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:( my thoughts are with her family


The same with me - this's so sad  :( And tough for MIKA as well, so see one after another,  of these wonderful and brave kids, loose their fight for life... :(


Love, love


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Mika : « Un enfant, ce n’est pas fait pour être malade »




Maurine est une des 500 enfants qui, chaque année, en France, sont victimes du cancer. Elle avait 11 ans. C’est le troi­sième bout-de-chou rencon­tré par Mika, au sein de Imagine for Margo, qui rejoint les anges… Et c'est une raison de plus, pour lui, de se battre aux côtés de l'asso­cia­tion.


Dans une petite vidéo, elle disait qu’elle avait un cancer « là, là et là », en montrant plusieurs parties de son corps. Elle disait ça tout simple­ment, avec un calme insou­te­nable. Elle voulait être déco­ra­trice, mais disait « J’ai encore le temps… » Mais le temps lui a fait faux-bond. Samedi 2 avril, le cancer a été le plus fort. Encore une fois. Une fois de trop.


Mika qui l'avait rencon­trée lors d’un week-end en Camargue, orga­nisé dans la propriété du photo­graphe Peter Lind­bergh, très actif au sein de l’as­so­cia­tion Imagine for Margo, a posté une photo prise avec elle. Il y a eu Juliette et Noé, âgés de 10 ans, et puis main­te­nant Mauri­ne… « Les enfants, c’est fait pour rêver, pour jouer et avoir un avenir, c’est pas fait pour avoir peur, pour être malade et vivre à l’hô­pi­tal », déclare-t-il dans le même clip vidéo où Maurine disait être une « petite guer­rière ».


Depuis sa créa­tion en 2011, Imagine for Margo, créée par la maman de Margaux, décé­dée en 2010, a récolté 2,3 millions d’eu­ros qui sont allés à la recherche contre le cancer chez les enfants.


Lais­sons parler les chiffres : 2500 enfants et ados sont diagnos­tiqués chaque année. 500 d’entre eux meurent. Et seule­ment 2% des fonds récol­tés contre le cancer sont alloués à la recherche pédia­trique.


Dans quelques mois, Mika ira de nouveau passer du temps à jouer au cerf-volant, ou à bâtir des châteaux de sable avec ces « petits guer­riers » dont la matu­rité des propos fait mal. Et, plus que jamais, Imagine for Margo a besoin de nous.


Pour verser des fonds : http://imagi­ne­for­margo.org/

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Lovely girl. This is so sad.  :tears:  :tears:  :tears:




Dans quelques mois, Mika ira de nouveau passer du temps à jouer au cerf-volant, ou à bâtir des châteaux de sable avec ces « petits guer­riers » dont la matu­rité des propos fait mal. Et, plus que jamais, Imagine for Margo a besoin de nous.


Pour verser des fonds : http://imagi­ne­for­margo.org/


Does it mean he will do another photo/video shoot?

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Mika : son hommage à la petite Maurine emportée par le cancer


le 7 avril 2016



Ce n'est pas la première fois, malheureusement, que le chanteur de Grace Kelly rend hommage à un enfant parti des suites d'un cancer. En novembre dernier déjà, le coach de The Voice adressait un message bouleversant sur Instagram au petit Clément, 11 ans, emporté par la maladie. Ce week-end, Mika a tenu une nouvelle fois à accompagner la jeune Maurine, victime elle aussi d’un cancer.
Très engagé dans la lutte contre le cancer des enfants à travers l'association Imagine for Margo, l'auteur-compositeur-interprète de 32 ans avait rencontré Maurine au printemps dernier, à l'occasion d'un week-end organisé pour les enfants malades en Camargue par le célèbre photographe Peter Lindbergh. La petite fille avait confié à Mika vouloir devenir décoratrice. « J'ai encore le temps », disait-elle. Dimanche dernier, le chanteur britannico-libanais accompagnait une photo prise avec la fillette et postée sur son compte Instagram d'un commentaire poignant : « Ce soir, mes pensées vont vers une étoile très spéciale qui brille dans le ciel. Cette étoile s’appelle Maurine (…) Elle était si résistante, avait une force, un courage et des mots incroyables, pensant encore à l’avenir et surtout à celui de son petit frère qu’elle aimait tant. Maurine était drôle et généreuse, elle parlait de tout avec esprit et humour ». Pour l'acolyte de Zazie, Garou et Florent Pagny sur TF1, cette disparition s'inscrit dans celle de Clément, Juliette et Noé, âgés de 10 ans... et des 500 enfants qui succombent chaque année au cancer.
Si Maurine se savait condamnée ces derniers mois en expliquant dans une vidéo avoir un cancer « là, là et là », elle se considérait comme une « petite guerrière ». « Les enfants, c’est fait pour rêver, pour jouer et avoir un avenir, c’est pas fait pour avoir peur, pour être malade et vivre à l’hôpital », déplore Mika qui adresse dans son hommage tout son soutien à la famille de Maurine : « Je pense aussi à ses parents, à sa maman à qui j’ai parlé, avec beaucoup de tristesse, mais aussi émerveillé face à l’énergie et la force incroyable de son enfant ». Ces derniers mots vont bien sûr à la petite fille de 11 ans :« Maurine, merci d’avoir croisé et illuminé nos chemins ».

Nos plus sincères condoléances vont également de notre part à la famille de la petite fille.


Retrouvez ici la rencontre de Mika avec la magnifique petite Maurine, tellement touchante :



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  • 4 months later...

This year the race  will take place near Paris on Sunday 25th September and there will be a squad of fans running for the association


Here are all the details if you want to support the team and the fundation


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  • 3 weeks later...


It's an audio interview in 2015.


La santé surtout





Imagine for Margo se mobilise contre le cancer des enfants avec Mika


Interview de Mika, ambassadeur de la campagne « Les petits guerriers » lancée par Imagine for Margo.


Faire avancer la lutte contre le cancer des enfants, c’est la raison d’être de l’association Imagine for Margo dont la présidente, Patricia Blanc a perdu sa fille Margo à l’âge de 14 ans.

Chaque année, en France, 1800 enfants et 700 jeunes de 15 à 18 ans sont diagnostiqués d’un cancer et 500 en meurent. 
Le cancer de l’enfant est la 1ère cause de mortalité par maladie et la 2ème cause de mortalité après les accidents.

Et pourtant, seulement 2% des fonds dédiés à la recherche anti-cancer sont alloués aux cancers pédiatriques, la recherche est essentiellement axée sur les cancers des adultes. Plus de 50% des médicaments administrés aux enfants ne sontofficiellement pas autorisés chez l’enfant (non spécifiquement développés et testés sur les enfants). C’est pourquoi il est absolument essentiel et urgent de consolider la recherche académique et clinique pour pouvoir continuer de développer des médicaments adaptés aux enfants malades du cancer.

Depuis 2011, l’association se mobilise et lance pour la deuxième année consécutive, unecampagne nationale de sensibilisation au cancer des enfants, grâce à l’immense générosité du photographe Peter Lindbergh et avec la participation du chanteur Mika.



Interview de Mika au micro de Jessyca Falour


MP3 : http://www.lasantesurtout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/mika-imagineformargo.mp3


clyp : https://clyp.it/u3ztu2ba


Translation by crazyaboutmika




Translation of Mika's interview in English

Health interview  by Jessica Falour 


Journalist: Each day in France, cancer kills and it kills one child a day. The association Imagine for Margo is launching this September its awereness campain and you are its ambassador Mika. Hello Mika.
Mika: Yes, hello.
 Journalist: Hello. Mika, you are a rather exceptional ambassador , Mika, everyone says so.
Mika: Why?
Journalist: Because it is easy to feel how sincere and involved you are , and your deep and incredible sensitivity.
Mika: Oh , but  I  don't think it's me, it is the whole project , I think, it's an association that was started in 2011 and that association that was started in 2011 already did so much, they are people who have a sense of emergency, when you see them talk...today we gave a press conference but Patricia who is the president of the association, and Dominique who is the doctor, they have .
Journalist: A very strong emotion.
Mika: Yes, and so it comes from the heart so that mission is simple. When I was asked to do this, it was through Peter Lindberg. Journalist: Yes. Mika: The photographer who did the photos with me but we did about that two years ago, that's when we started. And he had only invited me to do a little visit as a surprise to those young children who ...he had organized a whole week end for them , so as to take some photos, because there was a big lack of photos, I didn't know this before, but there aren't many images of sick children. Right now such photos do not exist, and the association really needed a few portraits , they wanted Peter to come to an hospital so that he would take photos, but he said no, we'll do it in camargue, we' ll make a shooting as for a big fashion campain, my team and I will do it for free and also we'll invite a guest , so the children have a surprise; and they decided it was me, so they invited me and I came, and after that, it was so moving for both of us that we decided to collaborate once again , and to do it in a more public way and to show the photos to the media.  
Journalist: So how did that surprise week end go, especially the last one in Camargue, you showed up out of the blue while the children were playing, so you spent several moments with them at the beach and also during the flamenco evening .Mika: Exactly. Journalist: Tell us a bit about the concert? Mika: A small private concert at the piano that I did for them in Camargue. Journalist: Very private.
Mika: We were fifteen, and it wasn't planned at all. And also the children, for example Noé , who is in one of the poster, his name is Noé, he made me stop singing because he wanted to sing while I was playing the piano, so I accompagnied him. It's , actually all the children arrive, there were six on the first year . Right now it is the second year. So they arrive with one of their parents or a friend , and there are also doctors, nurses, people of the organisation. It's a whole system around them because it's not easy, some of them come out of the hospital for the week end, it is a very tiring experience for them, but it gives them a lot of joie de vivre (an happiness boost) . it's truly a beautiful experience, so it is worth it, it is really worth it. They all stay together in a mas (big farm of the south of France) which belongs to a friend of Peter's and where there are bulls for corridas. They all eat together, there's Peter with all his friends from camargue,all his friends from Arles. I stay in Arles too. We are all together , nineteen people having dinner together during the evenings, it's reallly beautiful.
Journalist: Yes, it's easy to feel this huge generosity, from Peter, from the association.
Mika: From everyone, from everyone. Everyone who comes accross this cause and these children , they all have the same reaction. We 're all in the same spirit.
Journalist: What was the moment, the meeting during this surprise week end that was the strongest, the most moving for you? What image do you keep?
Mika: Joy. And also, how these children when I arrive do not react and don't look at me a lot. It's not like "Yeah! Cool! " It's like.. Journalist: Is is modesty, a shyness or maybe they don't realize what's happening? Mika: No, it's more complicated than that actually and I didn't understand on the first year, but then I understood rather fast that for an hour I watched everyone jump everywhere, there were kites, football, everyone was eating something, everyone was chating, talking and laughing. And suddenly I told myself , when I arrived the athmosphere was totally different, it was shame that had vanished. Shame was dismantled, thrown away, and not only the shame the children felt , but also the shame the parents felt, the shame and the sadness of that situation. Sadness and shame are similar and are often mixed, and not only that but shame and loneliness. Journalist: Is shame related to being afraid of the way the others look at you. Mika: Yes being afraid of the way others look at you and judge you and I think that's what it is. The thing is to dismantle shame, through those photos and Peter did something that is not simple to do to communicate shamelessly. It is joyful and presented without any complex.
Journalist: What do you do personally to stay healthy?
Mika: Me, fish oils everyday.
Journalist: Do you swallow that?
Mika: Yes, of course. Everyday. That's , it is good against fat, good for dancing , good for the voice, good for everything, good for the brain.
Journalist: For the skin.
Mika: For the skin, it's good for everything, actually it's good for everything and it's a lot less expensive than all sorts of meds together. Journalist: Do you favor alternative medecine? Mika: I' m someone who, I have many friends who are doctors, I'm a bit paranoid.
Journalist: So you are hypochondriac .
Mika: Yes,like everyone.
Journalist: That's it.Do you call your friends who are doctors at 11 PM to tell them: I've got that problem and I'm worried. Is that serious?
Mika: I used to do that before, now a lot less.
Journalist: Yes. Your voice is your working tool, how do you take care of it?
Mika: It is an athlete work, it is so tiny, so tiny and fragil that you have to , you have to be really careful. Now I am on tour so there's discipline is 80 percent of my routine; not too much wine, I don't smoke, I eat well.
Journalist: No grease?
Mika: No grease at all, nothing refined, nothing refined at all so I don't lose energy daily because there's nothing better than crisps and I can eat a kilo of crisps with beer in two seconds with several beers and frankly and that mix spoils a voice.
Journalist: That's it. Thank you Mika and thank you for you your deep involment for Imagine for Margo, in order to make a donation, Imagineformargo.org .
Mika: And there's also the run.
Journalist: Are you going to run too on September 27th.
Mika: I'd try to go, but I'm on tour , but if we're talking healthwise, running is good. Journalist: Running, eating well and sleeping well, we agree. Mika: But if you are more like many people I know who don't want to run, you can also walk.
Journalist: You can also walk, that's true.
Mika: Yes. You can walk and stop for coffees because it is in one of the most beautiful places in Paris, so it works.
Journalist: That's true. We will be there on the 27th.
Mika: It's a gourmet run! If you want!
Journalist: Even better!Well you can do what you want during the run so we are going to go!
Mika: Exactly! Journalist: Thanks to you. Good bye!Mika: Good bye!



Edited by Kumazzz
adding the translation
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Throughout the month of September 2016, Imagine for Margo launches a national awareness campaign on childhood cancer, thanks to the tremendous generosity of photographer Peter Lindbergh, Mika, Stephen Kidd, the creative and media agencies Mindshare, Zorba, Reuilly&Associés, DaisyDay and many media supports.


During the month of September this campaign will be on the internet, on outdoor displays, at the movie theaters, in magazines and for the first time on television. All media have answered positively, supporting the cause of childhood cancer.

We benefit this year from an even stronger media plan which will allow us to make millions of people aware of the cause of childhood cancer, and understand the need for mobilization.




This year, the campaign uses again one of the beautiful shots

from photographer Peter Lindbergh

taken during our Camargue trip in May 2015, with Mika.




The print campaign of our major awareness campaign has already started!

In order to embellish your back-to-school reading, here is a full schedule of our magazine publications.








A big thank you to Decaux’s and Insert’s outdoor poster networks which support us generously for 3 years already, and welcome to Mediagares’ et Clear Channel France’s networks which have offered us beautiful spaces. In total close to 2500 posters will be seen! We therefore have an amazing poster campaign, which includes large-format posters (8m2!) and we will be exhibited in big provincial cities.

Decaux: from August 22nd to September 5th
Mediagares: from August 22nd to September 19th
ClearChannel: from August 29th to September 12th
Insert: from August 29th to September 19th



At your screens! This year, big innovation, TV channels will also support us and will broadcast our film during September: TF1, M6, RFM TV, Canal +, Histoire & Ushuaïa TV answered positively to support our cause!




For our digital campaign, talented director Stephen Kidd has made an impactful 30 seconds clip, from a script written by Elsa and Christian Reuily.
A little girl diagnosed with cancer transforms her doll to her image: hairless.
We can see the cut hair falling, punctuated by the noise of scissors cutting.
After a few seconds of suspense, we see a doll which no longer has hair and find out why she doesn’t: the little girl holds her to her heart. She wanted her doll to look like her.
Stephen’s amazingly luminous pictures, our little hero’s strenght glaze leave us voiceless.This film will be broadcasted on multiple social media and digital displays during the month of September. It will allow to reach more than one million of people thanks to Tends, Spotify, Webedia, Yanco, Microsoft, Adikteev, Canal+, GMC, Dailymotion, Prisma, TF1 and Next Régie.
We also want to say thank you to S4M which allows us to extend our reach to mobile displays.
This film was made in July, in a very happy atmosphere, our little heroin even trying out the camera.
Maya’s story, our little hero, is a very moving one.
Maya has been diagnosed with a nephroblastoma. She was first treated in Algeria where soon the doctors told her they couldn’t cure her properly since they didn’t have the required drug.
Her mum launched a Facebook call out and Maya, thanks to an anonymous’ generosity obtained a visa and came to France to get treated. Since then she is a lot better and her laughs during the shooting, with Stephen and his team, were heartening.
An immense thank you to Reuilly&Associés, Zorba, DaisyDay and Mindshare, big hearted agencies with a big heart which worked non-stop for this campaign to be seen in magazines, movie theatres, on small screens and on the internet, and to all the media which generously gave us free space.


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It's an audio interview in 2015.


La santé surtout





Imagine for Margo se mobilise contre le cancer des enfants avec Mika


Interview de Mika, ambassadeur de la campagne « Les petits guerriers » lancée par Imagine for Margo.


Faire avancer la lutte contre le cancer des enfants, c’est la raison d’être de l’association Imagine for Margo dont la présidente, Patricia Blanc a perdu sa fille Margo à l’âge de 14 ans.

Chaque année, en France, 1800 enfants et 700 jeunes de 15 à 18 ans sont diagnostiqués d’un cancer et 500 en meurent. 
Le cancer de l’enfant est la 1ère cause de mortalité par maladie et la 2ème cause de mortalité après les accidents.

Et pourtant, seulement 2% des fonds dédiés à la recherche anti-cancer sont alloués aux cancers pédiatriques, la recherche est essentiellement axée sur les cancers des adultes. Plus de 50% des médicaments administrés aux enfants ne sontofficiellement pas autorisés chez l’enfant (non spécifiquement développés et testés sur les enfants). C’est pourquoi il est absolument essentiel et urgent de consolider la recherche académique et clinique pour pouvoir continuer de développer des médicaments adaptés aux enfants malades du cancer.

Depuis 2011, l’association se mobilise et lance pour la deuxième année consécutive, unecampagne nationale de sensibilisation au cancer des enfants, grâce à l’immense générosité du photographe Peter Lindbergh et avec la participation du chanteur Mika.



Interview de Mika au micro de Jessyca Falour


MP3 : http://www.lasantesurtout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/mika-imagineformargo.mp3


clyp : https://clyp.it/u3ztu2ba

Translation of Mika's interview in English

Health interview  by Jessica Falour 


Journalist: Each day in France, cancer kills and it kills one child a day. The association Imagine for Margo is launching this September its awereness campain and you are its ambassador Mika. Hello Mika.
Mika: Yes, hello.
 Journalist: Hello. Mika, you are a rather exceptional ambassador , Mika, everyone says so.
Mika: Why?
Journalist: Because it is easy to feel how sincere and involved you are , and your deep and incredible sensitivity.
Mika: Oh , but  I  don't think it's me, it is the whole project , I think, it's an association that was started in 2011 and that association that was started in 2011 already did so much, they are people who have a sense of emergency, when you see them talk...today we gave a press conference but Patricia who is the president of the association, and Dominique who is the doctor, they have .
Journalist: A very strong emotion.
Mika: Yes, and so it comes from the heart so that mission is simple. When I was asked to do this, it was through Peter Lindberg. Journalist: Yes. Mika: The photographer who did the photos with me but we did about that two years ago, that's when we started. And he had only invited me to do a little visit as a surprise to those young children who ...he had organized a whole week end for them , so as to take some photos, because there was a big lack of photos, I didn't know this before, but there aren't many images of sick children. Right now such photos do not exist, and the association really needed a few portraits , they wanted Peter to come to an hospital so that he would take photos, but he said no, we'll do it in camargue, we' ll make a shooting as for a big fashion campain, my team and I will do it for free and also we'll invite a guest , so the children have a surprise; and they decided it was me, so they invited me and I came, and after that, it was so moving for both of us that we decided to collaborate once again , and to do it in a more public way and to show the photos to the media.  
Journalist: So how did that surprise week end go, especially the last one in Camargue, you showed up out of the blue while the children were playing, so you spent several moments with them at the beach and also during the flamenco evening .Mika: Exactly. Journalist: Tell us a bit about the concert? Mika: A small private concert at the piano that I did for them in Camargue. Journalist: Very private.
Mika: We were fifteen, and it wasn't planned at all. And also the children, for example Noé , who is in one of the poster, his name is Noé, he made me stop singing because he wanted to sing while I was playing the piano, so I accompagnied him. It's , actually all the children arrive, there were six on the first year . Right now it is the second year. So they arrive with one of their parents or a friend , and there are also doctors, nurses, people of the organisation. It's a whole system around them because it's not easy, some of them come out of the hospital for the week end, it is a very tiring experience for them, but it gives them a lot of joie de vivre (an happiness boost) . it's truly a beautiful experience, so it is worth it, it is really worth it. They all stay together in a mas (big farm of the south of France) which belongs to a friend of Peter's and where there are bulls for corridas. They all eat together, there's Peter with all his friends from camargue,all his friends from Arles. I stay in Arles too. We are all together , nineteen people having dinner together during the evenings, it's reallly beautiful.
Journalist: Yes, it's easy to feel this huge generosity, from Peter, from the association.
Mika: From everyone, from everyone. Everyone who comes accross this cause and these children , they all have the same reaction. We 're all in the same spirit.
Journalist: What was the moment, the meeting during this surprise week end that was the strongest, the most moving for you? What image do you keep?
Mika: Joy. And also, how these children when I arrive do not react and don't look at me a lot. It's not like "Yeah! Cool! " It's like.. Journalist: Is is modesty, a shyness or maybe they don't realize what's happening? Mika: No, it's more complicated than that actually and I didn't understand on the first year, but then I understood rather fast that for an hour I watched everyone jump everywhere, there were kites, football, everyone was eating something, everyone was chating, talking and laughing. And suddenly I told myself , when I arrived the athmosphere was totally different, it was shame that had vanished. Shame was dismantled, thrown away, and not only the shame the children felt , but also the shame the parents felt, the shame and the sadness of that situation. Sadness and shame are similar and are often mixed, and not only that but shame and loneliness. Journalist: Is shame related to being afraid of the way the others look at you. Mika: Yes being afraid of the way others look at you and judge you and I think that's what it is. The thing is to dismantle shame, through those photos and Peter did something that is not simple to do to communicate shamelessly. It is joyful and presented without any complex.
Journalist: What do you do personally to stay healthy?
Mika: Me, fish oils everyday.
Journalist: Do you swallow that?
Mika: Yes, of course. Everyday. That's , it is good against fat, good for dancing , good for the voice, good for everything, good for the brain.
Journalist: For the skin.
Mika: For the skin, it's good for everything, actually it's good for everything and it's a lot less expensive than all sorts of meds together. Journalist: Do you favor alternative medecine? Mika: I' m someone who, I have many friends who are doctors, I'm a bit paranoid.
Journalist: So you are hypochondriac .
Mika: Yes,like everyone.
Journalist: That's it.Do you call your friends who are doctors at 11 PM to tell them: I've got that problem and I'm worried. Is that serious?
Mika: I used to do that before, now a lot less.
Journalist: Yes. Your voice is your working tool, how do you take care of it?
Mika: It is an athlete work, it is so tiny, so tiny and fragil that you have to , you have to be really careful. Now I am on tour so there's discipline is 80 percent of my routine; not too much wine, I don't smoke, I eat well.
Journalist: No grease?
Mika: No grease at all, nothing refined, nothing refined at all so I don't lose energy daily because there's nothing better than crisps and I can eat a kilo of crisps with beer in two seconds with several beers and frankly and that mix spoils a voice.
Journalist: That's it. Thank you Mika and thank you for you your deep involment for Imagine for Margo, in order to make a donation, Imagineformargo.org .
Mika: And there's also the run.
Journalist: Are you going to run too on September 27th.
Mika: I'd try to go, but I'm on tour , but if we're talking healthwise, running is good. Journalist: Running, eating well and sleeping well, we agree. Mika: But if you are more like many people I know who don't want to run, you can also walk.
Journalist: You can also walk, that's true.
Mika: Yes. You can walk and stop for coffees because it is in one of the most beautiful places in Paris, so it works.
Journalist: That's true. We will be there on the 27th.
Mika: It's a gourmet run! If you want!
Journalist: Even better!Well you can do what you want during the run so we are going to go!
Mika: Exactly!
Journalist: Thanks to you. Good bye!
Mika: Good bye!
Edited by crazyaboutmika
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National Geographic Hors-Série – Septembre-Octobre 2016

25 August 2016




DOWNLOAD National_Geographic_Hors-S_rie_-_SeptembreOctobre_2016.pdf









Edited by Kumazzz
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  • 3 weeks later...

I overlooked this article / interview in September 2015.




lundi 14 septembre 2015


Maxi magazine



Aucun enfant ne devrait jamais connaître le cancer ! Pourtant, 1 enfant sur 440 en développe un avant l’âge de 15 ans. Et parmi ces petits guerriers, 1 sur 5 n’y survit pas… C’est beaucoup trop ! Pour faire changer les choses, accélérer la recherche, trouver des traitements spécifiques et en faire bénéficier ces enfants, l’association Imagine For Margo, soutenue par Mika, se mobilise sans relâche. Aidons-la !


Le combat d’une maman pour son enfant et pour tous les autres


« Margo était une jeune fille de 14 ans, toujours heureuse, souriante, jamais malade. Quand du jour au lendemain elle a commencé à se plaindre de maux de tête, puis de nausées, on a cru à une gastro. Mais les symptômes se sont installés… C’est après un scanner que notre vie a basculé. Margo souffrait d’une forme agressive de tumeur au cerveau. Après 16 mois d’un combat courageux, ponctué de quatre interventions au cerveau et de traitements agressifs, Margo est décédée. Durant cette lutte terrible contre la maladie, Margo a lancé une collecte pour faire avancer la recherche sur les tumeurs au cerveau. Un immense mouvement de solidarité et de générosité lui avait permis de récolter 100 000 €. C’est cette bataille que nous souhaitons poursuivre ! », explique Patricia Blanc, la maman de Margo.


Un fléau à combattre


500 enfants meurent d’un cancer chaque année en France. C’est la première cause de décès par maladie des enfants. Mais pour les industriels du médicament, ce n’est pas assez, et développer des traitements spécifiques n’engendrerait pas suffisamment de bénéfices…

L’innovation thérapeutique étant réservée aux traitements pour adultes, les enfants atteints de cancer sont souvent soignés au moyen de faibles doses de thérapies pour les adultes… Or les cancers d’enfant sont différents des cancers d’adulte et nécessitent des soins spécifiques. C’est la raison d’être d’Imagine For Margo : accélérer la recherche et l’accès des enfants et des adolescents à ces traitements spécifiques et personnalisés.


Comme Mika et Peter Lindbergh, soutenez-les !


Tout au long du mois de septembre 2015, Imagine for Margo lance une campagne nationale de sensibilisation. Parce que « cancer ne devrait pas rimer avec enfants », cette campagne « Les Petits Guerriers » bouleverse pour mieux mobiliser et faire avancer la lutte contre le cancer des enfants. Un dispositif  qui a pu voir le jour grâce à l’immense générosité de Mika et du célèbre photographe Peter Lindbergh.

Si vous aussi vous souhaitez apporter votre soutien à l’association Imagine For Margo, vous pouvez faire un don, organiser une action, courir solidaire ou même rejoindre l’association.

Retrouvez toutes les infos sur le site d’Imagine For Margo.


3 questions à Mika


1/ Pour quelle raison vous êtes-vous engagé dans la lutte contre le cancer des enfants ?


Parce qu’on m’avait simplement demandé de faire une surprise à des enfants malades qui s’échappaient en Camargue le temps d’un week-end. J’aimais l’idée de consacrer quelques heures de ma vie à ces enfants, sans aucune motivation médiatique, et avec un homme aussi légendaire et généreux que Peter Lindbergh. J’avais 17 heures de libres dans mon planning et aucune raison de ne pas le faire. Il est essentiel pour moi de me confronter à la vie. Je l’ai fait pour respecter la vie. La vie quand elle se présente à soi, mais aussi la vie des autres quand on la croise sur notre parcours...


2/ Qu’avez-vous appris auprès de ces « Petits guerriers » ?


Je ne m’attendais pas à vivre cette expérience. Les enfants que j’ai rencontrés sont incroyables. De vrais petits adultes. Plus honnêtes que la plupart des hommes qu’il m’a été donné de croiser. C’était une expérience très touchante et très inspirante. Ils m’ont appri la joie de vivre et que la mélancolie n’aide pas. Elle fait perdre du temps. 80% des enfants atteints d'un cancer guérissent. Et ceux qui ne guérissent pas doivent être traités avec le même sentiment d’espoir et d’énergie que les enfants qui peuvent guérir !


3/ Quel message souhaiteriez-vous faire passer au grand public ?


Qu’il ne faut pas avoir honte. La honte isole et l’isolation n’aide personne. Que l'on soit un petit garçon de 7 ans, sans cheveux et faible, ou que l'on ait 60 ans... Dans tous les cas, il faut démonter la honte. C’est pour ça que j’ai fait ces photos, grâce au talent de Peter et à son humanité.







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USPA NEWS - “Go, Fight, Win!” is the message left by Margo, a teenager, found in her books after she died. The mission of the association founded by Margo's mother, "Imagine For Margo" is to collect funds to help finance specific research programs that focus on finding innovative...
“Go, Fight, Win!” is the message left by Margo, a teenager, found in her books after she died. The mission of the association founded by Margo's mother, "Imagine For Margo" is to collect funds to help finance specific research programs that focus on finding innovative and more effective treatments against pediatric cancer.

The association "Imagine For Margo" is also about raising awareness about Childhood Cancer, it’s status as the number one killer disease for children and the chronic underfunding of Childhood Cancer research.





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Interview de Patricia Blanc sur Télé Matin - 17 septembre 2016



Translation into English :uk:


Host: Hello Patricia Blanc, you are the president of the association Imagine for Margo. As we saw in the doc the treatments are not truly well adjusted to children, what is the explanation for this problem?


Patricia Blanc: It is that way because today children cancers are rare deseases and also because there are sixty types of different cancers and therefore there isn't any money to make for the drug industry in developping specific meds for children.


Host: You got involved because your daughter Margo died due to brain cancer six years ago?


Patricia Blanc: Yes, exactly six years ago, she was fourteen years old and she was treated with chemios that were invented thirty years ago and that had been developped for adults, so what we really want is that more specific and more efficient treatments for children with cancers.


Host: And so you are organizing this race next week. What is its aim? Raising as much money as you can, but what willl it be used for?


Patricia Blanc: We want to raise as much money as we can to help research on cancer and in particular precision medecine.That is a new research field developping right now and it is necessary to make it available and also to make new treatments available, more specific and more efficient ones for children with cancer. So this year, the research project will allow to, it's totally new and innovative regarding the high risks tumors of children, so they will be analysed as soon as the diagnosis is made, and therefore thanks to the analysis and better understanding, their treatments will be more accurate and more specific.


Host: This race was created in 2012?


Patricia Blanc: Yes .


Host: So you have raised money, you have already set up a program, that which is specifically dedicated to research on children cancer relapses.


Patricia Blanc: So actually we run each year for a different research program, last year we raised a million d'euros that was entirely given to a wonderful research program;the only one in the world dedicated to children cancer, which will grant access to precision medecine , to all children with relapses.


Host: And if we want to get involved what should we do?


Patricia Blanc: If you want to join you need to register on an internet site called Enfants sans cancer. You register, then you collect money, at least 200 euros.

You still have time to register until Tuesday night. It's open to everyone, you can either run or walk.

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  • 1 month later...

I got a mail from "Imagine for Margo" in this afternoon.


Imagine for Margo fête ses 5 ANS aujourd'hui.


De 2011 à 2016, que de chemin parcouru !

En 5 ans, nous avons été sur tous les fronts pour aider les enfants atteints de cancer :
• participation aux congrès européens
• réalisation de campagnes de sensibilisation au niveau national
• organisation d'une course solidaire 
• participation au financement d'essais thérapeutiques de nouveaux médicaments dont un essai unique au monde.

Ensemble, nous avons collecté 6 millions d'euros pour cofinancer 9 programmes de recherche sur des traitements innovants et améliorer le bien-être des enfants et adolescents à l'hôpital.
Ensemble, nous avons fait de la Course Enfants sans Cancer, le plus grand évènement caritatif sur une cause en France. En 2016, 3.800 coureurs au grand coeur se sont joints à nous pour remettre un chèque d'1.331.000 euros aux chercheurs. 
Pendant ces 5 ans, vous avez été de plus en plus nombreux à nos côtés pour soutenir les enfants. Merci à nos 250 bénévoles et nos 70 partenaires de coeur.

Pour son anniversaire, Imagine for Margo vous propose une rétrospective en image des temps forts de ces cinq années passées à vos côtés.
translation by google

Imagine for Margo celebrates its 5 YEARS today.

From 2011 to 2016, what a long way to go!

In 5 years we have been on all fronts to help children with cancer:
• participation in European congresses
• conducting awareness campaigns at the national level
• organization of a solidarity race
• participation in the financing of therapeutic trials of new drugs, including a single trial in the world.

Together we have raised € 6 million to co-finance 9 research programs on innovative treatments and improve the well-being of children and adolescents in hospitals.
Together we made the Race Kids Without Cancer, the biggest charity event on a cause in France. In 2016, 3,800 runners with big hearts joined us to give a check of 1,331,000 euros to researchers.
During these 5 years, you have been more and more to our side to support the children. Thanks to our 250 volunteers and our 70 heart partners.

For his birthday, Imagine for Margo offers a retrospective in image of the highlights of these five years spent with you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sad news from Imagine For Margo - Children without Cancer






Une nouvelle étoile brille dans le ciel depuis ce matin.

EUGENIE est partie rejoindre beaucoup d’autres petites étoiles...


Nous nous souviendrons de la joie d’Eugénie à tous les évènements que nous avons organisés à Gustave Roussy mais particulièrement son enthousiasme communicatif lors de notre voyage en Camargue en Mai 2014.

Eugénie était une petite fille très joyeuse et intelligente, elle avait séduit tout le monde par ses rires, ses blagues et sa détermination à faire des pâtés de sable “humains” !

Elle rayonnait lors de la soirée Flamenco et nous avait gratifié généreusement de nombreux câlins.

Elle est partie ce matin en écoutant Mika une dernière fois…


Aujourd’hui nous pensons très fort à ses parents Laurence et Guy, et sa grande soeur Mélody qui l’avait couvé avec amour lors de notre voyage.


Et, ce soir nous regarderons le ciel en pensant très fort à toi, et tes copains de voyage Juliette, Noé, Pierre, et toutes les autres étoiles que tu as retrouvées.

Eugénie, nous t’aimons pour toujours.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Pour la 4ème année consécutive, Imagine for Margo lance une grande campagne nationale de sensibilisation au cancer des enfants !

Grâce à l'immense générosité de @mikainstagram , @therealpeterlindbergh , Stephen Kidd et de nos agences au grand cœur Zorba, Reuilly et associés, Mindshare, ainsi que de nombreux médias, elle sera diffusée à la télévision, au cinéma, en affichage, dans la presse et sur internet pendant tout le mois de septembre ! Tenez-vous prêts ! #septembreenor #enfantssanscancer #mobilisation



For the 4th consecutive year, Imagine for Margo launches a major national awareness campaign on children cancer!

Thanks to the immense generosity of @mikainstagram , @therealpeterlindbergh, Stephen Kidd and our big-hearted agencies Zorba, Reuilly and associates, Mindshare, as well as many media, it will be broadcast on television, cinema, The press and on the internet during the whole month of September! Get ready!

#enfantssanscancer #mobilisation














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Pour la quatrième année consécutive, Imagine for Margo lance une grande campagne nationale de sensibilisation au cancer des enfants, à l’occasion du mois international du cancer de l’enfant en septembre. Elle s’associe à l’opération « septembre en or » de Gustave Roussy qui vise également à sensibiliser au cancer des enfants.

Grâce à l’immense et fidèle générosité de nombreux médias qui nous offrent des espaces gratuits, notre campagne sera diffusée tout au long du mois de septembre à la télévision, au cinéma, en affichage, dans la presse et sur internet.

C’est aussi grâce au soutien de Mika, Peter Lindbergh, Stephen Kidd, et des agences Mindshare, Zorba, Reuilly&Associés et DaisyDay, que nous pouvons une fois encore sensibiliser les français à notre cause. Au total de cette campagne, plusieurs Millions de français seront touchés.



C’est l’image forte de Mika et de la petite guerrière Janotte, réalisée par Peter Lindbergh lors de notre voyage en Camargue en 2015, qui sera à l’affiche et dans la presse.
Affichage : plus de 4 500 affiches partout en France, tout au long du mois de septembre !
JC Decaux (Paris, dont les Champs Elysées & province) : du 21 au 27 août
Exterion (périphérique parisien) : du 21 au 27 août
Mediagares (grandes gares parisiennes) : du 28 août au 3 septembre, puis du 18 au 24 septembre
ClearChannel (Paris & province): du 4 au 24 septembre
Insert (Paris & province): du 4 au 10 septembre puis du 25 septembre au 1er octobre

Un immense MERCI à JC Decaux, ClearChannel, Mediagares, Insert et Exterion pour tous les beaux espaces offerts !


Presse : de nombreux magasines nous soutiennent !
Retrouvez ici le calendrier complet des parutions pour agrémenter vos lectures de la rentrée !



À la télévision, au cinéma et sur internet, c’est par le film très émouvant de Stephen Kidd « Le cancer, c’est pas un jeu d’enfant » que nous sensibiliserons au cancer des enfants. Il met en scène Djibril et Maya, deux petits guerriers qui jouent ensemble en portant des perruques pour cacher qu’ils n’ont plus de cheveux à cause des traitements.


Un film qui montre à la fois la dure réalité du cancer des enfants et l’enthousiasme et la joie de vivre inépuisable des enfants qui continuent à jouer, comme une parenthèse d’insouciance dans leur combat quotidien contre la maladie…

Télévision : plus de 150 spots prévus pour sensibiliser les français au cancer des enfants !
Un grand merci aux chaines télévision qui diffusent notre film sur leurs antennes : TF1, France 2, France 3, France 5, CStar, France Ô, Canal + Sport, CNEWS, Infosport +, RFM TV, Comédie +, Planète A&E et Elle Girl.

Digital : plus de 2 Millions de français seront touchés par notre campagne !
Merci aux réseaux digitaux qui ont également répondu encore une fois présent cette année pour nous soutenir : DailyMotion, Au Féminin, L’express, M6, etc


Un immense merci à Reuilly&Associés, Zorba, DaisyDay et Mindshare, agences au grand cœur qui ont travaillé sans relâche pour que cette campagne soit visible à la télévision, au cinéma, à l’affiche, dans la presse et sur internet.

Un immense merci également à tous les médias qui nous offrent généreusement et très fidèlement des espaces gratuits.




:uk: Google translation



For the fourth consecutive year, Imagine for Margo is launching a major national childhood cancer awareness campaign for International Childhood Cancer Month in September. She is associated with Gustave Roussy's "September in gold" operation, which also aims to raise awareness of childhood cancer.

Thanks to the immense and faithful generosity of many media that offer us free spaces, our campaign will be broadcast throughout the month of September on television, cinema, posters, press and internet.

It is also thanks to the support of Mika, Peter Lindbergh, Stephen Kidd, Mindshare, Zorba, Reuilly & Associés and DaisyDay agencies that we can once again make the French aware of our cause. In total, several million French will be affected.


It is the strong image of Mika and the little warrior Janotte, realized by Peter Lindbergh during our trip in the Camargue in 2015, which will be in the poster and in the press.
Display: over 4,500 posters throughout France, throughout the month of September!
JC Decaux (Paris, whose Champs Elysées & province): from 21 to 27 August
Exterion (Paris ring road): from August 21 to 27
Mediagares (large Parisian stations): from August 28 to September 3, and from September 18 to 24
ClearChannel (Paris & Province): September 4 to 24
Insert (Paris & province): from 4 to 10 September and from 25 September to 1 October

A huge THANK YOU to JC Decaux, ClearChannel, Mediagares, Insert and Exterion for all the beautiful spaces offered!
Press: many magazines support us!
Find here the complete calendar of publications to enhance your readings of the school year!



On television, on film and on the internet, Stephen Kidd's very emotional film "Cancer is not child's play" will raise awareness of childhood cancer. It stages Djibril and Maya, two small warriors who play together wearing wigs to hide that they have no more hair because of the treatments.

A film that shows both the harsh reality of childhood cancer and the enthusiasm and inexhaustible joy of the children who continue to play, as a carefree parenthesis in their daily fight against the disease ...

Television: more than 150 spots to raise French children's awareness!
A big thank you to the television channels that broadcast our film on their antennas: TF1, France 2, France 3, France 5, CStar, France Ô, Canal + Sport, CNEWS, Infosport +, RFM TV, Comedy +, Planet A & .

Digital: more than 2 million French will be affected by our campaign!
Thanks to the digital networks that have also responded once again this year to support us: DailyMotion, Au Féminin, L'express, M6, etc.

A huge thank you to Reuilly & Associés, Zorba, DaisyDay and Mindshare, big-hearted agencies who have worked tirelessly to make this campaign visible on television, cinema, poster, press and internet.

A huge thank you also to all the media who offer us generously and faithfully free spaces.








a page of Le Parisien ( Vendredi 25 Août 2017 )


PDF file : Le_Parisien_2017-08-25.pdf





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  • 3 weeks later...

Le Parisien

  • 18 September 2017



Courir contre le cancer de l’enfant


DE JOLIES BASKETS, un cadre magnifique et surtout, un grand élan de solidarité ! Vous avez jusqu’à demain minuit pour vous inscrire à la course Enfants sans cancer et ainsi faire avancer la recherche. Organisée par l’association Imagine for Margo, elle se tiendra dimanche au domaine national de Saint-Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine). La course (5 ou 10 km) ou la marche (5 km) aideront à financer un programme de recherche pour les enfants en échec de traitement contre la leucémie et un essai européen pour les petits souffrant d’une tumeur du tronc cérébral.

La course s’accompagne d’une grande campagne de sensibilisation qui continue jusqu’à la fin du mois avec le chanteur Mika et 4 500 affiches diffusées dans toute la France. Les non-sportifs peuvent donc aussi faire un don… Inscription à la course (10 € + une collecte de 200 € pour les adultes, 100 € pour les mineurs et étudiants) et dons sur www.enfantssanscancer.com.



Running Against Childhood Cancer

DE JOLIES BASKETS, a magnificent setting and above all, a great burst of solidarity! You have until tomorrow midnight to sign up for the Kids Without Cancer race and get the research going. Organized by the association Imagine for Margo, it will be held Sunday at the national domain of Saint-Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine). Running (5 or 10 km) or walking (5 km) will help fund a research program for children in leukemia treatment failure and a European trial for brain stem tumors.

The race is accompanied by a major awareness campaign that continues until the end of the month with the singer Mika and 4,500 posters broadcast throughout France. Non-athletes can also make a donation ... Registration for the race (10 € + a collection of 200 € for adults, 100 € for minors and students) and donations on www.enfantssanscancer.com.




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