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Status Replies posted by giraffeandy

  1. Happy Birthday


    Chocolate Truffle Cake at Rs 700/kg | चॉकलेट केक in Gurgaon | ID:  14116175633



    1. giraffeandy


      @Hero Sounds fantastic! :biggrin2: Just the high heels scare me tbh...but now I googled a bit and found out that not all Louboutin heels look like a murder weapon, some of them even seem walkable. So one pair of Louboutins with low heels please. :lmfao: 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Happy Birthday


    Chocolate Truffle Cake at Rs 700/kg | चॉकलेट केक in Gurgaon | ID:  14116175633



    1. giraffeandy


      Thank you! :flowers2: 

      Paris was the best birthday I've ever had so I've been thinking about it a lot. :cloud:


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Being at work and listening to this concert today, I feel so privileged that I had the chance to be there live. :cloud:



    1. giraffeandy


      And btw, I also feel very privileged that I can listen to Mika at work. :biggrin2:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Being at work and listening to this concert today, I feel so privileged that I had the chance to be there live. :cloud:



    1. giraffeandy


      (Just to clarify, the picture is misleading, read the title... :teehee:)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. I totally forgot my email address. Site changed a lot, i was entering with my user name :D  

    How are you guys btw? 

    1. giraffeandy


      Hi, nice to see you here! :original: Given the current situation, I'm quite fine but the times are really scary right now... 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Today marks two years since the first time I saw Mika live at a gig! :taz:



    1. giraffeandy


      @Prisca I've never used it before and don't know why is it here but I found it fitting. :lmfao:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. The first bauble inspired by Mika... Completely made by me 😱😱😱



    1. giraffeandy


      Nice! :wub2: I should also start with Christmas decorations, I make them with beads.

      That reminds me of the Christmas card exchange, it's already November! :newyear: Last year I made beaded stars as a gift. Will there be a thread this year? @silver

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. happy birthday to you.. happy birthday my friend Andrea.. happy birthday to youuu 

    1. giraffeandy


      Thank you so much! :mikalove: 

  9. I'm looking for an English native speaker who wouldn't mind to read the abstract of my diploma thesis (only about 170 words) and let me know if it's fine. Anybody here? 


    confused wile e coyote GIF by Looney Tunes

  10. Yesterday when I was already in bed I closed my eyes and I imagined myself being in the Philharmonie de Paris.

    The concert started and Mika entered the stage.

    And at that moment we all started to clap our hands and scream so strong that Mika couldn't sing :clap:


    Ah, it was so pleasant feeling...... I felt this excitement in all my body!


    I can't wait to live it in real :cloud:

    1. giraffeandy


      @Mikasister I get you, I have to say that even though I'm excited about the tickets and I've even booked some hotel room (but maybe I will change it and no, it's not the one for 4 050 € :teehee:), I still keep in mind that there's the possibility I'm going to cancel the trip if the pandemic situation gets worse. Also I wouldn't travel without being fully vaccinated and in my country I still can't even register for it. I don't even have a travel buddy yet, I wouldn't mind travelling alone but I'd prefer to share the room with someone. And I'm still unsure if I should travel by bus or plane, I actually prefer buses over planes if the distance isn't too large, also because of the ecological impact, but now because of the pandemic, I was thinking if plane isn't a bit safer... The pandemic situation adds another aspect to the whole planning and it gets even more complicated and uncertain. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. You know you're getting old when you look at the nominations for the Brit award for best song and you realise you haven't heard any of them  :baghead:

    1. giraffeandy


      @silver Same but at least half of them seem to be rappers so that's an explanation... :biggrin2:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. You know you're getting old when you look at the nominations for the Brit award for best song and you realise you haven't heard any of them  :baghead:

    1. giraffeandy


      Tbh, I just searched for the nominees and I know only Physical and Watermelon Sugar... :dunno:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. I love my new poster :wub2:


    1. giraffeandy


      @Dominika Where did you find it in such a good resolution? It looks amazing... :cloud:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Update: I finally got the beads on Friday and spent today making one earring, it took me hours but it's finally done... Now I have to start making the second one. :sweatdrop:



    1. giraffeandy


      @Starlight I hope later I'll be able to like it too, now I'm too tired... :lol3: I'll finish the second one another time. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Update: I finally got the beads on Friday and spent today making one earring, it took me hours but it's finally done... Now I have to start making the second one. :sweatdrop:



    1. giraffeandy


      @Anna Ko Kolkowska Most of my weekends these days are crafting weekends. :biggrin2:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. If you're looking for a show to brighten up your days and you do have Netflix, watch Julie and the Phantoms, believe me, you won't regret it! :biggrin2: The series is a bit like a musical and it's so uplifting with a great story, lovely characters and catchy music. I finished it in two days, unfortunately it's quite short... Do you have any recommendations for other uplifting series/movies? I need more right now. 

    1. giraffeandy


      @Irem Aytepe Oh yeah, I've totally forgot about that one even though it has been on my list... Thank you! 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Me after an one hour dance class before the pandemic:


    everybody wants to be a cat happy dance GIF


    Me after a 20 minute dance work out on Youtube now:


    Tired Good Night GIF


    I hope I'll be fit again before there are any gigs... :teehee: Unfortunately, it seems I have plenty of time. 

    1. giraffeandy


      Maybe I just need a MIKA WORKOUT! 

  18. It's been a exact year ago already since I saw Mika in Utrecht. Seems like a whole different world. :crybaby:

  19. Me in these days... :(

    Shaking Cold Weather GIF by funk

    1. giraffeandy


      @Starlight That's great! Is he just studying/working there for now or does he live there permanently? Do you visit him often (when it's possible, not now unfortunately :()? 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20. Me in these days... :(

    Shaking Cold Weather GIF by funk

    1. giraffeandy


      @Mikasister Here's about 5 to 10 º C MINUS, ideal for freezing my ass off... I can't stand temperatures below 20 º C so this is torture for me. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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