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Mika to be a judge @ X Factor Italia 2014 !


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I happened to watch the show again yesterday, well, most of it, here are some random notes about what he said/what happened:



Team Mika:


"This is exactly the challenge I wanted"

"I'm sorry, vocal groups, your teacher's dead already"


first girl:

"you sang well but where's the fire inside you?

we don't need any excuse, cause it's not interesting, only emotions are."

"I want to look for people who are obsessed with that. You can do it, take a sit"


second guy:

"I'm not a rapper, I've never worked with rapper so I'm very curious to do it, take a sit"


third guy:

"This is quite a challenge, that spot is yours. "


4th guy:

(this guy claims that he's never been singing before, so he annoyed morgan and fedez cause they thought he was lying)

"You're likeable but you're not a singer. "


5th girl:

"you did pianobar, which is a hotel where only old or boring people hang around"

"I didn't speak yet"

"I don't want anything normal, I want to take risks in order to get rid of the idea that the over 25 y.o. category is covered with dust"


6th guy:

Mika's saying that the bearded man isn't open to Mika himself, that he's not ready/willing to work with Mika


7th guy:

"I won't be able to have 3 rappers out of a team of six people, so you can take a sit, but it's just temporary"


8th girl:

"Ricky, this isn't your moment, it's hers"



"We all need you. "


10th guy:

"what do you want to do, why are you here? To cooperate with someone can be an amzing experience, but only if there's honesty and need for it. You have both these features. "


11th (japanese) guy:

"who's Yusako? You came here in italy cause you fell for Mengoni. What do you sing tonight? "

"The choice of the song was bad. I'm sorry, but your adventure ends right here". (Victoria: Later I will give you Mengoni's mobile number)


12th guy:

"I can't forget your first performance. You need this chance to try again, I want you to come with me to the next episode. "


Team Victoria:


first girl:

"she needs XF and XF needs her"


second girl:

(the second girl right before going on stage said: "I'm gonna kick their ass if they say that I'm a pretty face" and Victoria: "you are so pretty")


third girl:

there's something wrong with her voice, she's sick this is why she's singing so bad

"are you surprised by the audience reaction? Did you sing well? I see that scarf, did you lose your voice? You was able to sing and convey the reason why you are here tonight. "


giulia sciacca:

"you didn't sing that well, you lost your breath. You yelled and focused too much on dancing. "

Someone asked: "why do you want this spot ?" She answered "cause it's mine", this is why Mika was quite upset by her reply.


the Little house on the prairie girl :

"Camilla, your timbre is very beautiful and so is your voice, but you have a casual attitude, like "hey, let's see what will happen", she wrote the lyrics on her hand..." :stifle:


Team Morgan:

Cecco e Cipo:

"Morgan, you said that you wanted some mystery? Here it is. There's only one man who could highlight your value, and that is Morgan. "


Fading memories:

"You are twins but I don't get but you sing together. It's hard. Their performance was weak." (and Morgan starts saying that Mika's plotting and playing strategies in order to trick the other judges onto a poor judgement)


Les babettes:

"I like your discipline. I'm curious about what Morgan could do with you and with your repertory." (and Morgan's still accusing Mika)


Fontana twins:

"You have a pop potential but it's all up to your teacher. "



"You sing well as individuals, but as a group.... you got me lost. "


Team Fedez: sorry, I had to quit watching the show here, so I just have a few lines and then it's over:



Morgan says that Mika's happy that Fedez picked a wrong choice.

Later on he manages to finally pick up a fight with Mika, telling again that he's plotting and giving false opinions just to fool the other judges, in order to make them discard the best contestants.

Mika replies "you are crazy" but then immediately de-escalates, even if he's still annoyed.

Later Morgan says that if Mika says something bad against a contestant they've just seen, then he has proof that Mika's strategy is to take down all the cool contestants of the opposite teams. Mika doesn't criticize the contestant.

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Thanks for the recap Sylvie!


Never really like that Morgan and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon...


I totally agree with you. But danger is that we will never like a person who is mean to or is teasing Mika ........:fisch: . Last year it was Simona and this year.....

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Never really like that Morgan and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon...


He's just a sad junkie who can't even be trusted when it comes to show up at his own work, which is the only one he has, by the way. His only chance is to act like a jerk on TV and to cause a little drama so that they won't kick him out.

In Bologna he picked on Fedez, in Milano he did it on Mika, then sent a pathetic message to say sorry. Whatever. He's a loser.

But danger is that we will never like a person who is mean to or is teasing Mika ........

No, it's all me who despises him irrespective of how he acts towards Mika. :biggrin2:

Edited by Elwendin
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Morgan also said that he will take revenge :rollingpin: during the live show against those who were trying to destroy his team with negative comments. :blink:

The reference to Mika was clear. :chair:


yeah, he will descend upon Mika :rolls_eyes:

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Fedez X Factor, harsh criticisms to Victoria Cabello: "She is a wood" (wooden/piece of a wood)


Fedez has his say about the jurors (judges) who work with him at X Factor and uses words at all nice…


Fedez does the report card to his 'deskmates' (classmates) judges at "X factor", Victoria Cabello, Morgan and Mika and spits poison.

The Milanese (from Milan) rapper, in the midst of the controversy over his recent statements that see him hurled against the Democratic Party of Matteo Renzi, is merciless towards his colleagues.

In an interview in “Rolling Stone”, where he was photographed by Rocco Toscani, to a question about Victoria Cabello, showing initial reluctance, he then said: "I say it when ends the program. But she’s like ... you know this wood? ".About Morgan, instead, his tones were more subdued, almost of compassion: "He's very tender, very naive, they all have the vision of him (they see him) as an gruff (surly) intellectual. He lives a drama "- said the rapper -" relegated to a mere commentator because of an interview, for everyone, by now, Morgan is the X Factor judge. It's something that does not deserve. " (:blink: he's serious or sarcastic?)

It seems that during the recording of the selections of the candidates competitors, between the eccentric singer and the controversial rapper was born a heated argument and are flown insults and harsh words.The dispute was then sedated and Morgan wrote a letter of apology to Fedez: "It has matured me five years in three hours, because I've always been one who gets pissed off (gets mad) and drops everything. And I realized that he is the most real (true,genuine), in there. " :blink:


If anyone has the entire interview, I'm curious to know if he also said something about Mika, although the last sentence is indicative.

Edited by charlie20
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Thank you for the links, explanations and everything. :huglove:


I do think Fedez is a bit naiv here, and doesn't understand that Morgan is simply jealous of not being the center of attention. I don't trust Morgan at all.


Mika is a big boy, but I'm slightly worried that all this could go into troubles during the live shows.

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Thank you for the links, explanations and everything. :huglove:


I do think Fedez is a bit naiv here, and doesn't understand that Morgan is simply jealous of not being the center of attention. I don't trust Morgan at all.


Maybe you are right.However I think Mika and Victoria are the most genuine there.


Mika is a big boy, but I'm slightly worried that all this could go into troubles during the live shows.


We'll see their behavior in the live shows.In the context of the competition, everything is possible.They all have very strong characters, but obviously Morgan does this program from the beginning and has his strategies.

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"And I realized that he is the most real (true,genuine), in there. "


If anyone has the entire interview, I'm curious to know if he also said something about Mika, although the last sentence is indicative.


Indicative of what? That Mika isn't the most genuine in there?

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Indicative of what? That Mika isn't the most genuine in there?


It's indicative of what Fedez thinks: if he says (in this interview) that Morgan is the most true/genuine it means that, in his opinion, Mika and Victoria are not.I don't know if it's really what he thinks, but that's what he said.

Then this too can be part of a strategy for the program :dunno:

This is why I wanted to know if anyone had the full interview: to find out if he had said something about Mika.But it's just curiosity.It's not really important.

Edited by charlie20
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Sky Uno



Intervista a Elio


Elio parla della sua esperienza come guest judge al fianco di Mika.


Per scegliere i tre Over da portare ai Live Show di #XF8, Mika ha voluto chiedere aiuto a un “vecchio” amico: Elio! L’amatissimo ex giudice di X Factor è così tornato in una nuova veste e si è trovato ad ascoltare i sei aspiranti concorrenti e ad aiutare Mika a scegliere i tre più meritevoli. Guardate il video qui sopra per scoprire che cosa ha provato!








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:exclamation:Mika invita i fan a X Factor 8: come prenotare posti in studio e partecipare tra il pubblico


Mika riserva alcuni posti per i suoi fan nello studio di X Factor: ecco come partecipare al programma in qualità di pubblico.


Attraverso un messaggio sulla sua pagina Facebook ufficiale, l’artista ha invitato i fan a prenotarsi nel caso in cui volessero prendere parte ad una delle puntate di X Factor 8 come suoi ospiti.


“Sappiamo che molti di voi vorrebbero partecipare in persona a X-Factor Italia. Purtroppo la richiesta per lo spettacolo più bello d’Italia è molto alta e i posti sono proporzionatamente pochi, però Mika ha a cuore i propri fan e ha deciso di offrirvi la possibilità di venire a vederlo mentre giudica i talenti di X-Factor in qualità di suoi ospiti personali!”, c’è scritto nel messaggio.


I posti per assistere in diretta a X Factor, direttamente dallo studio di Milano, sono molto pochi e la richiesta è sempre alta ma Mika ha voluto dare qualche chance in più ai propri sostenitori attivando per loro un canale prioritario.


“La disponibilità è molto limitata, come potete immaginare, ma per ogni settimana delle puntate live, lui potrà ospitare alcuni di voi. Dobbiamo precisare che per impegni di produzione e regole del servizio di sicurezza, non saranno possibili meet&greet e saluti a tu per tu con lui, ma potrete sedere nel pubblico e vederlo dal vivo durante la diretta della trasmissione ogni giovedì sera”. Niente incontri dunque ma la possibilità di accedere allo studio di X Factor e vedere Mika all’opera come giudice e coach della sua squadra, gli Over.


Gli inviti verranno messi a disposizione di puntata in puntata, separatamente, ed ogni vincitore potrà porare con sé un accompagnatore.


Attualmente sono in palio gli inviti per giovedì 23 ottobre, la prima puntata in diretta di X Factor 8. Per provare ad essere inclusi nel pubblico attraverso gli inviti di Mika è necessario inviare una mail a mikacompetition@gmail.com entro venerdì 17 ottobre indicando nome, cognome ed età vostri e dell’amico o parente che portereste con voi. Dovrete avere l’età minima di 18 anni, essere disposti a raggiungere l’ Arena di X Factor a Milano entro le ore 19.00 e rimanere in teatro fino alle ore 00.45 circa.



GOOD LUCK !!!! :thumb_yello:

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Thanks for the recap Sylvie!


Never really like that Morgan and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon...


I don't like Morgan, I mean: he's probably a sensitive person and a good musician, but he's not a reliable person and he's way too self conscious.


It's indicative of what Fedez thinks: if he says (in this interview) that Morgan is the most true/genuine it means that, in his opinion, Mika and Victoria are not.I don't know if it's really what he thinks, but that's what he said.

Then this too can be part of a strategy for the program :dunno:

This is why I wanted to know if anyone had the full interview: to find out if he had said something about Mika.But it's just curiosity.It's not really important.


Has anyone posted the long version of this Vanity Fair interview where Fedez speaks about Mika?


He basically says that he and Mika are work partners, but not (yet) friends.

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Ok. This episode was totally boring.

Of course, I may have felt a bit emotional when the contestants cried with joy, but it's just me going oversensitive. :tears:

Mika went quite bitchy over two contestants, and since we know that he usually doesn't do this in front of a camera, I thought either "omg, this is utterly new, is he changing that much this year in order to appear fresh?" or "he's going to keep them, he just wants to do a coup of theatre".

But it was fun to see their faces anyway. And this is me losing any inch of empathy :devil:

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Ok. This episode was totally boring.

Of course, I may have felt a bit emotional when the contestants cried with joy, but it's just me going oversensitive. :tears:

Mika went quite bitchy over two contestants, and since we know that he usually doesn't do this in front of a camera, I thought either "omg, this is utterly new, is he changing that much this year in order to appear fresh?" or "he's going to keep them, he just wants to do a coup of theatre".

But it was fun to see their faces anyway. And this is me losing any inch of empathy :devil:


Happy to know that I'm not the only one to think that he's been pretty bitchy with Diluvio but also with the other guy who, at last, he didn't choose...

I was surprised about his attitude towards them. I saw him really playful with Eliot but with the guys.... He's been a little too hard IMO.

Anyway I really loved the location! I've officially added Mothia to my wish list of places I wanna see in the near future!

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Le Home Visits - X Factor Italia 2014



Mika ed Elio uniscono le forze per formare gli Over




X Factor: le Home Visits HIGHLIGHTS



Edited by Kumazzz
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PICS by Sky Uno


La gallery dell’Home Visit di Mika



Gli Over hanno raggiunto Mika in un posto davvero magico: Mozia (TP), cara al nostro giudice perché fondata dai suoi antenati fenici. Per scegliere i concorrenti da portare con sé ai Live Show, Mika ha chiesto aiuto a Elio, suo caro amico ed ex collega! La scelta è stata difficile, ma alla fine Mika ha scelto i tre Over che parteciperanno a X Factor 2014: Diluvio, Emma e Mario!





















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CLIPS by Sky Uno




Elio sbarca a Mozia










Le esibizioni degli Over









I verdetti di Mika







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L'intervista a Emma









L'intervista a Diluvio









L'intervista a Mario







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Happy to know that I'm not the only one to think that he's been pretty bitchy with Diluvio but also with the other guy who, at last, he didn't choose...

I was surprised about his attitude towards them. I saw him really playful with Eliot but with the guys.... He's been a little too hard IMO.

I thought that maybe he was about to act strict in this new season just for the first seconds before he told Mario he was keeping him and just because I'm always like "let's be open to everything, let's make up several explanations about things till I have some clue". When he chose Mario I changed my mind: I think he was mean only towards the contestants he chose. And it was all about adding a little drama in order to make it less boring. Tah-dah, you know, I'm aaaall bitchy but then I like you and I pick you.

Judges use to do it, in every season, so it's not much of a surprise, what surprised me was his attitude, cause he was harsher (more harsh?) than the other judges.

He asked Mario "did you like your performance?" and then he didn't let even talk, he stopped him with a strict NO and started to tell him off. That NO was really rude.

When it comes to Diluvio, he said "you sucked" straight to his face, many times.

But, as I said, it was all about looking for some drama.


And since I'm trying to waste my time cause my dogs made me wake up too early for leaving for work, I'll say that the giant fly who was in London with Victoria was creepy. I'm not that much into Mister Grey and his fifty shades. :biggrin2:

I also wonder how much that Victoria part costed: Koko in London + all those famous musicians.

Fedez went for a little town near Milan, less than 4000 inhabitants. And he tweeted that he's the low cost judge :lol:

A group chose to sing a Fedez song and Morgan was "Yeah. Right. Whatever". Of course Fedez noticed that.

I'm a little sorry that he doesn't seem to get along with anyone among the judges. Ok, Morgan is an unrealiable junkie, but neither Mika nor Victoria are bitches. But if he needed to point out that she's all stiff and that he has no relationship with Mika, it means that they have no bond at all. Else he could have just shut up. No need to do such statements, especially in the beginning of a several months long cooperation.

Unless it's all about making up some drama, again. I don't know and now it's time to go to work :facepalm:

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Thanks Eriko for the pics and links once again! :flowers2: He looks very stylish in this outfit. Sorry to point out the obvious but white and grey looks so fresh, really like it.


I haven't seen this episode yet (can't understand much but will probably watch at least the performances later). You all make me curious with your comments. Maybe they asked him to create drama this season, the production loves drama. Or could he be a bit bored? He wants new things and second season is not new anymore so maybe he is trying a new, very direct approach...


Interesting to see how live shows are and what's the spirit between the judges. Morgan is Morgan. I'm not worried about Mika and Morgan because he should already know how Morgan is. About Fedez. I'm somehow disappointed he gives statements like above, he seemed so sweet in the beginning? Oh well. We'll see.


Thanks for translations and explanations! :thumb_yello:

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Maybe they asked him to create drama this season, the production loves drama.

I think so


About Fedez. I'm somehow disappointed he gives statements like above, he seemed so sweet in the beginning? Oh well. We'll see.

I'm puzzled as well. I don't care if he doesn't get along with anybody but I'm surprised about this turn of events. It doesn't match with the person he seemed to be. :dunno:

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Elwendin, after reading your post here my thought. Maybe Mika wanted to make clear who is the Boss with the Oldlings :wink2: and second maybe he wants to drive them forwards as he learnt from his Russian singing teacher never be confident always get better..... if you think you showed your best you still have to get better.......


I agree with Tiibet about what she said about being a bit disappointed with Fedez giving that Statement and yes Elwendin you are right there is no reason to talk about that in the beginning of live shows.


I saw the vids last night and I thin Viktoria chose the perfect Team, Fedez kept the boy I think could be the next winner, Morgan´s Teams is boring and two of Mika´s Team are really really good :wink2:. Now I hope I can watch the whole show soon.

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