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http://colunadalu.zip.net/ (scroll down to march 3 2008)


O Mika é o homem da minha vida. Tá, eu sei que talvez ele não curta pessoas do meu sexo, mas ah, tudo bem. O que importa é que ele é lindo, simpático, empolgante e fez o melhor show que eu já fui nesses meus 18 aninhos.


Eu esperava ansiosamente pelo dia 15 de fevereiro desde novembro, quando descobri que ele cantaria aqui em Vancouver. E lógico, desde então eu já tinha a certeza de que, além de morrer um dia, eu iria no show do Mika.


Na entrada, só gente bonita. Digo, só gente moderna, muitos adolescentes, alguns adultos e, pasmem, crianças também! E o melhor: crianças enlouquecidas pelo Mika, que logo da entrada, já pediam desesperadamente pra comprar uma camiseta do cantor. Quando vi a cena, de cara eu pensei: "a educação aqui do Canadá é muito boa, não? Que músicas infantis que nada! Vamos colocar Mika para nossos filhos ouvirem!" Com certeza, essas crianças têm futuro.


O show aconteceu no Orpheum Theatre, um lugar super bonito e que, normalmente, hospeda shows de orquestras. Por dentro é uma beleza, cheio de quadros e, no lugar onde está o palco, parece uma igreja. Sabe aqueles tetos com desenhos? Pois é. Totalmente inspirador, e totalmente diferente. Assistir o show do Mika numa Igreja seria muito interessante! Tá, eu não estava numa igreja, mas mesmo assim o ambiente era novo pra mim, e de cara já dava pra perceber que o show não estava acontecendo no Brasil. Todo mundo calmo, esperando nosso grande astro entrar. Nada de tumulto, nada de agitação. A galera muito educada. Enquanto não começava o show, muita Kate Nash e Lily Allen. E o público, moderninho, cantava junto, enquanto mandava mensagens de texto de seus celulares, ou e-mails, de seus aparelhos Blackberry.


A primeira atração foi a banda Midway State. O cantor, nitidamente, imita o Mika. Calça skinny, cabelos enroladinhos, magrelo e toca piano. Confesso que quando ele entrou eu apertei meus olhos e pensei "estou vendo Mika?" Mas não, alarme falso. Ainda não era o momento. Os caras tocaram umas 5 músicas. Como eu nunca tinha ouvido aquilo antes, aproveitei o tempo para pensar na vida (ah, nem falei, fui sozinha ao show). Quando a última música acabou, ele falou que a banda iria autografar CDs e tirar fotos com fãs lá no hall de entrada. Nisso, eu pensei: "e você tem fã, é?" E pior que tem mesmo. Algumas meninas sairam correndo e voltaram felizes da vida com a assinatura daquele ser até então desconhecido para mim.



Mais uns 40 minutos se passaram e, até que enfim, Mika, aquela coisinha fofa, entrou no palco, cantando "Relax, Take it Easy" pra mim (vamos fingir que o show era exclusivo, tá?). Magrelo, alto, cabelo desarrumado, calça justa, brilhos...era ele mesmo! Pulando de um lado para o outro do palco, gritando "Hello Vancouveeer!" com aquele sotaque britânico fofo (que na verdade é um "Hello Vancouvaããrr!!"), fazendo toda a galera presente enlouquecer. Perfeito!


A segunda música foi "Big Girl", e uma boneca imensa com roupa azul estava no palco. Tudo muito lúdico, tudo muito lindo. Dançarinas gordinhas apareceram, e uma energia muito boa também. Não sei se é porque eu estava numa semana ruim (vide http://www.madeincanada.wordpress.com , post do dia 20/02), ou se todo mundo sentiu isso, mas ouvi-lo cantar dá aquela felicidade repentina, sabe? Aquela sensação de que está tudo muito bem, que a vida não poderia estar melhor. E ah, com um show daqueles por semana, o que seriam problemas?


O Mika tem um super carisma. Brincava com o público, conversava com a galera. Na hora de "Billy Brown", ele contou que a música estava sendo "perseguida" na América do Norte, então toda hora que chegava na parte "then Billy Brown fell in love with another man", ele mandava a gente cantar. E o melhor, ainda mandou um "**** you" para as pessoas que querem censurar a música.


Em certa parte do show, ele tirou a camisa, rebolou aquele corpo magrelo, tocou a percussão, dançou, pulou, fez de tudo. Sabe aquilo impossível não contagiar? Pois é! Era impossível não ficar animado com aquele show! Coisa mais perfeita!


As melhores partes do show foram, na minha opinião, quando ele cantou "Love Today" e "Grace Kelly". Nessa última, eu quase pirei. Gritei e pulei feito louca, lavei minha alma, haha! Não conseguia acreditar naquilo que estava vendo. Eu já gostava muito do Mika, mas a partir daquele show, eu passei a amá-lo, com certeza!! O cara passa uma puta energia boa, coisa inexplicável!


Depois de "Grace Kelly", veio o biz. Só faltava ela, "Lollipop". Balões e bolas imensas coloridas, muitos pirulitos no palco, confete, serpentina e Mika e banda fantasiados de animais de pelúcia. Lúdico? Imagina!! A cena foi perfeita, muito fofo o final! Quando a música já estava acabando, Mika chamou a galera que estava na frente do palco para subir. Um montão de gente lá, com ele, pulando feito loucos. E ele nem aí, parecia mais um da multidão. Só um segurança ogro para estragar a festa e tirá-lo de lá. Mas ah, já tinha sido tudo tão perfeito, que não tinha problema.


Eu fui besta e não levei camera no show. Mas um pessoal levou, filmou alguns trechos e colocou no youtube, pra minha sorte! :D Quem quiser ter uma noção de como foi Mika em Vancouver, assiste aí:


Billy Brown

Love Today

Relax, Take it Easy

Grace Kelly (perfeeito!)

Lollipop (o final de show mais lindo!)


Agora, tenho mais uma nova certeza: Mika, se você for pro Brasil, a gente se encontra de novo, sem dúvida alguma! :)


I don't know portuguese but it sounds like a good review!

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I might try the translator online...it might be dodgy but at least I might understand something.:P


this is an online translation! hope it somewhat makes sense!


The Mika is the man of my life. Perhaps, I know that it to you not short people of my sex, but ah, all good. What it matters is that it is pretty, likeable, empolgante and made optimum show that I already was in these mine 18 aninhos.


I waited anxiously per day 15 of February since November, when I discovered that it would sing here in Vancouver. Logical E, since then I already had the certainty of that, beyond dying one day, I would go in the show of the Mika.


In the entrance, only pretty people. I say, only modern people, many adolescents, some adults and, astonish, children also! Optimum E: children driven crazy for the Mika, who soon of the entrance, already asked for pra desesperadamente to buy a t-shirt of the singer. When vi the scene, of face I thought: " the education of Canada is very good here, not? How infantile musics that nothing! We go to place Mika our children to hear! " With certainty, these children have future.


The show happened in the Orpheum Theatre, a pretty super place and that, normally, it houses shows of orchestras. On the inside it is a beauty, full of pictures and, in the place where he is palco, it seems a church. Sabe those ceilings with drawings? Therefore it is. Inspired, and total total different. To attend the show of the Mika in a Church would be very interesting! You, I was not in a church, but exactly thus the surrounding one was new pra me, and of face already it gave pra to perceive that the show was not happening in Brazil. Everybody calm, waiting our great astro to enter. Nothing of tumult, nothing of agitation. Galera very educated. While the show, much Kate Nash did not start and Lily Allen. E the public, moderninho, sang together, while it ordered messages of text of its cellular ones, or e-mails, of its Blackberry devices.

The first attraction was the band Midway State. The singer, nitidamente, imitates the Mika. Trousers skinny, enroladinhos hair, magrelo and touches piano. I confess that when it entered I I pressed my eyes and thought " I am seeing Mika? " But not, false alarm. Not yet it was the moment. The faces had touched one 5 musics. As I never had heard that before, I used to advantage the time to think about the life (ah, nor I spoke, I was alone to the show). When last music finished, it spoke that the band would go to autograph CDs and to take off photos with fans back in the entry hall. About this, I thought: " e you have fan, you are? " Worse E that has exactly. Some girls sairam running and had come back happy of the life with the signature of that being until then unknown toward me.



Plus one 40 minutes if they had passed and, until at last, Mika, that one coisinha fofa, entered in palco, singing " Relax, Take it Easy" pra me (we go to dissimulate that the show was exclusive, you). Magrelo, high, disarranged hair, trousers joust, brightness… were he himself! Jumping of a side for the other of palco, crying out " Hello Vancouveeer! " with that one sotaque British fofo (that in the truth " is one; Hello Vancouvaããrr! "), making all galera present to go crazy. Perfect!


The second music was " Big Girl" , and an immense doll with blue clothes was in palco. Everything very playful, everything very pretty. Dancers gordinhas had appeared, and a very good energy also. I do not know if she is because I was in one week bad (vide http://www.madeincanada.wordpress.com, post of day 20/02), or if everybody felt this, but ouviz it to sing of that sudden happiness, it knows? That sensation of that it is everything very well, that the life could not be better. E ah, with a show of those per week, what they would be problems?


The Mika has super a charisma one. He played with the public, talked with galera. In the hour of " Billy Brown" , it counted that music was being " perseguida" in the North America, then all hour that arrived in the part " then Billy Brown fell in love with to another man" , it ordered people to sing. Optimum E, still ordered one " **** you" for the people who want to censure music.


In certain part of the show, it took off the shirt, it rebolou that body magrelo, it touched the percussion, it danced, it jumped, it made of everything. Sabe that impossible not to infect? Therefore it is! It was impossible not to be livened up with that show! More perfect thing!


The best parts of the show had been, in my opinion, when it sang " Love Today" e " Grace Kelly". In this last one, I almost will pirei. I cried out and I jumped done insane person, I washed my soul, haha! It did not obtain to believe what it was seeing. I already liked it very Mika, but from that show, I started to love it, with certainty! The expensive one passes one puta good energy, inexplicable thing!


After " Grace Kelly" , he came the biz. It only lacked, " Lollipop". Balloons and immense balls colorful, many pirulitos in palco, confete, coil and fantasiados Mika and band of pelúcia animals. Playful? It imagines! The scene was perfect, much fofo the end! When music already was finishing, Mika called galera that it was in the front of palco to go up. A pile of people, with it, jumping made there wild. E it nor there, seemed plus one of multidã

A security ogro to ruin the party and only to take off it of there. But ah, already it had been everything so perfect, that it did not have problem.


I was mule and I did not take camera in the show. But a staff took, filmed some stretches and placed in youtube, pra my luck! Who to want to have a notion of as she was Mika in Vancouver, attends there:


Billy Brown

Love Today

Relax, Take it Easy

Grace Kelly (perfeeito)

Lollipop (the end of prettier show)


Now, I have plus a new certainty: Mika, if you will be pro Brazil, people if she finds of new, without a doubt some!


hey! i'm luiza, from brazil, and i wrote this review!! i will translate into english this weekend and i'll post here, ok??


and yes, the review is totally positive! Mika in Vancouver was the best concert ever :D


i'll be right back with the review in english!



hey! i'm luiza, from brazil, and i wrote this review!! i will translate into english this weekend and i'll post here, ok??


and yes, the review is totally positive! Mika in Vancouver was the best concert ever :D


i'll be right back with the review in english!




:shocked: hello! :roftl: hahah nice timing! welcome to the club! :thumb_yello:


:) thnks meg!


hehehe, online translator doesn't work ... :P


but probably tonight or tomorrow morning i'll write the review in english here! i just have to finish it. ;)

:) thnks meg!


hehehe, online translator doesn't work ... :P


but probably tonight or tomorrow morning i'll write the review in english here! i just have to finish it. ;)


We look forward to it, Luizat:thumb_yello:

On-line translators are wonderful! :):):)


Yes, but they turn everything into Manglish:roftl:


here you are! :)


"Mika is the man of my life. Ok, I know that (maybe) he doesn't like females, but ah, it's ok. He is grasping and he did the best concert I have ever seen in my whole life.


I was anxious for Fabruary 15 since November, when I discovered that he would sing in Vancouver, and, of course, since that, I already knew that before I die, I would go to Mika's concert.


At the entrance of the building, there were only beautiful people. I mean, only modern people, a lot of teenagers, some adults and, believe it: kids! And the best: crazy kids for Mika, who before the concert were already asking their parents to buy the singer t-shirt. When I saw this scene, I quickly thought: "Canadian education must be really good, isn't it? No kids songs! Let's play Mika for our children to listen to!" For sure, those kids have a good future.


The concert was held at the Orpheum Theatre, a beautiful place that, normally, has opera concerts. Inside the theatre is inacredible: with a lot of pictures and, the stage, seems like a church. It was totally inspiring and totally different. To watch Mika's concert at a church would be very interesting! Ok, I wasn't in a church, but anyway, the environment was new to me and quickly I noticed that the concert wasn't in Brazil. Everyone was calm, waiting our big star to enter. The people were very polite. While waiting for the show to start, Kate Nash and Lily Allen songs were playing. And the public, very modern, singing together while sending messages from their cellphones or e-mails messages from their Blackberry.


The first atraction was the Midway State band. The singer, clearly imitated Mika. Skinny jeans, messy hair, very skinny and played the piano. I confess that when he entered, I pressed my eyes and thought: "Am I seeing Mika?" But no, fake alarm. It wasn't the moment yet. Those guys played about 5 songs. As I had never listened to those songs before, I enjoyed this time to think about my life (oh, I forgot to say that I was alone!). When the last song finished the singer said that the band would autograph CDs and take pictures with the fans at the entrance hall. At this time, I thought: "Do you have fans, hã?" And he really does. Some girls had ran and gone back very happy with the autograph from those strange people (at least, strange to me).


Forty minutes later, finally Mika, that cute person entered on the stage, singing "Relax, Take it Easy" to me (let's pretend that the concert was private, ok?) Skinny, tall, messy hair, skinny jeans...yes, he was! Jumping on the stage, crying out "Hello Vancouver!" (with his cute British accent was "hello Vancouvãããrr!), driving everyone crazy. Perfect!


The second song was "Big Girl", and a huge doll wearing a blue dress was on the stage. Everything very ludic, everything very beatiful. Fat dancers had appeared and a good vibe too. I don't know if it was because I had a bad week or if everyone felt like me, but to listen to Mika singing, gave me a sudden feeling of happinnes, you know? A sensation that everything is ok and that life is better. With his show every week, problems wouldn't exists...


Mika has a super charisma. He was kidding with the public trought out the whole concert and talked with the people there. When he sang "Billy Brown", he said that this song was beeing "pursued" in North America, so every time he got to the part "then Billy Brown fell in love with another man", he asked the people to sing. And the best: he said, laudly, "**** you!" to these people that want to censor this song.


In a part of the concert, he took his t-shirt off, moved his skinny body and played the percussion. It was perfect! It was impossible not to feel happy there.


In my opinion, the best part of the concert was when he sang "Love Today" and "Grace Kelly". I almost went crazy! It was beautiful! I cryed out like a crazy person and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had already liked him, but after the concert, I love Mika.


After "Grace Kelly", he sang the encore. "Lollipop" was missing. A lot of colorfull bolls and a lot of lollipops were on the stage and Mika and the band were wearing custumes, like animals (bunny and etc). When the song finished, Mika asked the people to go up on the stage. I couldn't go there, because I was little far from the stage, but it was nice to see this.


Everything was perfect untill a huge guy, like Shrek, took Mika off the stage...it was the security man. But it's ok. That night was perfect and nothing could ruin that concert.


Now, I have one more centainty in my life: Mika, if you go to Brazil, we will see each other again!"


as you guys know, my oficial language is portuguese, so i did my best to translate into english, hehe! now i'm living in vancouver for a while, thats why i went to his concert here :D

i would love if you write something about the review..hehehe! thnks!



as you guys know, my oficial language is portuguese, so i did my best to translate into english, hehe! now i'm living in vancouver for a while, thats why i went to his concert here :D

i would love if you write something about the review..hehehe! thnks!


Fantastic! this is great! such fond memories :wub2::wub2: did we meet? I was the girl with the big umbrella and pink hair! we must have in the line up afterwards?


:D :D


i think so!! probably you won't remember me...but before the concert, i was the first in the line!! 5pm i was already there! hahaha! :P


Thank you - great review, your English is certainly better than my Portuguese:wink2:


And I think you have summed up the Mika effect perfectly in these words:


I don't know if it was because I had a bad week or if everyone felt like me, but to listen to Mika singing, gave me a sudden feeling of happiness, you know? A sensation that everything is ok and that life is better.
Thank you - great review, your English is certainly better than my Portuguese:wink2:


And I think you have summed up the Mika effect perfectly in these words:



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