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Unless you're like me, in which case you become even more morose and go searching for a piano, being drunk makes you think you're the funniest thing since Del Boy Trotter in a Batman suit.


But most of us don't display our intoxication in front of a primetime TV audience as with The Brits last Wednesday - two hours of shambolic racket and drunken loutishness from self-obsessed halfwits.


So much is made in the build-up of special performances and duets, yet this year maybe more than any other the reality failed dismally to live up to the hype, Mika and Beth Ditto's banshee-like screeching being the prime example. It was vile.


Then there's the voyeuristic shame of watching an unsteady and fidgety Amy Winehouse just to see if she's going to fall apart before your eyes.


At least the comedy awards have a sense of mischievous danger. The Brits was just graduation day for chav school...


to be continued here

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Unless you're like me, in which case you become even more morose and go searching for a piano, being drunk makes you think you're the funniest thing since Del Boy Trotter in a Batman suit.


But most of us don't display our intoxication in front of a primetime TV audience as with The Brits last Wednesday - two hours of shambolic racket and drunken loutishness from self-obsessed halfwits.


So much is made in the build-up of special performances and duets, yet this year maybe more than any other the reality failed dismally to live up to the hype, Mika and Beth Ditto's banshee-like screeching being the prime example. It was vile.


Then there's the voyeuristic shame of watching an unsteady and fidgety Amy Winehouse just to see if she's going to fall apart before your eyes.


At least the comedy awards have a sense of mischievous danger. The Brits was just graduation day for chav school...


to be continued here


Bad press or good press, it's PRESS :) We know the truth behind the music, let the hackneys say what they will. It will not deter the true fan, nor will it ruin the magical music :)

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