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Everything posted by NaoMika

  1. Redazione ANSA https://www.ansa.it/toscana/notizie/2023/04/23/il-maggio-apre-con-wagner-e-strauss-e-gia-un-trionfo_122b999d-e4a4-46f4-aafe-636d6f88b7d7.html 23 aprile 2023 15:05 Il Maggio apre con Wagner e Strauss, è già un trionfo Ovazioni e lunghi applausi, è ripartenza dopo commissariamento (ANSA) - FIRENZE, 23 APR - Ovazioni e lunghi applausi alla prima data del Festival del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, l'edizione numero 85, segnano bene la voglia di ripartenza del teatro dopo lo choc del commissariamento. Wagner e Strauss nel programma di sala sono stati interpretati da una gettonata direzione di Daniele Gatti che già all'ingresso ha ricevuto subito, insieme all'orchestra, applausi calorosi. A fine concerto ben sette minuti di applausi. Wagner è stato proposto con una selezione di brani sinfonici del mitico Götterdämmerung, il Crepuscolo degli dei, mentre Strauss con l'opera 40. Ovazioni per Gatti e anche per il violino di spalla Salvatore Quaranta la cui esecuzione nei movimenti da solista ha ricevuto un energico apprezzamento del pubblico. Il commissario Onofrio Cutaia ha dato nel foyer il benvenuto e tanti spettatori hanno voluto salutarlo di persona e conoscerlo. Il bordo del palcoscenico era decorato con azalee bianche e verdi. Tra gli ospiti il cantante Mika, arrivato col sindaco Dario Nardella e che dopo le foto con il pubblico si è seduto a fianco del maestro Zubin Mehta, direttore emerito a vita del Maggio. In sala anche il capo di gabinetto del Mic Francesco Gilioli, l'artista che ha firmato il manifesto del Festival Nico Vascellari, il sovrintendente del Regio di Parma Luciano Messi, quello del Ravenna Festival Antonio De Rosa, il presidente dell'Orchestra Regionale Toscana Maurizio Frittelli e il direttore generale dell'Ort Marco Parri. Per la città, tra gli altri, il cardinale Giuseppe Betori, la rettrice Alessandra Petrucci, il presidente della Fondazione Cr Firenze Luigi Salvadori. (ANSA).
  2. こんにちは、NaoMikaです。 MIKAの来日公演、なんばハッチでの大阪公演チケットのお譲り先を探しています。 海外から参加される予定だった方から、急遽キャンセルの連絡がありまして、 スタンディングで、6枚あります。 まだチケットを買っていない方、お友達や家族を誘いたい方など、ご興味ありましたらPMでご連絡下さい。 価格応相談。紙チケット。発券後郵送。または現地手渡し。 よろしくお願いいたします。
  3. The tickets are available at ticketmaster. https://www.ticketmaster.fr/en/manifestation/foire-en-scene-mika-ticket/idmanif/551016/idseance/3620962
  4. Joel & Son Fabrics 73-87 Church Street London, NW8 8EU https://www.joelandsonfabrics.com/uk/
  5. @Prisca @Hero CAP ROIG FESTIVAL is now listed on TOUR page of MIKA official website. https://www.yomika.com/tour/
  6. I guess the ticket number will be shown on your ticket with QR code after 9th May. But I'm not pretty sure. The booking system is only for customers who live in overseas countries. We (The Japanese) can't use the ticketing site so I have never used the site to book tickets. We book tickets via Japanese eplus site. The ticketing process looks a bit different from the international site. You might better to ask them about the issue. You can send them a message using the form below. https://ib.eplus.jp/index.php?dispatch=pages.view&page_id=30
  7. Hi, there. For people come to Namba Hatch from outside of Japan for the first time, here are some travel tips and practical information. - What you should know before the show- YOU DON'T HAVE TO QUEUE FROM EARLY IN THE MORNING IN FRONT OF THE VENUE On your ticket, you have a ticket number, [整理番号] in Japanese. Your ticket number dictates when you get to enter the venue. Audience will be admitted to the venue in order according to the numbers printed on their tickets. The fan holding ticket #1 gets to enter the venue first, followed by the fan holding ticket #2, and so on. When the venue doors open, venue staff will call numbers in order. The doors open at 18:00. Therefore, if you have a ticket with a very low number, it’s wise to arrive at the venue and line up fifteen minutes or so before the door time, if you want to make sure to get into the venue as quickly as possible. However, if you don’t get there in time, no worries—anyone whose number has already been called is free to enter the venue at any time. If you can’t speak Japanese, can’t understand instructions from the venue staff, and have no idea when they’re calling your number, you can show up early and attempt to explain this to a venue staff member in advance and hope that they’ll help you. You can also show your tickets to fans while the fans are lining up and hope that the fans will help you find your place in line. YOU HAVE TO BUY A MEDAL TO EXCHANGE DRINK TICKET IN ADVANCE Namba Hatch requires the payment of a drink ticket upon entry which is 600 yen. This is a charge levied by the hall, and is obligatory even if you have paid for a ticket in advance. You need to get a special medal before entering the venue. Namba Hatch has a vender machine near the entrance. Please note, only cash payments are accepted, so please prepare 6×100yen coins OR, 1×500yen coin and 1×100yen coin before arrival at the venue. You will be asked for the medal after passing the venue staff your ticket at the entrance and then you will receive a drink ticket. Your drink ticket will be redeemable at the venue bar for one drink. OTHER REQUIREMENTS I think it will be lifted by May, but there is still a mask mandate even if you are fully vaccinated. Guidelines for Preventing the Spread of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) https://smash-jpn.com/new/detail.asp?id=4959&status=0 This movie is pretty informative. Please have a look. You will see chairs in the stalls area in this film, but there will be no chairs at MIKA's gig (standing) .
  8. Hi, there. For people come to Namba Hatch from outside of Japan for the first time, here are some travel tips and practical information. - Location Venue : Namba Hatch (なんばHatch) http://www.namba-hatch.com/ Address:1-3-1Minatomachi, Osaka Naniwa-ku, Osaka (大阪市浪速区湊町1-3-1) Google Map : https://goo.gl/maps/f4XXT5QnzJXh8nmm6
  9. Yes, it's an official ticket provider. Smash (MIKA Japan tour organiser) has the link to eplus on their site. https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3818
  10. Prisca, your infomation is for people who live in Japan. If you buy tickets from outside of Japan, you can't pick up the tickets in a convenience store. https://ib.eplus.jp/index.php?dispatch=pages.view&page_id=47 Q: I want to pick up my ticket in a convenience store other than the venue. A: You cannot pick up your ticket in a convenience store.
  11. Frequently Asked Questions https://ib.eplus.jp/index.php?dispatch=pages.view&page_id=47 Q: I want to know the seat number of my tickets in advance. A: You can only know your seat number when you pick up your tickets on the event day. We cannot announce you in advance. Also, we cannot accept any changes or cancellations on the day. Q: I want to get my ticket in advance. A: You cannot pick up your ticket in advance. Also we don't make advance mailing service.
  12. Well, She might come to Japan with MIKA... from news letter from MiraMikati: January 4, 2023 6:38pm A new year is a new opportunity to set intentions – goals you actually want to stick to. Whether you want to be kinder to yourself, visit somewhere new or just have more fun, make 2023 the best year it can be. Here’s what Mira will be setting her mind to…
  13. It will be available later. 1-DAY PASS KRW 187,000
  14. Seoul Jazz Festival 1st Lineup confirmed. http://ticketimage.globalinterpark.com/ticketimage/Play/image/etc/22/22017667-e02.jpg Address : 424, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul Contact information : +82-2-410-1114 Website : http://www.olympicpark.co.kr/ seat information : Olympic Park Transportation · Subway Subway Line 5, 9 / Olympic Park station / Exit 3 Facilities Walking/jogging path, pressure point massage walkway, inline skating, X-games, recreational sport, Kickboarding
  15. JFYI You can buy MIKA Japan tour tickets in English from here. (Official tickets provider e+ international) https://ib.eplus.jp/mika Osaka (Standing tickets) https://ib.eplus.jp/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=2174&date=1684767600#scrollToPanel Tokyo (S seating tickets) https://ib.eplus.jp/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=2175&date=1684854000#scrollToPanel FAQ https://ib.eplus.jp/index.php?dispatch=pages.view&page_id=47
  16. This article says that MIKA will be a guest of Umbria Jazz Festival... I hope it's true. Al cinquantesimo di Umbria Jazz anche Mika L’ufficializzazione della data entro i primi di gennaio La Nazione 23/12/2022 https://www.lanazione.it/umbria/cronaca/al-cinquantesimo-di-umbria-jazz-anche-mika-lufficializzazione-della-data-entro-i-primi-di-gennaio-1.8410904 Correva l’anno 2020. Era febbraio e mentre in Cina c’era già un durissimo lockdown, l’Italia e il mondo occidentale ancora non avevano idea di cosa di lì a poco li avrebbe travolti. Il Covid-19 sembrava lontanissimo e la vita continuava a scorrere normalmente, tanto che sul sito di Umbria Jazz cominciavano a spuntare i nomi dei protagonisti dell’edizione estiva. Tra questi quello di Mika, il cantautore e showman libanese naturalizzato britannico che in Italia ormai è di casa e che a Umbria Jazz aveva avuto un successo strepitoso nell’edizione del 2016. La pandemia però costrinse poi tutti all’isolamento prima e a una rigida normativa per impedire pericolosi assembramenti che potessero favorire il contagio poi. Fu così che i grandi festival vennero rinviati a data da destinarsi. Quel cartellone che annunciava artisti come Paolo Conte, Ben Harper e lo stesso Mika, venne “congelato“. Oggi a distanza di due anni e con una situazione che sembra ormai definitivamente avviata alla normalità, ecco che il Festival jazz prossimo a celebrare nel 2023 i suoi primi cinquant’anni, torna proprio in questi giorni a lanciare i nomi dei protagonisti della storica edizione estiva. Paolo Conte, Steward Copeland (batterista dei Police), Brad Meldahu, Brandford Marsalis, Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals e in esclusiva italiana Joe Boanamassa, Rhiannon Giddens with Francesco Turrisi, Snarky Puppy sono già stati ufficializzati con tanto di prevendite in corso. Il cartellone del cinquantesimo di UJ (7-16 luglio 2023) dunque, comincia a svelarsi e a quanto pare sarà davvero stellare.
  17. I had managed to get my tickets from pre-sale for Smash friends members. As you see on my twitter post (and MIKA retweeted). So I did't participate in the lottery for my tickets. From comments on SNS, It seems that many people couldn't win SS seats category for Tokyo gig. It's just the beginning of ticketing war. More pre-sale lotteries are following. I really hope everyone can get their places eventually.
  18. 情報ありがとうございます 5月までにコロナ感染状況が終息して、感染対策が緩和されることを祈るばかりです。 マスクなしで楽しみたいですよね。 MIKAもフロアに降りて、みんなでBig Girlを大合唱したいでしょうし。 ドリンク代も先にメダルを買って、チケットに交換して、そのチケットでドリンクを買うんですね? ふーむ。なかなか面倒なシステム‥。 海外からも多くのMFCersが訪日予定なので、ちゃんと説明できるように頑張りますー。 NaoMika☆
  19. 皆さま、こんにちは。NaoMikaです。 MIKA来日公演のアナウンスから1週間。いろんな感情が怒涛のように押し寄せる日々でしたが、 チケット予約も完了し、ようやく落ち着いてこちらに書き込みできる心の余裕ができました。 9月のイタリアツアーが制作・物流の問題から直前にキャンセルされて、3枚の新しいアルバムの制作やそのほかのプロジェクトをたくさんかかえている状況のMIKAが、このタイミングで日本ツアーを発表してくれるとは正直思っていませんでした。 2020年のキャンセルを経てやっと実現する日本ツアー。2016年のNHKホール以来ですね。 日本でMIKAを観れるのも楽しみですが、MFCersの皆様にお会いする機会ができるのも楽しみです。 どんなセトリになるのかな?今回もサプライズがあるといいですね。 ぜひ来日公演を成功させましょうー NaoMika☆ PS.なんばハッチに行くのがはじめてなのですが、入場の流れとかドリンクチケットの買い方とか、ご教示いただけませんでしょうか?どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
  20. Yes, your understanding is right. You can apply up to 4 tickets per one application. And you have to pay for all when the positive result comes out.
  21. Hello, Some of MIKA fans from Europe have asked me to buy some tickets for them because Japanese ticketing system is very different from any other countries and very hard to buy from overseas. So I will try to explain how it works. - SEAT LOCATION CAN NOT BE CHOSEN In other countries you might be able to choose specific seats on a venue map. We do not have that system for most of Rock/Pop music gigs in Japan and this concert is not an exception. Seats are assigned by the ticket system randomly in any phase of ticket sales. - YOU CAN CHOOSE AREA CATEGORY FROM "SS" OR "S" 【SS】Numbered seat(Front Stalls: Row1~14)- Face Price:¥12,000 + Fees 【S】Numbered seat - Face Price:¥10,800 + Fees - YOUR TICKETS WILL NOT BE ISSUED BEFORE 10th MAY. Only once you get the physical/smart ticket, you can see the seat number on it. The pickup of physical tickets must be made at a Seven Eleven OR Familymart location within Japan prior to the show. - MANY PRE-SALES PHASES AND LOTTERIES SYSTEM Official pre-order lotteries (Senkou Chusen 先行抽選) 2022/12/06 (Tue) 17:00~2022/12/18 (Sun) 23:59 Holders of a free account can apply, and buy tickets if the lottery result is positive. Pre-order lotteries are pretty common to buy concert tickets in Japan. Many more Pre-sales phases are set by some ticket venders. I don’t recommend waiting for general sale. In reality, only what is “left over” will be sold through general sale. In my opinion, - MOST ADVANTEGED IS "SMASH friends Members" PRE-SALE. 2022/12/07 (Wed) 10:00~2022/12/12 (Mon) 18:00 SMASH friends is PAID membership system of Japanese event promotor SMASH! . You can book tickets on “first-come, first-served” basis, but seats are assigned randomly within their blocked area. (I have already consumed my allocation for my membership -sorry) Anyway, If you are 100% sure to come to see MIKA gig in Tokyo, and wouldn't mind seat location you will end up in the all-seated venue (never allowed to rush into the front of the stage!), I will be happy to help you to get tickets for you. Contact via PM. See you there, NaoMika☆
  22. ローチケのページにも、同様の情報がありますね。正式なアナウンスが待たれます! https://l-tike.com/order/?gLcode=51801&utm_campaign=LHdiv_ticket_DT&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=180208_co_bi
  23. Am I supposed to delete my post on this thread? I didn't mean to give it away..
  24. This alert popped up before buying tickets. You agree to keep all details of the performance and the TV programme in which the performance will feature confidential at all times, and you will not take any pictures or recordings during the performance, nor will you make any statement or supply any information or image relating to the performance/TV programme in any manner/medium, including without limitation via social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook) or messaging apps (e.g. WhatsApp). You understand that the performance and the identities of those taking part and any outcomes/results are highly confidential and agree to respect this and abide by these confidentiality obligations at all times.
  25. Lang Lang and Mika guide four astonishing musicians on a journey from playing on public pianos in train stations around the UK to the Royal Festival Hall stage. https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whats-on/classical-music/piano?eventId=916451 THU 10 NOV, 7PM The Piano A free musical celebration of the cherished instrument, hosted by Claudia Winkleman, Mika and Lang Lang Performers Mika piano (edit: other performers deleted, to be kept secret) Repertoire Mika: Grace Kelly; Happy Ending (edit: other songs deleted)
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