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Everything posted by Chloe940

  1. Thas was amazing ! I was a bit disapointed when I learnt that he will sing that song (in French...), but the result is just perfect !
  2. I've just seen the Sky's video, I only have one word: Waouh !!! I thing all the songs were on the video, even if Toy boy was in the middle instead of the beggining (but I wasn't in Como so maybe it was like this...). I fell in love with Love you when I'm drunk but I have to admit that all the songs were wonderful ! I can't wait to have the dvd !
  3. "Mika prête sa voix au film Le Prophète en salles le 2 décembre ! Découvrez en exclusivité quelques images du film sur sa chanson « L’amour fait ce qu’il veut »" This is on Mika facebook, only avaible in France. So here the video: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/zz81fcmo5o4puye/Mika_Le_proph%C3%A8te.mp4
  4. I love the remix of this song !! I'm sure it would be a great single. I want to hear it on the radio
  5. It seems that "Je Chante" is a cover of a Charles Trenet's song. I didn't know that, I though it was a new song ! (I read it on mikawebsite, with a snippet). I'm a bit disapointed, not because the song ins't good (not my favorite but not horrible for my ears ), but because I was really expecting a lot for this song... Well now I know which version I will buy
  6. Have you listened "Je chante" ? How is it ? I am very curious about this one
  7. Fedez added this one on his facebook ! I love what they're wearing
  8. I think this is because of people in Twitter who said that Luca looks like Mika' son. So Mika played with that fact, and he likes Malika Ayane so he chose her to be the mother I'm not sure
  9. I really don't know what I will buy In the French version (I don't if it's only the French version, or the international one ?), I'm interest about the new song: "Je Chante" but there isn't Promiseland and Porcelain (and I don't like "Tant que j'ai le soleil"). In the Italian version there is Promiseland and Porcelain, but there isn't "Je Chante" and "J'ai Pas Envie" (that is one one my favorite French song, with Karen for ex). And I clearly not love "Center of Gravity". The thing is: there is more songs that I love in the Italian version, BUT I already have them on the deluxe version... I think I would love to have only the OSM version (with ALL the songs) and in bonus: Je Chante, Beautiful Disaster (both version), Center of Gravity (even if I don't like it), Hurts and Feels like love.
  10. It seems that the majority of people here like it. I don't ! Their voices are great, this is clearly not the problem. I think this is just the music itself, this isn't the music I listen usually and I will not change it for this one. I don't know the original but I'm pretty sure I will not like it This isn't a song I would like to hear in live, I'm a bit disapointed. Anyway, I'm more optimist for the others news songs
  11. It seems that Adele will be there... http://www.lematin.ch/people/michel-drucker-s-offre-adele/story/20268844 "Très exigeante en matière de promotion et d’interview, Adele, a choisi de faire sa seule télévision française avec Michel Drucker, une décision dont se félicite évidemment ce dernier pour qui c’était tout simplement «un rêve de l’avoir». «C'est la seule télé qu'elle va faire. Le prestige du Grand Show n'est pas étranger au choix de sa maison de disques. J'en suis fier», a-t-il expliqué selon TVMag. Pour cette très rare apparition de la chanteuse britannique, Michel Drucker précise qu’Adele interprétera deux morceaux: un de son dernier album et un du nouveau. La soirée, qui sera par ailleurs co-animée avec Johnny Hallyday, s’annonce très riche. En plus de la star britannique, Michel Drucker accueillera Louane, Eddy Mitchell, Mika ou encore Véronique Sanson. Le Grand Show sera diffusé fin novembre."
  12. Salut à toi ! Ton français a l'air déjà très bon Si je peux te donner un petit conseil, quand tu as deux voyelles à la suite dans deux mots différents (par exemple "je apprends" ou "le utilise") on utilise une apostrophe (') et on supprime la voyelle du premier mot. Du coup on a : j'apprends et l'utilise. Je ne sais pas si mon explication est très claire C'est surtout pour des questions de prononciation, ça rend les choses beaucoup plus simples
  13. Je suis contente qu'elle ait changé d'avis ! Pour le Grand Show vous savez quand ça va être diffusé ?
  14. I bought Urban Strangers' EP ! I really love them I think their music is something new, and I like their voices. I'm waiting for a full album Before them, I bought Elodie Martelet - L'Affec-tueuse.
  15. The link doesn't work for me But thanks for all you posted !
  16. Salut Nelly ! C'est sympa que tu ais sauté le pas ! C'est l'occasion de perfectionner son anglais . Et puis on rencontre pleins de gens très gentils Bienvenue !
  17. I love the cover !!!! https://beta.exlibris.ch/fr/musique/musique-cd/mika/no-place-in-heaven-repack-deluxe/id/0602547620897
  18. Acttually I like this song. I use to listen rap (and Fedez sometimes) so the mix is good for me. This is not the best song of them, but I can listen it with big pleasure. I'm very interest about a live version !
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