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Annie Lennox


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Wow, I can't believe there isn't a thread about this already.


Can I just start of by saying: I freakin' love Annie Lennox!!!


I also love Eurythmics and as you can imagine, I am very happy Mika has covered their songs.:punk:


Her new album was recently released and it's called Songs of Mass Destruction.........




Her voice is so damn amazing....I really don't know how she does it, but I'm glad she does, because its unbelievable. If you don't have this CD I strongly suggest you buy it. I, for one, was blown away.:biggrin2:

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She is freaking AMAZING. I love "Dark Road." That's the only one from her new album I've heard so far. I downloaded it from iTunes a few days ago. I need to get the rest of her album.


I love "Ghosts In My Machine".....its a very fun upbeat piano/rock song - reminds me of SITM:naughty:


You can listen to it here:






.......love it.

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you don't know your own profile song? :bleh:


Ghosts in my machine-Annie Lennox, of course!


Ok I thought so haha. I'm always changing my song so I never remember what song I have hehe. I'm listening to it right now :punk:

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hee hee.

myspace-illiterate. :bleh:

let's just say i had a whole lotta time on my hands during christmas break 2 years ago.

i'm okay with HTML stuff, but Sarie is really a genius at it.


Hahahaha. Well I dont' really want to be so good at it, ya know? haha. Myspace isn't very important to me.

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