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Mika v Praze: Jeho rozsah pět oktáv bere dech i odborníkům! Prodal už 10 milionů desek


Za svoji hudební kariéru prodal přes 10 miliónů desek, dosáhl na zlaté či platinové ocenění ve 32 zemích světa a získal řadu prestižních hudebních cen.


 Britský zpěvák americko-libanonského původu Mika, který se do povědomí veřejnosti dostal díky svým roztančeným popovým písním Relax, Take It Easy a Grace Kelly, vystoupí dnes na koncertě v pražském klubu Forum Karlín. Role předkapely se zhostí česká skupina Lake Malawi.


Mika, vlastním jménem Michael Holbrook Penniman, se narodil v libanonském Bejrútu v roce 1983. Vyrůstal v Paříži a od svých devíti let žije v Londýně. Studoval klasickou hudbu a zpěv, ale zaměřil se na popovou muziku. V roce 2008 byl oceněn v kategorii objev roku na Brit Awards a ve Francii obdržel rytířský Řád umění a literatury. Před třemi lety působil jako porotce v italské verzi hudební soutěže X Faktor.


Odborníci chválí především jeho obrovský hlasový rozsah, který dosahuje až pěti oktáv. Jeho styl bývá přirovnáván ke kapelám a hudebníkům jako Queen, Elton John, Scissors Sisters či Rufus Wainwright. „Základem mé hudby je, že je radostná, posilující, odvážná a že nepodléhá momentální módě či konvencím,“ říká Mika.


Jeho debutové album Life In Cartoon Motion vyšlo v roce 2007 a dosud se ho prodalo kolem osmi milionů kusů po celém světě. O rok později si Mika vysloužil nominaci na Grammy v kategorii nejlepší taneční nahrávka za skladbu Love Today. Jeho zatím poslední, čtvrté album s názvem No Place In Heaven, vyšlo v červenci 2015.


Poprvé zahrál Mika v ČR na loňském 14. ročníku hudebního festivalu Colours of Ostrava. Původně měl hrát v Praze již v červenci 2010, koncert byl však zrušen.


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Mika Prague: Its range of five octaves breathtaking and professionals! Has sold 10 million records

During his musical career has sold over 10 million records, reached the gold and platinum awards in 32 countries and has won many prestigious music awards.

British singer-American of Lebanese origin Mika, who came into the public consciousness thanks to his roztančeným pop songs Relax, Take It Easy and Grace Kelly, will perform today at a concert at Prague's Karlin Forum. The role of support act to take on a Czech group of Lake Malawi.

Mika, real name Michael Holbrook Penniman was born in Beirut in 1983. He grew up in Paris and from the age of nine lives in London. He studied classical music and singing, but focused on pop music. In 2008 he was awarded in the category Discovery of the Year at the Brit Awards, and received a knighthood in France Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Three years ago he served as a juror in the Italian version of the musical contest X Factor.

Experts praise especially his vast vocal range that reaches up to five octaves. His style has been compared to bands and musicians such as Queen, Elton John, Scissors Sisters and Rufus Wainwright. "The basis of my music is that it is joyful, strengthening, daring and it is not subject to momentary fashion or conventions," says Mika.

His debut album Life In Cartoon Motion was released in 2007 and so far it has sold about eight million copies worldwide. A year later, Mike earned a Grammy nomination for Best Dance Recording for the song Love Today. His latest, fourth album titled No Place In Heaven, released in July 2015.

Mika played for the first time in the Czech Republic at last year's 14th edition of the music festival Colours of Ostrava. Originally he played in Prague in July 2010, but the concert was canceled.















Edited by Kumazzz
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Hi, these are my pictures taken from my place in the first row in the left. Yesterday night was Mika absolutely amazing, I was very very tired that evening and in the afternoon I thought I'l stay at home, but I didnt want to miss this occasion to see him alive, so I decided to go there. It was my second gig I tought part on -the first was Colours of Ostrava festival, and it was soo good that I think I can't describe it with my bad English. When he came on stage I'd forgotten my problems and just enjoyed the energy he gave us. He made me smile in the first second of that show and that was exactly what I needed, so I have to say a big THANK YOU MIKA. I was singing with him and I think twice I made him smile too - you know, you are singing and when somebody else who is singing too looks at you, you have to smile a bit :-) and thats what happened to me:-) looking forward to read your experiences. And the part with the boy on stage was very funny too, I wanted to be that boy and if I was, I would enjoy it like he did, it has to be superb to be on the stage with Mika and to se all the thousands people in front of you:-)).








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Recept na trvalé zdraví? Každý večer koncert Miky!

Poté, co loni i v dešti ohromil publikum na Colours Of Ostrava, se letos Mika konečně vypravil také do Prahy. A znovu zapršelo - místo vody se ale na fanoušky ve Foru Karlín snášely konfety a čirá radost z hudby.  

25. 5. 2016

Má Mika, kdysi považován za zlaté dítě britské pop music, dost silných písniček na to, aby udržel halu ve varu takřka dvě hodiny? Pokud si někdo před pražskou show pokládal takovou otázku, byly jeho obavy zcela liché. Zpěvák už sice může na časy multiplatinového debutu Life In Cartoon Motion jen vzpomínat, na čele žebříčků ho nahradili jiní. Když ale dojde na živý koncert, strčí konkurenci hravě do kapsy.  


Mika ztělesňuje radost z hudby v té nejčistší podobě. Nemá velkolepou scénu ani nepotřebuje diváka balamutit přesycenou doprovodnou show. V jeho případě ta pravá show začíná v momentě, kdy otevře pusu - stačil jeden refrén otvíračky Big Girl (You Are Beautiuful) a publikum mu leželo u nohou. Pop Miky je totiž popem v pravém slova smyslu - není zatěžkán tím, jestli zrovna v hitparádách frčí dubstep nebo r'n'b. Jde tu hlavně o muzikálnost a samotné písničky - přirozeně chytlavé, návykové a obvykle velmi rozverné. Takové, které si s ním chcete zpívat od prvního do posledního slůvka, a přesto nemáte pocit, že by šlo o triviální popěvky.

Občas si sedl ke klavíru, ale povětšinou v doprovodu své sehrané kapely poskakoval po pódiu, které zdobil velký nápis Heaven (Nebe) na vrcholu pomyslné brány zahalené duhovými barvami. Vlevo přitom umístil kulisu jakési maringotky, na které se později objevil nápis Paradise (Ráj). Hezky a jednoduše tím vystihl myšlenku, že ten pravý ráj možná není v nebi, ale na Zemi, čímž odkazoval k loňské desce No Place In Heaven. Tuhle ideu s ním fanoušci nejspíš sdíleli, protože při každé písničce spontánně zpívali, tleskali a tančili, aniž by je k tomu musel někdo vyzývat. Atmosféře večera pomohlo i to, že ač proslulý svým pětioktávovým rozsahem, většinou neměl potřebu hlasově exhibovat, díky čemuž udržet koncertu jeho uvolněnou náladu.


Největší hity až na konec? S tím na Miku nechoďte. Teatrální Grace Kelly i euforická Relax (Take It Easy) zazněly už v první polovině večera a nebylo to vůbec špatně. Když si vás tenhle tenhle chlápek s libanonsko-americkými kořeny jednou získá na svou stranu, už vás ze spárů své popové geniality nepustí. Je tak bezprostřední, že ve vás evokuje myšlenky na bezstarostnost dětství. Kdybyste byli babičkou toužící po objetí a Mika váš malinkatý vnouček, museli byste ho láskou snad umačkat.

A když umí i nostalgickou skladbu Good Guys, ve které se ptá, kam zmizeli jeho dětští idolové, podat tak, že vám nezmizí úsměv ze rtů, je vyhráno. S Mikou na pódiu nejsou žádné smutky ani starosti zítřka - existuje jen radost teď a tady. To už s ním ale karlínský sbor pěje jeho nejsilnější baladu Happy Ending, aby po ní neposedný Brit vytáhl z publika chlapce s nápisem na tričku We Love Mika, s nímž si chvíli šibalsky šeptají do ucha a pak společně rozeskáčou halu. Čas letí a je tu intenzivní vrchol v podobě We Are Golden a Last Party. Poděkování, poklona, bouřlivý aplaus. Kampak, Miko? Bez přídavku to nepůjde! Hbitý umělec je rázem zpět a konečně se mu otevírá nebeská brána, aby mohl vzápětí za tryskajícího gejzíru konfet řádit jako uragán při Love Today.


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LIVE: Recipe for a healthy future? Every evening concert Mika!

After last year even in the rain wowed the audience at the Colours of Ostrava this year Mika finally went to Prague. And it rained again - instead of water, but fans in Forum Karlin suffered confetti and the sheer joy of music.

FORUM Karlín, Prague
25. 5. 2016

Mika has, once considered the golden child of British pop music, enough strong songs on it to keep the hall in boiling almost two hours? If someone in front of the Prague show considered such a question were his concerns quite odd. Although the singer already at the times of the multi-platinum debut album Life In Cartoon Motion just remember, on top on him to replace others. When it comes to live, shoving competitors handily in your pocket.

HO does not tie TRENDS

Mike embodies the joy of music in its purest form. Not spectacular scene nor does the viewer to juggle supersaturated accompanying the show. In his case, the real show begins in the moment opens his mouth - he could either refrain otvíračky Big Girl (You Are Beautiuful) and the audience lay at his feet. Pop pop Miky is because in the truest sense - not zatěžkán it, if not in the charts frčí dubstep or r'n'b. It's all about musicianship and the songs themselves - naturally catchy, addictive and usually very sprightly. Such that you want to sing with him from first to last a single word, and yet you do not feel that it would be a trivial ditties.

Sometimes he sat at the piano, but mostly accompanied by his band orchestrated bounced around the stage, which was decorated with a large sign Heaven (Heaven) on top of an imaginary gates draped with rainbow colors. Left while placed backdrop sort of caravan, which was later discovered inscription Paradise (Paradise). The pretty and simply grasped the idea that the true paradise is perhaps not in heaven but on earth, which referred to the last board No Place In Heaven. This idea with him fans probably shared, because each song spontaneously sang, clapped and danced without them to have someone to call. Atmosphere of the evening helped by the fact that although famous for its pětioktávovým range, mostly did not need voice exhibovat, allowing the concert to keep his relaxed mood.


Greatest hits to the end? With that in Mike ordinances. Theatrical Grace Kelly and euphoric Relax (Take It Easy) were heard in the first half of the evening and it was not bad at all. When you have this this guy is a Lebanese-American roots one gets on your side, you had the clutches of her pop genius let go. It's so immediate that it evokes in you thoughts of carefree childhood. If you were looking to embrace grandmother and grandson Mika your tiny, you'd love him perhaps umačkat.

And they can even nostalgic song Good Guys, which asks where the child disappeared idols, to submit so that you smile disappeared from his lips is won. With Mika on stage there are no sadness or worry about tomorrow - there is only joy here and now. That was with him but Karlin choir sings his most powerful ballad Happy Ending to her restless Brit pulled the boy from the audience with an inscription on a T-shirt We Love Mike, with whom a moment archly whispering in his ear, and then together rozeskáčou hall. Time flies and there is intense peak in the form of We Are Golden and the Last Party. Acknowledgements bow rapturous applause. Where to, Miko? No added it will not work! Agile performer is suddenly back and finally he opens the gate of heaven, so that immediately after spouting geysers confetti rage like a hurricane in Love Today.












Edited by Kumazzz
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Mika se v Praze dotkl popového nebe


V Praze poprvé vystoupil britský zpěvák Mika. Do České republiky se vrátil po loňském úspěchu na festivalu Colours Of Ostrava a i tentokrát dal prostor písničkám z posledního alba No Place In Heaven. Právě nápis Heaven byl hlavním pilířem jeho velmi jednoduché scény. A znovu se potvrdilo, že v jednoduchosti je krása - fanoušci odcházeli nadšení.


V roli předkapely se představili Lake Malawi. Foto: Matěj Třasák


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Mika in Prague touched pop heaven

In Prague he first performed a British singer Mika. The Czech Republic came back after last year's success at the Colours of Ostrava festival and this time gave space to the songs from the latest album No Place In Heaven. Just sign Heaven was the main pillar of its very simple scene. And again confirmed that simplicity is beauty - leaving fans excited.


The role of support act was introduced in Lake Malawi. Photo: Matthew Shaker








































Edited by Kumazzz
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RECENZE: Mikovi to dlouho trvalo

Loni v červenci na festivalu Colours Of Ostrava britský popový zpěvák Mika akci uzavíral a jeho koncert byl čirou přehlídkou radosti. Ve středu večer se představil v pražském Foru Karlín a jeho vystoupení bylo stejně tak přehlídkou radosti a hravosti. Bohužel také několika prázdných chvil.

 Dnes 9:56

Po předskakujících a stabilně dobře i poprockově nápaditě hrajících našich Lake Malawi začal Mika ve velkém stylu. Přišel na pódium sám, přednesl jakousi modlitbu, a když máchnul rukou, spadla opona a za ním se objevily pětičlenná kapela, karavan, pestře nabarvené piano a barevné kulisy.

První skladby v programu patřily k těm nápaditějším z jeho repertoáru. Mika zvládal civilní projev i fistuli, byť v ní občas vyhlížel trochu směšně, jeho spoluhráči mu pomáhali ve vokálech a do sálu zněly skladby Talk About You, Good Wife, Grace Kelly či Relax, Take It Easy. Publikum se naladilo na naprosto přátelskou vlnu a Mika si pobytu na pódiu i zpěvu vpravdě užíval.

Postupem času, snad posílen vědomím, že jeho diváci v Praze jsou otevření všemu, však začal koncertní blok kouskovat. Skladby v jeho polovině už nebyly tak silné, Mika mezi nimi navíc dlouho hovořil, vysvětloval, a tak koncert ztratil spád a vlastně se docela táhnul. Kdyby namísto hodiny a padesáti minut trval pouze hodinu a půl, bylo by všechno v pořádku.

Teprve posledních několik písniček zase, především díky své melodičnosti a pozitivní atmosféře, nahodilo spadlý řetěz a Mika dozpíval se ctí. Dojem to sice napravilo, publikum bylo vpravdě nadšené, nicméně nevyrovnanost dramaturgie večera to už nevyvrátilo.


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REVIEW: Mika, it took a long time

Last July, at the Colours of Ostrava festival British pop singer Mika action and he closed the concert was a show of sheer joy. On Wednesday night, he performed in Prague's Karlin Forum and its performance was equally a show of joy and playfulness. Unfortunately, too few empty moments.

today, 9:56

After předskakujících and consistently well and imaginatively playing pop-rock of our Lake Malawi Mika started in style. Came on stage alone, he recited a litany, and he waved hands, the curtain behind him appeared a five-member band, caravan, brightly painted piano and colorful scenery.

The first track in the program were some of the more imaginative of his repertoire. Mika managed to civil discourse and falsetto, although it sometimes looked a bit ridiculous, his teammates helped him in the hall and vocals sounded compositions Talk About You, Good Wife, Grace Kelly or Relax, Take It Easy. The audience tuned in for quite a friendly wave and Mika stay on stage and singing a truly enjoyed.

Over time, perhaps strengthened by the knowledge that his audience in Prague are open to all, however, began the concert block snippet. Tracks in the middle were not so strong, Mika between them extra long talk, he explained, so the concert lost momentum and actually quite stretched. If instead of an hour and fifty minutes lasted only an hour and a half, it would be all right.

It was not until the last few songs again, mainly because of its melody and positive atmosphere, randomly fallen chain and Mika dozpíval honor. Impression While this remedy, the audience was truly enthusiastic, however imbalance dramaturgy evening it had not invalidate.








Posted (edited)

Here we go again :mf_rosetinted:


Grazia Periscope of tonight!






Plus set list




Plus group pic of MFCers!!!



aaaaaaaaaaw!!! I think it was me and my friend who took the photo of you guys! :wub: :wub:  so happy to see it here!!! wormed my heart :) :) :wub:  :wub: 

About concert - it was unbelievable! I think it will take me a loong time to get over this day and live normally :naughty::) absolutely amazing! It was my second mikas gig...and, thats what i love about mika - both of the concert totally different, both of them totally amazing!! Totally different atmosphere, but both incredible! :wub:  i guess i enjoyed this one a little bit more, because i didnt have to overcome the phase that i see mika for the first time and try to get over it, witch in the first one took me whole gig, so :naughty: ...now i could concentrate on the songs, that i see him and that iam there in the best place on earth :)  i have to say - the way he came to the stage totally got me...i though that they show the stage - give away the curtain that hide it...and suddenly in the dark somebody walked on stage like nothings going on...totally calm like - im just going for a walk  :naughty: guess who it was...  :naughty: it was so unexpected that i almost got a heart attack  :naughty:  and, my favorite part was when he sang happy ending a capella :)  he couldnt make the people be quiet, so he got o his knees and say "Thank you...but ssh!" He was just unbelievable :) So, amazing concert, the best two hours of my life that i will never, ever forget. And thank you mika...and thanks everybody who was there making such an amazing atmosphere! :)

Edited by Ma.Kot.
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support: Lake Malawi
místo: Forum Karlín, Praha
datum: 25. května 2016


Mika v Praze otevřel bránu do popového ráje, kde se nedospívá
Vydáno: 26.05.2016 15:31 v sekci Naživo - Alena Bílková

"Bál jsem se, že v porovnání s naším vystoupením na Colours of Ostrava to v Praze nebude stát za nic, ale to jsem se dost spletl," prohlásil právem sluníčko a Peter Pan v jednom - Mika. Hitparády položil před devíti lety, Ostravu před rokem a nyní konečně i Prahu.

Libanonec a gay upatlaný od cukrové vaty, s Pepsi colou politými přezůvkami a ječákem, který rve drsným chlápkům uši. Tak nějak si Miku, jehož desky poslední roky nevzbuzují silnější ohlas, představuje většina haterů nebo prostě těch, kteří o něm naposledy slyšeli v dobách všudypřítomné "Relax, Take It Easy". Jak je tedy možné, že za sebou zpěvák zanechal přešťastné Forum Karlín a na festivalech se stále objevuje na hlavních pódiích?

Místo aby se za svou výjimečnost před naším světem schovával, rozhodl se vymalovat si svět vlastní. Animovaný, pouťový, živoucí, barevný, svůj. Kašle na to, co se nosí, a raduje se z luxusu být sám sebou, který si můžou dovolit jen opravdu výjimečné osobnosti. Jeho vizuální i hudební styl se drží ve své vlastní bezkonkurenční kategorii už skoro deset let a není tu nikdo, kdo by se mu rovnal.

V Praze předvedl mnohé, na co jsme od něj už zvyklí, v detailech ale stejně dokáže vždycky překvapit. Energická černoška za bicími opět vyčnívala ve skvělé kapele, kterou zatáhl do hry víc než kdy dřív. Nápisy korunující pódium blikají rychlostí tancem zvýšeného tepu, zpoza maringotky mávají kulisy a květinová brána vedoucí do samého nebe se nečekaně rozrazí až v úplném závěru. Klavír přetéká barvami, jako by ho odvezl z nějaké školky, a mezi tím vším blázincem zpěvák poskakuje jako teenager před zrcadlem do rytmu svého oblíbeného hitu. Hýří upřímnými úsměvy a v jeho tanečních kreacích se mísí naivní bezstarostnost, výskoky do vzduchu a k sežrání roztomilé výkruty, až se nakonec roztočí dokola a jeho toreadorovské sako se kolem něj rozevlaje jako na kolotoči.

Neposlušné ruce Mikovi vylítávají do vzduchu o to víc, o co ho poslouchají jeho hlasivky. Vysoké tóny střídá s chraplákem stejně rychle, jako šije do klavíru. Jednou je tak veselý, že ze země sebere konfety a narve si je spontánně do úst, jindy donutí celý sál ztichnout, aby bez mikrofonu a potmě zazpíval závěr songu o vztazích, které nečekal žádný "Happy Ending". K párty na počest konce světa vyzývá stejně přesvědčivě, jako když dav přiměje zpívat a tančit s představou, že se na ně nikdo nedívá. "Lidi můžete poznat tak, že jim podáte ruku. Nebo že se svlíknete. A co je úplně nejvíc? Když začnete zpívat."

A náhle se mu zlomí hlas, když sahá po fotoaparátu, aby si vyfotil sál, nad kterým se vznáší jako obláčky nespočet vzkazů se slovem děkuji v nejrůznějších jazycích. "Jak jste tohle vůbec zorganizovali?" dojímá se s jiskrami v očích. Když se pak objeví v publiku plachta s nápisem "Thank God That You Found Us",, vezme si ji na stage, aby ji rozevřel ve chvíli, kdy závěr písně "The Origin Of Love" zazpívá ve znění nápisu místo originálního textu.

Mika se oproti ostravskému vystoupení nebál pochlubit svými aktuálními skladbami a znovu dokázal, že naživo fungují stejně dobře jako jeho největší hity. Roli školáka, který se stydí za to, že mu pískat melodie moc nejde, a který si na pódium pozval kluka z publika, aby si s ním zatančil kolem klavíru, proměnil i v roli vypravěče. Jedny ze svých největších hitů "Grace Kelly" a "Lollipop" z velké části divadelně převyprávěl. Jednou je zpestřil gejzírem konfet vystřelených rovnou z klavíru (kdo tohle má?), podruhé kapelou bubnujících do stěn klavíru rytmus. Na závěr svého nejsladšího songu si dovolil přiznání, jež bylo určeno pouze těm nejpozornějším. Hlavní textovou linku písně hitu "Lollipop" - "Love is gonna get you down," v závěru vyvrátil, když zazpíval: "Now I am 32 years old and I am over that s**t I was told."

Muž, který odmítá dospět každým pohybem svého těla, se pro nás na pár vteřin proměnil v dospěláka, který o lásce už opravdu něco ví. Zůstat v srdci dítětem, radovat se, milovat a cítit - takové by to tedy bylo ocitnout se na pár vteřin v Mikově kůži. Takové to je být na jeho koncertě.


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Mika in Prague opened the gate to the pop havens where the same time


"I was afraid that in comparison with our performance at the Colours of Ostrava to Prague not worth anything, but I was quite wrong," said law sunshine and Peter Pan in one - Mika. Charts laid nine years ago, Ostrava a year ago and now finally the city.

Lebanese and gay upatlaný from cotton candy, Pepsi cola politými slippers and scream that tore tough guys ears. So somehow Mike, whose boards in recent years does not inspire a stronger response, represents the most Hater or simply those who have heard the last of him in times of ubiquitous "Relax, Take It Easy." How is it possible that the singer left behind overjoyed Forum Karlin and festivals still appears on the main stage?

Instead for its uniqueness before our world was hiding, he decided to paint a world of their own. Animated, offhand, living, color, mine. He does not care what they wear, and rejoices in the five to be himself, who can only afford a really outstanding person. Its visual and musical style is holding its own category unbeatable for nearly a decade and there is no one who would have equaled him.

In Prague, he showed a lot of what we're used to it now, in detail but just can always surprise you. An energetic black woman behind the drums again stood out in great band that pulled the game more than ever. Inscriptions crowning stage flashing speed increased heart rate, dance, waving from behind the scenes, trailers and floral gate leading into heaven itself unexpectedly smite until the very end. Piano colors abounds, as if he took from a kindergarten, and among all madhouse singer as a teenager jumping in front of a mirror to the beat of your favorite hit. Abounds with sincere smiles and his dance moves are mixed naive insouciance, jumps into the air and cute enough to eat rolls, and finally spins around and toreadorovské his jacket around him flared as a carousel.

Mike vylítávají disobedient hands in the air even more, about what he obey his vocal cords. High tones alternated with chraplákem as quickly as it sews the piano. One is so hilarious that it picks up from the ground confetti and crowds them into his mouth spontaneously, sometimes forcing the entire hall hush that without a microphone and sang in the dark conclusion song about relationships that was not expecting any "Happy Ending". A party in honor of the end of the world calls as convincingly as he induces crowd singing and dancing with the idea that they are nobody's watching. "People can get to know so that to give them a hand. Or that undressed. And what is the hottest? When you start to sing."

And suddenly his voice broke when he goes to the camera to take pictures of hall, above which hovers like clouds countless messages with the word thank you in various languages. "How did this ever organized?" impresses with sparks in his eyes. When he appears in the audience canvas with the inscription "Thank God That You Found Us" ,, he takes to the stage to be opened when the end of the song, "The Origin Of Love" will sing in the wording of the inscription instead of the original text.

Mika compared Ostrava performances afraid to boast of their latest songs and once again proved that live work as well as his greatest hits. The role of the schoolboy, who is ashamed that his whistle tunes not very good, and he invited the boy to the stage from the audience to get him to dance around the piano, turned in the role of the narrator. One of his biggest hits "Grace Kelly" and "Lollipop" largely theatrically retold. One is a diversified geyser confetti fired straight from the piano (who this is?), A second band of little drummer into the walls piano rhythm. At the end of my sweetest song he dared to return, which was addressed only to those nejpozornějším. The main text line hit song "Lollipop" - "Love is gonna get you down," at the end refuted when he sang: "Now I am 32 years old and I am over That s**t I was told."

The man who refuses to grow up with every movement of his body for us for a few seconds, turned to the adults, who love I really knew something. Stay in the heart of a child, rejoice, love and feel - such it was therefore find themselves a few seconds at Mike's skin. That's what it is to be at his concert.




( MFC  )









Edited by Kumazzz
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Posted (edited)




Ještě jednou Mika: Hravý pop naplnil Forum Karlín pozitivní energií

Z koncertu britského zpěváka Miky vám přinášíme ještě jednu várku fotek. Show v pražském Foru Karlín provázalo nadšení fanoušků, zazněly nejen písničky z loňského alba No Place In Heaven, ale pochopitelně i jeho největší hity. Mika hrál v Česku podruhé a vzledem k úspěchu koncertu lze čekat, že se v budoucnu bude rád.


Google translator :uk:




Once Mika: Playful pop Forum Karlin filled with positive energy

From the concert of British singer Mika will bring another batch of photos. Show Forum in Prague's Karlin weave enthusiasm of the fans, not only heard songs from the last album No Place In Heaven, but obviously his greatest hits. Mika played in the Czech Republic for the second time and vzledem to the success of the concert can expect that in the future will be like
























































Edited by Kumazzz



I'm speechless. This show was amazing! 


I was near to the Forum Karlin at 10am. I was waiting all day and then ran very fast to the front of stage. I had a really good place, first row in the middle.I also brought my banner with "Thank God that you found us" on it.  :wub:

Support was really cool! They called Lake Malawi- Czech band, but the leader had a Polish family so we're speaking in Polish after concert(nice!)...but now MIKA!


When he came on the stage... i was paralyzed with happiness. Every song was perfect for me, especially Underwater, Stardust and Happy Ending(with acapella of course).I can't choose just a couple of songs cause I really enjoyed full show. A fan action with clouds (Good guys) made him very happy :).


But the song which I was waiting the most was Origin of love...I wasn't expected that Mika'll pay attention at my banner, but...when the 'Found God that you found me' moment came, Mika suddenly wanted to give him that piece of fabric. I was shocked. I throwed it to him and he started to sing 'Thank God that you found US!". He showed everyone my banner but...he was holding it wrong haha...TYPICAL MIKA. I'm astonished that he appreciated my work and idea. :yes:  :wub:

That show was perfect...a lot of eye contact and fun. Mika looked very happy and I hope that he'll come back soon!

Unfortunately he didn't come out but it's understandable because of Bercy show, so next time! :)

  • Like 8



I'm speechless. This show was amazing! 


I was near to the Forum Karlin at 10am. I was waiting all day and then ran very fast to the front of stage. I had a really good place, first row in the middle.I also brought my banner with "Thank God that you found us" on it.  :wub:

Support was really cool! They called Lake Malawi- Czech band, but the leader had a Polish family so we're speaking in Polish after concert(nice!)...but now MIKA!


When he came on the stage... i was paralyzed with happiness. Every song was perfect for me, especially Underwater, Stardust and Happy Ending(with acapella of course).I can't choose just a couple of songs cause I really enjoyed full show. A fan action with clouds (Good guys) made him very happy :).


But the song which I was waiting the most was Origin of love...I wasn't expected that Mika'll pay attention at my banner, but...when the 'Found God that you found me' moment came, Mika suddenly wanted to give him that piece of fabric. I was shocked. I throwed it to him and he started to sing 'Thank God that you found US!". He showed everyone my banner but...he was holding it wrong haha...TYPICAL MIKA. I'm astonished that he appreciated my work and idea. :yes:  :wub:

That show was perfect...a lot of eye contact and fun. Mika looked very happy and I hope that he'll come back soon!

Unfortunately he didn't come out but it's understandable because of Bercy show, so next time! :)

haha!! OMG! Yeah!! I remember that i saw here your banner before the show and i loved it! Its brilliant idea!!  :)  So...when he took it i was really so happy for you...and then the upside down thing - i was laughing so hard! Everybody tried to tell him that, laughing...but he was so enjoying the music, singing and was so concentrating that he didnt notice at all!! :naughty:  omg...how much i love this man! :naughty::wub:  btw. i was the one who said hi after the show, dont know if you remember me! It was in such a hurry...but i was happy to find you! So nice to see you and so nice to know that you enjoyed the gig! :)

  • Like 1

haha!! OMG! Yeah!! I remember that i saw here your banner before the show and i loved it! Its brilliant idea!!  :)  So...when he took it i was really so happy for you...and then the upside down thing - i was laughing so hard! Everybody tried to tell him that, laughing...but he was so enjoying the music, singing and was so concentrating that he didnt notice at all!! :naughty:  omg...how much i love this man! :naughty::wub:  btw. i was the one who said hi after the show, dont know if you remember me! It was in such a hurry...but i was happy to find you! So nice to see you and so nice to know that you enjoyed the gig! :)


YES YES YES! Amazing night! And thank you :)

And yes I remember you! :) I was shocked and I wasn't thinking clearly.... haha  :wub:  :hug: See you soon! I hope as soon as it's possible. :das:

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


I loved it :D and he looked really happy to see the "Thank you" fanaction and Asia's banner  :wub:

Edited by maggie112
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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)



Mika, 25.5. 2016, Forum Karlín | Foto: Šárka Bejdová

Mika po Ostravě okouzlil i Prahu, kde představil své nejnovější album z jeho tvorby. Předskokanem se pro tento jarní večer stali tuzemští Lake Malawi v čele s charismatickým Albertem Černým.


Britský zpěvák Mika nadchl české publikum už v Ostravě, kde zazpíval v rámci festivalu Colors of Ostrava. Nyní ale vystoupil vůbec poprvé na samostatném českém koncertě a opět si diváky svým zpěvem a tancem podmanil. Zazněly jak jeho osvědčené hity, tak kousky z nového alba No Place In Heaven. Jeho předskokany byla kapela Lake Malawi. Z koncertu vám přinášíme fotoreportáž.




30 pics

































































Edited by Kumazzz
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  • silver changed the title to 2016 - Forum Karlin, Prague, Czech Republic - 25 May: Reports / Pics / Vids

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