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Nothing happened but Baby looked terrified.

"What did you do that for?" Kevin said angrily.

"I couldn't resist." She replied guiltily. Dante, confused, asked Baby,

"What was that? What's going to happen?"

"Good question Dante. The first useful one you've ever asked." Becky said, not taking her eyes off of Baby. The house shuddered, but no one took any notice

"You've just-" She was cut off by a deafening scream, followed by the roof being ripped off. Everyone except Baby and Kevin stared in shock at what stood before them.

"Heya..." Baby waved, terrified.


I fell into Mika's grasped as swirling winds began to take place right infront of our eyes, "Holy shhhhhhhh" I was swooped up into the air with Mika still attched to me, I looked underneath me as the others were brought into the air too. I couldn't see Dante, but I thoguht maybe he was being swooped to, "MIKA!" I cried as we began to swirl in the air, the house being ripped iunder us as we flew frnatically in a twirling gust of wind and speed, "Whhhat is happening?" Asked Artsy who flew passed me into the dirty siwrling air. "Ewmegawd." muttered becky who was having breathing problems, Mika still held on to me despite, the air that was trying it's hardest to seperate us, I just heard Phunky screaming, and Mika muttering things to me, I couldn't compute. "HELP!" I screamed, as the darkness grew thicker and we rummbled faster throughout the sky, the moon shining bright and people began to book it out of their homes. Mika and I continued to grasp eachother in hopes of not being seperated. One thought that filled our minds was, 'tornado'

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"What is it?" I screamed at Baby. She grabbed my hand.

"Not natural, put it that way." She told me, before the 'thing' grabbed her. As it yanked her away, Becky clutched her stomach. All of a sudden, the winds stopped, and everyone fell back down gently. Becky felt a bit strange. Like nothing she had ever experienced before and by the looks of things, so did everyone else. She gently rested her head down happily, and fell to sleep.

When she awoke, she found herself wrapped by warmth. She expected to turn and see Cosmo behind her, hugging her but she got the surprise of her life to see Mika, asleep, with his arms around her. She tried to wriggle free but it was no use.

M4L will be pleased, she thought to herself, glacing around at the empty, yet welcoming room.

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"What is it?" I screamed at Baby. She grabbed my hand.

"Not natural, put it that way." She told me, before the 'thing' grabbed her. As it yanked her away, Becky clutched her stomach. All of a sudden, the winds stopped, and everyone fell back down gently. Becky felt a bit strange. Like nothing she had ever experienced before and by the looks of things, so did everyone else. She gently rested her head down happily, and fell to sleep.

When she awoke, she found herself wrapped by warmth. She expected to turn and see Cosmo behind her, hugging her but she got the surprise of her life to see Mika, asleep, with his arms around her. She tried to wriggle free but it was no use.

M4L will be pleased, she thought to herself, glacing around at the empty, yet welcoming room.


Beck looked further behind her to see me clinging to Mika we'd fallen asleep and landed on the ground, unfortunately on her. Finally Becky, had wriggled free of his grasp and climbed to her feet. "Cosmo?" becky called out warily, "Cosmo, where are you?" It was dark and barely anything was visable except for a large piece of roof that was moving up and down. Becky lifted it open and saw cosmo lying under it.

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Realising he was breathing, Becky removed the wood, which she was positive wasn't there before. She noticed a note on Mika, which she hadn't noticed before either.

Be back soon. Sorting something. Don't do anything stupid. Love Baby and Kevin.

Annoyed, Becky slumped herself into an armchair. She then stood up again, and turned around.

"You definately were not there before." She told the chair. Suddenly, a pain shot through her stomach. She doubled up, staring at the floor below. As another pain hit her, she collapsed on the floor, to see Mika waking up.

"Help." She whimpered.

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Realising he was breathing, Becky removed the wood, which she was positive wasn't there before. She noticed a note on Mika, which she hadn't noticed before either.

Be back soon. Sorting something. Don't do anything stupid. Love Baby and Kevin.

Annoyed, Becky slumped herself into an armchair. She then stood up again, and turned around.

"You definately were not there before." She told the chair. Suddenly, a pain shot through her stomach. She doubled up, staring at the floor below. As another pain hit her, she collapsed on the floor, to see Mika waking up.

"Help." She whimpered.


Mika quickly shook me awake, "hi hun--" "No time!" he said getting me to my feet, as he went over to a toppled-over becky grasping her stomache in agony. "Is it coming?" asked Mika as I woke up artsy and calvin and the others. "It might be." said becky worriedly as Mika began to hyperventilate. "I've never done this before, and I-I don't really want to look down there...or at a naked baby." he said uncalmly as I ran over. "MIKA!" I said trying to get him to calm down as I began to give people instructions, "artsy go fetch us some water and a towel, Calvin, go get me a pillow or something, Cosmo, come here and help!" I said as Mika smiled sweetly at me. "Breath." I said to Becky who was calmly following my words, "Lolly, go get us a timer, we need to time the contractions." I said as becky screamed, piercing our ears. "I never want children." Artsy muttered to herself. I kept a watch on Becky, helping her along, as Mika sat beside me and gagged when he noticed her water broke.

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*gagging to herself*

Eew. Childbirth. Seen it before, and it's not pretty.

Question: Where will I find water and a towel in the remnants of a house that was empty to begin with but is now decimated by a tornado?


hahhahahaha I was hoping someone else knew:roftl: Okay, well, hmm, maybe a well and er a uh big leaf? lol, I was under stress okay? Mika was freaking out and gagging everywhere

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I turned around to get water and a towel and saw nothing but wreckage. I looked at Calvin, who'd also stopped in his tracks. He glanced at me in confusion.

"Where am I supposed to get a pillow?"

I shrugged, and began to gingerly climb over some of the boards and pieces of wall. Ahead of me, I heard water rushing. A few feet away was a broken plumbing pipe, with water spouting out the end of it.

"Jackpot!" I whispered in triumph, and slid down a piece of fence, using my hand for balance. That, as it turned out, was a stupid thing to do.

I gasped in pain as I felt my hand being ripped on a loose nail sticking out of one of the wooden planks. Climbing the rest of the way down to the pipe and cursing wildly, I raised my hand and looked at my palm. It was wet with blood, which was starting to drip down my arm and onto the ground.

"Yikes..." I muttered, and washed it off in the water from the pipe. I only got a glimpse of the actual wound, a deep, jagged gash right down the middle of my palm, before blood poured out of it and covered my whole hand again. Washing it again, I discovered that the slash went all the way down to the top of my wrist, probably hitting a vein, which was why it was bleeding so much. Washing it a third time, I tore off a strip of my shirt and tied it up. The blood quickly seeped through the cloth and made my hand slippery, but it was better than nothing. I picked up a broken pot I found a few feet away and filled it with the water, then climbed back up the wreckage and walked back to the group. As for a towel, one of the guys would have to sacrifice their shirt.


M4L looked up at me as I walked up to Becky's side.

"Hey, Arts, you got the wat-What the HELL happened to your hand??!"

I handed her the pot of water, ignoring the fact that I could hear my own blood dripping like a leaky faucet from my hand to the ground.

"Nothing." I said, shrugging, "Just scratched it on a nail."

Mika looked back and forth between Becky talking about whether or nor her cervix was dilated and me with my hand looking like something out of a horror movie, and he stood up, walked away from the group, and threw up.

"What a weak stomach he has..." I mused aloud to myself, started to feel a little woozy from the loss of blood, "I wonder where Baby and Kevin could have gotten themselves of to..."

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