia xD

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