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Participants in Mika's 09 birthday present. DREAMS OF MIKA


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Hey guys

I'm doing the official dreams of Mika section in the 2009 Birthday Present Book. I know a lot of you have submitted your dreams into the Official Dreams of Mika thread. If you have, and you are okay with me using your dream as part of the present, please leave your name and I will look for/find your dream in the thread.


I ask for your permission because maybe you might not want Mika knowing what kind of stuff wander in your head about him while you sleep? \


Thanks a lot


p.s: i might not use your dream because i'll be selecting space-permitted stories . but still, just in case





I had a dream that Mika, Mana, myself, and my sisters were all in a submarine....I don't know why. But Mika was being very playful and had a wet suit on and went swimming out in the water and stuff :lol3:

We were all sitting next to each other on a couch or something and Mika decided to stretch out and lay across us, putting his foot on my sister's face :lmfao:

That was the gist of it. :dunno:



It was a nice dream




A few nights ago I dreamt Mika was doing a verrrryyy small 'gig' in a bar over here. There were like 50 people, mostly mfcers and we even had an afterparty. All was going good, everyone had fun, it was all very relaxed and even Mika seemed to have a good time.


And then...













I got shot :mf_rosetinted: Yep, my dreams always end with someone trying to kill me, fantastic :mf_rosetinted:





I had a dream the other night that it was my birthday, and my mom took me out of school early. I kept asking her where we were going but she wouldn't tell me. Then, the car stopped and we were at a Mika concert and my sister was there on stage with Mika. She pulled me on stage too (This was before the show started, and no one was even there yet.) He said, "Are you the birthday girl?" and I just nodded and giggled. Then he gave me a huge hug and signed my Songs For Sorrow book but told me not to read it until I got home. After that, he gave me is rainbow hearts bracelet! I told him not to, but he insisted and confessed that he bought all the ones that the Fuchsia store had. :aah: Then the concert started and he sang Happy Birthday to me, and when I got home, he had written his email address in my book! It was the best dream ever!




I had a dream t'other night that I was just sitting randomly watching a music channel on TV, when suddenly, Lady Jane came on. Mika had done a video of it and it was the first time I'd seen it.

It was basically Mika riding a bike (like in the song 'put your records on') through london in this sepia toned like video singing Lady Jane :naughty:


It was great.





I have a reputation for wacked out random dreams, (and I guess this counts too...lol)


So I was sitting in my parents' walk-in wardrobe, on the MFC (as you do...), and I read something in regards to Mika doing something awesome in regards to us and being official, etc...

So I left the wardrobe, and went into our lounge room, and there was Mika sitting on our lounge with this huge box of Christmas presents for all us MFCers!

I sat down on the adjacent seat, and he handed me a sparkly box about the side of an A4 sheet of paper with my username on it, saying, this is for you. I was momentarily speechless. Not because Mika happened to be in my house (apparently this was normal...lol), but because he a) knew who I was, and b) was handing out xmas gifts.

I pondered for a moment as to how he knew who I was, since I've never actually met him, but was cut short, as he asked me why my username was bonzaBOY, when I was a girl. So I explained about Bonza the pony and all that, and then opened my box. Inside was a hand-written letter and xmas card to myself, a book and three or so random DVDs, which were the size of VHS tapes. When I looked up again, he was gone, and apparently that was normal too. The dream continued as if he hadn't been in the room less than 30 seconds ago, and I showed my sisters. And then I woke up.




well ive had a dream a nice one,

and a weird one :/


the weird one was mika started singing

and someone dropped some rubbish on the floor!


it was so weird


the nice dreams are just the general meeting him again ones :)





So I had a messed up Mika dream.


I was in some crowded public place reading a bulletin board, and right in the middle of it was a poster advertising a Mika cruise - a seven night cruise around the Mediterranean. Mika would be on board and would play two of the nights, and the rest of the time he and his band members would just relax and hang out with other passengers. And of course, MFC members would get first dibs on tickets! (I clearly remember seeing the MFC logo on this poster, lol).


Next thing I know my fiance and I are in a hotel room somewhere - I think it was Venice, as that's where this cruise was departing from. My fiance was complaining that he was afraid that Cherisse was going to attack him with her drumstick :boxed: Anyhow, I went to get something from my luggage and realized I'd somehow grabbed Mika's luggage by accident. (Totally not realistic, since my luggage is pink and yellow with orange stripes). Anyhow, I realized it was Mika's luggage and tried not to snoop, but inside were the orginal lyrics to "Grace Kelly" in Mika's handwriting, and a huge jar of flavoured jelly beans. Then it cut to some strange guy who I didn't recognize telling me that if Mika didn't get his jelly beans back, it would end his career as a singer.


That's all I remember. My subconscious has issues! Although, a Mika cruise would be freaking amazing...:biggrin2:







I had a dream yesterday night where I was driving with one of my brothers and listening to the radio, and they were announcing that they were having a contest for four front row tickets and backstage passes to the upcoming concert in Miami. The question was, "How many siblings does Mika have?" and you had the be the fifth caller-in.


I snatched my cellphone out of my purse, called in, and won and most of the dream thereafter was based around preparing to go to Miami... And just as I got to the concert and it was about to start...


I, of course, woke up. And I just laid there for about a minute, wondering what was going on because the dream was so real to me, it had such fine detail- then coherent thought set in and I realized it really was a dream and I was not, in fact, going to be able to go to the concert in Miami. If only I could've stayed asleep a bit longer.


And there you have it; my first Mika-related dream. I really wish he'd make one more stop in Florida than this one.






I keep having a recurring dream about Mika, which is kind of strange because at 33 I shouldn't be having fancies about Popstars lol.


If I do dream it's always to do with stuff that is happening now - I'm strange like that.


I dreamt that he'd organised something through the MFC - A once in a lifetime chance to go on tour with him in America. Basically travelling in his tourbus - staying with him in hotels - wherever he goes - the fan goes.


God how great would that be in real life. lol


There was no competition as such, just someone chosen at random from this forum.


I won it. It's weird cos' I've been having this dream kind of on and off since the end of January and it changes abit each time I have it.


Sometimes we really really get on. I pretty much adore him by the second day or the first. lol


Other times I'm really shy and kind uncertain around him. He's always lovely.


But the other day I had the same dream - and he didn't like me at all, or so I thought. It was really awkward. :(


But in general it's a good dream. :)







Edited by Greyceli
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YEAH!!! :biggrin2: I would love to!


I'll post the link to my dreams! :naughty: (that sounds nice, isn't it?) erm...I know I've posted 5 of my most remakable dreams sometimes soon...You can choose the best one!


EDIT: Here they are: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2358307&postcount=938

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there was one of mine that a lot of people seemed to like.. but you're welcome to use mine if you want.

Thank you thank youu


Since I have no shame whatsoever, I'm gonna say you can use any of mine. lol

Although most of them are totally weird and random... :naughty:

oooOOo I'm gonna have to double check yours then hahaha

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I'm not gonna send my dreams, mainly because I can't really remember them, but please for the Love of God do not send anything that suggested a romance between said dreamer and Mika :roftl::roftl:

As hilarious as it is to us, might be a tad embarrassing for Mika lol...remember that there are some things best left unsaid and shizz :thumb_yello:

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:biggrin2: you can use mine.

and i know i haven't submitted my artwork for the other parts but i'm currently unable to use my thumb so it'll be submitted soon. :blush-anim-cl:

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I'm not gonna send my dreams, mainly because I can't really remember them, but please for the Love of God do not send anything that suggested a romance between said dreamer and Mika :roftl::roftl:

As hilarious as it is to us, might be a tad embarrassing for Mika lol...remember that there are some things best left unsaid and shizz :thumb_yello:


LOLLLLL okay yeah that would be really awkward for him D:

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I'm not gonna send my dreams, mainly because I can't really remember them, but please for the Love of God do not send anything that suggested a romance between said dreamer and Mika :roftl::roftl:

As hilarious as it is to us, might be a tad embarrassing for Mika lol...remember that there are some things best left unsaid and shizz :thumb_yello:


My ideas are approximately similar.

If I told someone about the dreams it was private. And a single instance.

It is pleasant to understand I saw yesterday Him in my dream :wub2: . But my bad dog has woken me at the wrong time. As always.

All dreams are so secret. If it is fair, I do not understand, how it is possible to extend about them publicly. I cannot:no:

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Actually Im just going to read through all of them, edit the original post for this thread, put them on there with your names. If you see yours up there and don't want it used, let me know okay? :thumb_yello: sound good?

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I have posted a few times I think and would be happy for yotu to use mine, I had one a couple of months ago that was really clear, I'll write it down in the thread soon and you can use that too if you want.


I dreamt of Mika last night in fact, very vague but I remember he was wearing a red jumper, in fact in most of my dreams he is wearing bright clothing, he was wearing a blue dress and ice skating once, :naughty:I should write that one in the thread too.

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