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a review & photos of Shanghai China.gif



































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a review & photos of Shanghai China.gif




































:thumb_yello:  THANKS Eriko!  :hug:  I love these special and beautiful photos so much - gives a great understanding of the atmosphere at the gig... :wink2:


Love, love


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That cat is Doraemon?


:naughty: He didn't recognize Doraemon in a Spanish TV show in 2013...


I guess this cat is Fa-raon,the famous cat of The Bristol Hotel in Paris. :)


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:naughty: He didn't recognize Doraemon in a Spanish TV show in 2013...


I guess this cat is Fa-raon,the famous cat of The Bristol Hotel in Paris. :)




ears are my favorite parts of cat. but Mika forgot them. <_<

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:thumb_yello: Thanks a lot Yang, this's great!  :hug: So the London Palladium concert will be live streamed to China, if I understand it right !?   :shocked: This's really amazing... :fisch:


Love, love


Yep, that's what the news said! I'm excited! :yay: 

However, I'm not sure if the video will be available for viewers outside China. Even it's available, it may not be free, and I'm not sure if they accept international credit cards.

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sorry, I know it's :offtopic:...




I put ears on it....it's not cat yet. :o


+NOT on it.






By the way, that shooting of ELLE Men China will be on May issue. :wub:

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Forget about that cat,THIS is a serious issue!!  :shocked:   :aah:   :mfr_omg:





:facepalm: Oh dear, he's following his cousins' path.. I think we need to be prepared for a MIKA who wears hat all the time.

Edited by yang
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Forget about that cat,THIS is a serious issue!!  :shocked:   :aah:   :mfr_omg:










:bow: Don't post about the fact please...., we should be silent and pretend to not be watching this problem.

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Yep, that's what the news said! I'm excited! :yay:

However, I'm not sure if the video will be available for viewers outside China. Even it's available, it may not be free, and I'm not sure if they accept international credit cards.


It's so tough when things happen in China, doesn't include the rest if the world  :(

But I am glad this opportunity has happened for him

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Forget about that cat,THIS is a serious issue!!  :shocked:   :aah:   :mfr_omg:







:bow: Don't post about the fact please...., we should be silent and pretend to not be watching this problem.


I'm so slow this morning, probably still jet lagged even though I slept 12 hours last night (12 hours!)...Took me a while to figure out what you two are talking about! You are talking about his hair?? Lol!


Awwww. There's always something we need to pretend not seeing. First we couldn't say the word gay for years even a half of his songs were referring to it and he obviously had a boy friend. Now we need to pretend we can't see he is losing his hair.


It shouldn't be called a problem! I really hope it's not a problem for him, at least not anymore. It's a fact of life. More than 70 % of adult men lose their hair at some point of their life. He already looks like a god. Surely he can handle losing a little bit of his hair? And it's not we love him any less for it. I mean, we love him more and more every day in any case...  :wub:


Oh dear. Now a moderator will delete my post or someone comes and says go the naughty corner Nina before you accidentally use the word bald or something...  :naughty:

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I'm so slow this morning, probably still jet lagged even though I slept 12 hours last night (12 hours!)...Took me a while to figure out what you two are talking about! You are talking about his hair?? Lol!


Awwww. There's always something we need to pretend not seeing. First we couldn't say the word gay for years even a half of his songs were referring to it and he obviously had a boy friend. Now we need to pretend we can't see he is losing his hair.


It shouldn't be called a problem! I really hope it's not a problem for him, at least not anymore. It's a fact of life. More than 70 % of adult men lose their hair at some point of their life. He already looks like a god. Surely he can handle losing a little bit of his hair? And it's not we love him any less for it. I mean, we love him more and more every day in any case...  :wub:


Oh dear. Now a moderator will delete my post or someone comes and says go the naughty corner Nina before you accidentally use the word bald or something...  :naughty:


:naughty: This "problem" we've seen for quite some time now.  I've commented it, long time ago,  and I wasn't sent to any corner, hehe - I even said, if I remember it right, that MIKA will be as beautiful and handsome, as he is today, even he might be getting bald, some time in the future.  Like you, I don't see it as a "problem" at all   :teehee:  We can't expect to have MIKA with his wild and curly, thick  hair for the rest of his life :)  My son, 8 months older than MIKA, also get some small signs now, that the growing age will do something with his hair, still thick as a brush - that's life :wink2:  And YES, our love for MIKA will only grow... :wub:  :wub: 


Love, love


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:bow: Don't post about the fact please...., we should be silent and pretend to not be watching this problem.


Sorry,I forgot how to use the Spoiler thing  :teehee:


I'm so slow this morning, probably still jet lagged even though I slept 12 hours last night (12 hours!)...Took me a while to figure out what you two are talking about! You are talking about his hair?? Lol!


Awwww. There's always something we need to pretend not seeing. First we couldn't say the word gay for years even a half of his songs were referring to it and he obviously had a boy friend. Now we need to pretend we can't see he is losing his hair.


It shouldn't be called a problem! I really hope it's not a problem for him, at least not anymore. It's a fact of life. More than 70 % of adult men lose their hair at some point of their life. He already looks like a god. Surely he can handle losing a little bit of his hair? And it's not we love him any less for it. I mean, we love him more and more every day in any case...  :wub:


Oh dear. Now a moderator will delete my post or someone comes and says go the naughty corner Nina before you accidentally use the word bald or something...  :naughty:


I know,you're right,I was just kidding!  :naughty:  I mean it's not the first time that we see that on pictures and videos,it's no more a surprise,and I hope that's not a big issue for anyone,especially for him  :)  Moreover,it never crossed my mind that this could be a taboo subject,I don't find baldness such a terrifying  thing..... unless you're Mika!!  :aah:  :tears:   :facepalm:     




Sorry,kidding again,I couldn't help myself  :biggrin2:  

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I know,you're right,I was just kidding!  :naughty:  I mean it's not the first time that we see that on pictures and videos,it's no more a surprise,and I hope that's not a big issue for anyone,especially for him  :)  Moreover,it never crossed my mind that this could be a taboo subject,I don't find baldness such a terrifying  thing..... unless you're Mika!!  :aah:  :tears:   :facepalm:     



Haha, if someone is against bald Mika,  I will keep him for myself  :das:  :das:  :das:

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Harry ! William's is gone...poor Harry losing his ginger top

What? Harry too? I know he is not as cute as William (facial speaking), but I thought at least he would have more hair!

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Interview in Hong Kong hongkong.gif


Apple Daily



Interview VIDEO


Shared by Zhenya Mousetrap



RE-uploaded to YT

2016.03.03 Apple Daily : Interview in Hong Kong



Love the Apple Daily interview.

I have the video in 360p, couldn't download any better quality, sorry.

Link: http://bit.ly/1VRLdmh






32歲英國唱作鬼才Mika事隔六年,上週再來港開騷,不僅帶來天馬行空的音樂,更與粉絲零距離接觸。 接受《add》專訪時,他由高空擲物險襲警的香港奇遇、音樂創作,以至性取向的敏感議題,無所不談。 鬼馬以外,Mika也有認真一面,「我從沒有真正出櫃,聽起來很荒謬,但我沒有隱藏。我是為了適當的原因,在適當時間做適當的事。」

統籌:林妙萍撰文:林嘉慈攝影:郭賢興化妝:Phyllis Cheung of Hair Corner Central
髮型:Gary Sun of Hair Corner Central

去 年中,Mika因聲帶不適,臨時取消來港演唱,今年終於成行,上週在灣仔的劇院舉行個唱,沒有震撼大場面,只是一招親民任抱,足以令氣氛異常高漲,「騷越 小,我享有越多自由,只求好玩。」他續說:「與粉絲交談很重要,大場面表演是震撼,但試試脫離安全網,試新事物。回應粉絲是一種交流,較少在香港發生,這 比任何東西寶貴,因為這給予真實的連結,是真實的感受。」




訪港多遍,Mika至今難忘2007年首度來港,粉絲舉牌、送花、扮鬼扮馬接機的畫面。 一如大部份旅客,他最愛香港享負盛名的夜景,原因倒是搞笑,「每次都很晚才完成工作,只認識香港的夜晚,不知道日間可以做甚麼。」
這 次難得在訪問當日有一小時空檔,總算能在日間活動,更是一個另類遊,「去了ifc商場,覺得很累,商場中有千萬遊客購物,我只到了天台,拿出了手提電話, 有遊客似是在拍攝我,我望向右方,然後手機就跌下了四層樓,跌在距警察20厘米外,結果我花了餘下的下午,向警察解釋為何我從高空用手機擲他的頭,因為我 真的太累。」




香港地少人多,人群被迫擠在一起,令他感到活力、不寂寞,但未受這裏啟發。 他風趣地說:「我覺得自己似一條糟糕的金魚,每次來都困在酒店,實在有點荒謬,不能開窗,令我發瘋。如果可以開窗,我可能又高空擲物。」玩自抽,發揮英式幽默。
Mika的聲線被形容為英國搖滾樂隊皇后(Queen)已故主音Freddie Mercury及年輕時艾頓莊(Elton John)的混合體,更被譽為新一代Freddie Mercury,「我不理比較,太在意讚許是很危險,因為同時也很在意批評。想活在沒有批判的空間,就先與讚賞分離。」即使自小才華橫溢,8歲開始作 曲,15、16歲已懂中西交融,以琵琶、雙簧管、中提琴及鋼琴譜寫歌曲《流水》應考,也不自認天才,「是天才的相反,只是努力去實踐,世上有很多我仰慕的 天才。」
Freddie Mercury與傳奇巨星大衞寶兒(David Bowie)就是其偶像之一,前者啟發創作《Last Party》,「歌曲講述當Freddie Mercury發現自己染上愛滋時,與一大群人在夜店狂歡幾日,欣賞他用跳舞、派對、慶祝去回應影響一生的消息,很醉人。」後者的獨特個性與思想,影響深 遠,「David Bowie是屬於自己的,敢於談性向、政治、死亡,是藝術界的榜樣。」




音樂人擅長以歌說故事,Mika於2009年創作的《Touches You》猶如雙性戀自白,2012年專輯《The Origin of Love》刻劃男男戀。 問甚麼推使出櫃? 他忽然認真起來:「我從沒有真正出櫃,聽起來很荒謬,我沒有隱藏,這對我的粉絲、認識我音樂的人來說,很明顯。」
「但當要用一個標籤,要澄清,要踏入關於性取向的政治,這需要一點時間去表達、確認,正式想想自己做甚麼。我只需要一個時間,在性取向、政治前,所有人都 要時間,人人都不能豁免,我想我為了適當的原因,在適當的時間做適當的事。」21、22歲時覺得需要私生活,不懂處理壓力,30歲就需負責,「當你可以談 及性取向,就好像當你能談及生命中所有事一樣,弄清楚是好事,30歲要承擔,不再感性。」




笑 片《非常索凸務2》廣邀巨星紅模客串,其中Mika的鬍鬚造型被指似經典角色「波叔」,惜最終無緣登大銀幕,「我與賓史迪拿(Ben Stiller)拍了一天戲,並創作音樂,但我不在電影中,因為拍完後,劇情改變。我完全明白,電影就是這樣前行,畢竟這是一個瘋狂經驗。」如果之後拍攝 機會在合適時間出現,他樂於參演。




在整個拍攝過程中,Mika的想法源源不絕,建議躺在落地玻璃旁,好讓攝影師一併取維港景,又提議躲在衣帽間,捕捉他整古做怪的有趣一面。 私底下,他極愛selfie,頻頻在Instagram上載自拍照,「我最好的自拍角度是……我不知道,如果有人在酒吧問我,我會說是背部,因為我會轉身離開。」講到攝影貼士,倒是一臉正經,「嘗試以圖像解釋背景,說明自己身在哪裏,令人不只專注表情。」
















Edited by Kumazzz
adding a video
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Oh dear. Now a moderator will delete my post or someone comes and says go the naughty corner Nina before you accidentally use the word bald or something...  :naughty:




Did you use the word BALD???!!!




I won't send you to the naughty corner over that, I promise. Just please don't make me look at photos of sweaty, bald Mika!

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I'm so slow this morning, probably still jet lagged even though I slept 12 hours last night (12 hours!)...Took me a while to figure out what you two are talking about! You are talking about his hair?? Lol!


Awwww. There's always something we need to pretend not seeing. First we couldn't say the word gay for years even a half of his songs were referring to it and he obviously had a boy friend. Now we need to pretend we can't see he is losing his hair.


It shouldn't be called a problem! I really hope it's not a problem for him, at least not anymore. It's a fact of life. More than 70 % of adult men lose their hair at some point of their life. He already looks like a god. Surely he can handle losing a little bit of his hair? And it's not we love him any less for it. I mean, we love him more and more every day in any case...  :wub:


Oh dear. Now a moderator will delete my post or someone comes and says go the naughty corner Nina before you accidentally use the word bald or something...  :naughty:


I like this point :thumb_yello::teehee: He definitely will look like a god with or without hair :pinkbow:

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