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Mika at Rugby Final, Stade de France - Paris, 2 June 2018


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Beautiful message of "Thank you" from Marika Prochet.

It was her birthday yesterday so she had a really beautiful birthday gift :yes:


She thanks all people involved into the organization of the show and to Mika for trusting the team and for the great moments during the concert ("the one in your life").

She sais: "You are golden".

Yes, he is :cloud:






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3 hours ago, Amy hudsone said:

the video posted on youtube, the image seams to stop from time to time, I don't know it's not fluent, like if there is a problem with the recording

You can have a look on France 2 replay, finale du Top 14, from 2.45.00. The quality is much better but they cut it after three songs...☹️

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1 hour ago, vero84 said:

You can have a look on France 2 replay, finale du Top 14, from 2.45.00. The quality is much better but they cut it after three songs...☹️


Merciii, c vraiment bcp plus mieux, pour moi la voix ça va, c'est le live, mais si seulement la vidéo ne bug pas

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It's an amazing performance! So many details and emotions. I was completely overwhelmed (in a good way ☺️). 


In the last few months I try to limit my exposure to him since waiting for new album and new tour is too much. I thought I no longer adore him as a person, I thought now I only like his music. Now I know that's totally a delusion 🤣.


For the parts where he was a little rusty, I think, to be fair, we are being too critical to MIKA. During this time period I watched the live performances of other singers, they use A LOT backup vocals, not only the human kind, but also the audio-playing kind,  especially during the choruses or when they're dancing.  MIKA did none of that, so it is perfectly reasonable that there're little flaws. And I don't think the audio is well collected.


PS: I noticed how his curls was losing its volume, how it turns from fluffy to soggy. I thought he somehow found a way to grow more hair. Turns out that's a delusion too 😆.


PPS: Who else cannot help but peeking at his abs 😁?

Edited by yang
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Le Parisien

 4 June 2018

Mika enchante le Stade de France


MIKA « Je suis décomplexé »


EXCLUSIF Mika a chanté pour la première fois au Stade de France samedi soir après la finale du Top 14 de rugby. Lors des répétitions, il nous a raconté son expérience, annoncé un album pour 2019 mais n’a pas tranché pour « The Voice ».


Un haka réjouissant, un cœur battant, des ailes d’ange et des lumières à couper le souffle. En moins d’une demi-heure, Mika a réussi à mettre le feu au Stade de France samedi soir après la finale du Top 14. Entouré de ses musiciens, de 65 danseurs et d’enfants de Gournay-sur-Marne (Seine-Saint-Denis), le chanteur était aussi survolté et émerveillé qu’eux. Ce concert était une première pour le juré de « The Voice » comme pour la Ligue nationale de rugby, qui a voulu frapper fort après le test réussi de l’an dernier avec le DJ The Avener. La nuit précé- dant son concert, après quatre heures de répétitions pluvieuses, Mika nous a parlé en exclusivité de cette expérience « magique », de l’album qu’il prépare et de « The Voice ».


Quel effet cela fait de chanter pour la première fois au Stade de France ?

MIKA. Quelle émotion lorsque l’on rentre pour la première fois dans le Stade de France par le tunnel ! C’est impressionnant, c’est un lieu incroyable. Et un énorme privilège.


Vous aimez les stades ?

Il y a quelque chose de magique avec les stades. J’ai déjà eu la chance de chanter au Parc des Princes. Mê- me vides, ce sont des lieux sacrés. Il y a une sorte de cérémonie quand on y joue.


Pourquoi avoir accepté ce nouveau défi ?

C’est un énorme challenge de faire une performance avec un public qui n’est pas le mien et de le transporter rapidement dans un autre univers. J’ai accepté parce que je pensais que ce serait beau dans un endroit que j’adore et dans une ville que j’adore.


Vous aimez le rugby ?

J’ai grandi dans le système éducatif anglais et le rugby y est très important. Mais je n’étais jamais assez fort pour jouer dans les équipes, personne ne me sélectionnait. En Angleterre, il y a un truc qu’ils appellent le baptême. La première fois que tu joues au rugby avec des types, ils te mettent allongé, le visage dans la boue. Après cette expérience, je me suis dit que le rugby n’était peut-être pas pour ma force physique. Et voilà que je me retrouve sur une des plus belles pelouses du monde, invité par la Ligue nationale de rugby. Je ne m’y attendais vraiment pas et c’est assez bluffant.


Cela vous donne envie de revenir chanter au Stade de France ?

Faire mon show ici, oui, bien sûr, c’est un rêve, mais je pense que tout artiste rêve de chanter ici. Vous venez de finir votre saison dans « The Voice ».


Quel est votre bilan ?

C’était une très belle saison, où beaucoup d’histoires se racontaient. Cela grâce à nos efforts, par nos coachings mais aussi grâce au public, et ça change tout, cela crédibilise tout. Quand on a un bon coaching, qui bouleverse la tendance populaire, c’est très agréable. Casanova, ce n’était pas du tout écrit d’avance.


Vous êtes content que Maëlle ait gagné ?

Bien sûr ! C’était la gagnante. C’était évident. Mais il fallait quand même qu’on se défende (rires).


Vous sortez un album tous les trois ans. Le prochain est donc pour cette année ?

Oui, c’est mon rythme. Cela va commencer vers la fin de l’année avec un nouveau single et se poursuivre en 2019 avec l’album. J’ai presque terminé l’écriture et je commence la production. Ça raconte beaucoup qui je suis aujourd’hui et surtout la personne que je voudrais devenir. Cette année, j’ai 35 ans, ça ne plaisante plus.


« The Voice » a participé à cette évolution ?

A un moment, il faut accepter le challenge de se décomplexer en restant totalement sincère. Ce n’est pas juste la télévision — « The Voice » et ce que je fais dans d’autres pays — qui l’a permis. C’est une attitude. Je me suis dit : « OK, c’est moi, je suis comme ça et je vais y aller à fond, sans demander la permission à personne et sans trop penser aux conséquences. » Juste profiter de la vie, faire ce que j’aime.


Qu’est-ce qui vous a décomplexé ?

Il y a beaucoup de choses, dans ma famille, dans ma vie privée, dans mon travail. J’aime les challenges et se décomplexer en était un.


Vous rempilerez l’an prochain dans « The Voice » ?

Je ne sais pas ce que vont faire Zazie et Pascal Obispo (NDLR : Florent Pagny a annoncé qu’il arrêtait). Je n’ai pas encore décidé. On verra.




gb.png.1b6bd983d4f269d2c5fb90afbddb596f.png Google translator


Mika enchants the Stade de France

MIKA "I am uninhibited" EXCLUSIVE Mika sang for the first time at the Stade de France on Saturday night after the Rugby Top 14 final. During rehearsals, he told us about his experience, announced an album for 2019 but did not decide for "The Voice".

A cheering haka, a beating heart, angel wings and breathtaking lights. In less than half an hour, Mika managed to set fire to the Stade de France on Saturday night after the finale of the Top 14. Surrounded by his musicians, 65 dancers and children from Gournay-sur-Marne (Seine-Saint-Denis). Saint-Denis), the singer was as captivated and amazed as they were. This concert was a first for the juror of "The Voice" as for the National Rugby League, which wanted to hit hard after the successful test of last year with the DJ The Avener. The night before his concert, after four hours of rainy rehearsals, Mika spoke to us exclusively about this "magical" experience, the album he is preparing and "The Voice".

What effect does it make to sing for the first time at the Stade de France?
MIKA. What an emotion when you enter the Stade de France for the first time through the tunnel! It's impressive, it's an incredible place. And a huge privilege.

Do you like stadiums?
There is something magical about stadiums. I already had the chance to sing at the Parc des Princes. Even empty, they are sacred places. There is a kind of ceremony when you play it.

Why did you accept this new challenge?
It is a huge challenge to do a performance with an audience that is not mine and to quickly transport it to another world. I accepted because I thought it would be beautiful in a place I love and in a city that I love.

Do you like rugby?
I grew up in the English education system and rugby is very important. But I was never strong enough to play in the teams, no one selected me. In England, there is something they call baptism. The first time you play rugby with guys, they put you down, face in the mud. After this experience, I thought that rugby might not be for my physical strength. And now I find myself on one of the most beautiful lawns in the world, invited by the National Rugby League. I really did not expect it and it's quite bluffing.

This makes you want to come back to sing at the Stade de France?
Doing my show here, yes, of course, it's a dream, but I think any artist dreams of singing here. You have just finished your season in "The Voice".

What is your balance sheet?
It was a very good season, where many stories were told. That thanks to our efforts, by our coachings but also thanks to the public, and that changes everything, it makes everything credible. When one has a good coaching, which upsets the popular trend, it is very pleasant. Casanova, it was not written at all in advance.

Are you happy that Maëlle won?
Of course ! It was the winner. It was evident. But we still had to defend ourselves (laughs).

You release an album every three years. So next is this year?
Yes, it's my rhythm. This will start towards the end of the year with a new single and continue in 2019 with the album. I have almost finished writing and I start production. It tells a lot about who I am today and especially the person I would like to become. This year, I'm 35 years old, it does not please anymore.

"The Voice" participated in this evolution?
At one point, you have to accept the challenge of being uncomplicated by remaining totally sincere. It's not just television - "The Voice" and what I'm doing in other countries - that has allowed it. It's an attitude. I said to myself: "OK, it's me, I'm like that and I'm going to go to it, without asking anyone's permission and without thinking too much about the consequences. Just enjoy life, do what I love.

What made you uninhibited?
There are many things in my family, in my private life, in my work. I like challenges and to be uncomplicated was one of them.

Will you be re-enacting next year in "The Voice"?
I do not know what Zazie and Pascal Obispo will do (note: Florent Pagny announced that he stopped). I have not decide yet. We'll see.







Edited by Kumazzz
adding issuu url
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I managed to be in Paris and to see the show and wrote a small report about it here:




It was magnificent ❤️ Something exceptional, really. State de France is an enormous place, it's hard to even understand how big it is. I arrived a bit late and reaching my seat in the crowd was difficult because the stairs were so steep they made me feel dizzy and I had to walk sideways. Felt unreal to watch the large green area below and think Mika would perform on it in a couple of hours. As soon as the game was over a giant heart was brought in the middle of the field and it looked absolutely beautiful. I wanted to stand up and raise my hands and scream: LOVE WINS but of course just patiently waited the performance to start. Btw, I think it's quite inevitable Mika was occasionally out of breath during his singing, he had to move a lot and he probably has lost a part of his stage routines during the break. I had the same feeling in Naples 2014 but everything comes back as soon as he starts touring, I'm not worried about that. It was so good to see him on stage again, I listed some of my favourite parts in my report. 

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1 hour ago, tiibet said:

I managed to be in Paris and to see the show and wrote a small report about it here:




It was magnificent ❤️ Something exceptional, really. State de France is an enormous place, it's hard to even understand how big it is. I arrived a bit late and reaching my seat in the crowd was difficult because the stairs were so steep they made me feel dizzy and I had to walk sideways. Felt unreal to watch the large green area below and think Mika would perform on it in a couple of hours. As soon as the game was over a giant heart was brought in the middle of the field and it looked absolutely beautiful. I wanted to stand up and raise my hands and scream: LOVE WINS but of course just patiently waited the performance to start. Btw, I think it's quite inevitable Mika was occasionally out of breath during his singing, he had to move a lot and he probably has lost a part of his stage routines during the break. I had the same feeling in Naples 2014 but everything comes back as soon as he starts touring, I'm not worried about that. It was so good to see him on stage again, I listed some of my favourite parts in my report. 



Thank you so much for your report!

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The show was absolutely fantastic!  I always wished that Mika would perform at the SuperBowl Halftime Show, but this was the next best thing... and it was amazing :mf_lustslow:

I loved seeing the young dancers and the fireworks, but my favourite part was Underwater.  A stadium of 83,000 stars was a mesmerising sight.  Mika looked so happy to perform there, you could see it in his eyes.  I also thought that ending with We Are Golden/Origin of Love was an excellent choice!  I'm so proud of our superstar :wub:

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2 minutes ago, Amy hudsone said:


Yeah the image is much more better, but the sound I think is the same


I think there was some moments with the sound problems there on stage  - even Mika did not hear well. For example during "Grace Kelly"or "Elle Me Dit".

So on the video cannot be better. But the image is more stable and sharp :yes:


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I don't know how it looked like on television as I didn't catch up with the replay yet, but from inside the stadium it was just so freakin' impressive. Funny thing is I really didn't want to go at first, didn't see the point and as Mika repeatedly said we would see better from our living room I just assumed he knew better ("rule number one: The Doctor lies" 😂). But, you know how it is when you're part of a group and you end up following and... bless those who pushed me to take a ticket. The cheapest we could find, because "we're going for the atmosphere"... except a lot of people left after the end of the game and after a very funny adventure jumping from seat to seat we ended up in the middle of the second row 😂


Even the game was fun, well obviously we missed the beginning as we were queing for some 45345643€ fries and obviously once inside we couldn't understand the slightest thing that was happening, so much that it took us half an hour to find out which team was in what color (I should be a bit ashamed to admit it considering that both team were actually my local ones) . I was worried that I would be bored but we laughed so much that it flew in seconds. I was also checking on our President, who kept talking with his neighbour, so I guess I was allowed to be undiscplined too xD.


And then it was the end, and as everybody was trying to go near the president block to see the medals and stuff we were happily jumping on the other direction. We ended up at the pelouse very quickly and then I looked up to the screen and saw that a giant heart had appeared and oh Jee....


Just the dancing part at the beginning would give you chills, the screams and shouts and all, that was so impressive... and then this dude jumping out of the smoke... OH GOD IT WAS SO GOOD TO SEE HIM ON STAGE AGAIN!!! He was on fire, we were on fire, we were flying with him, surrounded by rugby fans who were just standing there, not looking unhappy but cleary very static xD. But who cares, that rush of energy felt so, so good. And he genuinely looked so, sooo happy and proud. 


Of course underwater was crazy and so intense but I have to say We are Golden and his lights and fireworks and CONFETTIIIIIS was the end of me. I think I was half crying out of joy, realising how I missed that and how it was back all of a sudden. 


At moments I could hear some glitches in his voice, obviously I won't lie, but he was giving so much I didn't care. Actually I' rather want to see him do crazy stuff at the risk of some glitches than him playing it safe just because of how big it was. Like, sometimes it's the imperfections that makes it perfect, you know what I mean? And I definitely had a perfect night.






































































More pics to follow

Edited by Melyssa
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3 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Is the quality of image and sound better? Or this is only my impression? :yikes: Mika effect? Ha ha ha!



2 hours ago, Amy hudsone said:


Yeah the image is much more better, but the sound I think is the same

Previous YouTube file ( 1280 x 720 : I saved ) was 288MB,  new MIKA | Show de clôture - Finale TOP 14( 1280 x 720 ) is 404MB.

Sounds is same quality, but images get well better sharpness I think.

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