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hey guys! :D


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nice to meet you all!


my name's vitoria, i'm 18 and i live in sao paulo, brazil!


i hate these introductions, i never know what to say...

but well, i love mika! haha

i first heard about him last year when i was in someone's myspace profile and it was playing 'grace kelly'...i liked the song and downloaded.

then after a long time my friend showed me the happy ending video on youtube and i also loved the song, so i decided to download the whole album.

after that i started seeing all the live performances and interviews on youtube and fell in love :wub2: and now here i am! hehe

i've been reading the forum for a while now but never introduced myself :P so i decided to do so now...

but unfortunately i won't be able to post a lot because my holidays are almost over and i'm gonna be very busy this year :thumbdown:


well, thats it hehe

sorry for any english mistakes :thumb_yello:

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De nada!;)

Eu sou a Madalena!:D

E também há um fórum brasileiro, mas não me recordo do nome. A Mary, a representante do MFC em Portugal sabe, e eu já pergunto;)

Diverte-te aqui no MFC!:)

bjs, Madalena


ah, eu procurei e apareceram uns 3, mas nenhum era muito movimentado heheh vou postar no protuguês mesmo xD




Welcome to the MFC, from another newbie. :)


Do you happen to post on IHJ too? Cause if so, I'm CSS.:mf_rosetinted:


thanks and welcome as well!

yeaaah! i'm _vitoria there too! :D nice to see you here as well!

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nice to meet you all!


my name's vitoria, i'm 18 and i live in sao paulo, brazil!


i hate these introductions, i never know what to say...

but well, i love mika! haha

i first heard about him last year when i was in someone's myspace profile and it was playing 'grace kelly'...i liked the song and downloaded.

then after a long time my friend showed me the happy ending video on youtube and i also loved the song, so i decided to download the whole album.

after that i started seeing all the live performances and interviews on youtube and fell in love :wub2: and now here i am! hehe

i've been reading the forum for a while now but never introduced myself :P so i decided to do so now...

but unfortunately i won't be able to post a lot because my holidays are almost over and i'm gonna be very busy this year :thumbdown:


well, thats it hehe

sorry for any english mistakes :thumb_yello:



Bem vinda, Vitoria! :wink2:


O fórum brasileiro que a Madalena falava chama-se "Love Today",mas neste momento está fora do ar, por problemas do servidor. :thumbdown:

Aparece no Fórum português, serás muito bem vinda também! :wink2:

Ah! E aparece também no nosso tópico português aqui no MFC!


Ficam aqui os links:


Tópico em Português - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3465&highlight=the+portuguese+thread


Fórum Português - http://mikalandia.forumup.org


Blog Brasileiro - http://lovetoday.zip.net


Participa muito! :wink2: E diverte-te, principalmente!



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