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[The Voice] season-5, France - 2016


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Thanks a million for this link!

That was exactly what I was looking for, for a long time!

To watch different channels in different languages! And this is without any complications and loading problems!!



But I don't see her some Spanish and Italian speaking channels..

Do you have some link for this also?  Would be just Heaven!

Edited by Gavkhar
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The Voice : Tremblez, Garou is back !


New video: Garou is Back ! 



Tremblez mesdames et messieurs, Garou Vador is back et il compte bien faire forte impression ! Enfin, il compte bien mais en attendant, Mika n’a pas l’air de trembler de peur. Allez Garou, essaye encore ! Pour la suite des interviews croisées entre coach, Zazie lance un véritable appel à une battle de danse à Florent Pagny qui part déjà défaitiste… Mais qui a toujours la langue bien acérée ! Le rythme ne faiblit pas, et ça balance entre les coachs. Ça promet pour les auditions à l’aveugle, qui risquent bien d’être musclées… Et drôles !



2016.01.11 Garou is back !





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Lisez les interviews de Zazie, Florent Pagny, Mika et Garou !


En attendant le retour du télécrochet The Voice le samedi 30 janvier à 20h55 sur TF1 :
LDpeople.com vous propose de découvrir ci-dessous et de partager les interviews de Zazie, Florent Pagny, Mika et Garou !

Les 4 coachs de The Voice 5 parle de leur expérience dans l’émission de TF1, des talents mais pas que…
Lisez ci-dessous avec LDpeople.com :


Zazie : “ J’ai composé  une équipe très solaire…”
Après une première participation marquée par la victoire de son talent, Lilian Renaud, Zazie, qui vient de sortir un nouvel album, rempile pour tenter de dénicher, à nouveau, la plus belle voix de l’année.

Comment avez-vous vécu votre première participation à «The Voice» ?
L’expérience a été très enthousiasmante et m’a convaincue de repartir pour un tour ! Au début, j’avais  vraiment le trac, je n’avais jamais participé à un concours télévisé. J’étais également facilement bouleversée lorsqu’un talent n’était pas retenu. Mais, au fur et à mesure de l’aventure, je me suis détendue et j’ai pris mes marques.

Vous sembliez très connectée avec Lilian. Avez-vous peur de ne pas retrouver un tel lien cette année ?
Ce lien avec Lilian était particulier parce que, tout comme moi, il ne connaissait pas du tout l’univers dans lequel il mettait les pieds. De fait, j’ai éprouvé beaucoup d’empathie pour lui, quitte à perdre un peu de distance. C’est certainement mon côté maternel qui a pris le dessus. Cette année, rien ne m’empêche de nouer d’autres formes de liens mais ils seront nécessairement différents.

Vous êtes désormais la seule touche féminine parmi les coachs. Comment le vivez-vous ?
J’envisage de mettre plus de robes ! Merci Jenifer !  Plus sérieusement, j’ai la chance d’être entourée de trois garçons, plutôt sensibles, qui ne me font pas constamment  sentir  que  je  suis  la  seule  fille.  Je  vais  quand même peut-être faire porter un kilt à Garou !

« Je ne cherche pas le talent qui me fasse pas penser à un énième ersatz du dernier chanteur à la mode ». 

On vous a sentie très touchée par certaines prestations lors des auditions à l’aveugle. Que recherchez-vous chez un talent ?
De la singularité ! Une personne qui ne me fasse pas penser à un énième ersatz du dernier chanteur à la mode. Disons que je suis à la recherche d’une signature vocale : quelqu’un qui ait une vraie présence vocale et sache faire passer de l’émotion. Si je ne sens pas l’âme de la personne – qu’elle soit triste ou joyeuse – ça ne m’intéresse pas. D’ailleurs, j’ai composé une équipe de talents extrêmement solaires cette année…
Vous ne cachez pas votre sensibilité. Qu’est-ce qui importe le plus selon vous, la voix ou l’émotion ?
La voix, c’est la corde sensible, mais je veux entendre de l’émotion ! Pour moi, l’un ne va pas sans l’autre. Une très bonne technique, sans âme derrière, ne sert à rien du tout.

EN 1 MOT :
Florent Pagny : Grand homme
Mika : Farfadet
Garou : Tendre.


Florent Pagny : “J’ai envie de m’amuser”
Premier vainqueur de The Voice il y a 5 ans avec  Stephan Rizon, Florent Pagny est désormais le seul coach à avoir participé à toutes les saisons. A ce titre, il porte un regard averti sur ce concours de talents pas comme les autres. Il commence cette nouvelle édition avec autant de sérénité que de détermination.

Vous êtes désormais le seul coach à avoir fait toutes les saisons de «The Voice». Les talents parviennent-ils encore à vous surprendre ?
Evidemment, sinon je ne resterais pas ! Je suis surpris, année après année, de trouver autant de talents qui chantent si bien. De toute façon, même s’il y a des «familles», chaque voix est différente, au même titre qu’une empreinte digitale. Par sa personnalité, chacun crée quelque chose de différent et d’unique. Il s’agit donc pour nous d’une découverte permanente ! Et je suis toujours aussi amusé de découvrir en retournant mon fauteuil la personne que je viens d’entendre.

« Dans The Voice, je me laisse de plus en plus porter, tout en restant très concentré ».

Vos attentes ont-elles changé avec le temps ?
En fait, je n’ai pas d’attente particulière. Au contraire, je me laisse de plus en plus porter, tout en restant très concentré. Mais avec les années, j’ai appris à ne pas me cantonner dans mes affinités. La première fois, j’ai uniquement sélectionné des voix qui se rapprochaient de mon univers : de grandes voix, dans la puissance. Avec le temps, on s’aperçoit que certains talents font des parcours très intéressants avec d’autres propositions que la puissance. Ce constat m’a fait évoluer. Et puis, je ne veux pas toujours me retrouver avec le même style de voix et vivre les mêmes aventures. J’ai aussi envie de m’amuser !

Avez-vous le sentiment que les talents aux voix puissantes continuent à venir dans votre équipe ?
Je crois que, malgré tout, nous restons tous plus ou moins liés à nos affinités. Si j’ai quelques voix différentes, mon équipe reste malgré tout composée à 60, voire 70 % de voix puissantes. Mais le hasard a sa place dans cette émission. Parfois, après avoir sélectionné un ou deux représentants d’un même registre, on ne peut pas en prendre un autre qui passe après eux et chante pourtant très bien. Il peut donc aller dans une autre équipe. On est aussi d’humeurs différentes selon les jours : dans un état d’esprit très joueur à un moment puis, le lendemain, en phase descendante et passer à côté d’un super talent… Enfin, en tant que coach, nous ne connaissons pas l’histoire du talent. Contrairement aux téléspectateurs, nous découvrons sa vie, son parcours et sa personnalité plus tard.

EN 1 MOT :
Zazie : Intelligence
Mika : Classe
Garou : Tendresse.
Je choisirais Garou, pour la puissance.


Garou : “Cette année, c’est moi qui ai couru derrière les talents !”
En pleine tournée de Forever Gentlemen celui qui a accompagné Yoann Fréget vers la victoire lors de la deuxième saison de l’émission fait son grand retour parmi les coachs de The Voice. Et, pour ce come-back, il espère bien mener l’un de ses talents sur la plus haute marche du podium.

Vous sembliez très à l’aise lors des auditions à l’aveugle. Êtes-vous parvenu à retrouver rapidement vos marques ?
Oui, mais j’ai constaté des évolutions. Par exemple, j’ai souvent eu le sentiment de «galérer» un peu plus pour convaincre les talents. C’est peut-être lié à mon absence l’an dernier et au fait qu’ils ne s’étaient pas préparés à me revoir cette année ! En définitive, j’ai couru derrière les talents un peu plus que je ne l’avais prévu, et ce n’est pas plus mal !

C’est la première fois que Zazie se retrouve à vos côtés parmi les coachs. Qu’est-ce que cela vous fait de la retrouver sur le plateau de «The Voice» ?
Beaucoup de bien ! Je l’ai un peu vue lors de la quatrième saison, elle était totalement fidèle à ce que je connais d’elle. C’est également ce que j’ai ressenti en la retrouvant à côté de moi cette année. J’ai retrouvé la chanteuse avec laquelle je me suis beaucoup amusé sur les Enfoirés. Nous partageons les mêmes réflexes et avons un rapport similaire à la musique.

« La première saison, j’étais à la recherche d’une voix puissante ».

Vos attentes envers les talents ont-elles changé depuis la troisième saison ?
Oui, la première saison, j’étais à la recherche d’une voix puissante. Cette année, une petite voix avec une couleur intéressante a toutes les chances de me charmer. De manière générale, lors de la première saison, nous étions tous plutôt portés sur la démonstration vocale et la recherche d’une vraie voix de compétition. Désormais, nous sommes d’avantage dans la proposition artistique. C’est la raison pour laquelle, cette année, à l’issue des auditions à l’aveugle, nous nous sommes tous retrouvés avec des équipes très éclectiques. La saison s’annonce très intéressante !

Des talents vous ont-ils scotché à votre siège ?
Oui, il y a même des talents impressionnants que je n’aurais jamais imaginé avoir dans mon équipe ! À mon avis, ils vont créer pas mal d’effervescence dans le show et les battles vont être constituées de duos plus improbables que jamais !

EN 1 MOT :
Zazie : Humour intellectuel
Florent Pagny : Inébranlable
Mika : Démonstratif

Je prendrais Florent Pagny pour sa franchise !




Mika :“Je cherche un talent capable de me transporter”
Pour sa première participation à The Voice, lors de la troisième saison, Mika avait fait sensation en étant le seul coach à se retourner sur la voix de Kendji Girac. Deux ans après la victoire de son illustre protégé, Mika se confi e sur son état d’esprit et ses attentes envers les talents.   

Que pensez-vous du retour de Garou parmi les coachs ?
C’était vraiment très intelligent de sa part de prendre une année de recul. Il est revenu avec une énergie fabuleuse : drôle, sincère et surtout très chaleureux. Je trouve même qu’il est encore plus doux qu’avant et je peux vous dire que les talents y sont sensibles !

« Typiquement, ce que je cherche, c’est un talent capable de me transporter au point de me faire oublier le studio, les caméras et le show »

Qu’est-ce qui vous pousse à vous retourner sur une voix ?
Quand une personne parvient à nous faire oublier qu’elle est en train de faire une performance. Typiquement, ce que je cherche, c’est un talent capable de me transporter au point de me faire oublier le studio, les caméras et le show. Le temps d’une chanson, les meilleurs talents parviennent à faire de l’émission une porte ouverte sur un spectacle profond et intime. Ce sont des moments très forts qui touchent à deux grands objectifs de la chanson : provoquer des émotions et raconter une histoire.

Sur l’ensemble de vos trois participations, quel est votre souvenir le plus marquant ?
La performance de Yann’Sine Jebli, lorsqu’il a interprété Comme toi de Jean-Jacques Goldman lors des épreuves ultimes l’an dernier. La simplicité de son message a libéré une émotion extrêmement forte sur le plateau. J’en garde le souvenir d’un moment précieux au cours duquel nous avions tous oublié que nous étions en train d’enregistrer une émission de télévision.

EN 1 MOT :
Garou : Brioche
Florent Pagny : Cacahouète
Zazie : Clafoutis

Je choisirais Florent Pagny. Il me laisserait faire ce que je veux !

Edited by Kumazzz
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REPORT THE VOICE JANUARY 12 2016 – Last recorded shows (feat. My birthday)


SO. Promises are made to be kept. Here is my little report from The Voice January 12, last show shot before the lives. I'm sorry in advance if I forgot loads of things but I had the craziest night and it made me forget a couple details.  :teehee:


My friend and I were placed in the bleachers opposite the other ones we were in last time which was still perfect because we had an amazing view of both the coaches and the candidates. As you may know, there is no song sang by the coaches in the beginning of those final challenges, so after the room driver told the audience how to behave, they directly announced the coaches. As usual, Mika was last to enter. His suit was different from the one he had for the battles, this one was beigeish with stuff on it (cant really remember what the designs were, but I think they were colorful and he wore it already in the past, in reminded me of something, anyways). Someone had also offered him a bouquet of flowers that the staff placed on his chair, he smiled and kept one flower with him that he threw at Nikos when he arrived which made Florent laugh and, from what I saw, he told Mika his throw was bad he attempted to show him how to throw a flower at someone with success. Mika tried to repeat the movements but he just looked awkward haha.


This time, nobody was sick – huh huh – and Mika was in a very good mood all along. For this show, the candidates were Zazie's and Florent's (I suddenly have a doubt ? Was it him ? Yes, yes it was) so Mika got to speak less that usual but when he did, it was always constructive – or funny. Indeed, The Voice wouldn't be The Voice without Mika fails. He didn't make too many french mistakes but one he did for example was « Je peux pas attendre à voir ta prestation » which is a litteral translation of « I can't wait to see your performance » except in french, it doesn't work haha.


The mood between the coaches and Nikos the presenter was amazing. Zazie and Garou kept laughing with each other and Nikos and Mika had that wonderful connexion they always have. For some reason, Nikos came up talking about gastroenteritis as in it's a disease spread in the coaches ? Private joke I guess, but it became very funny when Zazie suddenly quit her seat to do something backstage. Nikos and Mika kept laughing haha.


The candidates were as usual, all amazing and impressive. Three by three. One threesome was particulary incredible, Zazie got really emotional when she had to chose one but when she did, Garou buzzed. Short afterwards, Mika did too, they both wanted the same candidate, a certain MB14 who was equally weird and brilliant. He did his song by recording his own voice and sounds as he went and singing over what he just created live, brilliant. Without an hesitation, he chose Mika, which made Garou hallucinate haha. Mika was like « Ha ! You're actually mad at me ! ». For the next 10 minutes they kept « fighting » with each other. Garou was all « You just pressed the button and he immediately chose you like, what are you even gonna do with him ? » and Mika was like « I have no idea. ». Nikos asked him later on what Garou would have done with him but he just said « Honestly, no clue either. » haha.

Also, Mika mentionned « Police academy » (from what he said is or was a show?) when talking about this candidate because his « sound effects remind me of a guy from this show ».

Mika, making unknown references since 1983.


Okay so there is my moment. Once again, we were behind the candidates' families, which means the coaches kept looking at us all the time. Mika looked straight into my eyes three times, but during a break something odder happened. The candidate's family left (because they change during the break too) and I randomly met Mika's stare again. But like, for days it seemed. Zazie was talking to him and he just never left my eyes. It got a little uncomfortable (duh) so I looked at my friend next to me who looked frozen. She asked me ''what happened ?'' but like, chocked. And I was like 'What do you mean what happened ?' and, be prepared, there she goes 'Mika just pointed at you and all the coaches looked in your direction'. Imagine my cheeks guys. Hopefully the light was blue cause I probably turned bright red. When I slowly turned my head again, I saw Zazie looking at me two more times and smiled the last time. What-even-in-the-hell-did-I-do ?


ANYWAYS. After one candidate's performance, Florent asked what was the song because he didn't know it. The song was 'maman' by a french singer, Louane, who was on The Voice the previous years. Everyone kinda 'booed' him (even Nikos asked him if he was on 'a plane or something' when the song came out) but then Mika was like 'I didn't know it either'. Strangely, nobody seemed to care when it was him haha, only Nikos teased him nicely by saying he 'must have been in the same plane as Florent'.


Soon enough, it was the debriefing. Nikos asked the coaches what were their opinion on their candidates and if they already had an idea of who could be finalist in the list. Immediately, Mika said « YES. » but nobody else moved which made everyone laugh. « At least that's honest » said Nikos haha. But when Mika wasn't speaking, he was doing - well, weird stuff. Like looking at himself in the red buzzer and from all angles, 'cleaning' his armchairs and buzzer too, moving his legs around for no reason, literally disappearing in the chair because he let himself slip on it until his neck was almost reaching the middle of the chair haha. He almost completely ignored Nikos who was talking to him at one point because he was absorbed in his thoughts and when he came back to reality he kinda looked at him like « huh what ? ». But sometimes he would all of the sudden have an adrenaline rush and turn to the coach that was talking with great intensity. Weird Mika strikes again ♥


Then it was over, the coaches left pretty quickly and we went in the lockrooms to get our stuff back. This time, I was DETERMINED to see Mika afterwards and I had another motivation : I wanted him to sign both my CD and the one I received for my lovely Amye. So we waited outside in the freezing cold weather with horrible wind (seriously I would have killed for a fireplace and an igloo). Because there was no song sang by the coaches at the beginning and the debriefing was much shorter, the show finished earlier than usual, at midnight, meaning the coaches' vans weren't there yet. Garou's van arrived fairly quickly (and maybe Zazie left with him because we didn't see her ever afterwards). But Mika's van was nowhere to be found. After an hour, some people left which made us like 15 people still there, a much better number that rose our chances to see him up close. It's only after 1h30 hour that the van arrived. From outside we could see people put stuff in the trunk (I suspect his suits haha) and after another 30 minutes we saw people climbing in (his mum and him). The van stopped RIGHT in front of me (there only was two people in front of me) and his little head came out of the van. Most beautiful moment ever. He kept thanking us for being so supportive and for all the gifts (almost one by one) but also said we were insane to stay in the cold and the rain like that. His mum also said the "chocolate bottle" was in his bag and he went "oh it's in my bag I didn't open it yet but I will!" (yes a fan offered him a bottle of champagne or something but the bottle is made out of chocolate. Typical.) Then, he signed a couple stuff quickly and I was the last to get my autograph). As stupid as it sounds, feeling for real the weight of his fingers a few centimeters away from mine on the CD was a beautiful moment. I didn't feel crazy, I didn't feel like fainting or anything, it was all just heartwarming and put a giant smile on my face, that he gave back to me.


Then he said goodnight, and said this very intriguing sentence : « Now I have work to do ! ». Someone asked what, he smiled and said « loads of stuff ». I suspect the Wonderland show in Paris (which I'm going to, who's coming with me?)


I have a video of this meeting here


-> Right after he says « Géraldine » (who's his hairdresser who was stuck in a car behind his van) you can hear me laugh because that was my friend's name and she kinda looked at me like « da hell ? Did he just say my name ? ». He signed my CD right when he said « okay » at 1:49.  :biggrin2:


This guy is the most genuine, simple, sweet, adorable, caring and attentive guy ever and I mean it. It's not just us living in a dream through pictures, videos and words. He really is everything you'd think he is : a slithly crazy human being with a big heart and beautiful features (yeah, not forgetting that either, that guy is one meter and ninty-one centimeters of pure beauty haha). And what's fascinating is that in reality, you get to feel how much soul he has. It's pretty intense. He has this aura really, that's spreading joy. I couldn't stop smiling, but not just because I was happy to see him, he just really does inspire happiness, and that's also what's making him even more special.


Mika, thank you for being yourself, sincere, kind and elegant like you say all the time. And thank you guys for reading me, it's not perfect but I tried my best ♥.


PS: Here's the signed CD I got. Amye's one is safe and almost ready to be sent already. Amye, love you loads, I hope you like it. And I might have gotten more things for you in the end than expected. You'll see ♥  :hug:



and yes the card behind is what my best friend made for me for my birthday. Love her

Edited by AmyWings
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Thank you so much AmyWings :huglove: 

That report is so sweet :wub2: and I love the video too :wub2:

I should write mine too, because I was there on the previous Saturday , but I have been very busy since I came back... the recording went well, but in spite of the very bad weather, Mika stopped for a minute, but there was still a crowd around the car and I was unable to give him several messages I was supposed to... I'm glad it went well for you :hug:

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Thank you so much AmyWings :huglove:

That report is so sweet :wub2: and I love the video too :wub2:

I should write mine too, because I was there on the previous Saturday , but I have been very busy since I came back... the recording went well, but in spite of the very bad weather, Mika stopped for a minute, but there was still a crowd around the car and I was unable to give him several messages I was supposed to... I'm glad it went well for you :hug:

Welcome !  :hug:


Ah, that's a shame really! We were lucky in was just windy when he came out ! It started raining a little when we were waiting and I was like "Please God no" haha  :naughty:

Do write yours! I'm interested  :D

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Mika et les coachs de « The Voice » à la Une de « TV Grandes Chaînes » (from http://www.mikawebsite.com/  , http://www.mikawebsite.com/mika-et-les-coachs-de-the-voice-a-la-une-de-tv-grandes-chaines/ . There you can also download the 4 pages in PDF)


Mika e les coachs de << The Voice >> à la Une de << TV Grandes Chaînes >> n°308 du lundi 11 janvier 2016











Thanks a lot to http://www.mikawebsite.com/! :)

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Okay so there is my moment. Once again, we were behind the candidates' families, which means the coaches kept looking at us all the time. Mika looked straight into my eyes three times, but during a break something odder happened. The candidate's family left (because they change during the break too) and I randomly met Mika's stare again. But like, for days it seemed. Zazie was talking to him and he just never left my eyes. It got a little uncomfortable (duh) so I looked at my friend next to me who looked frozen. She asked me ''what happened ?'' but like, chocked. And I was like 'What do you mean what happened ?' and, be prepared, there she goes 'Mika just pointed at you and all the coaches looked in your direction'. Imagine my cheeks guys. Hopefully the light was blue cause I probably turned bright red. When I slowly turned my head again, I saw Zazie looking at me two more times and smiled the last time. What-even-in-the-hell-did-I-do ?



well I guess he bet you would turn somewhere else under his staring and you really did then he made some jokes to others about how charming he really :naughty: is

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REPORT THE VOICE JANUARY 12 2016 – Last recorded shows (feat. My birthday)


SO. Promises are made to be kept. Here is my little report from The Voice January 12, last show shot before the lives. I'm sorry in advance if I forgot loads of things but I had the craziest night and it made me forget a couple details.  :teehee:


My friend and I were placed in the bleachers opposite the other ones we were in last time which was still perfect because we had an amazing view of both the coaches and the candidates. As you may know, there is no song sang by the coaches in the beginning of those final challenges, so after the room driver told the audience how to behave, they directly announced the coaches. As usual, Mika was last to enter. His suit was different from the one he had for the battles, this one was beigeish with stuff on it (cant really remember what the designs were, but I think they were colorful and he wore it already in the past, in reminded me of something, anyways). Someone had also offered him a bouquet of flowers that the staff placed on his chair, he smiled and kept one flower with him that he threw at Nikos when he arrived which made Florent laugh and, from what I saw, he told Mika his throw was bad he attempted to show him how to throw a flower at someone with success. Mika tried to repeat the movements but he just looked awkward haha.


This time, nobody was sick – huh huh – and Mika was in a very good mood all along. For this show, the candidates were Zazie's and Florent's (I suddenly have a doubt ? Was it him ? Yes, yes it was) so Mika got to speak less that usual but when he did, it was always constructive – or funny. Indeed, The Voice wouldn't be The Voice without Mika fails. He didn't make too many french mistakes but one he did for example was « Je peux pas attendre à voir ta prestation » which is a litteral translation of « I can't wait to see your performance » except in french, it doesn't work haha.


The mood between the coaches and Nikos the presenter was amazing. Zazie and Garou kept laughing with each other and Nikos and Mika had that wonderful connexion they always have. For some reason, Nikos came up talking about gastroenteritis as in it's a disease spread in the coaches ? Private joke I guess, but it became very funny when Zazie suddenly quit her seat to do something backstage. Nikos and Mika kept laughing haha.


The candidates were as usual, all amazing and impressive. Three by three. One threesome was particulary incredible, Zazie got really emotional when she had to chose one but when she did, Garou buzzed. Short afterwards, Mika did too, they both wanted the same candidate, a certain MB14 who was equally weird and brilliant. He did his song by recording his own voice and sounds as he went and singing over what he just created live, brilliant. Without an hesitation, he chose Mika, which made Garou hallucinate haha. Mika was like « Ha ! You're actually mad at me ! ». For the next 10 minutes they kept « fighting » with each other. Garou was all « You just pressed the button and he immediately chose you like, what are you even gonna do with him ? » and Mika was like « I have no idea. ». Nikos asked him later on what Garou would have done with him but he just said « Honestly, no clue either. » haha.

Also, Mika mentionned « Police academy » (from what he said is or was a show?) when talking about this candidate because his « sound effects remind me of a guy from this show ».

Mika, making unknown references since 1983.


Okay so there is my moment. Once again, we were behind the candidates' families, which means the coaches kept looking at us all the time. Mika looked straight into my eyes three times, but during a break something odder happened. The candidate's family left (because they change during the break too) and I randomly met Mika's stare again. But like, for days it seemed. Zazie was talking to him and he just never left my eyes. It got a little uncomfortable (duh) so I looked at my friend next to me who looked frozen. She asked me ''what happened ?'' but like, chocked. And I was like 'What do you mean what happened ?' and, be prepared, there she goes 'Mika just pointed at you and all the coaches looked in your direction'. Imagine my cheeks guys. Hopefully the light was blue cause I probably turned bright red. When I slowly turned my head again, I saw Zazie looking at me two more times and smiled the last time. What-even-in-the-hell-did-I-do ?


ANYWAYS. After one candidate's performance, Florent asked what was the song because he didn't know it. The song was 'maman' by a french singer, Louane, who was on The Voice the previous years. Everyone kinda 'booed' him (even Nikos asked him if he was on 'a plane or something' when the song came out) but then Mika was like 'I didn't know it either'. Strangely, nobody seemed to care when it was him haha, only Nikos teased him nicely by saying he 'must have been in the same plane as Florent'.


Soon enough, it was the debriefing. Nikos asked the coaches what were their opinion on their candidates and if they already had an idea of who could be finalist in the list. Immediately, Mika said « YES. » but nobody else moved which made everyone laugh. « At least that's honest » said Nikos haha. But when Mika wasn't speaking, he was doing - well, weird stuff. Like looking at himself in the red buzzer and from all angles, 'cleaning' his armchairs and buzzer too, moving his legs around for no reason, literally disappearing in the chair because he let himself slip on it until his neck was almost reaching the middle of the chair haha. He almost completely ignored Nikos who was talking to him at one point because he was absorbed in his thoughts and when he came back to reality he kinda looked at him like « huh what ? ». But sometimes he would all of the sudden have an adrenaline rush and turn to the coach that was talking with great intensity. Weird Mika strikes again ♥


Then it was over, the coaches left pretty quickly and we went in the lockrooms to get our stuff back. This time, I was DETERMINED to see Mika afterwards and I had another motivation : I wanted him to sign both my CD and the one I received for my lovely Amye. So we waited outside in the freezing cold weather with horrible wind (seriously I would have killed for a fireplace and an igloo). Because there was no song sang by the coaches at the beginning and the debriefing was much shorter, the show finished earlier than usual, at midnight, meaning the coaches' vans weren't there yet. Garou's van arrived fairly quickly (and maybe Zazie left with him because we didn't see her ever afterwards). But Mika's van was nowhere to be found. After an hour, some people left which made us like 15 people still there, a much better number that rose our chances to see him up close. It's only after 1h30 hour that the van arrived. From outside we could see people put stuff in the trunk (I suspect his suits haha) and after another 30 minutes we saw people climbing in (his mum and him). The van stopped RIGHT in front of me (there only was two people in front of me) and his little head came out of the van. Most beautiful moment ever. He kept thanking us for being so supportive and for all the gifts (almost one by one) but also said we were insane to stay in the cold and the rain like that. His mum also said the "chocolate bottle" was in his bag and he went "oh it's in my bag I didn't open it yet but I will!" (yes a fan offered him a bottle of champagne or something but the bottle is made out of chocolate. Typical.) Then, he signed a couple stuff quickly and I was the last to get my autograph). As stupid as it sounds, feeling for real the weight of his fingers a few centimeters away from mine on the CD was a beautiful moment. I didn't feel crazy, I didn't feel like fainting or anything, it was all just heartwarming and put a giant smile on my face, that he gave back to me.


Then he said goodnight, and said this very intriguing sentence : « Now I have work to do ! ». Someone asked what, he smiled and said « loads of stuff ». I suspect the Wonderland show in Paris (which I'm going to, who's coming with me?)


I have a video of this meeting here


-> Right after he says « Géraldine » (who's his hairdresser who was stuck in a car behind his van) you can hear me laugh because that was my friend's name and she kinda looked at me like « da hell ? Did he just say my name ? ». He signed my CD right when he said « okay » at 1:49.  :biggrin2:


This guy is the most genuine, simple, sweet, adorable, caring and attentive guy ever and I mean it. It's not just us living in a dream through pictures, videos and words. He really is everything you'd think he is : a slithly crazy human being with a big heart and beautiful features (yeah, not forgetting that either, that guy is one meter and ninty-one centimeters of pure beauty haha). And what's fascinating is that in reality, you get to feel how much soul he has. It's pretty intense. He has this aura really, that's spreading joy. I couldn't stop smiling, but not just because I was happy to see him, he just really does inspire happiness, and that's also what's making him even more special.


Mika, thank you for being yourself, sincere, kind and elegant like you say all the time. And thank you guys for reading me, it's not perfect but I tried my best ♥.


PS: Here's the signed CD I got. Amye's one is safe and almost ready to be sent already. Amye, love you loads, I hope you like it. And I might have gotten more things for you in the end than expected. You'll see ♥  :hug:



and yes the card behind is what my best friend made for me for my birthday. Love her





*slaps herself in the face to stop from fainting... and/or dying* 

I am lost for words. Honoured that you mentioned me. I love you eternally, in the most deep and meaningful form of the phrase. You have touched my heart, and I will never forget this act of kindness, and I will TREASURE that CD for the rest of my life, you have no idea. 

HE STARED AT YOU THOUGH, HE LOCKED ONTO YOUR EYES, GAH!!! I wouldn't of been able to cope!!! I have a feeling that when he turned back to the judges after pointing, as a result of your sheer dazzling beauty and glowing personality, he said, "I'm not Gay/Bi/whatever he is anymore" cause let's be real... who could resist the one and only Hon... what a human  :naughty:  :thumb_yello:  :hug:  :yes:  :yeah:  :hi5:  :fangurl:  :mikalove:  :wub2:

PS... you got me MORE STUFF :o ?! I have literally looked forward to nothing more in my life :excite:, THANK YOU!!!

I love you <3

Edited by Amye the Mika Fan <3
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REPORT THE VOICE JANUARY 12 2016 – Last recorded shows (feat. My birthday)


SO. Promises are made to be kept. Here is my little report from The Voice January 12, last show shot before the lives. I'm sorry in advance if I forgot loads of things but I had the craziest night and it made me forget a couple details.  :teehee:


My friend and I were placed in the bleachers opposite the other ones we were in last time which was still perfect because we had an amazing view of both the coaches and the candidates. As you may know, there is no song sang by the coaches in the beginning of those final challenges, so after the room driver told the audience how to behave, they directly announced the coaches. As usual, Mika was last to enter. His suit was different from the one he had for the battles, this one was beigeish with stuff on it (cant really remember what the designs were, but I think they were colorful and he wore it already in the past, in reminded me of something, anyways). Someone had also offered him a bouquet of flowers that the staff placed on his chair, he smiled and kept one flower with him that he threw at Nikos when he arrived which made Florent laugh and, from what I saw, he told Mika his throw was bad he attempted to show him how to throw a flower at someone with success. Mika tried to repeat the movements but he just looked awkward haha.


This time, nobody was sick – huh huh – and Mika was in a very good mood all along. For this show, the candidates were Zazie's and Florent's (I suddenly have a doubt ? Was it him ? Yes, yes it was) so Mika got to speak less that usual but when he did, it was always constructive – or funny. Indeed, The Voice wouldn't be The Voice without Mika fails. He didn't make too many french mistakes but one he did for example was « Je peux pas attendre à voir ta prestation » which is a litteral translation of « I can't wait to see your performance » except in french, it doesn't work haha.


The mood between the coaches and Nikos the presenter was amazing. Zazie and Garou kept laughing with each other and Nikos and Mika had that wonderful connexion they always have. For some reason, Nikos came up talking about gastroenteritis as in it's a disease spread in the coaches ? Private joke I guess, but it became very funny when Zazie suddenly quit her seat to do something backstage. Nikos and Mika kept laughing haha.


The candidates were as usual, all amazing and impressive. Three by three. One threesome was particulary incredible, Zazie got really emotional when she had to chose one but when she did, Garou buzzed. Short afterwards, Mika did too, they both wanted the same candidate, a certain MB14 who was equally weird and brilliant. He did his song by recording his own voice and sounds as he went and singing over what he just created live, brilliant. Without an hesitation, he chose Mika, which made Garou hallucinate haha. Mika was like « Ha ! You're actually mad at me ! ». For the next 10 minutes they kept « fighting » with each other. Garou was all « You just pressed the button and he immediately chose you like, what are you even gonna do with him ? » and Mika was like « I have no idea. ». Nikos asked him later on what Garou would have done with him but he just said « Honestly, no clue either. » haha.

Also, Mika mentionned « Police academy » (from what he said is or was a show?) when talking about this candidate because his « sound effects remind me of a guy from this show ».

Mika, making unknown references since 1983.


Okay so there is my moment. Once again, we were behind the candidates' families, which means the coaches kept looking at us all the time. Mika looked straight into my eyes three times, but during a break something odder happened. The candidate's family left (because they change during the break too) and I randomly met Mika's stare again. But like, for days it seemed. Zazie was talking to him and he just never left my eyes. It got a little uncomfortable (duh) so I looked at my friend next to me who looked frozen. She asked me ''what happened ?'' but like, chocked. And I was like 'What do you mean what happened ?' and, be prepared, there she goes 'Mika just pointed at you and all the coaches looked in your direction'. Imagine my cheeks guys. Hopefully the light was blue cause I probably turned bright red. When I slowly turned my head again, I saw Zazie looking at me two more times and smiled the last time. What-even-in-the-hell-did-I-do ?


ANYWAYS. After one candidate's performance, Florent asked what was the song because he didn't know it. The song was 'maman' by a french singer, Louane, who was on The Voice the previous years. Everyone kinda 'booed' him (even Nikos asked him if he was on 'a plane or something' when the song came out) but then Mika was like 'I didn't know it either'. Strangely, nobody seemed to care when it was him haha, only Nikos teased him nicely by saying he 'must have been in the same plane as Florent'.


Soon enough, it was the debriefing. Nikos asked the coaches what were their opinion on their candidates and if they already had an idea of who could be finalist in the list. Immediately, Mika said « YES. » but nobody else moved which made everyone laugh. « At least that's honest » said Nikos haha. But when Mika wasn't speaking, he was doing - well, weird stuff. Like looking at himself in the red buzzer and from all angles, 'cleaning' his armchairs and buzzer too, moving his legs around for no reason, literally disappearing in the chair because he let himself slip on it until his neck was almost reaching the middle of the chair haha. He almost completely ignored Nikos who was talking to him at one point because he was absorbed in his thoughts and when he came back to reality he kinda looked at him like « huh what ? ». But sometimes he would all of the sudden have an adrenaline rush and turn to the coach that was talking with great intensity. Weird Mika strikes again ♥


Then it was over, the coaches left pretty quickly and we went in the lockrooms to get our stuff back. This time, I was DETERMINED to see Mika afterwards and I had another motivation : I wanted him to sign both my CD and the one I received for my lovely Amye. So we waited outside in the freezing cold weather with horrible wind (seriously I would have killed for a fireplace and an igloo). Because there was no song sang by the coaches at the beginning and the debriefing was much shorter, the show finished earlier than usual, at midnight, meaning the coaches' vans weren't there yet. Garou's van arrived fairly quickly (and maybe Zazie left with him because we didn't see her ever afterwards). But Mika's van was nowhere to be found. After an hour, some people left which made us like 15 people still there, a much better number that rose our chances to see him up close. It's only after 1h30 hour that the van arrived. From outside we could see people put stuff in the trunk (I suspect his suits haha) and after another 30 minutes we saw people climbing in (his mum and him). The van stopped RIGHT in front of me (there only was two people in front of me) and his little head came out of the van. Most beautiful moment ever. He kept thanking us for being so supportive and for all the gifts (almost one by one) but also said we were insane to stay in the cold and the rain like that. His mum also said the "chocolate bottle" was in his bag and he went "oh it's in my bag I didn't open it yet but I will!" (yes a fan offered him a bottle of champagne or something but the bottle is made out of chocolate. Typical.) Then, he signed a couple stuff quickly and I was the last to get my autograph). As stupid as it sounds, feeling for real the weight of his fingers a few centimeters away from mine on the CD was a beautiful moment. I didn't feel crazy, I didn't feel like fainting or anything, it was all just heartwarming and put a giant smile on my face, that he gave back to me.


Then he said goodnight, and said this very intriguing sentence : « Now I have work to do ! ». Someone asked what, he smiled and said « loads of stuff ». I suspect the Wonderland show in Paris (which I'm going to, who's coming with me?)


I have a video of this meeting here


-> Right after he says « Géraldine » (who's his hairdresser who was stuck in a car behind his van) you can hear me laugh because that was my friend's name and she kinda looked at me like « da hell ? Did he just say my name ? ». He signed my CD right when he said « okay » at 1:49.  :biggrin2:


This guy is the most genuine, simple, sweet, adorable, caring and attentive guy ever and I mean it. It's not just us living in a dream through pictures, videos and words. He really is everything you'd think he is : a slithly crazy human being with a big heart and beautiful features (yeah, not forgetting that either, that guy is one meter and ninty-one centimeters of pure beauty haha). And what's fascinating is that in reality, you get to feel how much soul he has. It's pretty intense. He has this aura really, that's spreading joy. I couldn't stop smiling, but not just because I was happy to see him, he just really does inspire happiness, and that's also what's making him even more special.


Mika, thank you for being yourself, sincere, kind and elegant like you say all the time. And thank you guys for reading me, it's not perfect but I tried my best ♥.


PS: Here's the signed CD I got. Amye's one is safe and almost ready to be sent already. Amye, love you loads, I hope you like it. And I might have gotten more things for you in the end than expected. You'll see ♥  :hug:



and yes the card behind is what my best friend made for me for my birthday. Love her


Oh, I love so much your sweet report! :wub: It really made me feel emotional... and I agree with every words you wrote about our special Mika :yes:

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REPORT THE VOICE JANUARY 12 2016 – Last recorded shows (feat. My birthday)


SO. Promises are made to be kept. Here is my little report from The Voice January 12, last show shot before the lives. I'm sorry in advance if I forgot loads of things but I had the craziest night and it made me forget a couple details.  :teehee:


My friend and I were placed in the bleachers opposite the other ones we were in last time which was still perfect because we had an amazing view of both the coaches and the candidates. As you may know, there is no song sang by the coaches in the beginning of those final challenges, so after the room driver told the audience how to behave, they directly announced the coaches. As usual, Mika was last to enter. His suit was different from the one he had for the battles, this one was beigeish with stuff on it (cant really remember what the designs were, but I think they were colorful and he wore it already in the past, in reminded me of something, anyways). Someone had also offered him a bouquet of flowers that the staff placed on his chair, he smiled and kept one flower with him that he threw at Nikos when he arrived which made Florent laugh and, from what I saw, he told Mika his throw was bad he attempted to show him how to throw a flower at someone with success. Mika tried to repeat the movements but he just looked awkward haha.


This time, nobody was sick – huh huh – and Mika was in a very good mood all along. For this show, the candidates were Zazie's and Florent's (I suddenly have a doubt ? Was it him ? Yes, yes it was) so Mika got to speak less that usual but when he did, it was always constructive – or funny. Indeed, The Voice wouldn't be The Voice without Mika fails. He didn't make too many french mistakes but one he did for example was « Je peux pas attendre à voir ta prestation » which is a litteral translation of « I can't wait to see your performance » except in french, it doesn't work haha.


The mood between the coaches and Nikos the presenter was amazing. Zazie and Garou kept laughing with each other and Nikos and Mika had that wonderful connexion they always have. For some reason, Nikos came up talking about gastroenteritis as in it's a disease spread in the coaches ? Private joke I guess, but it became very funny when Zazie suddenly quit her seat to do something backstage. Nikos and Mika kept laughing haha.


The candidates were as usual, all amazing and impressive. Three by three. One threesome was particulary incredible, Zazie got really emotional when she had to chose one but when she did, Garou buzzed. Short afterwards, Mika did too, they both wanted the same candidate, a certain MB14 who was equally weird and brilliant. He did his song by recording his own voice and sounds as he went and singing over what he just created live, brilliant. Without an hesitation, he chose Mika, which made Garou hallucinate haha. Mika was like « Ha ! You're actually mad at me ! ». For the next 10 minutes they kept « fighting » with each other. Garou was all « You just pressed the button and he immediately chose you like, what are you even gonna do with him ? » and Mika was like « I have no idea. ». Nikos asked him later on what Garou would have done with him but he just said « Honestly, no clue either. » haha.

Also, Mika mentionned « Police academy » (from what he said is or was a show?) when talking about this candidate because his « sound effects remind me of a guy from this show ».

Mika, making unknown references since 1983.


Okay so there is my moment. Once again, we were behind the candidates' families, which means the coaches kept looking at us all the time. Mika looked straight into my eyes three times, but during a break something odder happened. The candidate's family left (because they change during the break too) and I randomly met Mika's stare again. But like, for days it seemed. Zazie was talking to him and he just never left my eyes. It got a little uncomfortable (duh) so I looked at my friend next to me who looked frozen. She asked me ''what happened ?'' but like, chocked. And I was like 'What do you mean what happened ?' and, be prepared, there she goes 'Mika just pointed at you and all the coaches looked in your direction'. Imagine my cheeks guys. Hopefully the light was blue cause I probably turned bright red. When I slowly turned my head again, I saw Zazie looking at me two more times and smiled the last time. What-even-in-the-hell-did-I-do ?


ANYWAYS. After one candidate's performance, Florent asked what was the song because he didn't know it. The song was 'maman' by a french singer, Louane, who was on The Voice the previous years. Everyone kinda 'booed' him (even Nikos asked him if he was on 'a plane or something' when the song came out) but then Mika was like 'I didn't know it either'. Strangely, nobody seemed to care when it was him haha, only Nikos teased him nicely by saying he 'must have been in the same plane as Florent'.


Soon enough, it was the debriefing. Nikos asked the coaches what were their opinion on their candidates and if they already had an idea of who could be finalist in the list. Immediately, Mika said « YES. » but nobody else moved which made everyone laugh. « At least that's honest » said Nikos haha. But when Mika wasn't speaking, he was doing - well, weird stuff. Like looking at himself in the red buzzer and from all angles, 'cleaning' his armchairs and buzzer too, moving his legs around for no reason, literally disappearing in the chair because he let himself slip on it until his neck was almost reaching the middle of the chair haha. He almost completely ignored Nikos who was talking to him at one point because he was absorbed in his thoughts and when he came back to reality he kinda looked at him like « huh what ? ». But sometimes he would all of the sudden have an adrenaline rush and turn to the coach that was talking with great intensity. Weird Mika strikes again ♥


Then it was over, the coaches left pretty quickly and we went in the lockrooms to get our stuff back. This time, I was DETERMINED to see Mika afterwards and I had another motivation : I wanted him to sign both my CD and the one I received for my lovely Amye. So we waited outside in the freezing cold weather with horrible wind (seriously I would have killed for a fireplace and an igloo). Because there was no song sang by the coaches at the beginning and the debriefing was much shorter, the show finished earlier than usual, at midnight, meaning the coaches' vans weren't there yet. Garou's van arrived fairly quickly (and maybe Zazie left with him because we didn't see her ever afterwards). But Mika's van was nowhere to be found. After an hour, some people left which made us like 15 people still there, a much better number that rose our chances to see him up close. It's only after 1h30 hour that the van arrived. From outside we could see people put stuff in the trunk (I suspect his suits haha) and after another 30 minutes we saw people climbing in (his mum and him). The van stopped RIGHT in front of me (there only was two people in front of me) and his little head came out of the van. Most beautiful moment ever. He kept thanking us for being so supportive and for all the gifts (almost one by one) but also said we were insane to stay in the cold and the rain like that. His mum also said the "chocolate bottle" was in his bag and he went "oh it's in my bag I didn't open it yet but I will!" (yes a fan offered him a bottle of champagne or something but the bottle is made out of chocolate. Typical.) Then, he signed a couple stuff quickly and I was the last to get my autograph). As stupid as it sounds, feeling for real the weight of his fingers a few centimeters away from mine on the CD was a beautiful moment. I didn't feel crazy, I didn't feel like fainting or anything, it was all just heartwarming and put a giant smile on my face, that he gave back to me.


Then he said goodnight, and said this very intriguing sentence : « Now I have work to do ! ». Someone asked what, he smiled and said « loads of stuff ». I suspect the Wonderland show in Paris (which I'm going to, who's coming with me?)


I have a video of this meeting here


-> Right after he says « Géraldine » (who's his hairdresser who was stuck in a car behind his van) you can hear me laugh because that was my friend's name and she kinda looked at me like « da hell ? Did he just say my name ? ». He signed my CD right when he said « okay » at 1:49.  :biggrin2:


This guy is the most genuine, simple, sweet, adorable, caring and attentive guy ever and I mean it. It's not just us living in a dream through pictures, videos and words. He really is everything you'd think he is : a slithly crazy human being with a big heart and beautiful features (yeah, not forgetting that either, that guy is one meter and ninty-one centimeters of pure beauty haha). And what's fascinating is that in reality, you get to feel how much soul he has. It's pretty intense. He has this aura really, that's spreading joy. I couldn't stop smiling, but not just because I was happy to see him, he just really does inspire happiness, and that's also what's making him even more special.


Mika, thank you for being yourself, sincere, kind and elegant like you say all the time. And thank you guys for reading me, it's not perfect but I tried my best ♥.


PS: Here's the signed CD I got. Amye's one is safe and almost ready to be sent already. Amye, love you loads, I hope you like it. And I might have gotten more things for you in the end than expected. You'll see ♥  :hug:



and yes the card behind is what my best friend made for me for my birthday. Love her



Thanks for the report!  You are sooooooooooooo lucky, girl! :D

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*slaps herself in the face to stop from fainting... and/or dying* 

I am lost for words. Honoured that you mentioned me. I love you eternally, in the most deep and meaningful form of the phrase. You have touched my heart, and I will never forget this act of kindness, and I will TREASURE that CD for the rest of my life, you have no idea. 

HE STARED AT YOU THOUGH, HE LOCKED ONTO YOUR EYES, GAH!!! I wouldn't of been able to cope!!! I have a feeling that when he turned back to the judges after pointing, as a result of your sheer dazzling beauty and glowing personality, he said, "I'm not Gay/Bi/whatever he is anymore" cause let's be real... who could resist the one and only Hon... what a human  :naughty:  :thumb_yello:  :hug:  :yes:  :yeah:  :hi5:  :fangurl:  :mikalove:  :wub2:

PS... you got me MORE STUFF :o ?! I have literally looked forward to nothing more in my life :excite:, THANK YOU!!!

I love you <3

I love you so much Amye, I hope you're gonna treasure this gift I'm giving you because it comes with all my heart  :wub:

Haha you're so silly !  :naughty: I still don't know what I did but hey, not gonna complain ! His death stare is something though  :mf_rosetinted:

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The Voice : Quand Mika se prend une veste par Florent Pagny Florent Pagny se fera-t-il bientôt rhabiller par Mika ? Pas si sûr ! Cette saison, les coachs se sont lancés le défi de se poser les uns aux autres des questions qu’ils ont eux-mêmes choisi. Résultat ? Il y en a des gentillettes (alors Garou, ça fait quoi de revenir à la maison ?), des moqueuses (ben non Zazie, c’est pas parce que tu es une fille qu’on va te laisser gagner) et des provocatrices (quand vas-tu arrêter les fautes de français, Mika ?). Mais la palme de la meilleure réponse revient sans aucun doute à Florent Pagny, qui a un avis bien tranché sur les vestes de notre ami Mika…

VK 2016.01.14 Quand Mika se prend une veste par Florent



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