Gabry74 Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 (edited) The fiction 'La compagnia del cigno' is the new collaboration between Mika and Ivan Cotroneo after two seasons of Stasera Casa Mika, from 7th of January on RAI 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RaiPlay 2019/01/La-Compagnia-del-cigno-Extra-Sigla La sigla La sigla de "La Compagnia del Cigno" è stata composta da MIKA. The thema The theme of "La Compagnia del Cigno" was composed by MIKA. DIRECT MP4 VK Sound Of An Orchestra ( 11.3 MB ) [HQ] 6.8 MB Title sequence : Sound Of An Orchestra (18 MB) St 1 Ep 1 2018 L'arrivo di Matteo RaiPlay La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E1-L-arrivo-di-Matteo Direct MP4 (660 MB ) : La_compagnia_del_cigno/9910928_1800.mp4 VK 2019.01.07 LCdC St1 Ep1 L'arrivo di Matteo St 1 Ep 2 2018 Nascita della compagnia RaiPlay La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E2-Nascita-della-Compagnia Direct MP4 (706 MB) La_compagnia_del_cigno/9911008_1800.mp4 VK 2019.01.07 LCdC St1 Ep2 Birth of the company St 1 Ep 3 2018 Il primo concerto RaiPlay La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E3-Il-primo-concerto Direct MP4 (590 MB) VK 2019.01.08 LCdC St1 Ep3 The First Concert St 1 Ep 4 2018 La scelta di Barbara RaiPlay La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E4-La-scelta-di-Barbara Direct MP4 (789 MB) VK 2019.01.08 LCdC St1 Ep4 The Choice Of Barbara St 1 Ep 5 2019 L'orgoglio di Sara RaiPlay La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E5-L-orgoglio-di-Sara Direct MP4 ( 698 MB ) La_compagnia_del_cigno/9942877_1800.mp4 VK 2019.01.14 LCdC St1 Ep5 Sara's Choice St 1 Ep 6 2018 Un'altra possibilità RaiPlay Direct MP4 ( 756 MB ) VK 2019.01.14 LCdC St1 Ep6 Another possibility St 1 Ep 7 2019 Insieme RaiPlay 2019/01/La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E7-Insieme Direct MP4 ( 649 MB ) VK 2019.01.21 LCdC St1 Ep7 Ensemble St 1 Ep 8 2019 La notte di Matteo RaiPlay 2019/01/La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E8-La-notte-di-Matteo Direct MP4 VK 2019.01.21 LCdC St1 Ep8 The night of Matteo St 1 Ep 9 2019 Scoperte RaiPlay 2019/01/La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E9-Scoperte Direct MP4 (713 MB) Fiction/La_compagnia_del_cigno VK 2019.01.28 LCdC St1 Ep8 Scoprte St 1 Ep 10 2019 Rinascere RaiPlay 2019/01/La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E10-Rinascere Direct MP4 (721 MB) Fiction/La_compagnia_del_cigno.mp4 VK 2019.01.28 LCdC St1 Ep9 Rinascere St 1 Ep 11 2019 Un padre RaiPlay 2019/01/La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E11-Un-padre DIRECT MP4 : La_compagnia_del_cigno/10042612_1800.mp4 VK 2019.02.04 LCdC St1 Ep11 Un padre ( A father ) St 1 Ep 12 2019 Il nostro futuro RaiPlay 2019/01/La-Compagnia-del-Cigno-S1E12-Il-nostro-futuro DIRECT MP4 : La_compagnia_del_cigno/10042622_1800.mp4 VK 2019.02.04 LCdC St1 Ep12 Il nostro futuro ( Our future ) Edited May 17, 2021 by Kumazzz updating 11 1
Kumazzz Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 (edited) Corriere della Sera 21 Aprile 2018-p_55 PDF file Corriere della Sera 21 Aprile 2018-page-55.pdf Gli atleti della classica Vita in conservatorio nella nuova serie di Cotroneo «Queiragazzisi allenano come degli olimpionici» La fiction «La compagnia del Cigno» è ambientata al Verdi di Milano N on è la solita storia di ordinaria criminalità, tra sparatorie, morti ammazzati, droga, emarginazione. Questa è una storia di arte, cultura, bellezza e di ragazzi vincenti. La compagnia del Cigno è la nuova serie di Ivan Cotroneo, scritta con Monica Rametta, prodotta da Indigo Film e Rai Fiction in 6 puntate, su Raiuno nella prossima stagione. Protagonisti sette adolescenti, diversi fra loro per estrazione sociale, temperamentoecarattere, che condividono la passione per la musica. Frequentano a Milano il conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi, detto «il cigno di Busseto», da qui il titolo della fiction. Ognuno di loroèun musicista di talento, costretto però a fare i conti con la vita, le famiglie, le ferree regole dello studio e la durezza di un integerrimo direttore d’orchestra, interpretato da Alessio Boni, che pretende da loro il massimo dell’impegno. L’idea nasce da un concerto di quartetto d’archi. «Mi è capitato di assistere all’esibizione di un ensemble di giovanissimi — racconta Cotroneo, che firma anche la regia — Li osservavo mentre suonavano: traspariva non solo la loro preparazione, ma la loro passione, determinazione, disciplina, dedizione...». Cotroneo scopre il mondo dei conservatori, a cominciare da quello milanese: «Ho iniziato a frequentarlo, assistendo alle lezioni. Ho conosciuto gli allievi e ho capito che, pur suonando il pianoforte, il violino o il violoncello, si preparano come degli atleti olimpici: si alzano presto la mattina, studiano, si esercitano per ore. I loro idoli sono Mozart o Paganini, non sognano di diventare solisti, non aspirano a diventare delle star, ma solo ad entrare in un’orchestra. Siccome non esistono talent per chi suona meglio l’oboe o il clavicembalo, ho pensato di raccontare le loro storie in altro modo». Per comporre il cast non sono stati scelti attori che fingono di suonare, ma veri musicisti. Sono stati provinati oltre 1800 ragazzi e alla fine è nata la compagnia del Cigno: sette protagonisti tra i 15 e i 20 anni, quasi tutti debuttanti assoluti. «Lavorare con loro è emozionante — esordisce Boni —. Sono serissimi, per loro non c’è birra, né sballo in discoteca, ma solo senso del sacrificio e disciplina: studiano il copione come uno spartito e arrivano alle riprese puntuali e preparati. In altre produzioni — aggiunge — mi capita spesso che colleghi attori navigati si presentino sul set senza sapere la parte a memoria». Il suo maestro d’orchestra, Luca Marioni, è un personaggio scomodo: «Non si tratta del Riccardo Muti della situazione, ma un po’ me lo ricorda peril suo rigore quando sale sul podio. Il mio maestro è severissimo, a volte spietato, pretende forse troppo dagli allievi, tanto da essere soprannominato “il bastardo”. Ma lo fa perché non vuole creare una generazione di falliti: si cresce bene con i “no”». Tra le storie dei ragazzi, c’è quella di Matteo (Leonardo Mazzarotto) che, scampato al terremoto di Amatrice, approda a Milano per studiare violino; Rosario (Francesco Tozzi), un asso delle percussioni, con alle spalle una madre tossicodipendente; Barbara la pianista (Fotinì Peluso), un po’ snob e di buona famiglia; e poi c’è Sara (Hildegard De Stefano) violinista ipovedente: «Non è stato facile, perché per fortuna ci vedo benissimo — ammette la ventenne —. Ho frequentato un istituto per ciechi e ho imparatoacamminare per Milano a occhi chiusi, dotata di un bastone. Ho provato una sensazione straordinaria: privata della vista, ho sentito la realtà intorno attraverso i rumori, gli odori... Un’attenzione concentrata, come quella che serve in un’orchestra». Un’accolita di atleti musicisti che si allena soprattutto ad affrontare la vita. «Un tema di grande importanza — conferma il direttore Rai Fiction Andreatta —. Si racconta un periodo generazionale che oggi vede accentuarsi le incertezze. Questi giovani si trovano di fronteauna provaesono chiamati a confrontarsi con se stessi e con la responsabilità di un impegno». Conclude Cotroneo: «Ogni tanto occorre dare qualche esempio positivo, e stavolta si ascolterà tanta bella musica classica». Emilia Costantini EmiliaCostantin © RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA Su Rai1 Il cast della serie in sei puntate che andrà in onda su Rai1. Da sinistra: Emanuele Misuraca, Hildegard De Stefano, Leonardo Mazzarotto, Fotinì Peluso, Francesco Tozzi, Chiara Pia Aurora e Ario Sgroi sono i sette studenti del Conservatorio Verdi di Milano Il regista ● Ivan Cotroneo, classe 1968, è scrittore, sceneggiatore e regista. Tra le sue serie «Una grande famiglia» e «Una mamma imperfetta» Direttore Alessio Boni e Anna Valle, marito e moglie sul set. Nella serie, l’attore è un integerrimo direttore d’orchestra Google translaor Spoiler The athletes of the classicLife in the conservatory in the new Cotroneo series «Queiragazzisi train like the Olympians»The fiction "La compagnia del Cigno" is set at the Verdi in MilanN on is the usual history of ordinary crime, including shootings, murdered deaths, drugs, marginalization. This is a story of art, culture, beauty and winning guys. The company of the Swan is the new series of Ivan Cotroneo, written with Monica Rametta, produced by Indigo Film and Rai Fiction in 6 episodes, on Raiuno in the next season. Starring seven teenagers, different from each other for social extraction, temperament and character, who share a passion for music. They frequent the Giuseppe Verdi conservatory in Milan, called "the swan of Busseto", hence the title of fiction. Each of them is a talented musician, but forced to deal with life, families, strict rules of study and the hardness of an intact conductor, played by Alessio Boni, who demands from them the maximum commitment . The idea comes from a string quartet concert. "I happened to attend the performance of a very young ensemble - says Cotroneo, who also signs the direction - I watched them while they played: not only their preparation was transparent, but their passion, determination, discipline, dedication ..." . Cotroneo discovers the world of conservatives, beginning with the Milanese one: «I started attending it, attending classes. I met the students and I realized that while playing the piano, the violin or the cello, they prepare themselves like Olympic athletes: they get up early in the morning, study, practice for hours. Their idols are Mozart or Paganini, they do not dream of becoming soloists, they do not aspire to become stars, but only to enter into an orchestra. Since there are no talent for those who play better oboe or harpsichord, I thought about telling their stories in another way ». To compose the cast no actors who pretend to play were chosen, but true musicians. Over 1,800 boys were tried and finally the company of the Swan was born: seven protagonists between 15 and 20 years, almost all absolute debutants. "Working with them is exciting," says Boni. They are very serene, there is no beer for them, nor a buzz in the disco, but only sense of sacrifice and discipline: they study the script as a score and arrive at timely and prepared shots. In other productions - he adds - it often happens to me that fellow navigated actors present themselves on the set without knowing the part by heart ". His conductor, Luca Marioni, is an uncomfortable character: "This is not the Riccardo Muti of the situation, but a little 'reminds me of his rigor when he gets on the podium. My teacher is very strict, sometimes ruthless, perhaps too demanding by students, so as to be nicknamed "the bastard". But it does so because it does not want to create a generation of bankrupts: it grows well with "no" ». Among the stories of the boys, there is that of Matteo (Leonardo Mazzarotto) who, having escaped the earthquake of Amatrice, arrives in Milan to study violin; Rosario (Francesco Tozzi), an ace of percussion, with a drug addicted mother; Barbara the pianist (Fotinì Peluso), a bit 'snobby and good family; and then there is Sara (Hildegard De Stefano), a visually impaired violinist: "It was not easy, because luckily I see very well - admits the twenty-year-old.I attended an institute for the blind and I learned to walk through Milan with eyes closed, with a stick. I felt an extraordinary sensation: deprived of sight, I felt the reality around through the noises, the smells ... A concentrated attention, like the one you need in an orchestra ». An acolyte of athletes musicians who train especially to face life. "A theme of great importance - confirms the director Rai Fiction Andreatta -. A generational period is told which today sees uncertainties accentuating. These young people find themselves at the front of a trial and are called to deal with themselves and with the responsibility of a commitment ». Cotroneo concludes: "Sometimes we need to give some positive examples, and this time we will hear a lot of beautiful classical music".Emilia CostantiniEmiliaCostantin © RESERVED REPRODUCTION On Rai1The cast of the series in six episodes that will air on Rai1.From left: Emanuele Misuraca, Hildegard De Stefano, Leonardo Mazzarotto, Fotinì Peluso, Francesco Tozzi, Chiara Pia Aurora and Ario Sgroi are the seven students of the Verdi Conservatory of MilanDirector● Ivan Cotroneo, born in 1968, is a writer, screenwriter and director.Among his series "A great family" and "An imperfect mother"DirectorAlessio Boni and Anna Valle, husband and wife on set. In the series, the actor is a complete orchestral conductor Edited April 25, 2018 by Kumazzz 5
Kumazzz Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 DON PASQUALE at Teatro Alla Scala Milan 5
pupaclaudia Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 3 hours ago, Kumazzz said: mikainstagram IG story He's really cool!!! 4
Gabry74 Posted April 25, 2018 Author Posted April 25, 2018 anastasiaritmo_1764707383080127831_StorySaver_video.mp4 5 1
silver Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 So for the benefit of the non-Italian speakers, what is this collaboration about? 4
crazyaboutmika Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 Thank you so much @Gabry74 and @Kumazzz for this news that makes me very happy 4
crazyaboutmika Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 7 minutes ago, silver said: So for the benefit of the non-Italian speakers, what is this collaboration about? Eriko has posted an English google translation of the PDF file under it as a spoiler I didn't see Mika's name in it my guess is that he might be a guest star in an episode of Ivan Cotroneo new TV serie 5 1
sara09 Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 27 minutes ago, silver said: So for the benefit of the non-Italian speakers, what is this collaboration about? 15 minutes ago, crazyaboutmika said: Eriko has posted an English google translation of the PDF file under it as a spoiler I didn't see Mika's name in it my guess is that he might be a guest star in an episode of Ivan Cotroneo new TV serie This new fiction will be about seven guys (in the pic above) attending the music conservatory in Milan, so it all revolves around classical music. There's no info yet about Mika's role, but since they started filming in February, Anne's guess could be right, I think a cameo is the most likely option! 7 3
Kumazzz Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 @crazyaboutmika Anne, you will have a chance to ask about it on Saturday. 4 1
Gabry74 Posted April 25, 2018 Author Posted April 25, 2018 1 hour ago, silver said: So for the benefit of the non-Italian speakers, what is this collaboration about? 1 hour ago, crazyaboutmika said: Eriko has posted an English google translation of the PDF file under it as a spoiler I didn't see Mika's name in it my guess is that he might be a guest star in an episode of Ivan Cotroneo new TV serie 31 minutes ago, sara09 said: This new fiction will be about seven guys (in the pic above) attending the music conservatory in Milan, so it all revolves around classical music. There's no info yet about Mika's role, but since they started filming in February, Anne's guess could be right, I think a cameo is the most likely option! It's a new Ivan Cotroneo's fiction in wich starring Anna Valle and Alessio Boni and Mika too, but we don't know his role. 10 minutes ago, Kumazzz said: @crazyaboutmika Anne, you will have a chance to ask about it on Saturday. Yes, Anne! 5
crazyaboutmika Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 (edited) 41 minutes ago, Kumazzz said: @crazyaboutmika Anne, you will have a chance to ask about it on Saturday. Hopefully I have three questions for him now Did he like our belt? Does he sing "dire" or "d'heures" in his new cover? What will be his role in the new Italian fiction? Wish me luck guys Edited April 25, 2018 by crazyaboutmika 7 3
Anna Ko Kolkowska Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 Busy Mika, very busy Mika :-) So happy he shares (at least a little) his steps and actions. I hope, girls, you will be able to ask him about all this next Saturday. Fingers crossed 5
carafon Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 4 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said: Does he sing "dire" or "d'heures" in his new cover? It sounds more like "d'heures" but in that case ......🙄..... but in that case don't understand the meaning I'd rather say it's "dire" with a stange accent 3 1
silver Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 3 hours ago, carafon said: It sounds more like "d'heures" but in that case ......🙄..... but in that case don't understand the meaning I'd rather say it's "dire" with a stange accent Nice to know he sometimes speaks French with a strange accent, just like he does in English sometimes 7 1
crazyaboutmika Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, silver said: Nice to know he sometimes speaks French with a strange accent, just like he does in English sometimes He does indeed That's why I wish he could join the MFC subs team and help when we can't figure out one of his words hence my message to him in our next yearbook Edited April 25, 2018 by crazyaboutmika 2 5
krysady Posted April 26, 2018 Posted April 26, 2018 (edited) On 4/25/2018 at 4:03 AM, Kumazzz said: Direttore Alessio Boni e Anna Valle So Mika is working with his acting teacher now 😏 Edited April 26, 2018 by krysady 3 4
Gabry74 Posted November 27, 2018 Author Posted November 27, 2018 From the 7th of January 2019 on RAI 1. 4 4
Kumazzz Posted November 27, 2018 Posted November 27, 2018 Gossip E TV La Compagnia del Cigno con Alessio Boni e Anna Valle, trama e quando va in onda By Valentina Lucia Garbato Pubblicato su 20 novembre 2018 La Compagnia del Cigno, la trama della nuova serie di Rai 1 La Compagnia del Cigno è il titolo della nuova fiction diretta da Ivan Cotroneo con Anna Valle e Alessio Boni. La nuova serie andrà in onda prossimamente su Rai Uno. La fiction prevede 12 episodi ambientati all’interno del conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di Milano. Protagonisti de La Compagnia del Cigno saranno sette adolescenti, tutti musicisti di talento alle prese con i problemi tipici della loro età e con il severo direttore d’orchestra Luca Marioni, interpretato da Alessio Boni. La serie racconterà le vicende di Matteo (Leonardo Mazzarotto), sedicenne scampato al terremoto di Amatrice che arriva a Milano per studiare violino, Sara (Hildegard De Stefano), una violinista ipovedente, Rosario (Francesco Tozzi), giovane percussionista con una madre tossicodipendente e Barbara (Fotinì Peluso), pianista di grande talento e poi ancora Yuri, Robbo e Sofia. Un cast di giovani talenti per la nuova fiction di Rai1 La fiction racconta dunque le storie di sette giovani accomunati dalla grande passione per la musica. Ad interpretare i ragazzi de La Compagnia del Cigno sono tutti musicisti veri, selezionati dopo un lungo lavoro di casting nelle migliori scuole di musica in Italia. Ad affiancare i giovani attori un cast di grandi nomi come Alessandro Roja, Carlotta Natoli, Francesca Cavallin, Stefano Dionisi, Claudia Potenza, Angela Baraldi e Dino Abbrescia. La fiction vedrà inoltre la partecipazione straordinaria di Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Rocco Tanica e Marco Bocci. La Compagnia del Cigno in onda prossimamente su Rai1 Le riprese delle 6 puntate della nuova fiction, suddivise in 12 episodi complessivi, si sono svolte a Milano tra febbraio e giugno per la durata di circa venti settimane. Al momento non c’è ancora una data per il debutto della serie. Certo è che La Compagnia del Cigno andrà in onda in prima serata su Rai1 presumibilmente all’inizio del 2019. Google translator Spoiler The Compagnia del Cigno with Alessio Boni and Anna Valle, plot and when it goes on the air By Valentina Lucia Garbato Published on 20 November 2018 The Compagnia del Cigno, the plot of the new Rai 1 seriesThe Compagnia del Cigno is the title of the new fiction directed by Ivan Cotroneo with Anna Valle and Alessio Boni. The new series will soon be broadcast on Rai Uno. The fiction features 12 episodes set in the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Milan. The protagonists of La Compagnia del Cigno will be seven teenagers, all talented musicians struggling with the typical problems of their age and with the strict conductor Luca Marioni, played by Alessio Boni. The series tells the story of Matteo (Leonardo Mazzarotto), sixteen who escaped the earthquake of Amatrice arriving in Milan to study violin, Sara (Hildegard De Stefano), a visually impaired violinist, Rosario (Francesco Tozzi), young percussionist with a drug addict mother and Barbara (Fotinì Peluso), a very talented pianist and then again Yuri, Robbo and Sofia.A cast of young talents for the new Rai1 fictionThe fiction tells the stories of seven young people united by the great passion for music. To interpret the boys of La Compagnia del Cigno are all true musicians, selected after a long job of casting in the best music schools in Italy. To support young actors a cast of big names like Alessandro Roja, Carlotta Natoli, Francesca Cavallin, Stefano Dionisi, Claudia Potenza, Angela Baraldi and Dino Abbrescia. The fiction will also see the extraordinary participation of Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Rocco Tanica and Marco Bocci.The Compagnia del Cigno soon to be broadcast on Rai1The shooting of the 6 episodes of the new fiction, divided into 12 episodes overall, took place in Milan between February and June for the duration of about twenty weeks. At the moment there is not yet a date for the series debut. It is certain that La Compagnia del Cigno will be broadcast in prime time on Rai1, presumably at the beginning of 2019. 2 3
Kumazzz Posted November 27, 2018 Posted November 27, 2018 at the backstage of Vanity Fair Stories event. 6
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