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Mika in Italian Press 2018


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Fenomenologia di Mika «Ti prego, potresti diventare mio fratello?» Cantante, autore, conduttore televisivo – Mika è ormai un fenomeno social consolidato.

Cantante, showman, conduttore televisivo – Mika è ormai un fenomeno social consolidato. Con una lunga serie di successi musicali alle spalle – dagli esordi con il brano Grace Kelly nel 2007 a Hurts nel 2016 ha raggiunto la vetta delle classifiche mondiali grazie al suo stile, alle sue molteplici influenze musicali e  all’inconfondibile voce, che gli hanno di fatto assegnato un posto tutto suo nella musica e nella cultura pop contemporanea. Ma le origini del successo in Italia di Mika (pseudonimo di Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.), come afferma Lucia Di Maro nel suo saggio Fenomenologia di Mika «Ti prego, potresti diventare mio fratello?», non riguardano solo le sue qualità di artista.


Seguendo le orme di Umberto Eco nel suo studio “Fenomenologia di Mike Bongiorno”, l’autrice analizza gli aspetti che hanno reso Mika così amato dal pubblico italiano. Per fare ciò ella parte dai social: come l’autrice riporta, Eco ha concluso la sua ricerca affermando che lo stile, il linguaggio, le celebri gaffe di Bongiorno altro non erano che il riflesso della mediocrità che la famiglia media apprezzava, in quanto vedeva sullo schermo “glorificato e insignito ufficialmente di autorità nazionale il ritratto dei propri limiti”.  Se si dà un’occhiata approfondita alle opinioni che il pubblico ha su Mika, però, ci si ritrova di fronte a una situazione del tutto diversa e soprattutto ne esce fuori un personaggio che non ha molti punti in comune con il celebre presentatore televisivo.

Il cantante di origini libanesi, nato a Beirut, emigrato a Parigi a causa della guerra civile, naturalizzato inglese, che appare in tv nazionale come giudice di un talent show parlando italiano è il riflesso televisivo della realtà odierna. Mika è figlio del mondo, di chi si integra in ogni contesto. Fluente in francese, spagnolo e di meno in arabo e cinese, oltre a suscitare simpatia per le sue gaffe in italiano, si distingue proprio per il suo interesse verso la nostra lingua. Si tratta di una differenza notevole considerando che innumerevoli suoi colleghi preferiscono fermarsi ad esclamare un Ciao Italia! e Grazie a tutti! ai concerti. L’effetto di tutto ciò sul pubblico è una sensazione di lusinga. Mika si muove sapientemente con rispetto verso i suoi colleghi da cui si fa correggere e verso il suo pubblico che nel corso delle puntate lo ha visto fare progressi, inciampare e con umiltà chiedere scusa, che l’italiano è una lingua difficile. Oltre a questo, Mika è affascinato anche dalla cultura italiana, come ricorda Lucia Di Maro nel suo studio, infatti si è esibito in un programma televisivo con Dario Fo in un duetto sulle note di Ho visto un re.

Altri fattori importanti riguardano le vicende personali del cantante. Mika è visto come un amico, un fratello. Colpisce per la sua genuinità e bontà d’animo, nonché per la forza con cui ha affrontato la dislessia, il bullismo (al cui tema ha dedicato la canzone Big girl) dettato soprattutto dall’omofobia (affrontata nel brano Hurts) di cui è vittima tuttora. Come si evince dai messaggi dei suoi fan, le sue dichiarazioni sono speranza e conforto.

L’analisi di Lucia De Maro, edita da Terebinto Edizioni nel 2018, approfondisce con attenzione i tratti caratteristici dell’artista, riportando una cernita di commenti degli utenti, utilizzati per rafforzare la sua tesi. Seppure necessiterebbe di maggiori fonti e una più spiccata vicinanza, come da premessa, con lo studio di Eco, e con una struttura e un linguaggio più consoni ad un saggio, l’autrice fa emergere un’immagine dell’artista sul punto di vista personale e mediatico più che sulla sua carriera. Ciò permette dunque di liberare lo showman dalla sua etichetta e di farne conoscere gli aspetti più profondi anche a chi non si è mai avvicinato al suo genere musicale.

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  • 2 weeks later...




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At Hand: if I'm well I don't stop.
Mika to Chapter.
Birthday curiosities
The singer: if God wants I will continue for 2019.


Try to imagine a creamy white suite that overlooks the sea of Chapter, the chic lido of Bari's productive bourgeoisie. Bands of intense light are reflected in the water of a saltwater pool where you dive -protected by absolute privacy- just up from the luxurious bed covered in Mediterranean fabrics. In this corner of paradise, La Peschiera, one of the most sought after small luxury hotels in Puglia, has arrived the star Mika who has happily spent her holidays without ever being photographed.


Edited by Loo
thread year mistake :teehee:
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Toscana TV




Mika prende casa sulle colline di Firenze
06 Agosto 2018

L'artista libanese tra selfie e passeggiate nella zona di San Casciano

Mika ha preso in parola il Comune di Firenze che, a gennaio, gli ha consegnato le chiavi della città. Chissà se le ha attaccate allo stesso portachiavi dove hanno trovato posto quelle della casa toscana, dove sta trascorrendo questa estate con fughe da turista altrove in Italia. Una casa in città, ma nelle campagne intorno, al cui fascino neanche lui, l’ex enfant terrible della musica internazionale, la scoppiettante vocina che si è fatta strada nelle classi...


Google translator


Mika takes home in the hills of Florence
06 August 2018
The Lebanese artist between selfies and walks in the San Casciano area

Mika took the word of the City of Florence, who gave him the keys to the city in January. Who knows if he has attached them to the same key ring where they found the place of the Tuscan house, where he is spending this summer with tourist escapes elsewhere in Italy. A house in the city, but in the surrounding countryside, to whose charm not even him, the former enfant terrible of international music, the crackling little voice that has made its way into the classes ...


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TV8 will broadcast X Factor 9 - The Best Of Audizioni

on venerdì 17 agosto 21:30 ( Friday 17 August 21:30 )








So probably we can watch the livestream from the outside Italy.


:wink2: FIRST ONE : TV8 https://www.firstonetv.net/Live/Italy/TV8-20


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TV Sorrisi e Canzoni N.33 - 14 Agosto 2018


Page 60

  • IL SANTO DEL GIORNO Elena, imperatrice.
  • OGGI È IL COMPLEANNO DI Sergio Castellitto, attore (65); Mika, cantante (35); Robert Redford, attore (81); Daniele Silvestri, cantautore (50).



Page 72

  • August 19 ( Sunday )
  • TV 8  23:15  X Factor 9




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On 8/13/2018 at 9:18 AM, Kumazzz said:


TV8 will broadcast X Factor 9 - The Best Of Audizioni

on venerdì 17 agosto 21:30 ( Friday 17 August 21:30 )








So probably we can watch the livestream from the outside Italy.


:wink2: FIRST ONE : TV8 https://www.firstonetv.net/Live/Italy/TV8-20


REPLAY on August 19




domenica 19 agosto



X Factor 9 - The Best Of Audizioni

Categoria : Show Durata : 1h45min





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Siamo una piccola associazione ma la nostra associazione è formata dagli stessi genitori che hanno avuto figli ricoverati per un lungo periodo e con l'incertezza di poterli tenere tra le braccia e un giorno portarli a casa. Da lì troviamo la forza di portare avanti grandi progetti con la stessa tenacia che hanno avuto i nostri figli nei loro primi mesi di vita! Ringraziamo i gruppi di fans di Mika: Mikawonderland e Crazymoms 4 Mika hanno avuto l'idea meravigliosa di regalare al loro idolo un pezzettino del nostro progetto. Quando ce l'hanno proposto abbiamo pensato a Mika, alla sua straordinaria sensibilità e abbiamo subito accettato molto orgogliose!. Grazie e auguri Mika, Buon compleanno da tutti noi
#mika #Mikawonderland2016 #Crazymoms4mika #augurimika #Cicognasprint #prematurità #prematurigenova #piccolieroi #tenacia #prematurity #care #babyLeo #babyLeoraddoppia @mikainstagram #Happybirthdaymika



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Discovering Mika, the bullied child who found redemption in music (despite dyslexia problems).

Presenter but above all singer, Mika, at the registry office Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. (August 18, 1983), is one of the most popular artists in the pop music scene. Today we see him as the master of the stage and TV lounges, we saw him as the great protagonist of the X Factor and as impeccable host Mika, yet as a child Michael was anything but friendly and friendly. So let's discover Mika and the roots of the man who became a character.
The career of Mika, the overweight and dyslexic boy who broke through thanks to... MySpace

Mika's early years are anything but simple. He lived for seven months in the American embassy in Kuwait, an experience that in some way marked him indelibly. Things are not going very well at school either. Because of his dyslexia and weight (incredible but true, the little Mika was definitely overweight) it's easy to prey on bullies that undermine his self-esteem. A rebellious boy comes out and when he's alone he closes in on a parallel world, that of music and that's where he actually lives after being thrown out of school at the age of ten.

He had written his first song at the age of seven but always because of dyslexia could not live his passion lightly. The notes on the pentagram were almost indecipherable and more than once thought to throw in the towel. A crucial role in the boy's life would have been played by his mother, Mika's first supporter and always ready to accompany him to auditions, auditions and small record companies.

The success, in a time when talent didn't exist yet or at least didn't have the power they acquired over the years, comes thanks to MySpace, where the boy published his songs. It was 2006, Italy was World Champion in Germany and a record put his eyes on Mika writing, still without knowing it, a very important page in the history of pop music.

Particularly generous (or marketing genius), in 2009 Mika invited her fans to a pub to celebrate the release of her new album together. The owner of the restaurant will have been particularly happy that at the end of the evening he has detached a receipt of more than twenty thousand dollars. With the passage of time he would then restrict the tour of his drinking companions, among which stands out the name of Fedez, always ready to give strong hand to his friend and colleague when it comes to taking a nice hangover.

Great successes, but not only. Grace Kelly, her first single to become a real catchphrase in a short time, has been elected as one of the most irritating tracks in history. And on the subject of negative records, in the United Kingdom has returned to the top ten of the ten men dressed in the worst way. A matter of taste.

Mika's private life: from her companion Andreas to her passion for white shoes

A great icon of the gay world, Mika came out in 2012. The singer revealed that the news was not weighed in the best way by his mother who would take some time to accept the situation and Andreas Dermanis, the historical companion of Mika. The two of them live in London far from the spotlight of scandalous newspapers.

Mika is a great fan of white shoes, a detail that certainly has not escaped his most avid fans. They are probably his favourite garment and he seems to have several pairs of them. As for the clothing of the always impeccable singer, it seems that Mika has a compulsive obsession that forces him to buy three pieces of the same item of clothing!



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2 hours ago, Loo said:







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Discovering Mika, the bullied child who found redemption in music (despite dyslexia problems).

Presenter but above all singer, Mika, at the registry office Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. (August 18, 1983), is one of the most popular artists in the pop music scene. Today we see him as the master of the stage and TV lounges, we saw him as the great protagonist of the X Factor and as impeccable host Mika, yet as a child Michael was anything but friendly and friendly. So let's discover Mika and the roots of the man who became a character.
The career of Mika, the overweight and dyslexic boy who broke through thanks to... MySpace

Mika's early years are anything but simple. He lived for seven months in the American embassy in Kuwait, an experience that in some way marked him indelibly. Things are not going very well at school either. Because of his dyslexia and weight (incredible but true, the little Mika was definitely overweight) it's easy to prey on bullies that undermine his self-esteem. A rebellious boy comes out and when he's alone he closes in on a parallel world, that of music and that's where he actually lives after being thrown out of school at the age of ten.

He had written his first song at the age of seven but always because of dyslexia could not live his passion lightly. The notes on the pentagram were almost indecipherable and more than once thought to throw in the towel. A crucial role in the boy's life would have been played by his mother, Mika's first supporter and always ready to accompany him to auditions, auditions and small record companies.

The success, in a time when talent didn't exist yet or at least didn't have the power they acquired over the years, comes thanks to MySpace, where the boy published his songs. It was 2006, Italy was World Champion in Germany and a record put his eyes on Mika writing, still without knowing it, a very important page in the history of pop music.

Particularly generous (or marketing genius), in 2009 Mika invited her fans to a pub to celebrate the release of her new album together. The owner of the restaurant will have been particularly happy that at the end of the evening he has detached a receipt of more than twenty thousand dollars. With the passage of time he would then restrict the tour of his drinking companions, among which stands out the name of Fedez, always ready to give strong hand to his friend and colleague when it comes to taking a nice hangover.

Great successes, but not only. Grace Kelly, her first single to become a real catchphrase in a short time, has been elected as one of the most irritating tracks in history. And on the subject of negative records, in the United Kingdom has returned to the top ten of the ten men dressed in the worst way. A matter of taste.

Mika's private life: from her companion Andreas to her passion for white shoes

A great icon of the gay world, Mika came out in 2012. The singer revealed that the news was not weighed in the best way by his mother who would take some time to accept the situation and Andreas Dermanis, the historical companion of Mika. The two of them live in London far from the spotlight of scandalous newspapers.

Mika is a great fan of white shoes, a detail that certainly has not escaped his most avid fans. They are probably his favourite garment and he seems to have several pairs of them. As for the clothing of the always impeccable singer, it seems that Mika has a compulsive obsession that forces him to buy three pieces of the same item of clothing!



what a terrible article, the writer should have done his research probably ......

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4 hours ago, Sabine64 said:

what a terrible article, the writer should have done his research probably ......

This journalist took some real, old interview pieces and (a lot) fiction, but there are nice things anyway! And he's the only one who's thought about turning 35. :wink2:

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On 18 August Mika turns 35: these are the fundamental stages in the life of a multifaceted artist (KikaPress)

His real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. and on August 18th he turns off 35 candles: with his style and his music he made everyone dance, giving so many emotions

He likes to say that he's completely crazy. But Mika is also ironic, fun, refined, an artist capable of moving from the piano to the bench of X Factor judges, breaking the mould and entertaining everyone. That's why the showman of Lebanese origin has become a transversal idol, who brings parents and children together, on the wave of fun. On 18 August he turns 35 years old. That's what you need to know about Mika.
The beginnings

Michael Holbrook Penniman Junior was born in Beirut on 18 August 1983. He is the third of five brothers, dyslexic and overweight. He saves himself with music, becoming a prodigy as early as eleven, when he debuted in London with a concert by Strauss. At 23 years of age she was already an established star, able to climb the musical charts and score sold out concerts all over the world. He speaks fluent English, Spanish, Italian and French. It is also able to express itself in Chinese and Arabic. His first album is titled "Life In Cartoon Motion" and sells 7 million copies worldwide.
Collaborations and awards

After the second album entitled "The Boy Who Knew Too Much", Mika composed "The Origin of Love" in 2012. In this album the Lebanese artist collaborates among others with Pharrell Williams and Ariana Grande. In his fourth album "No Place in Heaven", released in 2015, influences still change and are clothed with glam rock and indie rock. For him, there was an avalanche of awards, including the Brits Awards, Grammy, World Music Awards and MTV'S Europe. He was also awarded the prestigious French prize of Knight of Arts and Letters. After all, France is his second home, since he had to leave Beirut with his family because of the civil war.
Look and style of music

Despite his collaborations with Christian Louboutin, Pier Paolo Piccioli and Maria Grazia Chiuri of the Maison Valentino, Mika has a personal stylist: mother Joanne, who follows him everywhere, even in the studios of X Factor Italia, where Mika arrives in 2013. As for his musical style, on his website you can read that he was influenced by artists such as Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Serge Gainsbourg. Her tastes are eclectic and she also loves Prince, Elton John and Michael Jackson. In himself, Mika also says that he is a difficult artist, but that he always manages to bend his art into many television formats and travelling shows, entertaining his fans who - as he says - "are like the United Nations, united by diversity".



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Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr, this is the real name of the man who, with his style and his music, has made everyone dance, young and old, giving so many emotions.

Third of five, he was born on August 18, 1983, in Beirut (Lebanon), to a Lebanese Maronite mother and an American father. At the age of nine he moved to London, where he attended school and a college for music. In those years he had a problem at school because of a form of dyslexia that still prevents him from reading the musical scores, the time of the clock and using the pen to write. However, he started composing from a very young age, ranging between various genres, and was able to make himself known through his personal page on MySpace, being noticed by a record company in 2006, which offers him a contract to release Grace Kelly. And it was that song that made him so well known, and served as a springboard for his musical career.

He likes to say of himself that he's completely mad, and how can he be wronged? With a bright and contagious smile, Mika is a real source of energy, has an adrenaline to envy and a syndrome by Peter Pan that makes him adorable in the eyes of the eldest but especially the youngest, who love him because he looks like a child trapped in the body of an adult. Mika is fun, refined, ironic, talented and breaks the mould. He has often been targeted for his eccentricity and especially for his sexual orientation, but it's easy to judge him without knowing him, try to watch even just five minutes of his show and you'll leave with a heart full of emotions and a smile: it's almost impossible not to love him. He knows how to entertain everyone and in fact has become a transversal idol, he puts parents and children in agreement on the wave of fun.

He has been happily engaged with Andreas, a film maker by profession, for eight years. The couple has been living together in London for a few years now, where they spend a peaceful life far from the worldly world. "It's a house full of books. There is a lot of art, there are my two dogs, the gardener, a person who takes care of the house, the cook because eating is beautiful! And my companion is always surrounded by strangers. He loses our head," Mika once confided to a weekly magazine, with his usual cheerfulness. He lives surrounded by love and has worked hard to get to where he is now, to feel so loved, in fact at the moment he still does not feel the desire to have children and start a family. "I live a life that is too selfish. To do 15 months of tour is equivalent to a gigantic emotional investment".

Mika you live serenely his sexuality, giving his followers who find themselves living his own reality hope and awareness of not being different. Yet it was not easy for him anyway and not so much to accept himself, but to be accepted. She has in fact revealed in the past that her mother was not happy: "she is only 90% proud of me, she would like me to be straight". After his coming-out in 2012, there was also public opinion, as when a few years ago, in Florence, were soiled with homophobic writings some posters announcing his concert at the Mandela Forum. To the insults Mika replied on Twitter, writing: "I'm not afraid of who discriminates. Nobody should have it. Love does what it wants" using the hashtag #brempiamoilsilenzio.

And that is exactly what he has done in recent years, has broken the silence. A great icon of the gay world, Mika has defended himself and the reality of many young people like him who find themselves surrounded every day by prejudice, hatred and malice.

Mika has defeated bullying in many ways, fighting, raising his voice and often even without saying anything, being simply himself, the crazy, eccentric, exhibitionist, dyslexic and overweight Beirut boy who was told that he would not go anywhere, but that with his talent and his desire to live has arrived to the top of the world.

So happy birthday, Mika: that the next 35 years are eccentric, crazy, incredible and wonderful. Like you.



I don't know what it's like this year to say he was obese when he was a kid! :lmfao:

Edited by Loo
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Mika is special !!! secondo me è il miglioreee di tutti i cantanti in circolazione... (bello, canta benissimo, simpatico) non se l'ha tira per nulla... ci aggiorna su cosa fa e dove va si mika The best in the world .... :cloud::wub2: :mikalove:

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11 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

 È la quintessenza dell'eclettismo: cantante, ballerino, showman, presentatore, può fare praticamente tutto, purché sia qualcosa che gli consente di esprimersi. Tra i suoi talenti ancora inespressi scommetterei sulla scrittura: chissà che in futuro non esca con un romanzo o, perché no, con una raccolta di favole per bambini. Perché per essere un folletto senza età, bisogna aver conservato nel profondo un po' di quell'animo bambino per cui tutto è possibile e nulla fuori portata.



 It's the quintessence of eclecticism: singer, dancer, showman, presenter, he can do practically anything, as long as it's something that allows him to express himself. Among his still unexpressed talents I would bet on writing: who knows that in the future he won't go out with a novel or, why not, with a collection of children's tales. Because to be an ageless elf, you must have kept in the depths a bit of that child soul for which everything is possible and nothing out of reach.


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TV Sorrisi e Canzoni N.34 - 21 Agosto 2018


Dov’è nato MIKA,
cantautore, ex giudice
di «X Factor» e conduttore
di «Stasera casa Mika»?


Where MIKA was born,
songwriter, former judge
of «X Factor» and conductor
of «Stasera Casa Mika»?






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  • 2 weeks later...






Noto - The mayor of Noto, Corrado Bonfanti, will marry rapper Fedez and fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni. The news is not yet official, but on the documents that the municipal office has compiled does not appear any name and no delegation has been signed by the first citizen.

Mika is one of the super VIP guests at the wedding of Fedez and Chiara Ferragni, which will be celebrated on Saturday, September 1. The popstar on his enthusiastic social profile shows the pop up invitation he received via mail he judges wonderful.

They've been friends since X Factor. Mika and Fedez have kept intact the good relationship that binds them and that led them to collaborate together in "Beautiful Disaster" in 2014, song that climbed the top of the charts and boosted with the views on YouTube. Although they now see much less, Federico Lucia has not forgotten to invite Mika to her wedding with Chiara Ferragni.



Edited by Loo
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