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Best way for me to Deliver the Valentines Project! Suggestions please!


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I am delivering the Valentines Present Project to MIKA on Feb 14 in Seattle.

( I have a feeling I will be one of the very few Canadians at that Concert...but that's ok...its less expensive to travel to Seattle , than take a cab across town)


For those who have been to a venue that is a bar/night club ...how is the best way to meet him.? I can't be there until 5pm because I am travelling by AMTRAK to Seattle from Vancouver.that day..but certainly will be able to meet him after the gig . Do I wait in line? Do I go up to him? Will me being part of the MFC on a mission make any difference? any tips and suggestions are greatly appreciated as I don't want to miss this chance at all!


Thanks a muchly!



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You should ask Suzy....she is the Queen of all deliveries. I really don't know. I will be in Seattle too....so lets see....I could cause a big distraction for you....if you think that would help :roftl: but wait....then they wouldn't let me inside the venue :shocked: :shocked:


I'm sure it will be fine and you will be fine and it will all happen as it should....well, it is Valentine's Day and maybe Mika will *want* to see his valentines from around the world. :wub2::thumb_yello:

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ok guys!!!!!!!!!!!


What's best ? To give the goodies to him before or after the concert?

Give them to his Manager? What about security? Sometimes you can't bring a box in? Ack.....this is American Security! its harsh at times! Should I let one of the band members know about this? (LUKE IS VERY ACTIVE ON HIS BLOG LATELY!)Its all so new to me............Please help..Suzy ...if you read this...please respond!

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I'm not Suzy, but... :blush-anim-cl:


I think contacting Luke to get a gauge of the situation may be a good idea. (Maybe make him a Valentine too? :wink2:) Then, while waiting in line, try to tell anyone you see--security (Mika's NOT the venue's--venue security guards often don't give a damn about you), managers, etc, that you have a gift to deliver from the MFC. Getting it to Mika before the concert would be best (for you, so you don't carry it around), but doesn't usually work.


If one of Mika's people comes out and says he'll take it to pass it on, it may be best to just deliver the gift that way. Ideally, try to tell them that you'd really like to deliver it personally to make sure, and have them arrange something. (Ie, have them tell Mika that you're there so he won't leave without it.)



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Hey elanorelle - I PM'd you a response without reading this thread first so I need to edit a few things because I realize now you are without a car.


Thanks for your vote of confidence in me lilmot, but I can tell you that "luck" along with determination has a whole lot to do with it. :naughty:


And I agree with Jack. As ideal as it is to try to hand the gift to Mika personally before the gig, it will be very challenging - especially since you mention that you won't have the opportunity to be there very early. Then you can really enjoy the concert without having to have this concern at the back of your mind.


Taking all your circumstances in mind - I would find Mika's security (they will be the ones normally wearing black and have "Mika" written on the front of their shirts) and have them take it for you to give to him. Since you mention that you won't likely be earlier than 5pm, then you'll probably miss the arrival of all the band members who normally do soundcheck earlier than that.


Unless your gift is very small (something that can fit in your normal sized bag/purse) then you can consider waiting until after the gig, because I'm almost certain that Mika will make the effort to do a meet-and-greet after the concert.


Hope that helps. And I certainly wish you all the best luck, because it can be stressful. :thumb_yello:

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:mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted: or the city in Saskatchewan:naughty: :naughty:



*****thanks everyone! I think I know how to handle this. I will email Luke tonight and then when I am in Seattle I will get the box to someone who can give it to him and then afterwards at the meet and greet etc....will do something personally......:) Its hard carrying around boxes and bags of stuff

when I am not quite sure what to do when I don't have a car.! I am sure if I mention that I am from the MFC he will get it! I won't miss the chance to meet him personally in Seattle and or Vancouver. Vancouver would be ideal because there is a larger MFC bunch there:) Thanks!

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:mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted: or the city in Saskatchewan:naughty: :naughty:



*****thanks everyone! I think I know how to handle this. I will email Luke tonight and then when I am in Seattle I will get the box to someone who can give it to him and then afterwards at the meet and greet etc....will do something personally......:) Its hard carrying around boxes and bags of stuff

when I am not quite sure what to do when I don't have a car.! I am sure if I mention that I am from the MFC he will get it! I won't miss the chance to meet him personally in Seattle and or Vancouver. Vancouver would be ideal because there is a larger MFC bunch there:) Thanks!


Meee! Meeeee! :mf_boff:

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what did you guys make for vday..heehee saying that way makes me think of....something that rhymes with china. ok ashton go to bed its too late for you to be talking to other people


its about 100 Valentines from MFCers around the world organized by Finkster!


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*cries* I couldn't do it in the end because I had -3 seconds of free time per day when I would have written it...:tears:


its not too late to mail something to me if you want! I could tape it to the box or something

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