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2015 - Colours of Ostrava Festival, Czech Republic, 19 July - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS


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Mika performed in the Czech Republic! Were you there? Please share your experiences! :)






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so, did he wear the usual Valentino suit?

He posted a pic on Instagram wearing the same clothes of the Fnac gig, so I'm confused :naughty:

I think he changed at the end of the show... Did the samein Montreal a few weeks ago ;)

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Colours of Ostrava: Mika bavil, zaháněl déšť a mluvil česky
( Colors of Ostrava: Mike had a great time, defying rain and talked Czech )

V neděli v noci vyvrcholil v Dolní oblasti Vítkovic čtrnáctý ročník multižánrového hudebního festivalu Colours of Ostrava. Podle sdělení pořadatelů jej během čtyř dnů navštívilo 43 723 diváků, což je historický rekord. Při závěrečném koncertu pak příchozí rozparádil libanonsko-britský zpěvák Mika.

( on a Sunday night culminated in the lower area Vitkovice fourteenth year multižánrového music festival colors of Ostrava. According to the Communication organizers during the four days it was visited by 43 723 spectators, which is a historical record. For the final concert and then get all worked up Incoming Lebanon - British singer Mika. )


V tu chvíli už se všichni přítomní hudební fanoušci soustředili pouze na hlavní scénu, protože na ostatních většinou program skončil. Mika měl tedy pod pódiem náležitý kotel, který hned na začátku potěšil už jen tím, kolik vět řekl na uvítanou velmi dobrou češtinou. Tak dlouhý proslov, ve kterém kromě pozdravu sdělil v našem jazyce i to, že jde o první koncert v České republice a že se na něj chystal deset roků, si snad ze zahraničních hudebníků hrajících na tuzemských pódiích dosud nikdo nikdy nepřipravil. Mika ho navíc nečetl, sypal ze sebe naučené věty a k našemu jazyku se vrátil ještě několikrát. V tomto ohledu podal úctyhodný výkon.

Potěšil samozřejmě i jako zpěvák a šoumen. Při svých hlasových výkonech využívá často falzet, a i když místy nebyl intonačně úplně přesný, pěvecky koncert zvládl s přehledem. Na jednu stranu mu pomáhali jeho pro vokály dobře vybavení kolegové muzikanti, současně sám nabízel pasáže, ve kterých zpíval jako rozený černoch, popově jemně, také syrově a chrabře. Jeho pěvecký výraz byl tedy vpravdě pestrý, což atmosféře vystoupení prospělo.

Ukázalo se také, že Mika je v repertoáru vybaven dostatečným množstvím silných písniček a hodinový koncert z nich postaví dramaturgicky zajímavý, dokonce i s přídavkem. Pokud pak fanoušci přijali fakt, že je ryze popový zpěvák, který tu a tam někoho známého z hudební historie připomíná (třeba Freddieho Mercuryho nebo Robbieho Williamse), dostalo se jim profesionálně odvedeného setu po stránce umělecké (tedy popové) i vizuální.

Mimochodem, na letošních Colours of Ostrava opravdu silně pršelo jen třikrát, navíc krátce. Ve dvou případech se tak dělo při koncertě Miky, a tak se on sám přimlouval u nejvyššího, aby déšť nepokračoval. Jelikož šlo o pouhé přeháňky, lze říct, že byl v přímluvách úspěšný.




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I'm home and I'll try to put some impressions here although I'm rather tired, but I want to write while it's all fresh.


I was in Ostrava as a winner of a competition which was held here in MFC I believe in February or something like that, and I got two tickets for four days of festival. So I have to thank our Ticket Fairy for this wonderful, wonderful experience. I won't write the whole story about my trip, since I'm sure you want me to skip first days of festival and talk about Mika, but I have to say it's a strange and impressive venue. The festival is held in an old industrial complex and it's a bit scary and definitely monumental. Great idea to organize it there since it's such an attraction. It's well organized, really safe, but I have to say there are not enough information in English which is the problem of the whole town not only festival, but that's some other story.


Mika was closing the festival and he performed at the main stage. It was a tall stage and I was a bit late so I think three or four rows in front of the ramp were already full , but I was able to find my spot in the front row on the left side, which was not such a good idea and I saw it when the gig started. There was a camera man in some kind of a trench right in front of Mika blocking the view all the time. Luckily Mika was on the move so he was in front of us many times.  :cheer: 


After the closing words and cheering a lady who I think was someone from the festival organization, the band was out an first I noticed there was some other guy on the bass, not Max. Than Mika came out and I instantly understood why these suits all the time. Because he looks stunning in it and much, much better in person, so it's obvious why. :fangurl: The colour of the suit is deep and fits so perfectly. The hearts are such a sweet and funny moment. I won't question this decision ever. :stifle: 


They started with Grace Kelly which was a surprise, but later he explained that it's his first concert in Czech Republic and he is going to play a little bit of everything to catch up. So not so many new songs. Just Talk About You and Last Party, I think. Everything is a bit blurry in my memory, but I think you can understand me. :insane:

There was a cute episode with a walking stick. He said he got it from someone in the back stage, and he is going to be 32 in couple of weeks, but he is not that old. I think I have it on my camera, but I have to check out. My videos and photos are dreadful but I'll upload some at least a bit decent. There were a bunch of photographers there, so I expect there will be a lot of photos. Nevertheless I made some just to have my own :shun:  (even if they are a mess). :lol:


He played WAG, Billy Brown, BG, Lollypop (with big balloons thrown into the audience, of course), Underwater... He said he must play something in French, so it was EMD. And than it started to rain cats and dogs, and he got an umbrella from someone in the audience so he sang under the umbrella for a while. But he was already wet and suddenly there was wet Mika, rolling on a wet stage. :aah:


He finished with Love Today with a blast. He changed his outfit, I'm not sure was it cause he was completely wet or it was planned. He was wearing a dotted t shirt (I think he was wearing it the night before in Paris) and a glittery jacket, and he commented that people in the back don't need screens when he is wearing this. :P:D I think audience has gone completely wild at the end. There were confetti cannons and I was right in front of one of them, so you can imagine where I found confetti when I came at the apartment :roftl:


All in all it was short and sweet. And I already started to plan how to organize myself to visit a proper gig and not the festival one. There's not enough Mika for me at festivals. :no::original:  It wasn't my first concert. I saw him in Budapest two years ago and it was different. He was as good as he was back then. I think I heard some new layers in his voice and new colours and I really, really loved it and it's not about Mika or band but in Budapest, I think everybody new all the songs by heart and I really enjoyed being in a such crowd where he was so appreciated and well known. This time audience was positive and reacted really good, but in my surrounding nobody new any songs except maybe GK, WAG and Lollypop. I was singing all along (I can't help myself, what can I say :doh46: ) and all alone and I saw some surprised faces when they realized I know all the songs. Can you imagine what happened when they saw that I know the lyrics to EMD? :yikes::lol3: 


All in all I was enjoying and jumping and screaming and singing like it's the end of the world and I won't be able to see Mika again, just in case. And he really left his heart on the stage. I'm impressed with his energy and with the fact that he performed the night before in France and he can be so fresh and wonderful the day after in another country. He spoke Czech, quite few sentences and he was thanking in Czech. I believe he also said something like "You are maniacs." :lol3: I'm impressed how he remembers all that. I'm sure he made himself some fans in Czech Republic last night and I'm really glad. 


Now I'm going to sleep and I'm sorry if I made mistakes, I can't go back to check. We had a 9 hours ride by car and I don't have Mika's energy. Bye, bye. :sleep_1: 

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Thanks for the review, Nena  :wub:  I thought the audience was actually very good compared to festival audiences in general. Maybe not as good as at Sziget but still good. Festival audiences can be so challenging, so many people come there for other reasons than to see the main act or any act and it takes a lot of energy to get their attention even with a good performance. And his energy was fantastic indeed... I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him on stage, those jumps  :shocked: He gave the impression he was really prepared and I loved it. I didn't get the feeling he is doing just another festival, not at all and I was happy for local fans for that. Several tweets about being in a new country, speaking long sentences in their language, well thought setlist and then a huge energy and a lot of contact with the audience (commenting people, greeting them, taking presents they gave) on stage. My back was hurting so much but as soon as he started the pain was gone. It worked like magic!  :naughty: I wasn't even so close to him as he kept moving - running, jumping and ROLLING on the stage from the beginning to the end. I can see myself and Saskia fangurling in one of festival pics, lol! It's always too short of course and this was just a bit more than an hour. I had accidentally wrong settings in my camera and I couldn't focus it but I didn't want to use any moment of the gig to fix it. Loved watching the show, so glad I went even exhausted now when finally back home. 

Edited by tiibet
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