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  • Birthday 07/19/2001

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  1. That's absolutely right, our hope never dies. I'm from St-Petersburg:) I still hope that maybe one day they will come here, I'm waiting, and always would be waiting. That's scary never to be on the concert, bu you have to remember that all can change. You have to believe, like I do. I was on MIKA's concerts, and LP concerts, and that was fantastic! I'm sure you will see concert of your dream! You can see video that my mum have done on the concert in Marseille.
  2. I see, that's right, unfortunately in the place where I'm living it's the same. Happily, last year there was Kenji who came here, but MIKA and LP never come here:( They are my favourite two singers,
  3. Hello again! Where are you living in Russia? Nice to meet you.
  4. Hello, UnderwaterToyBoy, I saw you're from Russian Federation. Me too! Thank you for having follow me. I'm living in France for 3 years, but I was living there till 17th july 2014. For moment I'm living in France.
  5. Hello, thank you for your letter with an information that I needed. You're right, I have already found russian speaking thread, so happy about. Now I take part in MIKA FAN CLUB, I would be happy to have a contact with other MIKA fans
  6. Hello Dear MIKA, I will begin my letter from 2014, when I discovered your music, and who you are for the first time. It was a year when all my family came to France to change a place of life for moment. Well, when I saw you on the Voice on television, I understood that you're special, and I was absolutely right:) I'm so happy, and I'm glad to be your fan. You're an amazing person, no one in the world has such warm heart as you have. I hope to meet you one day. Love you with all my heart. Your fan forever, Eva.
  7. Спасибо за ваш ответ, теперь буду следовать вашим советам. Рада получить информацию, так как я здесь новая. Буду смотреть темы,
  8. Здравствуйте, уважаемые поклонники Мики. Я только сегодня зарегестрировалась сюда, и я хотела бы получить информацию на счёт того как пользоваться Мика фан клубом. Правила я все учла, но есть здесь кто-то кто мог бы мне объяснить устройство этой группы, пожалуйста. Я надеюсь на вашу помощь, уважаемые МИКА фаны. Я являюсь Микиной фанаткой уже 3 года. Спасибо.
  9. Hello to all MIKA fans! I'm a new user on MIKA FAN CLUB. Can I ask you for some explanations about how to use it? I haven't understand where I can an information here about using . Thank you for your understanding. I'm from Russia, but I'm living in France:)
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