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Florida Girls take on Manhattan


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It has been requested that we dedicate a thread for our journey to a strange land. In this thread we will be posting pictures as the events unfold. From the very beginning of our trip until the end.


So read along with us as if you were there..............

we wish that everyone could be in New York with us, so in this small way you can! :huglove:

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I am ALL packed and now I am off to bed! It is hard to beleive that in just a couple hours I will be getting ready to head to the airport!


Good Night :huglove:


Wish us luck, cause these Florida girls are about to freeze their arses off, for the first time! :roftl:

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Have fun in New York!



Don't overpack. Your arms will just get sore, and you don't really need all the junk you think you will.


Don't eat the "hot sausage" the street venders are pushing. Perhaps it's growing up next to the most Polish city in the area, but I was severely disappointed. :tears:


Never underestimate the power of gloves.

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Plus, it's supposed to snow/sleet tomorrow into the weekend. I'm pretty sure my mom said it was the same basic forecast for NYC, but I'm not positive. Better safe than sorry.


And water isn't as expensive as everyone says it is. The first time I went, I took like... two water bottles, because everyone said they were $4 a bottle. But I went into this one place and got 2 for $1.


Plus, the roses were so cheap. $3 a dozen.:wub2:

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Wish us luck, cause these Florida girls are about to freeze their arses off, for the first time! :roftl:


Good luck, Holly! Safe travels to you -- and I'll see you SOON!




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Second Post


Okay, it is official!!!!!! I am leaving for the airport RIGHT NOW!!!! We will start posting pics as soon as we get to NYC!


I'm going to NYC to see the pretty Statue of Liberty..... and as my plane flies past, I will say - HEY GIRL.... what a lonely, lonely life! :naughty:


I cannot wait to see you ALL!~ :punk:



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......and thank you to eveyone who wished us well..... and gave some pretty awesome tips!!!!! :wub2:


What would I do without you, Sarie?


Probably shrivel up and die like most people that know me.:blush-anim-cl:


And don't fall for the whole "I'm deaf, gimme money" thing. Some guy came up, tapped me on the shoulder, and held up a sign saying that. I shook my head no, and he walked away. Then I yelled "HEY!" and he turned around to look at me. I smiled, he looked pissed, and walked away.

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For anyone who's interested, Holly and Alex's plane came in.

Alex told me they had a bit of a rough flight and actually had to circle New Jersey before landing.

It was a bumpy landing, and they were a bit shooken up.

Last text I got from Alex they were in a cab.:thumb_yello:

I'll be driving over to stay with them at about 6:30. :)

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Psh, girl what are you jealous of?



You're seeing him in a week!


aosidjflkajdsflasjdflkadfklsadflsadfsf.sadf. :shocked:


you honestly don't know that i'm literally obsessed with New York City? :naughty:


if i had a choice of seeing Mika or going to NYC, i'd take NYC.

(and you can't say anything cause you live by it, missy!:roftl:)

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