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#Rompiamoilsilenzio - Mika's campaign against homophobia in Italy


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12th August - UPDATE! MIKA'S MOVING LETTER TO CORRIERE DELLA SERA http://27esimaora.corriere.it/articolo/mika-se-non-avessi-reagito-agli-insulti-avrei-tradito-il-13enne-che-sono-stato/

English Translation here http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/26273-mika-in-italian-press-2010-2015/?p=4017308

French: http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017456


I thought this deserved its thread in MFC because it was  - and still is - such an amazing event that happened in our country that MFC archives should keep record of it.


Mika's gig posters in Florence were nastily dirtied with an homophobic insult, as you all might have seen. We Italian fans were shocked and hoped Mika would never see them, but we understood by his management that he had done and that he had decided to react fiercely and turn the insult into a sort of powerful campaign against homophobia in Italy. We saw first Giulio Mazzoleni take on the hashtag #Rompiamo il silenzio (break the silence) that some fans had launched endorsing it and immediately after Mika himself doing the same.

We then realized that Mika did not want to mute that insult (hence the hashtag #Rompiamoilsilenzio) so we followed him in an amazing campaign on twitter, voicing his and our rebellion against homofobia.


Mika seems really involved in the fight the LGBT community is carrying on in Italy and it's not the first time he voices his support aloud. As you might know, Italy hasn't a law for civil partnerships yet, and a weak version of it is still lying in Parliament. The final vote on this law is being postponed all the time. It was promised by the end of July, then within the first week of August, now they put it off to September and probably it won't be licensed before the end of the year (if ever). The LGBT community is tired, depressed,, disillusioned. Some very disruptive lobbies are doing all they can to spread false information throughout society. People are fighting a daily war and are extremely frustrated.


In this environment, Mika's campaign started and that is why it has had this amazing success, for which I'm totally in awe.

I am grateful to Mika, to Giulio Mazzoleni and to the fans who started this twitter campaign with such an appropriate hashtag, to which they added #lamorefaquelchevuole (translation from Mika's song L'amour fait ce qu'il veut).


Up to today, singers, journalists, opinion makers, bloggers, press and media in general have praised Mika and joined in the campaign.

The Mayor of Florence wrote Mika apologies and had the posters removed.

SKY tv is airing all his concert dvds and  Good Guys video clip with the hashtag watermark.


With this thread I want to gather all possible links in order to have all the material available and a memory of the awesome two days the Italian fan community has experienced.


This time in Italy Mika did not advert a mobile provider, or a watch, or sunglasses. He did not show up at fashion shows. He did not attend frivolous tv shows. He helped in a good, noble and civil cause. 

This needs a special place in his fanclub, I think.


Mika's tweets to start with!





"I saw the pic of the writing on the posters and at first I decided to let it go and that the hate from some people, hate that I know too well, was better ignored.

But you are right, let's break the silence. I don't fear those who discriminate me, nobody should. Love does what it wants."



"The partecipation and pubblic support to the homophobic insult that I denounced have moved me for its unimaginable intensity. They witness the wide spread desire for changement and progress. All this goes beyond my dirtied face on a poster. it is about everyone. Turn one's back is a luxury, there are people who cannot escape from intolerance. I feel affected and inspired by these events"
A better translation I've just found on boyculture.com:
“The reaction and support against the idea of homophobic slurs has been heartwarming and strong beyond imagination. It's a testament to popular desire for change and progress. This is about far more than me, my defaced posters. This is about everyone. Looking away is a luxury. Some people have n where to turn in the face of intolerance. I am amazed and inspired by these events.” - 


Now I would do as follows:

If you want to help adding links to material, or images, whatever!! choose ONE category among these


ACHIEVEMENTS       sarina  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017092


RELEVANT TWEETS   robertina  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017104

RELEVANT TWEETS  part 2  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4018605

RELEVANT TWEETS  part 3  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4018606


RELEVANT INSTAGRAM POSTS  Fralovesmika http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017112


RELEVANT FACEBOOK POSTS  valmont69 http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017110

RELEVANT FACEBOOK POSTS  part 2  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017680

RELEVANT FACEBOOK POSTS  part 3 http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017711


PRESS ARTICLES (online or paper)  lucrezia  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017096


TV NEWS  Fralovesmika  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017112


BLOGGERS  robertina http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017183


FOREIGN MEDIA  Littlelady UK http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017122 

crazyaboutmika FRANCE  http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017120


SUBTITLED VIDEOS  Alyara http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32103-rompiamoilsilenzio-mikas-campaign-against-homophobia-in-italy/?p=4017127

(please suggest more)


then write a post naming it with the category you've chosen and keep it updated.

Of course 99% of the material will be in italian, but also foreign stuff is welcome, as I know there has been some in French and English so far.



I hope this thread will not be field for arguments and quarrels. I will close it immediately if this happens, I'm not going to bear offensive behaviours among fans. This thread is mainly aimed to gather links and material, even if comments and opinions are most welcome. Thanks for understanding.

Edited by mari62
adding links to Relevant tweets and FB posts parts 2 & 3
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Per i fan italiani che vogliono contribuire ma non hanno dimestichezza con l'inglese: postate in italiano!


In fondo quasi tutto il materiale sarà in italiano ed è impossibile tradurlo tutto.


Per gli altri c'è sempre Google translator :-)

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I would like to talk about what we achieved with this campaign. Besides Mika's tweets (that are SO important, obviously!), we've reached the attention of politicians, Minister, famous personalities, news channels (i.e. sky news), radio stations, newspapers and other associations.

So...here's what we accomplished...for now!


A fan took a picture in front of the defaced posters and posted it with the hashtag we created #RompiamoIlSilenzio and the one launched by Mika himself #Lamorefaquelchevuole so the insulting word was replaced by our positive message.



Also, the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, joined the campaign, ordering the offensive posters to be removed immediately and he apologised to Mika in public via Twitter. Here are his tweets, and an interview he had about the incident.

The Mayor’s tweets



Mayor's FB page and the photo of the removed poster


The interview



One of the biggest achievements is that one Minister of our Government supports this campaign, she posted a pic of the tickets for Mika’s gig in Florence and she used our hashtag saying she’ll attend the event. There is a law, waiting to be approved in Parliament, so, we hope they’ll do it soon!!



Furthermore, Sky (the channel running XFactor in Italy) aired Mika's concert "Mika - Live At Olympia" with the hashtags visible on screen for the whole show!

Screen’s pic (Thanks to SimonaG)


And also during Good Guys


Sky’s tweet


The long post on Sky’s website



Edited by Sarina
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Interesting article by Ivan Cotroneo: http://27esimaora.corriere.it/articolo/la-scritta-omofoba-sul-manifesto-di-mika-di-chi-non-accetta-il-mondo-che-cambia/


Another one about the removal of the posters by the Mayor of Florence:

Mika, insulti sui manifesti foto Il sindaco si scusa e li fa togliere http://t.co/TLSpUexfkr


Corriere Fiorentino 



A column on the newspaper from 10.08.2015




Mika's moving letter about bullying and homophobia from 12th August 2015






English Translation by Elwendin, Alyara and *Vv*


Mika: Hadn't I responded to the insults, I would have betrayed my 13 y.o. self.

When I saw the pic of my dirtied face on the poster in Firenze on Instagram, I felt sad, humiliated. My first instinct was: don’t say anything to anybody, don’t react, don’t move. I'm on tour, I can turn away from it, perform and feel good. I can push away the insults.

But the fans started to talk about it, my friends started to text me. And I realised that my first reaction was the same one I used to have back in the day, it was the reaction of a very young boy who was feeling helpless. That's how I used to be at school: defenceless. Had I responded back then, they would have beaten me and I would have come up with nothing but coming back home with a bruised face. I know about bullying, they would pick on me.

Because of racism, because my mother was fat or because we had financial issues in that period. But mostly, 80% of the time, because of my sexuality. Even before I was even aware of my own sexuality.

When you're a kid and get attacked, you think that you can't fight back, because if you do, those things would become even bigger, as big as a mountain. When I was a child my payback has always been slow, mirrored and spread in the long term. I tried to move my focus away from my condition, I concentrated on the future.

When I had to face that poster, I felt like the boy I used to be. And my instinctive response was to lick my wounds, shut my eyes and project myself in the future. It's an automatic reflex, which is shared by most people who are bullied: turn away, keep everything for yourself.

Then I understood. That was one of the few times in my life when I had been forced to choose a direct confrontation on bullying and homophobia, I realised how much things have changed, how much I have changed. It's for people's reactions on socials, for my friends and, I have to admit, for my coworkers. Some of them are gay and got hurt because they are connected to what I do every day: they felt like they had been insulted themselves.

I realised that, yes, there was my automatic response because of what I endured and because of some old defence instinct, but now I'm in a privileged position: I'm on tour, I'm free and surrounded by free people, I’ve built my own world where I can do what I believe in and provoke tolerance through my music and my concerts. It's a huge luxury.

By refusing to acknowledge those insults I would've made a mistake: I would've forgotten the 13 y.o. I once was and I would've hurt all the people who don't have that luxury and that privilege. I can get on stage. But when you're young and that word concerns you, if you look at that billboard and you don't find any answer to shield yourself with, then it means you've been abandoned. You lose hope and you find yourself even weaker. I couldn't allow that, exactly because of the things that changed in my life: I would've left myself and so many others alone. It doesn't matter whether you're 14 or 64, when you see such a thing you react in the same way, because it affects you.

That's the reason why I decided to use that image as a profile pic on Twitter and Instagram. It was exactly what would've scared me at the age of 13. I wasn't that brave back then, I couldn't be. I did the opposite of the thing I would've done at school.

I've been called like that all my life: I used to take those insults, I used to turn them into music, put them in my drawings. Last Saturday was the first time I told myself: why not to put them out there and use them as a flag fluttering above the heads of all those people who write and think like that? This was Oscar Wilde's greatness: he could take hypocrisy and throw it back in people's faces, sometimes there's nothing more appropriate than inappropriate actions! That's why Wilde is one of my Good Guys.

I could have written five thousands words, could have told them to go to hell, could have said that I would never go back to Florence (but not for me, I love Florence!), I could have used my column as an outlet, comparing homophobia to sexism and machismo. But with that “visual declaration”, with that sign which has become a flag, I accomplished it without being violent nor aggressive, without getting lost in sermons. It was beautiful to see how an image could turn out to be powerful. For my mum as well. She didn’t say much, but she reflected herself in this episode, as she faced a tough period when she was a teenager. She’s never been compensated for what she has had to face: this is a sort of compensation for her and came through one of her kids. She stared at me, she squeezed her eyes and smiled as someone who finally found rest.

The most complicated thing now, is understanding how we can go beyond that image, downright because of its power. A bunch of people wanted to replicate my deed: they took that image, added their photograph, and the slogan “let’s break the silence”. Facebook blocked their profiles for 30 hours, this goes to show that this word is still sensitive and hard.

Therefore: if they offend you, is it right to turn an insult – that remains an insult – into a flag? It is, when it provokes a constructive discussion, when it helps people to think about how a superficial and stupid epithet can make other people feel. Anyway, that word still hurts. It’s still a really strong one, it has many negative implications and can really hurt. We can’t accept it as a normal word. But let’s stop pretending it doesn’t exist: that would be much more dangerous.



IL Fatto Quotidiano


#Mika e l'ipocrisia del "Io ho tanti amici gay"





La Stampa


Mika insultato sul cartellone, la risposta è da applausi











Translation by charlie20:


The meaning of the words is: Ugly, off-key/tone-deaf, unpleasant/annoying (jerk), snob.

The author of the article says: "Of course the image of this article is a provocation on the fact that there are so many ways to express that we don't like someone ... physically, temperamentally ... the word faggot in a civilized society should not be among those, however."

He says that he doesn't want to pretend that this word is used just by a few morons like who "decorated" the poster. With regard to discrimination based upon one’s sexual orientation our country still has a lot of problems. The laws are missing, those that protect from violence and discrimination, and those that grant rights to the point that we were also recently rebuked by the European Union. But unfortunately, the biggest problem of our country is cultural. Because the offense most used among young people nowadays is  "s**tty fag", and unfortunately, that word is used as the worst insult be addressed to any guy . It doesn't exist worst insult for most of them.

"Meanwhile (while many pretend not to notice what's happening) young boys take their own lives, are insulted and beaten for their sexual orientation (real or perceived), while older people are living a secret life unable to escape the prejudice, fear and shame that our society has implanted in us like a microchip."

"So "Break the silence" is necessary because we live in a country where if you see a poster of a singer, in this case Mika, you don’t draw mustache on it/him, you don’t do the horns on his head ... no, you write over it/him Frocio/Fag."






Vanity Fair


Mika insultato su un cartellone, lui risponde su Twitter

















Il Giornale




La Presse




Il Messaggero




Huffington Post




AGI (Agenzia Giornalistica Italia)








La Nazione










RTL 102.5 by Andrea Conti




Sorrisi E Canzoni




Il Mattino




TGCom 24




Firenze Post




La Prima Pagina




Nove da Firenze




Giornale di Sicilia




Yahoo Notizie




MTV Italia






Quotidiano Net

(they mentioned the discussion about Boschi - Gasparri)










interview to the photographer who took the pic of the posters and first posted it on instagram



IL Resto Del Carlino

thank you Sarina





thanks Sarina










Edited by Lucrezia
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RELEVANT TWEETS  (don't mind my graphics....it's quite 'creative')
Also the deputee who wrote the law who waits to be approved by commission and Parliament, the so called 'decreto Cirinnà' !!
Monica Cirinnà ‏@MonicaCirinna 
Solidarietà a @mikasounds dalla festa de l'unità' di Follonica #rompiamoilsilenzio
a minister of our government has bought tickets for Firenze gig and supports the campaign!
maria elena boschi ‏@meb  
A Firenze il 30 settembre #rompiamoilsilenzio con la musica di @mikasounds !!
Agenzia ANSA ‏@Agenzia_Ansa  9 ago     
(Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) is the leading wire service in Italy, and one of the leaders among world news agencies)
#Mika e la scritta omofoba a Firenze, #rompiamoilsilezio diventa virale http://ow.ly/QFUWJ
Rete Lenford ‏@ReteLenford  9 ago     ( Legal Advisory Service for LGBTI rights)
Abbiamo bisogno di una buona legge per contrastare l'omofobia! #rompiamoilsilenzio @mikasounds
Barley Arts‏@barleyofficial (International live promoters - Mika promoters in Italy)
La scritta omofoba sul manifesto di Mika di chi non accetta il mondo che cambia http://fb.me/25Bd29NhF 
Giulio Mazzoleni ‏@GiulioMazzoleni  8 ago ( Mika Italian manager)
Intollerabile che certe cose accadano. A chiunque, star o persone non famose. Io non resterò in silenzio. Vergogna
UniversalMusicItalia ‏@umitalia  9 agoBrindisi, Puglia
Anche noi siamo dalla parte di @mikasounds e di tutte le persone vittime di omofobia. #RompiamoIlSilenzio #lamorefaquelchevuole


@RudyZerbi (Record Producer for SONY, TV and Radio host)
Su Twitter passiamo la giornata a scrivere cazzate. Fuori, purtroppo, c'è qualche coglione che ci supera alla grande.


ValentinoVerified account‏@MaisonValentino
The great musician and artist Mika ! we love and support you always!! Image via @mikainsta… http://ift.tt/1IMRCHV 

ivan cotroneo @ivancotroneo1 (writer, scriptwriter, film director)
@mikasounds #rompiamoilsilenzio sei un grande




ARCIGAYItaly's first and largest national gay organization:
Arcigay Genova ‏@ArcigayApprodo 
1) La commovente lettera di @mikasounds dopo gli insulti omofobi che ha subito http://buff.ly/1IKb5Jt 
2) Un abbraccio a @mikasounds che ha dato un fortissimo esempio di civiltà di fronte a #omofobia
3) #RompiamoIlSilenzio #StopOmofobia #LoveIsLove https://twitter.com/ArcigayApprodo/status/630641045697622016/photo/1
Arcigay Palermo ‏@arcigaypalermo 
1) Omofobi: sguazzano tra insulti e bugie, è il loro habitat naturale #RompiamoIlSilenzio #StopOmofobia
2) Solidarietà a @mikasounds. Insieme contro un'#omofobia sempre più violenta e aggressiva. #RompiamoIlSilenzio
Le parole di Ivan Cotroneo sulle scritte omofobe contro MIKA #rompiamoilsilenzio http://fb.me/28M1bAHqo 
#rompiamoilsilenzio: la risposta di @mikasounds all'omofobia fiorentina http://www.gay.it/news/risposta-Mika-frocio-manifesti-omofobia … via @gayit http://www.gay.it/news/risposta-Mika-frocio-manifesti-omofobia
Arcigay Verona‏@pianetaurano
Mika: «Se non avessi reagito agli insulti avrei tradito il 13enne che sono stato» | Lettera di Mika sul Corriere http://ow.ly/QNFLE 
Arcigay Vicenza‏@ArcigayVicenza
1) "Non ho paura di chi discrimina, l'amore fa quel che vuole" http://fb.me/40ZaTMVHD  http://www.huffingtonpost.it/2015/08/09/scritta-omofoba-mika_n_7961432.html?ncid=fcbklnkithpmg00000001
 2) Someone called Mika a ‘faggot’ – his response was amazing http://fb.me/48Ml5dglz     http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2015/08/10/someone-called-mika-a-faggot-his-response-was-amazing/?utm_source=PNFB&utm_medium=socialFB&utm_campaign=PNFacebook
3) Mika: «Se non avessi reagito agli insulti avrei tradito il 13enne che sono stato» http://fb.me/1o8SB2g0w 
luciano Fontana   (Director of the newspaper 'Il Corriere della Sera)
Non è più tempo per l'intolleranza #lamorefaquelchevuole | @mikasounds @ivancotroneo1 @la27ora http://27esimaora.corriere.it/articolo/la-scritta-omofoba-sul-manifesto-di-mika-di-chi-non-accetta-il-mondo-che-cambia/ …     https://twitter.com/lucfontana/status/630430956248301568/photo/1

‏@Daniele_Manca    (Vice director of the newspaper 'Il Corriere della Sera")
La scritta omofoba sul manifesto di Mika di chi non accetta il mondo che cambia, @ivancotroneo1 su @La27ora http://27esimaora.corriere.it/articolo/la-scritta-omofoba-sul-manifesto-di-mika-di-chi-non-accetta-il-mondo-che-cambia/ …
barbara stefanelli ‏@bastefanelli  8 ago (Vice director Corriere della Sera)
La scritta omofoba sui manifesti di @mikasounds è il gesto di chi resiste a mondi migliori. Ma #lecosecambiano e noi qui #rompiamoilsilenzio
Vanity Fair Italia ‏@VanityFairIt  9 ago
Mika insultato su un cartellone, lui risponde su Twitter: «#RompiamoIlSilenzio. L'amore fa quello che vuole» http://ow.ly/QFvpA 
Attitude ‏@AttitudeMag[/size] 
.@mikasounds speaks out after tour posters are defaced with gay slurs in Italy: http://attitude.co.uk/mika-hits-back-after-posters-defaced-with-gay-slurs/ 

@andreascrosati  (Vice President SKY Italia)
1) #RompiamoIlSilenzio ogni giorno,in ogni cosa che facciamo.battiamo ignoranza e violenza con fantasia, cultura, rispetto. @mikasounds
2) Stasera su @SkyUno concerto @mikasounds 'live at olympia',domani su @SkyArteHD 'mika at parc de princes',per ribadire #RompiamoIlSilenzio

X FACTOR ‏@XFactor_Italia  9 ago
#XF9 è contro ogni discriminazione. Solidarietà a @mikasounds​ e a tutte le vittime di bullismo. #rompiamoilsilenzio http://bit.ly/1HyQWnQ 

1) Anche noi #rompiamoilsilenzio. E stiamo con @mikasounds e dalla parte della tolleranza. http://su.mtv.it/1J91e5p 
2) .@mikasounds: “Se avessi ignorato gli insulti, avrei tradito il ragazzino che sono stato” #RompiamoIlSilenzio http://su.mtv.it/1IYKhnT 

Rai Radio1 ‏@Radio1Rai  9 ago
Anche per noi @mikasounds è un bel problema: ci piace più come artista o come persona? #RompiamoIlSilenzio

alessandro cattelan ‏@alecattelan  9 ago (Radio and TV host)
#lamorefaquelchevuole mi sembra un concetto molto intelligente e onesto, da una persona intelligente e onesta come @mikasounds
Diego Passoni ‏@Diegopassoni[/size]  9 ago  (TV + Radio host  and dancer)
Riccione, Emilia Romagna
come sempre trattasi di conigli senza coglioni, che non fanno paura a nessuno #RompiamoIlSilenzio @mikasounds


  lucilla agosti ‏@lucillaagosti  9 ago     ( Italian radio and television presenter and actress.)

 Liberi. Di un amore libero.Un pensiero libero.Una vita libera.Non toglieteci la Nostra Libertà. #rompiamoilsilenzio


Barbara d'Urso (Italian TV host and actress)
Quanto è triste la vita di chi prova invidia per la felicità e l'AMORE altrui... #RompiamoIlSilenzio #stopomofobia  https://twitter.com/carmelitadurso/status/630696148467085312/photo/1
Fabrizio Frizzi ‏@FabrizFrizzi  9 ago (TV host)
Non c' è bisogno di molte parole: vicinanza, solidarietà, abbraccio @mikasounds #lamorefaquelchevuole #rompiamoilsilenzio

Paola Turci ‏@paolaturci  9 ago
quando qualcuno è ignorante limitato povero d'animo arrabbiato frustrato se la deve sempre prendere con qualcun altro. #RompiamoIlSilenzio
Spritz for Five ‏@SpritzforFive  9 ago
Noi siamo con il nostro giudice @mikasounds e con tutte quelle persone che fanno del rispetto un grande valore. #RompiamoIlSilenzio
Mario Garrucciu ‏@MarioGarrucciu  9 ago Olbia, Sardegna
Sono sconcertato dalla pochezza di certe persone@mikamusic_it @mikasounds #rompiamoilsilenzio #lamorefaquelchevuole
Eugenio Finardi ‏@EugenioFinardi  9 agoCastellana Grotte, Puglia
Io sto con #Mika @mikasounds
La parola 'frocio' ha avuto talmente tanti significati nel corso della storia che è ormai irrilevante. Don't take it serious @mikasounds
Fedez ‏@Fedez  9 ago
Si scrive omofobia, si legge ottusità Ti sono vicino amico @mikasounds #RompiamoIlSilenzio
Michele Bravi ‏@michele_bravi  9 ago
L'amore è un problema quando se ne parla come fosse un problema. Amare, sempre. Lasciare amare, sempre. @mikasounds #RompiamoIlSilenzio
Elisa ‏@elisatoffoli  9 ago
Elisa ha ritwittato MIKA official
Grande Mika,avanti così,a tutta forza.#RompiamoIlSilenzio
Eros Ramazzotti ‏@RamazzottiEros  9 ago
#Repost @mikasounds with repostapp. ・・・ Avete ragione #RompiamoIlSilenzio ancora nel 2015…
Tiziano Ferro Team ‏@tznferronews  9 ago
NO alle discriminazioni! La nostra solidarietà e vicinanza a @mikasounds e a tutte le vittime di omofobia. #RompiamoIlSilenzio
SHALPY-SCIALPI Fans‏@scialpifans
Piena solidarietà @mikasounds uniti nella stessa battaglia #RompiamoIlSilenzio perchè #lamorefaquelchevuole #Scialpi https://twitter.com/scialpifans/status/630333954818752512/photo/1
@mikasounds a volte l'ignoranza fa dire alla gente cose stupide,ma le parole hanno un peso #RompiamoIlSilenzio  https://twitter.com/fragolaofficial/status/630368853307060224/photo/1
Anche io con @mikasounds #RompiamoIlSilenzio #LAmoreFaQuelCheVuole  https://twitter.com/giov_caccamo/status/630372712851054592/photo/1



Ohi ohi cosa mi tocca vedere ancora nel 2015..siamo messi malissimo.. #RompiamoIlSilenzio Un abbraccio a @mikasounds  https://twitter.com/AntonioMaggios/status/630412125849190400/photo/1
Edited by mari62
adding + organizing tweets
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Here I am!

I'd love to take care of RELEVANT FACEBOOK POSTS





PART ONE (limit pics exceeded :)) 



Paolo Ruffini FB



Paolo Ruffini is an actor and a tv host of a quite famous comic show in Italy.

Born in Livorno, Tuscany, in 1978.









And this is the video he published on his FB diary on Sunday, I'll try to post a translation asap.

With this comment on it:












The video has so far 199 sharings.





Mara Maionchi FB



Music productor, former judge in the first four editions of the talent show, now host of Xtra Factor of the last edition and next one.

Born in Bologna, 1941.


She shared the post of Faremusic.it




The link has so far 199 sharings.









It's the FB of Mazzoleni & co. consulting company


This is the first post after the first wave of the campaign (I swore that I would have never published this rubbish, but I'm just a reporter now...):









And the second one, after the intervention of a fan from Florence, Federica, who went there and added our hashtag to the poster.






















MTV Italia FB











Avvocatura per i Diritti LGBT - Rete Lenford FB




It's the FB page of a ONG in Italy dealing with LGBT rights




















Likes 917


Students' Association promoting participation and visibility of LGBT rights.

Affiliated to Arcigay, another association very active in Italy.











Official Portal of Fondazione Toscana, a project sponsored by Regione Toscana.















Entertainment Gossip Magazine




























Web News Portal

























TV Programme dealing with Celebrity News






Edited by Valmont69
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I think I'll take care of TV News and maybe Instagram if timing will be my fella  :wink2:


Here's the 1st 2 links of video i and some others found, they're both tv news services one from Rai3 national tv and Sky:


http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-bd1e4853-d930-4fb1-81ef-9d756bb37ca2.html here's the Rai3 full Tv news around 30 min Mika's part is by the end here's a link with just Mika's part from Facebook page No Omofobia https://www.facebook.com/omofobiastop.it/videos/567408016731353/?pnref=story




Here's another one from Rai News national TV (Thanks Marina):




Here's another nice vid from Nanopress and Zoomin.tv showing tweets and famous people along with average people speaking against omophobia   :yes: (Thanks Marina):




Here's another one from Studio Aperto another TV news on national italian TV, Mika is on the min 27 (Thanks Marina):





Here's another one from Ansa.it :




Here's another one from TG1 most important tv news on national italian TV, Mika at min 9.24  (Thanks Sarina&Lucrezia):




Here's another one from SKY TG24 another TV News service from Sky (Thanks Marina):




And here's a video that puts together pretty much all what appeared on italian TV till now! (Thanks DerMoment1608) Enjoy:



Here's a new one from TG La7 another TV News on national italian TV:






For Instagram posts


Of course 1st of all the post from the boss  ;) https://instagram.com/p/6Ix9OOziBq/?taken-by=mikainstagram




Here's a few links of Instagram posts from Mika colleagues from X Factor Italia:










Here's the post from the fan who put a poster with the hashtags on that vandalized Mika's banner:




These are from France:










These show the hashtags overlay on tv when sky transmitted Mika's gig at Parc de Princes the other night:








and a few others i liked to share  :) :








Here's the Instagram post from Maison Valentino



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I translated Mika's three new twits into English and French  , I hope this is accurate:


La partecipazione e il pubblico sostegno contro la calunnia omofobica che ho denunciato mi hanno commosso per l'intensità inimmaginabile
...Sono testimonianza del diffuso desiderio di cambiamento e progresso. Tutto ciò va ben oltre me e la mia faccia imbrattata su un poster,
Riguarda tutti. Voltarsi dall'altra parte é un lusso, c'é chi non puó sfuggire all'intolleranza. Sono colpito e ispirato da questi eventi.
Participation and public support against homophobic slander that I reported I was touched by the  unimaginable intensity
... They are testimony to the widespread desire for change and progress. All this goes beyond me and my face smeared on a poster,
It concerns everyone. Look the other way is a luxury, there are those who can not escape intolerance. I am impressed and inspired by those events.
L'engagement et le soutien du public contre la calomnie homophobe dont j'ai parlé m'a beaucoup touché par son inimaginable intensité.
...Ce sont des témoignages du désir d'un nombre immense de personnes pour le changement et le progrès. Cela dépasse ma personne et mon visage gribouillé sur une affiche.
Cela concerne tout le monde. Le regarder autrement c'est un luxe, certains ne peuvent pas échapper à l'intolérance. Je suis impressionné et inspiré par ces événements. 
Remove my post if necessary, thanks a lot for opening this thread and I'd like to collect French press articles about it. 
Edited by crazyaboutmika
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Thank you girls! Most categories are assigned and now the timeline is perfect to see  :naughty:  yes, It was a vicious wish of mine to have a nice panorama when opening the thread  :naughty:


Is anyone out there who wants to gather links about FOREIGN PRESS?  :wink2:

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Thank you girls! Most categories are assigned and now the timeline is perfect to see  :naughty:  yes, It was a vicious wish of mine to have a nice panorama when opening the thread  :naughty:


Is anyone out there who wants to gather links about FOREIGN PRESS?  :wink2:

French one for me 


There are manyarticles , basically all saying the same, telling about the poster and saying that Mika reacted fiercely and all reactions being positive, either in normal press or tabloids, two online surveys also asking readers their opinion on Mika's reaction: links listed here:


French Online press 
French "paper" newspapers and mags
Belgium  newspaper
Belgium tabloids
French TV program 
French magazine
French radios:
Virgin Radio
French TV:
French online tabloids
Swiss newspaper today:
In a newspaper for French expats in Italy today
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Thanks for translation! :),
i just looked at his twitter and i saw his main picture...wow, he is just unbelievable! :), most of the people try to forget these things...but he showing it and try to change it to something so good :), sometimes i´am shamed of being human...but this is the moment when i´am so deam proud!! :)

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I think this is important for all the world, because you can't just change the whole world at once, it needs to be country by country, and with the help of all the people. I greatly support it not only because of Mika (though, in fact, I joined the hashtag only after Mika's tweets), but also for another people, and if it sounds too epic and highbrow - also because no-one knows what will happen in future with our family members and our friends (and we have to fight for people's rights not waiting). That's why I strongly disagree with people who says that it's not our business as long as Mika tweeted in Italiano. I don't think he could imagine the massiveness of how it spread, and anyway I read and translate all of his tweets, because I enjoy his XF and train my Italian. 

Edited by Dreamy_Queen
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That's why I strongly disagree with people who says that it's not our business as long as Mika tweeted in Italiano.


No one said that, but whatever.


Thanks for the very clear and passionate explanation Robi. You know from our chats I was very resistant to this (and still don't agree with people spreading this pic around in the first place) but you have convinced me the hashtag campaign was worth the risk and I hope it helps propel things forward legally in Italy. Mika has also made a very convincing point in this "Turn one's back is a luxury, there are people who cannot escape from intolerance."

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so far that's the only one I found but I will look again

 I added two more in your posts that I stumbled upon on twitter, if you don't mind! I know that if I do it immediately, I'm bound to forget later ;-)

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No one said that, but whatever.


Thanks for the very clear and passionate explanation Robi. You know from our chats I was very resistant to this (and still don't agree with people spreading this pic around in the first place) but you have convinced me the hashtag campaign was worth the risk and I hope it helps propel things forward legally in Italy. Mika has also made a very convincing point in this "Turn one's back is a luxury, there are people who cannot escape from intolerance."

big fat thanks, I promise I will fight besides you if he decides to support a campaign against illegal moose shooting in Canada  :yes:

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Thank you Robertina  it's amazing  how many people stand up for the cause. 

We're all in and keep on fighting for what is right.

:mika1:  (I can't find any little mouse but..you know what I mean)

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Yes, we have to stand up worldwide and it was great to see how many people do :thumb_yello: I'm disapointed of the media in my country. They call themself tolerant but they are not, they did not mention this campaign and ignoring open gay people like Mika is in my eyes also a kind of discrimination :(

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