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About Lulul

  • Birthday 07/13/1999


  • Bio
    I never wanted to be a pop-star I wanted to be on the circus, and this is mine.

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    Music + Art + Food + Movies = Me

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  1. I like it a lot. I find the combination of genres very interesting. It has some Latin American sounds like bachata, and with the electronic style from the 80's/90's. It's a combination I never thought would work.
  2. Mika in Eurovision Mi favourite was the pink and the blue one
  3. I still hear "Where it raw goes" Any other ideas what it could be instead?
  4. I was confused the whole time because Mika and people involved were speaking french there. Now i know the reason, but i was like "he's in France now but also in Canada?", did he finally cloned himself?"
  5. En Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ccnpx4gA3SP/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  6. You're welcome, i guess my spanish helps me understand some Italian. You are right, i didn't think of it that way
  7. "the most beautiful moments, all the first times" which i think he means that every song starts on the piano(?) And at the end I understand: "there's...with the song and the piano that if i tell you i would slap myself on the face, but if i sing it you would sing with me".
  8. This could be on the radio and at parties but not on my playlist I like the lyrics tho. With an acoustic version or something i could give it a chance.
  9. I thought he had two black suits for the shows but it's the same one I appreciate it more now.
  10. The Coachella staff was a mess but the audience was vibing with Mika the whole time
  11. Blame It On The Girls???? omg I can't breathe
  12. I asked myself the same question. But you saw him on Instagram yesterday, he's very excited and he wants to share it with us
  13. He doesn't even have to come to my country, I would follow him to a near one, I'm sure I won't miss the opportunity to see him live
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