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Status Replies posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. I have a perfect pic for you @holdingyourdrink


    1. holdingyourdrink


      The hair product (wax) he is holding is by Kevin Murphy, judging by the colour of the box it’s “easy rider”. 

      (I’m not the hair product whisperer, my husband happens to use the same product :lol3:)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I have a perfect pic for you @holdingyourdrink


    1. holdingyourdrink


      Let me hold that drink (and hair product) for you, Mika! :wub2:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I might not have cicadas in my region like @dcdeb but instead an invasion of maybugs this year. :facepalm:


    Fortunately, I haven't seen any of them so far (I don't go out so much), but the farmers don't enjoy them and so many maybugs are not good for the protection forests either. And I wouldn't have thought it, but when there are so many in a bunch, they can apparently get quite noisy. :aah:


    Fortunately, it seems we are over the worst now. :original:








    1. holdingyourdrink


      Oh god, straight out of a horror movie like those cicadas :sweatdrop:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Five years today. Sweet memories, Mika talking bad about me but I forgive him because I know he did it with love :cloud:


    1. holdingyourdrink


      That is so cute, to be remembered by Mika!!! 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Yesterday when I was already in bed I closed my eyes and I imagined myself being in the Philharmonie de Paris.

    The concert started and Mika entered the stage.

    And at that moment we all started to clap our hands and scream so strong that Mika couldn't sing :clap:


    Ah, it was so pleasant feeling...... I felt this excitement in all my body!


    I can't wait to live it in real :cloud:

    1. holdingyourdrink


      I think it’s a wonderful dream and you are 100% right, this is what will happen! And there he is goofily looking at everyone, not knowing what to say :lol:

      But I’m an alien like you... que sera sera. We will deal with it then. But for now, I will keep daydreaming like you! 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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