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2016 - Festival de Nimes France 16 July: Reports/Pics/Vids


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:france:Mika backs to Arènes de Nîmes !!


Setlist by Roseline

  1. - No Place in Heaven
  2. - Big Girls
  3. - Talk about You
  4. - Grace Kelly
  5. - Lollipop
  6. - Boum Boum Boum
  7. - Good Guys
  8. - Billy Brown
  9. - Tant que j'ai le soleil
  10. - Relax,
  11. - We are Golden
  12. - Happy Ending
  13. - Underwater
  14. - Rain
  15. - Elle me dit
  16. - J'ai deux amours
  17. - Love Today










:tears: Mika - Tribute to the victims of Nice (2016/07/16) - With Subtitles (Fr/Eng & Fr/Fr) :france::uk:




K'mille AC


a whole of the concert ( 1:45:16 )Concert au Festival de Nime

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is doing LIVE telescopes !!! Thanks a lot Corinne. :flowers2:

  1. OPENING Mika's speach for Victims in Nice  france7885
  2. Opening / No Place In Heaven / Big Girl france7885
  3. Grace Kelly / BBB ... france7885
  4. Billy Brown / Good Guys  france7885
  5. Relax france7885
  6. Underwater france7885
  7. Underwater / Lollipop / Happy Ending france7885
  8. Elle Me Dit france7885
  9. We Are Golden france7885
  10. Love Today france7885
Edited by Kumazzz
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From the cloisters of Les Jardins Secrets I can hear my band sound checking at Les Arènes de Nîmes.



Off topic : do you remember it ?


YouTube Vlog



I thought it was the same place - he likes it there

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Hello ! I will post my pics and videos tomorrow, when i am back home with a report. Here is the setlist but, not in right order :


- No Place in Heaven

- Big Girls

- Talk about You

- Grace Kelly

- Lollipop

- Boum Boum Boum

- Good Guys

- Billy Brown

- Tant que j'ai le soleil

- Relax,

- We are Golden

- Happy Ending

- Underwater

- Rain

- Elle me dit

- J'ai deux amours

- Love Today

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Hello ! I will post my pics and videos tomorrow, when i am back home with a report. Here is the setlist but, not in right order :



Thanks a lot, Roseline ! :wub:

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This was an excellent concert, in so many ways. Well the setlist was very basic. He did nothing extra (except the French ending) he even skipped Good Wife and Last Party but I didn't mind that because everything he did was stunning (and maybe LP was not appropriate because of the events happened). The venue was amazing and the acoustics extremely good, his voice was beautiful. Can't remember last time I heard the sound that clearly. Even Happy Ending without microphone could be heard in the end of the venue. Really loved everything, an absolute bliss! Very touching moment with a silence and speech (regarding to what happened in Nice) and otherwise great energy and atmosphere. The audience went wild already while waiting for Mika so the vibe was good since the very beginning. Lovely :wub2:

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Objectif Gard



16 juillet 2016 à 20:26


NÎMES Sécurité ultra-renforcée aux abords des Arènes


Si le risque zéro n’existe pas, la ville de Nîmes et la préfecture du Gard ont fait en sorte de sécuriser au maximum les concerts prévus ces jours-ci aux Arènes.


« Le ministère de l’Intérieur m’a dit de ne pas annuler les concerts sauf si la sécurité est engagée »,


indique le préfet du Gard Didier Lauga venu en personne, ce samedi en fin de journée – à quelques heures du concert de Mika – s’assurer du dispositif mis en place par les polices municipale et nationale. Et celui-ci ne laisse aucune place au hasard. Chaque rue, chaque avenue qui donnent directement accès aux Arènes sont désormais bloquées par des balayeuses ou camions de plusieurs tonnes afin d’éviter qu’un drame semblable à celui de Nice ne se joue dans la cité des Antonins.


En approchant des Arènes, sur le parvis, les effectifs de police sont aux aguets. Deux groupes de trois hommes de la police nationale, équipés de gilets pare-balle, sont lourdement armés d’un fusil d’assaut d’un côté et d’un pistolet mitrailleur de l’autre. Les effectifs de la police municipale ont, quant à eux, été renforcés.


Enfin, pour accéder au concert, chaque spectateur est minutieusement fouillé et débarrassé des objets pouvant servir de projectiles. Un dispositif qui satisfait le préfet : 

« Pendant les concerts nîmois, personne ne pourra rentrer facilement dans ce quadrilatère sécurisé. Les spectateurs pourront ainsi voir l’artiste en toute sécurité ».

Edited by Kumazzz
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Midi Libre



Les arènes de Nîmes ont vibré ce samedi 16 juillet. Le duo déjanté Brigitte, la jeune chanteuse Marina Kaye et la star de la pop Mika étaient à l'affiche. Après avoir observé une minute de silence en mémoire des victimes de l'attentat perpétré à Nice le 14 juillet, les artistes ont assuré le show face à un public conquis.


4 pics











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It was a beautiful gig, the setlist was nice and the concert was very emotional ! Mika began by a speech about what happened in Nice and asked for a minute of silence. No one said a word in the arena, everyone respected this silence. Then he sang No Place in Heaven, it was so emotional, it was the first time I heard it live. So beautiful ! Then, the gig really began with Big Girl. The crowd was wild, we were already calling Mika while his team was preparing the stage. Everyone waited for him to appear. He sang Elle me Dit in the crowd. He was really playful ! He played with the fans a lot. He really loved the moment of Underwater with all the lights. He said that we are beautiful. Someone on the stage took a picture, maybe we will soon see it on his instagram. He spoke a lot, saying lots of nonsense. It was really funny ! Hope someone recorded Elle Me Dit. Someone tried to do a selfie with Mika while he was singing. He get scowled. The light was on him, everyone saw him  :naughty: At the end, he sang "J'ai deux amours" of Joséphine Baker, he had a french flag a fan gave him. A beautiful moment. The last song was Love Today. After this song, the crowd was cheering and singing. He stayed a little bit then said goodnight and ran away. When we arrived at the artists entrance, he had already left. We were all sad.But I knew he had a long trip to go to Barolo, so I understood. But I really wanted to thank him. I am very happy because I had the chance to give the birthday gift I made for him before the gig. Someone knew his assistant, so we asked for her, she get out and I gave her the gift and the draw Chibi Mika made for this day. I hope he will like the gift and the draw ! 


Mika had the giant balloons out in this gig, it was really fun playing with them. Poor Tristan got one in the face making. Mika was laughing while singing. We had lots of confettis ! Three times ! People who have to clean after the gig must hate us !  :naughty:


A beautiful show in a magnificient place. I had a great time !  :yes:

Edited by Roseline
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Mika supports




Merci @mikasounds pour ce talent, ce concert & le soutien de la candidature de @nimes à l’@unesco ! #JeSoutiensNîmes



Their site is http://www.jesoutiensnimes.fr/en/support/they-are-supporting-nimes







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Mika supports




Merci @mikasounds pour ce talent, ce concert & le soutien de la candidature de @nimes à l’@unesco ! #JeSoutiensNîmes



Their site is http://www.jesoutiensnimes.fr/en/support/they-are-supporting-nimes







Thanks a lot Eriko ! you're great :thumb_yello::flowers2:

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