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Everything posted by Siri

  1. I love him with hat and necklaces and love this one too (sorry for the t-shirt pics of the other day - I still have troubles with shirt/t-shirt meanings in the various languages )
  2. Found these and thought of you girls
  3. I think he simply forgot - as always . You know, the sea, the boat trip...
  4. I think he autoproduces his albums since TOOL, please anybody correct me if I'm wrong, I don't really know how this kind of things works
  5. He needs glasses but he often uses lenses instead. It's a pity, I like him with them on
  6. I thought there was already a thread for everything I was wrong
  7. Never tried, but here you are: https://www.firstonetv.net/Live/France/TF1-28 http://www.streaming-hub.com/tf1-live/ https://www.tf1.fr/
  8. I had completely forgotten this thank you for reminding me
  9. When did he say it will be exclusively in English? I think I missed something
  10. Ciao! Se leggi le istruzioni c'è scritto di mandare la mail indicando username e nome/cognome, quindi anche se il cognome è lo stesso credo si capisca che siete due persone diverse avendo username e nome diverso, no? ma se hai paura della squalifica puoi mandare un messaggio a silver o deb sottolineando questa cosa, che siete sorelle e di non contarlo doppio
  11. Bon bah alors on n'a pas de chance, comment pouvons nous gagner quand il y a tant de gens "du metier" qui tentent le concours?
  12. C'est pas pour la boîte ça? Je pense avoir vu un peu près les même prix sur internet, si tu rajoute les frais d'envoi
  13. As tu trouvé la boîte aussi dans le magasin? Je pensais qu'ils étaient seulement sur internet!
  14. Siri


    Oh, hello Pat! Glad to see you here too! (We already met on twitter ) Welcome to MFC There's a lot of Mika's stuff here, you will enjoy for sure
  15. Why did they interview Pascal Obispo, Zazie, Mika and not Florent Pagny?
  16. I don't think this concern people who do the video editing
  17. Yeah, he said nothing once, and really few things the sencond time I do know they cut all the comments because otherwise the program will be too long, but they usually pay attention to that
  18. Just finished watching last episode (late as always ) I was wondering why did they leave Zazie saying to Mika that he had the "right argumentation" (two times) exactly while cutting those from the final cut
  19. Every year people say that they think is his last year time will tell, is useless to make conjectures on that when he probably do not even know it yet (he said in interviews that he usually don't think about the following year while recording)
  20. I didn't know he used to write blogs, thank you for sharing I think we don't have to worry, he simply forgets he can write on social too, as he confirmed himself with those tweets we don't have to worry when he doesn't post on socials, nor when he posts several things in a row, it's just normal and I find it funny Anyway I think it's all ok, it's normal to feel a bit pressed when you put so much of you in your work and you are sincere and personal as he is. What's important is that he likes what he's doing. Btw he knows what he has to face as an artist, remember these tweets: I don't know why ppl are so worried on social as you said @Boucarilla; for what I saw in those three years they worry everytime Mika doesn't post sth in a couple of days. Dudes, there are artists that disappear for ages between an album and the next one, just calm down
  21. Bonjour tout le monde! Le thread pour le nouveau yearbook dedié au 2017 et aux 10 ans de carrière de Mika est maintenant ouvert, allez y partager vos idées
  22. Ciao! È stato aperto il thread dedicato al nuovo yearbook, dove si parlerà di tutto quello che è successo nel 2017 e dei vari party organizzati per i 10 anni di carriera di Mika il tutto è ancora in fase di elaborazione, sono ben accetti suggerimenti di ogni tipo
  23. Dude, not a cool thing to say I think she meant to say that she doesn't love mika's suits
  24. Non mi disturba più di tanto e sinceramente non credo che questo tolga possibilità ad altri candidati, magari più giovani ed inesperti. Alla fine non credo abbia mai vinto qualcuno che fosse già "famoso", anzi, di solito è gente che non ha mai cantato professionalmente (ma non ho visto le primissime edizioni di tv fr, potrei sbagliarmi). Addirittura molti di quelli "già esperti" che si presentano non vengono neanche selezionati dai coach (gli scorsi anni è successo più di una volta). Non dimentichiamo poi che noi vediamo "les auditions à l'aveugle", ma ci sono molte altre selezioni prima di arrivare a quella tappa, quindi se sei troppo dilettante non arrivi alle registrazioni del programma. Va bene i talenti naturali, ma non per questo bisogna buttare "nella fossa" gente che non è pronta o che crede di cantar bene e magari è stonato come una campana no, scherzi a parte, i coach possono indirizzare e aiutare a migliorare, ma se non hai davvero talento o almeno un minimo di tecnica loro non sono mica lì per dar lezioni di canto gratis, in quel caso meglio andare a dei corsi! Comunque il lavoro grosso non lo fanno i coach che si vedono in televisione, ma altri coach dietro le quinte, quindi a loro un po' cambia ma neanche tanto
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