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MIKA in French Press - 2016


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Hi everyone ! 

That's a great interview ! Questions are good and answers too =)

I think I can translate it but it will be a bit long I'll maybe upload it on this week-end if I can (It means I will XD)

So Let's see you this week end =)

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:flowers2: Thanks a lot for sharing, Lu !!


Could anyone translate this interview and article please ?

 I bought and read the magazine yesterday: I think I can translate it!


Hi everyone ! 

That's a great interview ! Questions are good and answers too =)

I think I can translate it but it will be a bit long I'll maybe upload it on this week-end if I can (It means I will XD)

So Let's see you this week end =)


Hey Deb, maybe we can work on this together? 

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I bought and read the magazine yesterday: I think I can translate it!




Hey Deb, maybe we can work on this together?


Hi !

Of course we can do it together i've already start so do you have an email adress or should we talk with PM ?

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OK this is the final result of our beautiful partnership =)


enjoy =)

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  • 3 weeks later...



Cher > Bourges 12/04/16 - 19h55

Mika au Printemps de Bourges : "Je suis fier de venir de plein d'endroits"




















Mika sur la scène du W, Bourges, le 12/04/2016 - Stéphanie Para


Arrivé très en retard (1h15) au rendez-vous, Mika vient de se prêter au jeu des questions - réponses. Rapide, précis, sympa. Entretien avant son concert, ce soir, sur la scène du W.
Origine. "Je ne peux pas dire que viens de ce village ou d'un autre. Je suis fier de venir de plein d'endroits. J'habite Londres, et je suis arrivé hier soir en France. Mais je me sens à la maison en France, je me sens à la maison en Angleterre, et qu'une petite partie de moi est française, qu'une petite partie de moi est anglaise, et même un peu américaine. À la fin, il n'y a pas de réponse simple quant à mon origine".

BBC. "C'est nouveau d'animer cette émission, et il y en a beaucoup à venir. C'est le début de ce que je vais faire avec la BBC. Les song writters sont très importants, ce sont souvent des gens qui viennent de différents endroits, qui sont un peu à l'extérieur. Un jour, j'aimerais bien pouvoir m'identifier à un song writter."
Main de Fatima. "Je la porte tout le temps, la main de Fatima. J'ai grandi avec ce signe. C'est un porte bonheur".
Libanais. "Il y a toujours une part de Libanais... J'étais au Mexique il y a deux semaines, il y avait des Libanais partout, et même chose à Montréal aussi. Cette idée d'être libanais, français, canadien, américain, on est très à l'aise avec tout ça. J'ai grandi dans une maison libanaise, en plein Paris, au milieu de gens libanais transplantés par la guerre".
Casting ou enfant de choeur ? "Mon premier casting à la télé, ils m'ont foutu dehors... Moi, j'étais enfant de chœur. Je peux vous chanter toutes les messes en latin. Quand je faisais mes devoirs, je chantais comme ça (il entonne un cantique en latin). En fait, il y a juste la volonté de se salir les mains et de ne pas en avoir honte".
Cinéma. "J'aime bien penser que je suis quelqu'un qui contrôle bien ses mains, ses bras, sa tête, mais quand je me vois à la télé je vois que je ne sais pas contrôler. Alors, le cinéma, qui met la loupe sur les détails... Je ne suis pas comédien. Mais si je faisais du cinéma, ce ne serait pas commercial mais un coup de cœur, sans pression commerciale".
Orchestre symphonique de Montréal. "J'ai commencé par la musique classique. J'ai été viré de l'école, et je n'y suis pas allé pendant presque un an. Ma mère a pensé qu'il fallait que j'apprenne la musique, j'ai commencé par le piano et j'ai chanté. Puis ma mère a pensé que je devais travailler. Alors, j'ai découvert l'univers de l'orchestre philharmonique de Londres, avec Georg Solti. Quand on sent la force de cent ou cent dix musiciens qui jouent ensemble, sans amplification, musique naturelle... La musique classique symphonique est dans mon sang, dans mon cœur. Pour moi, l'orchestre symphonique de Montréal, avec Nagano, c'est sans doute le meilleur du monde, en tout cas dans le top 5. Mettre ma musique dedans, c'était une Rolls Royce, ça a pris un an d'arrangements."
Le Printemps de Bourges. "C'est la date la plus importante de mon été, et la première de l'été. Je sais que c'est un festival qui représente la musique, jouer ce festival est une chose très importante pour tous les artistes. C'est un très grand honneur pour tout le monde. C'est soir, ce sera épuré, de la musique, sans distraction".
Bertrand Philippe
Edited by charlie20
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Mika va donner un concert en hommage à Paris à l'AccorHotels Arena en écho avec les attentats 


DOCUMENT RTL - Le chanteur a annoncé mardi 12 avril, en marge de son spectacle au Printemps de Bourges, que son prochain show dans la grande salle parisienne serait inédit et en écho avec les attentats.

Mika donnera un concert exceptionnel le 27 mai prochain à l'AccorHotels Arena. En marge de sa prestation en ouverture du 40e Printemps de Bourges mardi 12 avril, le chanteur a confié au micro de RTL qu'il allait proposer une création inédite dans la plus grande salle parisienne. Un spectacle unique qui fera écho aux attentats qui ont frappé la capitale en 2015.

"C’est un hommage à Paris, un hommage à la France. C’est assez ambitieux parce que c’est un 'one shot', révèle Mika en exclusivité à RTL. On a construit un énorme show d’arène qui va être totalement détruit après, c’est seulement pour une nuit. Moi je trouve que Paris et la France, c’est un des plus beaux pays du monde et je veux mettre ça sur la scène, en combinaison avec ma musique et ce que je fais, raconter un peu mon rapport avec Paris. Bien sûr qu’après les attentats c’est un contexte différent mais je l’aurais fait avant les attentats aussi."

Le coach de The Voice se produira également en régions dans les prochaines semaines, le 28 mai à Strasbourg, le 30 à Grenoble, plusieurs dates sont également prévues dans les festivals d'été. 



Edited by krysady
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Mika va donner un concert en hommage à Paris à l'AccorHotels Arena en écho avec les attentats 


DOCUMENT RTL - Le chanteur a annoncé mardi 12 avril, en marge de son spectacle au Printemps de Bourges, que son prochain show dans la grande salle parisienne serait inédit et en écho avec les attentats.

Mika donnera un concert exceptionnel le 27 mai prochain à l'AccorHotels Arena. En marge de sa prestation en ouverture du 40e Printemps de Bourges mardi 12 avril, le chanteur a confié au micro de RTL qu'il allait proposer une création inédite dans la plus grande salle parisienne. Un spectacle unique qui fera écho aux attentats qui ont frappé la capitale en 2015.


"C’est un hommage à Paris, un hommage à la France. C’est assez ambitieux parce que c’est un 'one shot', révèle Mika en exclusivité à RTL. On a construit un énorme show d’arène qui va être totalement détruit après, c’est seulement pour une nuit. Moi je trouve que Paris et la France, c’est un des plus beaux pays du monde et je veux mettre ça sur la scène, en combinaison avec ma musique et ce que je fais, raconter un peu mon rapport avec Paris. Bien sûr qu’après les attentats c’est un contexte différent mais je l’aurais fait avant les attentats aussi."


Le coach de The Voice se produira également en régions dans les prochaines semaines, le 28 mai à Strasbourg, le 30 à Grenoble, plusieurs dates sont également prévues dans les festivals d'été. 



Hope it will be filmed for DVD release!

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  • 1 month later...

Europe 1

Sortez du cadre –2105/16





a part of Mika







:uk:  Translation by crazyaboutmika



Translation into English:

NIkos: -My first" instant moment" is with you Mika. Hello!
Mika:  Hello Nikos! 
Nikos:  So Mika is actually short for Michael. 
Mika: Yes, exactly, it comes from Michael. 
Nikos How old where you when you started being called Mika?
Mika:  When I was born , it was Michael officially, but MICA , M I C A, and then at the age of fourteen as  I was drawing my name because I used to sent my demos and I told myself : "If I send demos, I must have a whole universe , a logo is a very important thing" and so I drew a logo, and I saw that the C was strange, so I said to myself: Ok, it's over , starting today I use a K, it looks a lot better" and so I became Mika with a K. 
Nikos: But it's fascinating to to see that at that young age, you had a global vision of who you wanted to be. There was an artistic projection of both style and content, an artistic vision of what you wanted to sing. It's interesting to see that you were programmed for this very early. 
Mika: Yes programmed, that's it exactly, my mother is someone who really...we had no other option than to use our creativity or to create things, all through the day. So we weren't allowed to buy any gifts for example. We had to make Christmas presents ourselves, we weren't allowed to buy our clothes in shops, we had to design them with her because she was a seamstress. So I had to choose the material and everything else for the clothes. To this day I  still hate the smell of material, because it reminds me of me of my childhood and all the hours I spent in "le sentier" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentier
Nikos: In fact you created for yourself an artistic style  (in a broad sense from your artistic choices to what you wear) and that's also what you look for in the singers that you interacted with in the show The Voice. Indeed the voice is a tool, but you are not necessarily looking for perfect voices as a judge.
Mika: Heroes. We are looking for heroes Nikos. That's all. We need people who embody something that is not existing yet. We don't need perfection. Perfection is academic, as in school, it doesn't inspire anyone. People do not recognize themselves in perfection. Kendji, for example, when he came on The Voice set , there was no one similar to him, in fact music is a perfect opportunity to express yourself,so people identitfy themselves with the artist.
Nikos: Last question, tell me a bit about Bercy.
Mika: ah, well I had a show and I had almost done all the zeniths in France among which two zéniths in Paris, and then there was what took place, the attacks against the Bataclan and in Paris and in November and I decided to change totally my show. I know it sounds almost like a cliché, but it is a love letter to Paris, it's about all the things I like in Paris, architecture, the way of living, my favorite places in Paris, and even about Paris pigeons. There's even  a part that deals with Paris pigeons.   It's really , it's very humorous and joyful, the sets are sumptuous, as if you were into a sort of 50's or 60's  Disneyland, but for real.
Nikos: What are you going to do with all the sets and props afterwards? You should go on and show all those colorful sets other countries, you should carry on...Paris should only be the start of it.
Mika: Yeah, I think that we will take it to Italy, but it will be put together in a different way, not only a concert for one night but I would very much like to install all the sets in a for a week for example in an enormous hangar. It would be a dream, it would be a Mika wonderland during a week, a surreal Foire du Trone funfair , absurd, that would be great! One needs to keep dreaming no matter what. Why not?
Nikos: Mika will be in Hotel Arena Paris on May 27th for an exceptional show as a tribute to Paris with Europe 1 and of course let me remind you of the name of his newest album No Place in Heaven which was released last June.


Edited by Kumazzz
adding the translation
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TF1 : 50 mn inside

Le Portrait : Mika


Replay1h 21min 37s

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Europe 1

Sortez du cadre –2105/16





a part of Mika






Translation into English:

NIkos: -My first" instant moment" is with you Mika. Hello!
Mika:  Hello Nikos! 
Nikos:  So Mika is actually short for Michael. 
Mika: Yes, exactly, it comes from Michael. 
Nikos How old where you when you started being called Mika?
Mika:  When I was born , it was Michael officially, but MICA , M I C A, and then at the age of fourteen as  I was drawing my name because I used to sent my demos and I told myself : "If I send demos, I must have a whole universe , a logo is a very important thing" and so I drew a logo, and I saw that the C was strange, so I said to myself: Ok, it's over , starting today I use a K, it looks a lot better" and so I became Mika with a K. 
Nikos: But it's fascinating to to see that at that young age, you had a global vision of who you wanted to be. There was an artistic projection of both style and content, an artistic vision of what you wanted to sing. It's interesting to see that you were programmed for this very early. 
Mika: Yes programmed, that's it exactly, my mother is someone who really...we had no other option than to use our creativity or to create things, all through the day. So we weren't allowed to buy any gifts for example. We had to make Christmas presents ourselves, we weren't allowed to buy our clothes in shops, we had to design them with her because she was a seamstress. So I had to choose the material and everything else for the clothes. To this day I  still hate the smell of material, because it reminds me of me of my childhood and all the hours I spent in "le sentier" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentier
Nikos: In fact you created for yourself an artistic style  (in a broad sense from your artistic choices to what you wear) and that's also what you look for in the singers that you interacted with in the show The Voice. Indeed the voice is a tool, but you are not necessarily looking for perfect voices as a judge.
Mika: Heroes. We are looking for heroes Nikos. That's all. We need people who embody something that is not existing yet. We don't need perfection. Perfection is academic, as in school, it doesn't inspire anyone. People do not recognize themselves in perfection. Kendji, for example, when he came on The Voice set , there was no one similar to him, in fact music is a perfect opportunity to express yourself,so people identitfy themselves with the artist.
Nikos: Last question, tell me a bit about Bercy.
Mika: ah, well I had a show and I had almost done all the zeniths in France among which two zéniths in Paris, and then there was what took place, the attacks against the Bataclan and in Paris and in November and I decided to change totally my show. I know it sounds almost like a cliché, but it is a love letter to Paris, it's about all the things I like in Paris, architecture, the way of living, my favorite places in Paris, and even about Paris pigeons. There's even  a part that deals with Paris pigeons.   It's really , it's very humorous and joyful, the sets are sumptuous, as if you were into a sort of 50's or 60's  Disneyland, but for real.
Nikos: What are you going to do with all the sets and props afterwards? You should go on and show all those colorful sets other countries, you should carry on...Paris should only be the start of it.
Mika: Yeah, I think that we will take it to Italy, but it will be put together in a different way, not only a concert for one night but I would very much like to install all the sets in a for a week for example in an enormous hangar. It would be a dream, it would be a Mika wonderland during a week, a surreal Foire du Trone funfair , absurd, that would be great! One needs to keep dreaming no matter what. Why not?
Nikos: Mika will be in Hotel Arena Paris on May 27th for an exceptional show as a tribute to Paris with Europe 1 and of course let me remind you of the name of his newest album No Place in Heaven which was released last June.
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« Pretties » (n°19) June - July 2016


Thanks a lot for sharing mikawebsite.com





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Translation into English of Pretties interview
Mika, his teenage years, his life, his projects. Exclusive chat with Mika. Secrets and exclusive photos. Mika"One musn't be afraid to be unique"

After buzzing in the red armchair of The Voice or the third year in a row, Mika is back in his singer's shoes again. He just gave a grand show in the Accord Hotels Arena and he's about to start a new tour. Pretties met this ideal big brother: a big brother who is pop, positive and tender...and above all talented!

Pretties: Hello Mika. You just finished the firth season of The Voice. How do you feel? A few words about the show?

Mika: I feel great. I loved the mix among the candidates. It was modern, fresh and above all, it was a good reflexion of French talent, and particularly young people talent. It was really a tribute to difference, since it was so varied. But what I liked the most is that the level was very high and that it stayed positive. People really got a chance to express themselves freely because the show was friendly.Are you back at work right after or do you mean to take a holiday?I will start a tour throughout all Europe and then I will spend two weeks cruising on a small sail boat. So I do nothing , in August.Some candidates in The Voice are really very young. Do you think music is a call for them? It takes lots of courage to get on a set, to sing in front of people and to dare saying this ridiculous thing that so many people think: " I want to make a living out of music." That particular courage , if one is not afraid to express it publicly at a young age, obviously turns into something positive. Even if one doesn't manage to become a professional musician.

Pretties: How and when did you understand that you wanted to become a singer?

Mika: I started when I was ten a bit haphazardly. Because I got kicked out of school and I had to do something. My mother understood one of her children wasn't feeling well, so she asked herself what she could do to give him a sense of his own value. The idea was to work , to develop a discipline that wasn't linked to school. That's what I did. In a sense life chose that for me. It became a job because I was a professional singer at the age of 11

Pretties: What advice would you give to young people who want to make a carrier in music?

Mika: Do not be afraid to be unique. Don't worry about what people think. Don't be afraid to develop your own style, don't ask for permission , don't wait to be certified by anyone to do what you want. But along with that , you need proficiency, know-how, discipline and technique. One needs to study, to listen to music and consume it. Classical music, pop music, rock. You also need people around you and you need to know who to listen to and who to ignore.But I really believe in daring to develop one's own style and not copying . When one makes a copy, it is never the copy of something original, but the copy of a copy of a copy...and that leads to being forgotten very fast!

Pretties: How do you write your songs? Do you compose the melody or the lyrics first?

Mika: I write both at the same time. The beginning of a song comes 90 per cent of the time from a few words that provoke a melody.Does it come to you out of the blue,or do you seat at a piano and do a search?

Mika: I search. It is a typical example of discipline combined with inspiration. Besides when things go well, you can't see the difference between work and inspiration.

Pretties: When you are on stage, you're such a talented showman, you seem so confident. Have you always been confident?

Mika: No. And I still am not. I do a lot of things to feel confident. Before a tour, I train almost two hours a day during a month and a half. I change the way I eat. I listen to music. I have people around me who don't always agree with me, who test me; which doesn't mean I will always listen to them, but at least, they make me reflect about myself and my music. About the way I sing it. I don't even want to be too confident...except at the moment when I'm on the stage. On the stage , I'm not afraid of anything.What sort of a teenager were you?I was extreme. Either I was very happy and extrovert, or extremely quiet and almost invisible. I was one or the other depending on the atmosphere around me. At school I was miserable. I fI could have dressed the color of the walls to become invisible, I would have done it. And on the other hand, starting after 4 PM or 6 PM, I had a job and I was an adult. I had responsibilities. I had a job and respect .I had a double life, like Batman... This duality I have lived as a teen today helps me in making a bridge between my professional life and my personal life. Between normal life and show business life which are two different things. Real life and life during a tour, life on a stage or backstage.You dance a lot on stage. Is it important for you?

Pretties: Would you participate in a show like Dancing with the stars for example?

Mika: Never. End of story. I'm a very bad dancer, but I'm a very passionate dancer. End of story. (laughs)

Pretties: You grew up surrounded by lots of women with a brother and three sisters....

Mika: But not just that. I have five aunts, I have my mother, I have three sisters, I have my great aunts (four of them) and there was also my brother's nanny! That amounted to fifteen mothers. I grew up with fifteen mothers!

Pretties: So, do you feel like you know more about girls than some others?

Mika: I know even less! (laughs) What I understood however is that there is no difference between men and women. The only thing that changes is the way they behave. And the armor they wear. What's inside is exactly the same.

Pretties: On stage and on TV you always wear incredible suits. How do you chose them?

Mika: They are designed and custom made for me. For each show. For each performance on stage. For each moment...[.....] One has to dare, because it is possible to live, to dress and to make music in a customized way. The idea of going into a store and buy already made clothes that were not designed for me I will never do it this way. I like mixes. I think it is important to do it. Mixing up Valentino with H&M or Topshop for example. Mixing a Monoprix shirt, Gap jeans...and a pair of Louboutin!

Pretties: A last word for Pretties?

Mika: I have no last word. I never have one. I'm not dead! See you soon!

Mini questions:

Pretties: Which three words define you best?

Mika: Curious, impatient, greedy.

Pretties: What is your favorite song?

Mika: Blackbird by the Beatles.

Pretties: Which song you really wouldn't want to sing?

Mika: All Queen songs.

Pretties: Which song would have you loved to write?

Mika: All Queen songs.

Pretties: Which artist do you dream of singing a duet with?

Mika: No one. I'm not interested in duets. They bore me! It's always too political, that's not normal!

Pretties: Who would you invite for a perfect dinner?

Mika: Jean Cocteau, James Dean, David Bowie and Malala (Malala Yousafzai is a young Pakistanese teenager who was given a Nobel peace prize when she was 17 ) [Added by Pretties]

Pretties: Which book changed your life?

Mika: Someone read it to me when I was eight years old and I remember it well. It is "The alchemist" by Paulo Coelho" It was the first time I realized a book could really carry you away, stay with you like the taste of something you ate or a perfume you happened to stumble upon in the street and change the color of what you see in real life. Only books have the power to do that. I know it can be a pain to read so many words. No moving, nor zooming, no swiping, but it is extremely fundamental for human mind today. That is the reason why people write books and it's been going on for thousands of years. It is worth it.

Pretties: What is your favorite food?

Mika: A chocolate soufflé with home made whipped cream. Half soft, half baked.

Pretties: What is your best quality?

Mika: I am stubborn.

Pretties: And your worst quality?

Mika: I am stubborn.

Pretties: What's your motto in life?

Mika: Never ask for permission. Just beg to be forgiven.

Mika sings his hits surrounded by a symphonic orchestra in the neoclassical Social Theater in Como in Italy. DVD Mika Sinfonia Pop . Release date: May 27th, 2016.

Edited by Kumazzz
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Le Parisien



Le Parisien




Le magicien Mika a émerveillé Bercy


AccorHotels Arena (XIIe), vendredi 22 h 45.

Emmanuel Marolle Twitter @emarolle | 27 Mai 2016, 23h33| MAJ : 27 Mai 2016, 23h29


Mika aime Paris. Et Paris le lui rend bien. Ce vendredi soir à Bercy le chanteur voulait célébrer sa ville fétiche où il a passé une partie de sa jeunesse, capitale meurtrie ces dernier mois.. "Et si c'est la fin du monde, faisons la fête", scande-t-il dans l'une de ses récentes chansons. 

Mika tient sa promesse dès les 1ères minutes avec une spectaculaire entrée en scène entouré d'une fanfare de 40 musiciens, suivi de "Big Girls you are beautiful" où d'immenses drapeaux affichant un M comme Mika s'agitent sur scène et des plus petits parmi les spectateurs.



Un enthousasiasme communicatif

Un public euphorique, à l'image du chanteur à l'enthousiasme communicatif au milieu de son décor kitsch: une caravane à gauche, un gros coeur rouge à droite, les quatre lettres de son prénom en guise d'écrans. L'occasion de montrer ses liens avec Paris: Mika dans le métro, Mika à Montmartre, Mika près de la Tour Eiffel avant d'entamer la chanson qui l'a fait connaître chez nous: son fantastique "Grace Kelly" joué au piano sur l'avancée au milieu du public. Tout au long du show, Mika est Parisien de coeur: un Arc de Triomphe lumineux descend du plafond pendant "Rain", son français parfait lui permet d'enchaîner "Boum boum boum " et "les Baisers perdus" alors qu'un acrobate évolue dans les airs. 

Il se passe toujours quelque chose avec Mika. Il enfile une cape royale et s'asseoit sur un trône pendant "Good Guys ", fait chanter " Relax, take it easy" au 15 000 spectateurs, échange son tee-shirt avec une spectatrice du premier rang, se coiffe du chapeau de Napoléon  le temps de "Staring at the sun", finit "Happy ending" sans micro, s'enroule dans un drapeau français sur "Elle me dit"  et surtout offre une sublime version de "Underwater" avec un ensemble de cordes et une impressionnante marée de téléphones portables allumés. Pas de grand discours, mais deux heures de pur plaisir pour une superproduction arc en ciel.



Mika "Sinfonia Pop", live symphonique, 2 cd et un dvd, Barclay, 21, 56 €

Saturday, 27 Mai 2016




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Mika rend hommage à la France à l'AccorHotels Arena ! (live report)


Publié le 28 mai 2016 par Ludivine Lemette


Hier soir, Mika a frôlé les planches du tout nouveau AccordHotels Arena pour un concert exceptionnel. Amoureux de la France, de Paris et de son public français, Mika a décidé de lui rendre hommage dans un show créé spécialement pour l'occasion.





Mika, c'était le concert de la semaine à ne pas manquer ! Et d'ailleurs, on vous faisait gagner vos places pour son concert à l'AccorHotels Arena ce 27 mai afin de ne pas rater l'événement. Mika aime la France, il aime Paris, il adore son public Français et parisien et il l'a prouvé hier soir sur la scène de l'ancien Bercy ! Le chanteur l'avait précédemment annoncé dans une interview, lors de son passage à Paris dans le cadre de sa tournée, il rendrait hommage à la France et à Paris. Suite aux tragiques événements qui ont touché le pays en fin d'année dernière, il a décidé de lui dédier ce concert et écrire une "lettre d'amour" à ce pays qui lui tient tant à cœur en créant un show exceptionnel pour l'occasion ! Et Mika a merveilleusement bien réussi sa mission ! Alors que sur scène on pouvait découvrir un cadre assez kitsch composé d'un trône, d'un gros cœur rouge, d'écrans à son nom ou encore une caravane, pour l'occasion un grand Arc de Triomphe a été ajouté aux décors de base et placé sur l'avant-scène en plein milieu du public. Accompagné d'une fanfare d'une quarantaine de musiciens, Mika a ouvert le show avec son célèbre titre "Big Girl ( You Are Beautiful )" !





Pendant son concert, Mika a une fois de plus prouvé ses talents de chanteur, musicien, mais aussi danseur et showman ! Ses petites danses sur "Boum Boum Boum" et "Elle Me Dit" on fait de l'effet. Si le public de l'AccorHotels Arena s'est animé au son des titres de Mika, il semblait parfois "timide" au goût de Mika. Le chanteur n'a alors pas hésité à le faire participer au concert, notamment sur le titre "Underwater" où Mika a demandé aux spectateurs de prendre leurs téléphones afin d'avoir une marée de téléphones portables, ou plutôt d'étoiles selon lui ! Même lui a participé à ce joli moment solennel du concert en volant le portable d'un fan au premier rang. Mika n'a pas aussi manqué de se changer sur scène alors qu'un fan lui tendait un t-shirt, lui offrant alors le sien en retour. Il n'y a que Mika pour faire ça ! Mika avait la pêche et ça se voyait ! "Si c'est la fin du monde, faisons la fête", comme il l'a entonné fièrement. Mika voulait que le public parisien oublie la réalité le temps de son concert et c'est chose faite ! Le temps d'un refrain de "Happy Ending", l'artiste de 32 ans a su faire taire près de 15 000 personnes afin de chantonner sans micro quelques paroles de la chanson. Chapeau Mika !




En plus de l'Arc de Triomphe créé pour le show, Mika a aussi rendu visuellement hommage à la France. Dans les écrans qui composent son nom, Mika a diffusé entre deux chansons un mini film tourné dans Paris où l'on voit ce dernier à la Tour Eiffel, au Sacré-Cœur ou encore sur le chemin de Bercy pour son concert ! Il a aussi rendu hommage à l'histoire de la France en diffusant un mini film sur ses écrans rappelant la libération après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Entre titres de son tout premier opus "Life In Cartoon Motion" tels que "Lollipop", "Love Today" ou encore "Relax, Take It Easy", Mika a su mêler les morceaux de ses débuts avec de tous nouveaux tels que "Elle me dit", qu'il a d'ailleurs dédié à une certaine "Madame Patate", ou encore "Les Baisers Perdus" dans un français parfait. Mika a clos son show avec un final approchant les 12 minutes au son de "Love Today" où il apparaissait dans un gâteau d'anniversaire, dernière pièce des accessoires de son tableau. Même après deux heures de concert à se donner à fond, Mika ne voulait pas quitter la scène de l'AccorHotels Arena et encore moins son public parisien, retardant l'échéance autant qu'il le pouvait en jouant avec ses fans. Un concert haut en couleur avec une ambiance de folie, à l'image du personnage !

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Translation into English of Pretties interview

Mika, his teenage years, his life, his projects. Exclusive chat with Mika. Secrets and exclusive photos.Mika"One musn't be afraid to be unique"


After buzzing in the red armchair ofThe Voice for the third year in a row, Mika is back in his singer's shoes again. He just gave a grand show in the Accord Hotels Arena and he's about to start a new tour. Pretties met this ideal bigbrother: a big brother who is pop, positive and tender...and above all talented!


Pretties: Hello Mika. You just finished the firth season of The Voice. How do you feel? A few words about the show?


Mika: I feel great. I loved the mix among the candidates. It was modern, fresh and above all, it was a good reflexion of French talent, and particularly young people talent. It was really a tribute to difference, since it was so varied. But what I liked the most is that the level was very high and that it stayed positive. People really got a chance to express themselves freely because the show was friendly.Are you back at work right after or do you mean to take a holiday?I will start a tour throughout all Europe and then I will spend two weeks cruising on a small sail boat. So I do nothing , in August.Some candidates in The Voice are really very young. Do you think music is a call for them? It takes lots of courage to get on a set, to sing in front of people and to dare saying this ridiculous thing that so many people think: " I want to make a living out of music." That particular courage , if one is not afraid to express it publicly at a young age, obviously turns into something positive. Even if one doesn't manage to become a professional musician.


Pretties: How and when did you understand that you wanted to become a singer?


Mika: I started when I was ten a bit uphazardly. Because I got kicked out of school and I had to do something. My mother understood one of her children wasn't feeling well, so she asked herself what shecould do to give him a sense of his own value. The idea was to work , to develop a discipline that wasn't linked to school. That's what I did. In a sense life chose that for me. It became a job because I was a professional singer at the age of 11


Pretties: What advice would you give to young people who want to make a carrer in music?


Mika: Do not be afraid to be unique. Don't worry about what people think. Don't be afraid to develop your own style, don't ask for permission , don't wait to be certified by anyone to do what you want. But along withthat , you need proficiency, know-how, discipline and technique. One needs to study, to listen to music and consume it. Classical music, pop music, rock. You also need people around you and you need to know who to listen to and who to ignore.But I really believe in daring to develop one's own style and not copying . When one makes a copy, it is never the copy of something original, but the copy of a copy of a copy...and that leads to being forgotten very fast!


Pretties: How do you write your songs? Do you compose the melody or the lyrics first?


Mika: I write both at the same time. The beginning of a song comes 90 per cent of the time from a few words that provoke a melody.Does it come to you out of the blue,or do you seat at a piano and do a search?


Mika: I search. It is a typical example of discipline combined with inspiration. Besides when things go well, you can't see the difference between work and inspiration.


Pretties: When you are on stage, you're such a talented showman, you seem so confident. Have you always been confident?


Mika: No. And I still am not. I do a lot of things to feel confident. Before a tour, I train almost two hours a day during a month and a half. I change the way I eat. I listen to music. I have people around me who don't always agree with me, who test me; which doesn't mean I will always lsiten to them, but at least, they make me reflect about myselfand my music. About the way I sing it. I don't even want to be too confident...except at the moment when I'm on the stage. On the stage , I'm not afraid of anything.What sort of a teenager were you?I was extreme. Either I was very happy and extrovert, or extremely quiet and almost invisible. I was one or the other depending on the athmosphere around me. At school I was miserable. I fI could have dressed the color of the walls to become invisible, I would have done it. And on the other hand, starting after 4 PM or 6 PM, I had a job and I was an adult. I had responsabilities.I had a job and respect .I had a double life, like Batman... This duality I have lived as a teen today helps me in making a bridge between my professional life and my personal life. Between normal life and show business life which are two different things. Real life and life during a tour, life on a stage or backstage.You dance a lot on stage. Is it important for you?


Pretties: Would you participate in a show like Dancing with the stars for example?


Mika: Never. End of story. I'm a very bad dancer, but I'm a very passionate dancer. End of story. (laughs)


Pretties: You grew up surrounded by lots of women with a brother and three sisters....


Mika: But not just that. I have five aunts, I have my mother, I have three sisters, I have my great aunts (four of them) and there was also my brother's nanny! That amounted to fifteen mothers. I grew up with fifteen mothers!


Pretties: So, do you feel like you know more about girls than some others?


Mika: I know even less! (laughs) What I understood however is that there is no difference between men and women. The only thing that changes is the way they behave. And the armor they wear. What's inside is exactly the same.


Pretties: On stage and on TV you always wear incredible suits. How do you chose them?


Mika: They are designed and custom made for me. For each show. For each performance on stage. For each moment...[.....] One has to dare, because it is possible to live, to dress and to make music in a customized way. The idea of going into a store and buy already made clothes that were not designed for me I will never do it this way. I like mixes. I think it is important to do it. Mixing up Valentino with H&M or Topshop for example. Mixing a Monoprix shirt, Gap jeans...and a pair of Louboutin!


Pretties: A last word for Pretties?


Mika: I have no last word. I never have one. I'm not dead! See you soon!


Mini questions:


Pretties: Which three words define you best?


Mika: Curious, impatient, greedy.


Pretties: What is your favorite song?


Mika: Blackbird by the Beatles.


Pretties: Which song you really wouldn't want to sing?


Mika: All Queen songs.


Pretties: Which song would have you loved to write?


Mika: All Queen songs.


Pretties: Which artist do you dream of singing a duet with?


Mika: No one. I'm not interested in duets. They bore me! It's always too political, that's not normal!


Pretties: Who would you invite for a perfect dinner?


Mika: Jean Cocteau, James Dean, David Bowie and Malala (Malala Yousafzai is a young Pakistanese teenager who was given a nobel peace prize when she was 17 ) [Added by Pretties]


Pretties: Which book changed your life?


Mika: Someone read it to me when I was eight years old and I remember it well. It is "The alchemist" by Paulo Coelho" It was the first time I realised a book could really carry you away, stay with you like the taste of something you ate or a perfume you happened to stumble upon in the street and change the color of what you see in real life. Only books have the power to do that. I know it can be a pain to read so many words. No moving, nor zooming, no swiping, but it is extremely fundamental for human mind today. That is the reason why people write books and it's been going on for thousands of years. It is worth it.


Pretties: What is your favorite food?


Mika: A chocolate soufflé with home made whipped cream. Half soft, half baked.


Pretties: What is your best quality?


Mika: I am stubborn.


Pretties: And your worst quality?


Mika: I am stubborn.


Pretties: What's your motto in life?


Mika: Never ask for permission. Just beg to be forgiven.


Mika sings his hits surrounded by a symphonic orchestra in the neoclassical Social Theater in Como in Italy. DVD Mika Sinfonia Pop . Release date: May 27th, 2016.

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Thanks a lot for your translation as always !!! :flowers:

it's added to #69 :thumb_yello: 

You're very welcome Eriko :huglove: I couldn't link the two posts with my phone :aah:  , thanks a lot :hug:

I plan to translate the two other press articles about Bercy concert that are above in the thread too  too :thumb_yello:

They are really good :biggrin2:

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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Extrait12min 34s

Spécial Kendji Girac ! Color Gitano, l’histoire d’un conte de fée aux couleurs gitanes.


Et maintenant, notre rubrique une star, une histoire, avec cette semaine, celle d’une chanson, « Color Gitano », le tube de Kendji Girac. Il y a tout juste deux ans, le vainqueur de The Voice faisait danser la France entière avec son premier single… Le début d’une incroyable carrière pour Kendji, qui a, depuis, vendu plus d’un million et demi de disques. Color Gitano, l’histoire d’un conte de fée aux couleurs gitanes, c’est un sujet d’Olivier Trives.

Extrait de 50 MN Inside du samedi 04 juin 2016.



2016.06.04 Spécial Kendji Girac !


( I guess Mika's interview of Spécial Kendji Girac ! and 50'INSIDE L'Actu : Le Portrait Mika have been taken at the same time. )


MFC's The Voice 2014 is "THE VOICE" France 2014 :bye:










Edited by Kumazzz
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