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Mika in Nice, France at Palais Nikaia


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I know, some were upset. But they're grown ups and know what to do...


I really wanted to know what happened because it's sad things like that turn out. There were in the past some troubles with frenchies and everything was ok lately, so I was sad to read all that story of MFCers only list and others being left away. But now we know it's from the management team, it's another story.

I think they should have imposed some clear ways to do this queue system...and since the beginning.


Agreed, but this is Mikaland we are talking about. :naughty:

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I know !! :biggrin2:


hope it'll be clear for the future gigs :thumb_yello:


yes, and hopefully no bashing forum members when they haven't done anything wrong, either. *sigh*


Honestly, maturity is so hard to come by these days. (Coming from someone who is obviously very mature lol :aah:)

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I'm glad to have more informations from you and see it was just a big misunderstanding.

Now, I think nobody ever asked Sara or anyone to justify herself.

As Nanou and Deb said, we just wanted to have more explainations about what happened there, cause we only had french people's version, who obviously were really really upset by what they understood of this whole thing.

anyway, thank you for your explainations :wink2: that makes things clearer :thumb_yello:

Let's try not to judge people too fast and hope everything's gonna be ok with the future gigs ;)

Edited by judeline
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Agreed, but this is Mikaland we are talking about. :naughty:


Things are not always so clear in Mikaland :naughty:


But I think the whole system has worked really well lately and we are really lucky. John is doing a lot of extra work for us. Sometimes securities at venues are very kind and fair and they have used numbers before, but most times this is not the case. They check numbers only because John asks them to do it and many times he has actually watched at the door that everything is okay.

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Totally agree Tiibet. It worked perfectly well ! John is so kind to deal with that and was really nice to me when I organized the thing in Nantes.

But it just seems there was a misunderstanding cause he thought the list was only MFCers while we did 1st arrived, 1st on the list, whether they were MFcers or not.


And Judeline : agree too :thumb_yello:

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Just read through these last pages...


Things got a lot clearer now. Thank you everyone and Humphry in particular! :wink2::thumb_yello:


And I have to say that I feel sorry for Sara. It seems like some people just blamed her without any reason.


Will be interesting to see how the lists will be done in the future...

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Well there have been times where people have done something on their own and then people found out and then people ask why they didn't tell the fanclub and the person in question explains that they don't need to yadda yadda yadda...which we don't, really. Just because something happens that involves Mika or whatever doesn't mean to say people need to go reporting on the MFC, y'know?


Sara is one of the luckiest people on here because she's been to so many gigs, TV shows, been on stage with Mika loads of times, met the band several times etc...Mika and co know who she is, so it's probably just all down to jealousy or something.


Now, I don't know the ins and outs, I don't know what Sara has "supposedly done" but I've known her long enough to know and understand that Sara is a diplomatic person who tries to organise things in a fair and honest way, there's no way that Sara would do anything to harm other fans or take away another person's privilege. That just isn't who she is. I'm a firm believer in "treat others how you would like to be treated" and I believe that's what Sara believes in as well. If anyone's taken the time to get to know her, then they'll know that Sara is really nice and really cares for her friends. Yeah she speaks her mind about stuff, but rightly so. Speaking your mind/being honest doesn't make you a horrible person, insulting someone does, and Sara wouldn't attack anyone without reason.


I'm gonna stand by Sara because I'm pretty sure she's innocent in this and because she's my fwend :bleh:



Can I ask who was actually accusing Sara of doing anything?

I read through the French forum, and from what I saw was them having a moan at the Universal guy making a priority queue.

I didn't see anyone having a go at Sara at all. Her name was mentioned a couple of times, but not in the context of causing any problems, just that she was there!:blink:

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i can confirm all that Humphrey wrote (btw, nice to meet you in nice girl!) cause it's exactly how dani56 explained the thing to me!


btw sara...you are insulted and you were there, they say i was involved and I WAS NOT EVEN THERE!!! :lmfao:

this is what we get! a fantastic bunch of juicy perks! ahahahahhahahahaha

i got in nice at 6 and entered with the regular crowd, to end half way in the standing area and seeing nothing else than the screen...what a wonderful MFC perk! ahahahahahahahah

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Robertina, who said you were involved with that ? :blink: Everybody knew you arrived late :wink2:


But pleaaaaase, don't be sarcastic and just try to understand how people felt at the moment with what happened because they didn't understood nothing and this french guy told them they weren't the real fans but the "fans of one day"... :shocked:

It's hard to hear, especially when you follow Mika since the very beginning of 2007. They felt upset


They misunderstood what happened there, and didn't know it was a decision of the french guy and/or John and other people. :wink2:


Hope you'll hear about Mika team soon to avoid all that mess again...

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Can I ask who was actually accusing Sara of doing anything?

I read through the French forum, and from what I saw was them having a moan at the Universal guy making a priority queue.

I didn't see anyone having a go at Sara at all. Her name was mentioned a couple of times, but not in the context of causing any problems, just that she was there!

Ok Rose, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I would like to politely say that maybe it would be best if you stayed out of this. If you understood French, you would easily see that I was accused of a few things in that French forum.

Luckily (?!) for me, my understanding of written French is very high, so I can read the thread and see if they are talking negatively about me even if they don't use my name in the same sentence as an insult . I read the whole thing, and there are many digs at me, and many unjust accusations.

I can't believe that it's come to the point where I actually have to point people to the posts, but if you are going to be saying that you can't see it (and, again, do you actually speak French??) I feel the need to spell it out.

So, here are a few examples that I have quickly picked out:

Starting on this page (I can't seem to be able to link individual posts, like on mfc):


Post by Croce:

Ah oui et Arnaud me rappelle de vous dire, énervé, qu'il y a Sarah ^^'


Post by Lululitalienne:

Quoi ????? Non mais ils sont cons ou quoi???

Depuis quand faut un badge?? J'espère que les autres membres du MFC présents vous ont soutenus! Franchement ce serait vraiment dégueulasse de leur part de vous laisser dans la merde, surtout qu'ils connaissent l'existence des forums français!

Il me semble qu'Allegra y allait, elle pourrait peut-être en parler à John?

Punaise ça a le don de me saouler cette connerie!

Sarah? Sariflor?? Elle va pas faire ça?!

Je pensais que les gueguerres débiles commençaient à s'estomper avec le temps (en tout cas à Oslo on avait fait un pas vers elle), je vois que certains sont plus cons que ce que je pensais....

Post by Croce:

@lulu: arnaud me dit que ça viendrait de sariflor qui lui aurait dit qu'ils étaient du mfc, fan club off... -_-

Sinon ya pas Allegra (encore).. Moi j'ai dit à celle qui gérait les num qu'on était du MWS. Elle a eu l'air de reconnaitre le nom du forum mais à part me faire comprendre qu'elle pouvait rien faire..... (genre)

Post by Virgin-I:

Ah ok C'est pas en Angleterre qu'on doit attendre de monter dans le bus à la file indienne et où le premier qui arrive monte en premier ?

Post by lululitalienne:

Quelle bande de cons!!!!

(ok, so this time the insult could be applicable to anyone who was there/had been involved, but considering what she said before, and the fact that they were saying that I was the one telling them things and heavily involved in this, I think that I have reasonable grounds to believe that I am included in the “cons” mentioned here).

Post by lululitalienne:

Et y'aurait pas éventuellement moyen de vérifier via un iphone par exemple, que vous êtes bien inscrit sur le mfc??

Là au moins ils vous foutraient la paix! Et ce serait plus juste qu'un simple badge (que tout le mfc n'a pas d'ailleurs...)

Again, misunderstandings/wrong information relays galore. Nobody had said anything about badges, and even though I wasn’t even involved in the MFC/Non MFC discussion, at one point John asked me if we had a way to check if people were MFC members. I said yes, we can check on our phones (and I actually checked MFC there and then for one username that someone asked me to check).

Post by Virgin-I:

Moi non plus je n'aime pas trop ça, je te comprends Je m'étais inscrite sur le MFC après le concert que j'avais vu au festival d'Aix les bains car j'avais fait de belles rencontres et puis je n'y étais plus allée... C'est grâce aux MFC qu'on a eu les places pour le 1515 donc je ne crache pas dans la soupe, simplement certaines personnes la-bas véhicule un esprit "élitiste" qui me gène et auquel je n'adhère pas, mais heureusement elles/ils ne sont pas tous comme ça là-bas... Exclure quelqu'un sous pretexte qu'il ne fait pas partie d'un groupe alors qu'ils ont la même passion je ne trouve pas ça très "ouvert" m'enfin on ne va pas changer le monde il marche comme ça à 70 pourcent...

Again, we don’t know exactly who she means by saying that some people have this elitist mentality, but going by history (things that they have said on that forum about me –by name- before), and this particular case, I believe that there is a strong possibility that I am also considered as part of the elitist group.

Post by Croce:

Merci bien!

Franchement jsuis deg! Elle est même pas chez elle et elle se permet de remettre en cause notre orga quoi -_-

No name mentioned, but you don’t need to be an Einstein to follow the chat and know who she means by “elle”.


Post by Laurie1303:

Hé bé ... quel bordel !!!


Rien à en dire si ce n'est que ça me dégoute, mais en même temps, ça ne m'étonne guère ...


Heureusement que je n'y étais pas ... j'me connais ... j'aurais pas pu fermer ma gueule ... hihihi !


Enfin bref ! C'est dommage d'agir comme ça, mais encore une fois, venant d'elle, ça semble presque normal !!!


Je ne l'ai vue qu'une fois et j'ai vite compris que madame pètait plus haut que son trou du cul, et les gens comme ça, ça me dégoûte.


J'aimerais bien être amie avec elle pour pouvoir avoir plein de privilèges, mais ma conscience ne serait pas trop d'accord !!!

En tous cas j'espère que ça s'est bien passé pour TOUS les fans ! Hâte d'avoir les CRs !

Pretty clear who she’s referring to, and how she had already had an idea of what I am like, after seeing me only once (?!!), so she feels free to bash me about and pin yet “another” thing on me that I haven’t done. Fabulous! Scapegoating at its best!

Post by Grace-Kelly:

croce a écrit:

Bah ouais.. Mais c'est celle qui gérait la liste qui les

reconnaissait comme fan... LOL.


Ah oui et Arnaud me rappelle de vous dire, énervé, qu'il y a Sarah ^^'


Ah OK je comprends mieux !!!

Same as above. Once she hears my name, she “understands”. Not very biased or prejudiced at all.

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Post by Croce:

@Virginie: oui, j'ai vu que personne ne cautionnait ça sur le

mfc, c'est déjà rassurant!

J'ai hâte de savoir quelle va être leur vision des choses et comment les filles qui ont voulu se la jouer vip vont expliquer ça en tous cas!

So, the message is clear: we were “playing vip”.


Post by Sushigang:

bonjour à vous!

alors hier on était a Nice! on est arrivé tôt car on avait des enfants avec nous et l'on voulait être bien placé.... nous voilà donc avec nos numéros de 11 à 15. on est resté là de 9h00 à 12h30 et nous sommes partis manger, pour revenir a 13h30 et là!!!! le bordel!! on nous dit que tout a changé et que les gens qui ne font pas parti du MFC sont refoulé à l'arrière!!donc nous avec nos enfant la panique!!! je vais donc voir les fille du MFc et je leur dit que je suis inscrite sur le MFC alors elle me demande mon pseudo, que je leur donne et là vous savez ce qu'elle me répondent....?????

"que mon mari et ma fille ne sont sont pas inscrit alors qu'il faut que je choisisse, soit ma place avec elle soit avec ma famille!!!! entre parenthèse il y en a une que vous connaissez bien, qui me répond que elles, leur maris ne sont pas ici!! comme si ce n'etait pas leur place au concert de mika.......

juste devant nous se trouvait les deux jeunes filles arrivés depuis 6h30 et elles étaient franchement dégoutées du comportements de certaines mais franchement plus intelligentes car elles avaient bien compris que d'être numéro 1 ou 14 ça ne changerai pas grand chose...

au final tout ça pour dire que ça n'a pas changer grand chose car la liste s'est décalée de juste 5 places pour certaines personnes arrivées dans les 40 pour monter en 10ème place... c'est vraiment a gerber!!!

Et le bouquet c'est que la moité du MFC s'est cassé pour faire les big girl !!!

donc que l'on a plus revu !!!

vaut mieux en rire!! et je ne parle pas des regards que l'on a pu recevoir parce que l'on a essayer d'aller contre LEUR souhait!!!

je veux bien que la liste soit pour des gens du fan club mais sous quel prétexte elles seraient prioritaires sur sur autre fan club nationaux...

tout cela nous a bien fait méditer sur l'esprit des gens pathétiques qui on complètement oublié qu'à la base qu'on était là pour passer un bon moment.......

On the bolded part, the one she mentions (cleverly, once again, not by name) is me. I was actually trying to be NICE to her, and all I said (In English, which she obviously had difficulty understanding) was that we would not let our MFC friends who arrived late jump the queue, and get in with us ahead of them.

Then, as an example to explain what I meant, I said that we never let our husbands or friends who don’t queue come in and join us at the front, so if they don’t queue early, they are sent to the back. I never said or implied that husbands and kids were not welcome! Who am I to say who should go to the gigs, FFS! That is just beyond moronic.

Also, considering that I took my parents and husband to the Barcelona gig last week!

It is, yet again, another example of these people interpreting things the way it suits them, and using it as ammo against people who they have already judged before they even know them!!! I had never met this person, she knows nothing about me ,and she twists my words. Nice.

Post by Croce:

Jtai dit Lili, yavait que des italiennes et des anglaises ds le groupe mfc privilégié..sympa!

That is untrue. There was a French MFC’er there, a girl in a blue dress, who then also went in to be a BG, but she was in the MFC list in any case. So, another lie.

Post by Sushigang:

merci a vous les filles ça aurait été plus sympa de patienter avec des gens comme vous!!!mais bon ...

c'est vrai lilibet c'était donc des filles pas françaises dont le dialogue était compliqué si tu ne parle pas anglais ou italien!!car il n'y avait pas vraiment d'effort de fait pour dialoguer...mais mon anglais approximatif m'a quand même permis de bien cerner les choses......

Actually, there was a big effort to communicate, and I tried as much as I could, even trying to speak French. I can understand, but I can’t speak, but I tried my best. Very unfair to say this.


Post by Biche:

De toutes façon, j'ai bien peur que les personnes concernées par cette histoire ne reconnaissent pas "leur tort" alors à mon avis, faut pas trop compter la dessus... Mais juste faire en sorte que ça ne se reproduise plus

Post by Deb:

Mais je pense que tout le monde ici a bien compris que c'était le fait d'individus et non du MFC en entier bien évidemment.


@ Guylaine : le blame n'est pas mis sur le MFC en tant que fan club voyons, mais bien sur quelques MFcers. Tout le monde essaie de mieux comprendre ce qui s'est passé pour fixer des règles et faire en sorte que ça ne se reproduise pas.


Post by Livia:

merci pour vos Cr, vidéo et photos. et j'espère de tout coeur que pour le sprochains concerts ça ira mieux, car c'est vraiment dommage ces filles qui ne se sentent plus pisser (lol) masi encore heureux que c'est valable juste une petite partie du mfc et qu'elles ne sont pas toutes comme ça

These three posts make it very clear that they are blaming a couple of MFC’ers (us) for wrongdoings.


Post by Croce:

En tous cas c'est fou que ça lui soit venu d'un coup comme ça

Et qu'il ait osé dire que c'était sur ordre de Mika & John! Quel enfoiré, remettre ses propres décisions sur le dos des autres, c'est nul !!

Actually, this message/info WAS coming from John, and it was exactly what John said, so again, they are posting incorrect facts there.


Post by Virgin- I:

Je fais partie du MFC et je ne cautionne pas du tout ce système si on est 30 ou 50 du MFC dans une file et qu'on refuse le système ils ne vont quand même pas nous forcer à refaire une liste... Sinon ça veut dire que parce que je suis du MFC je peux me pointer à 16h dans la queue et passer devant les 300 personnes qui sont arrivées avant moi ? Bof bof tant pis je préfère me lever de bonne heure et jouer le jeu... En plus dire à des personnes qui viennent avec enfants et maris qu'elles auraient pu les laisser à la maison, et ne pas leur donner de numéros, je trouve ça mal plaçé et à l'encontre de l'état d'esprit de la Mika Team family c'est à dire une belle histoire artistisque et familliale

“No comment”. Her whole post is based on incorrect info, and this is AFTER it was clarified/explained on MFC.

Maybe someone needs to tell these people to start reading MFC instead of blindly bashing us???


Also, may I add, that this is not a misunderstanding, as Deb and others have said. This is just an excuse for character assassination.

I remember that, after the Acoustic Tour last summer, Mana and I were bashed to pieces on that forum, just because a few people decided that we had an inflated sense of our own importance (WT?) and they even went so far as to comment on all sorts of personal things, like say that we were inevitably going to have our husbands divorce us, and become bankrupt, because we were following Mika around, etc…

It was utterly disgraceful, and this to me just shows that it’s a continuation of the same theme.

I personally find it very sad that people who don’t know me feel free to comment on so many things about me that they clearly have no idea about, and that they are allowed to do so in their forum.

You guys at the French forum say that it’s just another forum, like MFC. Well, it is not. MFC is the official fanclub, but that aside, at least here we don’t allow people to personally attack others, and to post unfair and made up stories about them. I think that you need to think hard about what you’re allowing on that forum, because the way things are going, this is just wrong, and we will always have problems between forums if you guys have free reign to make up whatever you want about people that you don’t even know, and have total impunity when posting about it.

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Damn it, I have to go to lunch. I'll answer to your post this evening.


For my bold part, Guylaine told not to blame on the MFC. And BEFORE knowing what happened I just said that they blame on some girls on MFC and not the MFC as the entire fan club. I wanted to be clear.


Then, yes, we thought it was you, MFCer who were there, who decided to reorganize the queue. But you quoted post written before all the explainations came out. Now everything is clear, no need to quote things whe were said befor we knew what happened.


And yes, I maintain it's a whole misunderstanding. You can't talk about stories old of one year about what happened at the Cirque d'Hiver. And I didn't know that, what was written about you, nothing. :blink:

I don't think you can blame that. We really try to make things go well between everybody, so it's not fair to say we write bad things on you on our forum Sara. (well, except for what happened the last days)

So you say we do bad jobs moderating our forum right ?


And I always said the MFC was official since it is. Always. I never pretended anything else. But we are a community of fans too, and many of us are MFCers you know. Stop saying "you guys say MFC is a forum like others". I think we understood that quite a while ago

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Despite how hard was the queue thing this time and how we tried to do our best to help the situation, the gig was great!


Mika gave his best, as usual, even if he seemed really tired and his voice wasn't at its best.


I was a BG again and I had fun even if I can say I hate those skulls!They're a death trap!

The march wasn't so great because, I think, we were too many and the stage was a little bit smaller than the Arena Tour ones (like Barcelona, Milan etc..)!

Plus we were chosen at 6 PM and we only tried the death march once...plus..there were too many steps to get to the stage!!Ouch!


Anyway, we had fun ;)

Mrs P laced up my corset again and she called me with my name, very pleaseant feeling!

She stayed with us to get us inside the backstage and while we were waiting, she danced and sang her son's songs like a proud mother!How sweet!!



After the show we saw the band and I had a chance to take a pic with Imma. She IS lovely!

Mika was tired, we did 2 group pics and I gave him a small present.


That's all! Another lovely Mika day!!



Here are my few pictures :thumb_yello:


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Thanks Sarina, don't esitate to write your report the the report thread ! :thumb_yello:




Happy for you !


@ Sariflor : and no, you can't tell it's a character assassination :blink:

They thought it was you, they blame on you and have written things they shouldn't have. We agree. But don't say things like that that would make the whole story wrong. Cause it was a misunderstanding Sara. This time it was.

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bon je crois que c'est a mon tour maintenant de m'expliquer parce que je crois que l'on parle de moi....

tout d'abord en aucun cas j'aurai dit qu'il s'agissait de sariflor d'avoir tenu ces propos!

mais sachez qu'il sont bien vrai et que ce n'est pas a cause de mon anglais moyen ou du fait qu'elle ne parle pas bien français, car cette phrase m'a été prononcer en français :"il faut que tu choississes !" et si la personne est honnete elle pourrait au moins se manifester ce serait plus simple.....

ensuite sariflor a ajouté:" Our husbands do not come here " avec un geste de la main pour me montrer qu'ils fuyaient!

excusez moi de vivre mes delires en famille je pensais que c'etait possible....

tout du moins pour eviter ce genre de problemes j'ai inscrit mon mari hier sur le MFC, malgres qu'il a deja fait de nombreux concert avec le systeme de numero, on sera tranquille par la suite!

car il ne faut pas oublier que le but de la manifestation est quand meme de venir passer un bon moment, en garder que le meilleur, et retourner a une vie NORMALE après ....!

j'espere eclaicir un peu les choses et profiter du prochain.......

excusez moi de ne pas m'exprimer en anglais mais je ne pourrai pas m'expliquer clairement autrement .................................................. .......................................

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So I think it is my turn to express myself as some are talking about me here


First in any case I said that it was Sariflor who told me that but be sure that it is true and it is not from my poor english or the fact that she did not speak french but this sentense has been told to me in english: "you must make a choice" and if this person is honest she must simply said that it came from her.


After that Sariflor said: "Our Husbands do not come here" with a movement of her hand like if "their husband ran away from Mika gigs"


I am sorry to live my passions with my family but I really thought it was possible...


But to do not have any problems in the future I register yesterday my husband on MFC...


Because to go to Mika's gigs it's first to have good moment, and share the best, and to go back to a normal life after that...


I hope to clear up things here and to enjoy the next show...


I am sorry to do not be able to express myself in english there it's difficult to explain things that are out of my natural language...



Thanks sushigang I enjoy comes to Mika gigs with my family also my cousins, friends (that are not register in any forums) and my mother who are an huge fan of Mika... It warms my heart to know a lot of people like this incredible artist full of talents and generosity

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no!no! i said that it wasn't sariflor it's not the same!!!

and this sentense hasn't been told to me in english but in french: "you must make a choice" and if this person is honest she must simply said that it came from her. and she was'nt an english person

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I have only read the last page of the current status of this queuing discussion so far, but I would like to comment on the 'husband' debate in general.


To begin with, at all the gigs I have been to so far there has been no separate queue for MFCers vs non-MFCers so talking about hubbies being unable to attend with their MFCer wives sounds a bit of a nonsense to me...:blink: You can't prove you are a member of the MFC anyway, so I doubt that was the real issue there.

Members of the same family arriving much later than the one(s) already standing in the queue can cause some problems, though. And if that was the case, I am afraid that the fair handling of the situation is that the person arriving later than their friends or loved ones joins the end of the queue.. Of course you don't expect people to be separated from the people they want to enjoy the gig with, so the person with a lower number in the queue can join the one with a higher number (i.e. the end of the line)


I think that is what fairness dictates, since if there is ever just one exception, next time one turns up at 3am in the morning and 20 of her 'friends and relatives' could join at 6pm, ahead of the ones who started queuing early.


PS: it might not have been the situation in this case, so please take it as a general comment on queuing :wink2:

Edited by suzie
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I'm working today and have already spent way too long posting here, so I don't have time to reply at length now, but just to point out two things:

@sushigang: you are COMPLETELY twisting my words. Read what I said about our conversation.


Here is a nice, long thread, where people of the French forum carried on for pages and pages discussing Mana and I, during the acoustic 2009 tour.




If you read back enough, you will find some pretty shocking comments about us.

I am making nothing up; It's all their/your own doing.

Oh, and for the record, I have not become bankrupt or divorced, and in fact my husband came to a gig with me a week or so ago :thumb_yello:.

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sariflor: I am in no way party to these people who judge people without knowing as you said, because you can look and you will never find words thrown unjustly towards anyone! we simply end up in an uncomfortable situation with my family do not you think? and I have invented anything in my words .........

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Ohh lord this is messy and Ive been out for a few days / not at the gig so Im not going to comment too much .. one thing though .. John IS right , MFC is the official forum , everything comes through here , its his official fan club and therefore we should NOT start splitting hairs over different forums.


We have worked hard to make this one community for all , so everyone is in the mix for all benefits / tickets and more than we feed back to his managers.


Its easy enough to join :thumb_yello:

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